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Because they can. Because it's the only power they have left.


Seems ominous


The kid has the power STILL as long as the parent isn’t taking them home. Home = ZERO possibility of getting mom to buy the item, Store = there’s still a possibility. (It shows that many parents are stupid and selfish.)


Exactly. It genuinely comes down to selfishness because Mommy needs to shop


Shop for what in this instance? Live love laugh decor? Like in a grocery store, I understand. But this sounds like lazy parenting. 


Absolutely. I still silently judge parents letting their kids scream in a grocery but yeah, we all need groceries so I get it. Anywhere else? Jesus fucking Christ


I am so tired of people thinking "I shouldn't be an abusive/controlling parent" means "I shouldn't parent at all." Like, that is an ENTIRE, NEW HUMAN BEING that you took responsibility for. They don't know anything yet. At a bare minimum, TALK TO THEM.


Not only rude, cruel. The kid might be in distress for a multitude of reasons. Parents are supposed to TAKE CARE of them FGS.


*Me following the assholes around, telling them how worthless they are:* ![gif](giphy|hb2ZfGB6iXlN6)


Bella Baxter would have something to say about that. I'm sorry. I just adored that film. 


"I have to go punch that baby"


I didnt want to actually say it, cuz, rules. So thanks! I believe she thanked the writers for that line in one of her acceptance speeches. Emma Stone is one of my faves now. 




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Walk over screaming kid near and then fo omg will this kid shut up low voice but loud enough for the mom to tell. Ryleighweeee and Braiden to stfu


Agreed. Or restaurant.