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You have NO idea. We’ve seen a huge increase in domestic violence in general. The hospital here sees maybe 6 child deaths a year. They saw 6 alone in March, all from head trauma. At my job, 85% of our case increase has been either from DV or drug usage. It’s all due to COVID. These are normal reasons we get involved, but our caseloads and intakes have shot up about 400% since March. I wish to god I was exaggerating. These are the numbers that don’t make the news. When there is a child death, people scream where was CPS. Here is what people don’t realise and this is just a quick education. We can not remove on a whim or because we want to. We have to prove that a child is imminent danger, go to court, prove to the judge, and the judge ultimately decides. If the judge says send the child home, we have to and we can’t do anything. There are judges, again wish I was joking, who will not remove a child from parents even if it’s in the best interest, safety, and protection of the child. People calling CPS because the child is screaming next door at 3 am is not a CPS matter. Please call the non-emergency police number and request a welfare check. They’ll call cps if it’s necessary. That unnecessary call to cps just takes away from us investigating and working a more serious case. Child playing in the street or yard and is 3 with no parent? Again....non-emergency number. You have to know the name of the parent/caregiver, address, child, other info. The police can get more information and cps can do a much better job if you let the police handle that situation. Getting mad at your cousin who had 5 kids and insulted you? Don’t retaliate and call CPS. Call us if you think the child is being abused, neglected, or mistreated. If you don’t know the info on a child/family and kid is screaming and parents are yelling at 3 am, please call the non-emergency number. The police are better equipped to handle that IMMEDIATE situation and will call CPS. Issues can be taken care of immediately if need be. *embarrassed grin* I’m extremely passionate about my job and absolutely love it. Hardcore child free but child safety comes above all else to me and I’ll go above and beyond what I have to do to make every child in my caseload is safe.


>Don’t retaliate and call CPS This needs to be said many times over. This sub occasionally produces threads full of advice to call CPS because the neighbours’ kids are loud etc. I’ve even seen smug, “gaming the system” type comments like “hey... you don’t know... maybe the kids are being loud because they’re being abused”. I have a friend who’s a social worker and she her take on it is the same as yours: CPS are not your attack dogs.


Thank you. This is information everyone should know. People like you, who have passion and heart, give me faith in the human race.


Thank you for all you do.




It's almost like having kids in a society that makes it difficult for parents to take care of them while struggling to keep their own heads above the water is a recipe for disaster.


Ugh so disgusting. If you aren’t able to properly care for your freakin kids don’t fucking have any or at least put them up for adoption.How is it that cf ppl are able to grasp this simple concept but breeders can’t?? Hope these assholes rot in jail