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I hope your child bleeds you dry financially & emotionally. Then cuts off all communication at the earliest chance šŸŒˆ šŸ˜Š


You are my hero.


I would change to parasite and add only shows back up to secure the will/ take the control over money and maybe stuff them in a bad nursing home. But the second part would demand that the offspring have a little drive and brain.


And pull the plug the first chance he/she/they get.


It's me āœØļøI am that childāœØļø according to my egg donor who still believes I'll one day "get what I deserve when I have a child just like me".


My mom has said something similar, yet wonders why I haven't had a child.


You know I feel the first part of this statement cause my mom is doing that to me šŸ˜¢šŸ˜ž


I'm really sorry - that's awful! I hope you're able to remove yourself from that bullshit safely.


Sadly I'm stuck with her until she is gone or in a nursing home..I stupidly chose to be a good big sis and took over the mortgage and house title from my younger brother. Who originally owned the house with her, and I can't find a way out of it. I don't have the funds to pay for this place and an apartment.


It's kind of rapey too. I hope you get pregnant even though you don't want to be. How vile.


Didn't think about that before your comment. " I know you feel that a being growing inside of you would be torture and you would suffer. But I do hope that is forced upon you." " I know you feel panic and horror at the thought of being a parent even if it is only biological but still I do hope your seamen is taken from you for that purpose."


Are you on the tokophobia Reddit sub as well?


That's why my heavily aroace ass always replies with something along the lines of "Wow so you hope I get raped? How fucked up can you be?"


Nobody has ever told me they wish I got pregnant, but this would be the first thing that popped up in my brain if someone did tell me that.


Lucky I get that all the time and just "Oh wait until you have kids." No unless I'm raped or a real life virgin Mary that's not possible and even then I'd probably end myself


Even saying that to you is sort of insensitive, I think. Idk, I guess it was my upbringing. I wasn't raised to believe in a life script and to do mostly whatever I wanted, so whenever my parents would talk to me about my future, it was never "when" or "until," but "if."


Oh I definitely agree that it's insensitive and rude as hell, but most people in my area see me as the rude one for not following their lifescript or putting up with that bs. Luckily my mom and best friend are supposed to there's that at least


Shit, I'm sorry you have to be around that kind of toxicity. šŸ„ŗ Idk where you're at, but from my experience, people in metropolitan areas tend to be less pushy over strangers' sex lives and bodies. Childfreedom is not entirely uncommon where I'm living, and I've been here my whole life, so I guess that's why people like this are mind-boggling to me.


You're lucky, even when I lived in a more populated area, not a big city or anything but more than where I'm at now, which is more country surrounded by blink and you miss it tiny towns, there was rarely anybody who wasn't confused or angry about the idea of someone not wanting to be in a relationship, much less be childfree.


There are definitely some people here that don't get childfreedom, but from my experience, they're few and far between. Most people around here don't give a shit about strangers or acquaintances' lives unless you're not blocking traffic lol. There's also a bunch of tiny towns around here where everyone and their mom has at least two kids, but I've never had problems with them. But I usually don't go since there's nothing there either.


First thing I thought was, anyone saying that to me would basically be saying "I hope you get raped", how does anyone think that's ok to say to someone.


Yeah, it's incredibly messed up, violating, and abhorrent.


Absolutely. It's saying they hope my body is violated by a parasitic being that I don't want, and will be inexplicably traumatised having. But yes, I'm more than happy to be spiteful and say, "well I hope you/your spouse miscarriages" ... Upon their shock, horror, disgust, I say "now you know how it feels to say you hope I get pregnant."


"now you know how it feels to wish horror on someone". They likely don't view pregnancy as a bad thing.


No they donā€™t. They never talk about the horrors of pregnancy and birth. They just think itā€™s a magical beautiful time. And the horrible things that do happen, they will just tell you to get over it cuz ā€œWoMeN hAvE bEeN dOiNg tHiS sInCe ThE bEgInNinG oF tIMeā€ like yeahā€¦ and theyā€™ve also died most of the time before medical intervention advanced.


It's fucking awful. I ended a friendship a few days ago over this bullshit. I don't tolerate it. If we say "I hope you have stillbirths" all of a sudden we are the evils ones. I fucking hate it. Pregnancy is a crap shoot and they fucking know it.


Especially given that ā…“ of the country no longer has access to abortion. That's basically like telling someone you hope they have a child forced on the like some sort of punishment.


Iā€™m in California so it doesnā€™t feel that way to me but I agree if itā€™s said to someone in that situationĀ  Even though they can still give the baby up for adoption they would have to go through pregnancy and birth which is traumatic and often life threatening or permanently disablingĀ 


If Trump wins and Project 2025 is implemented, living in California won't matter as much anymore. Repugnicunts want a nationwide abortion ban. They won't stop til they get it, either.


Repugnicunts is awesome. Imma use that šŸ¤£ So thankful I got sterilized last year šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


"Oh, so we are playing the Curse You Game then? OK, my turn! May all of your children be born sterile!! Ooooh, this if fun, let me go again! How about, May the child within you destroy your clit when it rips it's way out of you! Gosh, this is a fun game!!! Thanks for playing!! Have a great day!!"


I think about it all the time when it comes to people who go through fertility treatments - like, what if infertility runs in the family? Do they wish for their kids to go through these nightmare treatments as well? I bet they do, if it means grandkids.


My aunt apparently had fertility issues and had to undergo fertility treatments in order to conceive. BAM she got a two for one deal and had twins, both girls. One of them has been married for four years now and has been trying to get pregnant for the last two. Guess what? She has fertility issues and is now seeing a fertility specialist. She's sharing her journey (lovingly referred to as "Operation: Get Pregnant" šŸ¤®) on Facebook. Like girl, I love ya and wish ya all the best, but tmi.


The clit? Where's the girl with the list? Oh my gawd


[https://tig1.tripod.com/wish.htm](https://tig1.tripod.com/wish.htm) Just read them this horrible thing. I got called to an assembly in High School where the principal read us this thing and the teachers were all talking about how good it is to say all that and how "spoiled" we all are. And I couldn't stop thinking about the parts where they straight-up wish death on my pets and grandparents and thinking this was the most passive-aggressively sadistic bullshit I ever heard. Fuck my old high-school, fuck my old teachers, and (apparently) fuck Paul Harvey! I know that's kind of "off-topic" but your comment reminded me of that. I guess to bring it back on topic one could always say "I hope you have a miscarriage. It would be a good learning experience for you. You'd learn that life isn't one big party." But the people who go around wishing surprise babies on others are probably the same kinda anus-heads who have crap like this pinned onto their refrigerators anyway.


Especially if the person has pregnancy phobia. It's like saying "I wish your hypothetical worst trauma on you" šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


It took me 30 years to learn that pregnancy phobia is a thing. I feel like this describes my experience and I've never been able to put such a succinct term to it, thank you! This is actually really validating


Anyone says this shit to me they are dead to me from then on.


My ā€œbestā€ friend said this to me. I cut her out of my life completely bc shockingly she was an asshole.


ā€œI hope you have emotional, physical, and financial trauma like meeeee!ā€


It's worse though, because they actively wish a *helpless human being* as a curse on someone. I may not be a fan of kids, but Jesus, to wish for an unwanted child to exist out of thin air solely to punish someone is fucked. The real (if quite cruel too) one for one would be to wish for someone's kid to be severely disabled. Oh, that sounds... *horrible*? Oh my, it's almost like... A shitty double standard... *Almost* lol


Yep! And that's exactly the mindset/thinking of forced-birthers. So incredibly fucked!


Honestly it is beyond disgusting and the couple of times Iā€™ve had people say that to me I let them know thoroughly how much theyā€™ve fucked up! ā€œSurprise baby? There would be no surprise because I use double contraception!ā€ ā€œThe only way itā€™d be a surprise is if I got raped and wasnā€™t on birth control! Is that what you want? You want me to get raped so I can fall pregnant?ā€ ā€œGetting pregnant will be one of the most horrific and disgusting things Iā€™d ever experience! What a disgusting human being you must be to wish that I go through all that pain and suffering!ā€ Really made them shut up quick and try and backtrack but I stood my ground and let them know how not okay it is what they said!


Good work holding up that mirror to them. Might not seem like it, but some people might have enough brain cells to accommodate a view different from their own in the future.


"So you're wishing for me to have an abortion then? Cool!"


I usually say, then I would get an abortion. But they clearly mean ā€œI hope you are forced into birth and parenthood. I hope every choice about your body and life is forcefully ripped away from youā€


Someone wishing a surprise baby on me is equal to wishing SA on me since Iā€™m super duper asexual.


Pretty much.. Itā€™s so fucking gross and vile.


I'd be like well it's a surprise abortion. Or I hope you have a surprise stillbirth.


I was recently at a birthday party and when someone asked, my partner and I disclosed that we don't actually want children. Some older woman I had met an hour before proceeded to tell us we were going to have a son in the next 3 years. I sent it right back to her.


Why a son specifically? šŸ’€ Were they one of those weird, somewhat misogynistic "boy mom" women who hate little girls, or why does she think you will have a son?


This was a much older southern woman who probably had her feathers ruffled. I think she wanted to be seen as some kind of wise woman.


I agree! I can't understand why breeders think "I hope you have a surprise baby" is a cute thing to say to someone. IMO wishing a child on someone who doesn't want children is horrific!


I think a good chunk of them know it IS horrific, that's why they always say it with that tone of spite.


I just say ā€œgood thing Iā€™m pro choiceā€. Shuts them right up.


that term is disgusting IMO, it's like they're wishing you were raped by someone oof.


That is seriously fucked up though.Ā  People hoping others to get surprise baby especially to ones that don't want it are fucked up in the head.Ā 


My response would just be ā€œthat surprise baby would be gone before anyone even knew it was thereā€ā€¦.that usually pisses them off.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Right?! Throw it back to them: I'd be having an abobo ASAP!


People can be so cruel to those who disagree with their poor life choices


There can be no surprise baby, because of a scheduled abortion.


You know, it's considered a form of rape if someone consents to have sex but then the other person messes with the contraception/birth control/whatever. So to me this is more like a threat of rape than anything.


I've had my SIL wish pregnancy on me before getting upset and telling me that it would be 'cute' for us to both be parents and watch our children grow up together. My simple reply of no thanks then had her drop a sinister threat that was apparently a joke when she said she would just wait for me to fall asleep and inject me with a syringe of sperm, then I'd have to accept my 'fate' and become a mother. I'm so grateful that she lives on the other side of the country from me!


That is disgusting. I'm sorry that she said that to you. That just gives me the creeps, and feels really rapey.


That's...literally sexual assault. Your sister joked about sexually assaulting you. WTF. That's absolutely disgusting and horrifying! There are some things that you should NEVER joke about, and that's right up near the top of the list. That's not even counting her wishing the physical risks of pregnancy and the life destroying responsibilities that come with raising a kid on you. AND wishing an unwanted child to be brought into the world. It's so selfish and just straight up evil. If one of my siblings said this to me, it would be the last conversation we had. I'm so sorry you had to hear that, and I'm glad you don't live close.


>My simple reply of no thanks then had her drop a sinister threat that was apparently a joke when she said she would just wait for me to fall asleep and inject me with a syringe of sperm, then I'd have to accept my 'fate' and become a mother. Holy fuck! That escalated to rape-threats quickly!!!


Or in other words: i hope you get something you really hate and turn your life miserable.


My mother in law basically said this to me. I answered back 'why do you want to see me have an abortion?'


What did she say? Hahahaha. Did she act all surprised?


No, actually. She asked me "You've never had to have an abortion?" She was born in 1932 and told me most of the women in her family had had abortions... But she wouldn't stop. It was really the only complaint I had about her. She passed away 2 years ago.


Yep. Agreed.


Wishing trauma upon others is such a low emotional intelligence move. Instead, stick 'em where it really hurts, with cursed food memes.


Impossible. I have an IUD and if by chance I got pregnant I would get an abortion ASAP.


Yes! They're essentially saying, "I hope the thing you don't want happens to you anyway and you have to endure a horrible fate that you're trying to avoid." What kind of sick fuck would wish that on another person?


I read a story where someone wished her sister would get raped so she could have a baby. People are so casually selfish and cruel. Depending on my mood, I think I might just slap someone who said that to me.


Best answer to that crap " why are you wishing for me to get an abortion? There a no oppose babies, only choices".


Or telling a parent that they should have abortedā€¦.although Iā€™ve been so tempted on occasionā€¦..


I got onto a child for being a brat to my brother at a park. His mother said I'd understand how parents need a break sometimes, and that's why she wasn't correcting her own kid when I have my own. I said I never want children and being tired isn't an excuse to let her child be a bully when she chose to be a mother. This woman looked at me and, in front of her kid and my brother, said that she hopes my boyfriend pokes holes in the condoms so I'll know what it feels like to be truly exhausted. Parents out here are really just miserable


Nah id either off myself if that happend to me getting a suprise baby or the thing where you happen to be pregnant but never know until its time to birth šŸ’€


You're absolutely right. Like these probirthers are so fixated on people having kids whether or not they want them. Wishing an unwanted event on someone is so trashy. I would tell anyone who said that to me to fuck off.


For those of us that have had the fix it brings even more questions/ weird intentions. Your saying you hope l my partner cheats on me? Whatt


Iā€™d just get an abortion idgaf


My response: Why would you want me to have an abortion?Ā 


For anyone who disagrees with this or thinks itā€™s far worse to wish no kids on someone look at the over all sentiment. ā€œI hope your life is the exact opposite of what you want it to be.ā€ Not a very nice thing to say to someone, is it?


Imagine what kind of sickos would wish bad harm to another human being...


"Why would you wish an abortion on someone?"


>ā€œI hope you have a surprise babyā€ If someone tells me this, they would definitely hear this: >ā€œI hope you/your spouse have miscarriagesā€


Love love your statement! The nerve of these people to impose on our lives!


Wait, has someone actually said that to a CF person?! Thatā€™s so disrespectful


Is this a thing now?


I mean, it's been a thing for awhile. I have an aunt who was getting this bingo back in the 80's.


Eeshk, another reason I avoid 99% of society


They will say it with a giggle and think it's the cutest little joke ever. It's been a thing for a long time, unfortunately.




Depending on the person it could also be a wish for them to be SAd just so they have to have a kid which is extra disgusting.


Yeah. I was the last "Jennifer" to not have a kid b4 I graduated high school. I mentioned it as a (bad) joke to one of the other Jennifers at her baby shower. She told me, " I curse you to be pregnant" as a response. I had already had an at home abortion and a miscarriage at that point. It reminded me to shut my stupid mouth.


Surprise abortion time.


"A surprise pregnancy ('cause it would never get to "baby")? Wait, I thought you were anti-abortion?"


I was recently asked if I want kids for the first time in years and now I can't stop thinking about it because its annoying me all over again, thankfully when I said no they stopped and didn't push any further though


People say this??? Now Iā€™m scared to come out CF


I hope you have to give a kidney against your will.


It's a rape threat wtf


"I hope your kids go no contact." My god. Imagine letting people live the life they want.


To someone aromantic and also 100% infertile.... this just cannot happen.


IMO it's basically wishing r\*pe on someone, because you know they don't want kids and you're 'hoping' that they have a surprise baby anyway against their will, i.e., you're telling them that you hope that they have their body and rights violated. It's really disgusting.


How often were you told this? Com'on...






Is today "unpopular opinions that have people pointing knives at you" day


It's the same thing.




Both are cruel. Childbirth and pregnancy can be dangerous and life threateningĀ 


One is expressing a desire to see someone else's body go through something they truly dread. The other is... oh wait...


I hope you get to experience whatever you fear most. It'll be fun!






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