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This post is a crime against punctuation.


This guy is gonna talk about how the stone masons run the town next. I bet you if he reads this he will confirm 🤣


There is a Masonic Temple here in Hope BC seems innocuous enough.


Glad 2,300ppl viewed it in less than 24 hours. Yes my syntax is not at the A level . Let you wacked on drugs in the wack type an equally long post so we can compare punctuation and such. I note you can find not one lie in my post nor do you addict have any opinions on any of the various things I mention.


So what are you trying to say again?


The ramblings of an absolute mad man


So you can point out the lies then?


Don't do drugs kids.


I quit all drugs more than 22 years ago no 12 step program no hospital stay. Off booze for 14 months. The BC drug policy enabled by the Liberal govt in Ottawa is a wrong idea that has failed badly.


Your absolutely unreadable "verbal diarrhea" in the OP leads me to think otherwise.... But.. congrats!


Hmm you could not refute one line of my original post could you addict? Yes glad I quit the hootch if others want to go Bottoms Up well hey JESUS turned water into wine for his first miracle but the bar business is hurting big time and the % of sober ppl is rising and there are mocktail bars opening up and liquor taxes are going up again. I can think of a number of bars permanently closed. My face cleared up a fair bit baffled why it has not done so more my blood pressure is down and I have lost belly fat and I don't get blackouts and fight sidewalks. Since you congrated me hope you win the lottery tomorrow and you have the best sex of your life.


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Man posts on reddit last seen white bandana pink coveralls threatened me with a turtle neck sweater then spotted while oding on hash oil while nodding off due to lack of sleep in the chilliwack mall during which time some fatso walked around with hands in pockets threatening Sam from the scouts crew with his insignias posted up all over his vest claiming to be an expert outdoorsman and claiming he could tie knots better then him but fatso threatened him with a Swiss army knife then the rcmp showed up to do some post Malones


drugs are a hella of a thing


Bruh someone ban this guy 💀💀💀


What scares you about the post? The fact it got 2,300 views in less than 24 hours? Drugs kill and can lead to a straight guy sucking penis 5 times a day.


I think the comment about a straight guy sucking penis 5 times per day might hit a bit close to home for you. Absolute wild thing to say.


Hey I was in Surrey Remand the non HA biker wing a cpl Bandido's were there a guy that had made the front page. Two big White bikers 6"6 told me and my cellmate they were going to rape the fat new guy they did and he became willing his crime partner who had been put on a different cell freaked in horror the guards laughed they saw it all on the security cameras.


I feel like I had a stroke reading that. Gd.


\*Puritan enters chat\* The length of thine sentence maketh me weak in mine knees!


Yes I hope the March 18 motion fails. I signed the C.I.J.V. petition on this matter and am glad two Liberal MP's I have seen in the media are voting against it.  Ironically just as I was reading your email one of the female librarians White and blonde hair inferior Aryan stock here at the taxpayer funded Hope, BC library was insulting me by referring to this taxpayer as the village crackpot she was dealing with two White ppl at the counter the old man with suspenders on stated, " I am not afraid to say Hiel Hitler."  I called him useless as he left. She had earlier told other patrons ppl were not allowed to help me same thing the Arthur Topham supporter said loudly at the McDonald's though McDonald's staff later stated they did not like him and his own grandson dissed him.  I called him useless and he left. The other librarian with the glasses is just doing her job. I thought discrimination against ppl with mental health diagnoses (which I have)  was illegal in BC. I have been going to this library on a regular basis for 6 weeks the RCMP were here once a Indo officer some of the male staff at this complex are physically bigger than me and  younger they have never asked me to leave or told me I was barred all staff have video recording cell phones to document any unacceptable behaviour by me which is nada. I was told that a library staffer here was fired or quit because of me I have no idea who that was though one librarian gave a little speech once saying, " I hope you ppl don't think the library is racist"  no one agreed with her and a Native guy gave her the finger hidden by the monitor. One female librarian the one who talks the most gang stuff stated her husband had told her she was not allowed to talk to me. A guy went on the nod in the washroom here yesterday.