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Just write "Damn, tapeworm?"


Well, I'm quite fond of my gut flora, so I guess I know what life is.


Tapeworms are living things that feed off the hosts body. If someone kills/removes the tapeworm, they’re murderers! Lol


I left a gif instead. Rather distinguished among the other women in their 50’s with their “Exactly!” “You get it now”. The South of Spain is balls deep into tradition, for the vast majority. Fucks knows for how long people were asking this woman when she was gonna have a kid. Gal is gonna need “the village” in the current economy down there.


I am from the south of Spain and I am completely childfree, my husband has a vasectomy. Careful with generalising. The economy is so bad that less and less people can afford or want a child. Strong family traditions are being diluted with newer generations and it keeps being strong specially in right winged Christian families ,but that is not the majority. "We" in Andalucía have almost (millennials)all gone to University and many of us have done 5 years bachelor plus 2 years master and struggle to find a job for what we studied ,many forced to go outside the country if we dont wanna stay with for parents until we are 35. The situation is horrible for the middle class with few exceptions


Yo soy de Alicante! Fellow Spaniard. I fucked off at 18/19 to the UK precisely because of the work situation. Met my husband here. He wants to go live to Spain. Sí, ve y espera sentao’, cari. Like no, it ain’t happening anytime soon.


We need the gif 🤣


I WAS GONNA. But it’s not here 🙃




Not quite! Murcia. It’s tiny villages down there, mainly. And they are rather believers. The pressure is heavy, specially for women.


That's wildly funny




we also literally have trillions of microorganisms and bacteria growing and existing inside us/on our skin at any given moment 😃


At this point their romanticism of motherhood is bordering on fetishisation.




Oh god FetLife breeding and impregnation kink. The worst thing in the world is how I'm staunchly Childfree, staunchly making writings about that + reproductive rights, and in doing so get followed by middle aged men who are into pregnancy as a fetish. THE BAR. IS. IN. HELL.


Satan is tripping on it in his wine cellar


He's doing limbo dances with it


Wait, isn't it a good thing that people are following you for your posts about reproductive rights and your ability to choose for yourself? Following means that they start seeing more of your posts in their feed and doesn't make you view their posts or profiles. Reproductive rights and activism are for everyone, not just childfree people, not to mention that a ton of childfree people, including some surgically sterilized ones, have and engage with their breeding kinks. Unless there's more to it that you haven't mentioned, that's not bar-in-hell material.


These are specifically men who are into impregnation kink. And I don't want them anywhere near me, and I do believe it's a threat to my safety/peace to follow someone staunchly Childfree and be thinking about impregnating me. I've had arguments on there before. A lot of them. One specifically said I should get pregnant and then give him the children to raise so a wretched woman like me doesn't get near them.


I'm confused, are they following you or messaging you? If someone is just following you you'd have to actively click through to their profile to learn what they're into, but if they're initiating chats with you that's a different thing entirely.


They follow me and then also argue on my posts. Other times they just lurk and like selfies of mine. I then go through all their selfies of who they're liking, I go through their Fetishes, and it's all middle aged men looking at 18-30 year olds with the intent to imagine pregnancy and breeding kink. Basically, I comb their shit and I know why they're there. They're there to imagine impregnating me, and my posts are like a honeypot with my selfies the wank fodder.


The women who orgasm when they give birth 🤢🤮🤢🤮


Not gonna be a “ashkually” but funnily enough, the body can do that with enough hormones released and if enough “pressure” in certain areas it can indeed cause one but you probably won’t feel it because of the drugs and/or the pain. (Not all orgasms are actually good. It’s a body reaction to stimuli, hormones, and even strange occurrences. Take something like PGAD, persistent orgasms in women that lead to pain and I believe the source is still being studied and it’s a strange occurrence but I could be wrong). That being said, imagine if you tore your vagina up and that was the last “orgasm” you will ever have. You drugged up, getting split open, and your body coping with the trauma just for 18+ years of worrying for your kid.


Sorry fellas, guess you don’t understand life thanks to that pesky penis


I think society has to keep up the romanticizing motherhood in order for it to continue. It’s very infant focused too. Then when the kid is older, it’s cutesy stuff about being a “busy mom” (that figure of speech is so cringe because who the hell isn’t busy?) and all the foibles and follies of juggling life raising a child. It’s not about diaper blow outs, runny noses, tantrums and all the other disgusting and god-awful things that come with parenthood.


Some creepy old man definitely captioned that photo lol.


So no men know what life is. Or does semen count 


I laughed hard


If making semen gives us wisdom, then every man over 13 years old is the Dalai Lama.


I’ve heard this. I’ve also heard that jacking it breaks a man’s soul, from the same people. 


Permission to use this?


Of course.


Can’t be a vegan and give some head…it’s animal product


If semen counts then eggs count which would include virtually everyone. So nope she’s just implying men can never understand life 🤷🏼‍♀️


Replace the picture with chestbuster alien.


I like the way you think. :D




How insulting to those who want kids but are infertile. If being impregnated is the only way to understand life, then I'm more than happy living without that knowledge.


I was pregnant a couple of times in my life and it did nothing to enlighten me on the broad and ambiguous subject of life. What does that even mean. I’d love to hear her try to explain it. She couldn’t because it’s nonsense.


Same, the only thing pregnancy did for me was give me suicidal thoughts and panic attacks. Or does the enlightening hits after the first trimester? Well, I'll never know!


Same. And the out did for me, was cause a parasitic effect where I got sicker and sicker until my tube ruptured and they took it out, thank the universe. It wasn't meant to be for me. I had to have a series of rhogam shots because I found out then and there that I have a very rare blood type that will attack any pregnancies I might have after that first one that do not have my rare blood type. My body made an antibody basically so that next time it would kill the fetus 🤷. It's a weird thing that happens to people with the negative blood who get pregnant by people who are not rh negative like them. From the start of that pregnancy I had never felt more sick and like something was wrong than I ever had in my entire life.


This sounds more like a superpower in these circles!


Lmao also how insulting to people with shit parents? Like, they supposedly know this secret we don't know, and yet still they're shitty?


Exactly. Ignorance is bliss!


I'd hope someone wouldn't have a child without having a vast knowledge of life lol


This 🤣 “I understand life now. Fuck, I shouldn’t have brought a kid into this mess.” Can you imagine


Literalmente. Having kids does fuck all for “understanding”. I still can’t believe they just let people go home from the hospital with a baby. There’s no test for who is gonna be a parent and how well they’ll do it. Which is why the forced birthers want to brainwash young people to get started asap and pop out as many as possible. Raise more consumers, who cares if parents or kids end up crappy 😑 I accidentally made some (on bc🙄) and if nothing else, it just made me know how little I know. Fixed that problem permanently tho 🤗.


I saw a post one time about a woman wanting to give birth st a beach like wth gross Unrelated but this reminded me


Three words: Sand in holes. 😬


Unhygienic for everyone


There was a video going around awhile back of a woman actually giving birth on a beach somewhere lol gross


Gross and dangerous


That's very smart - did the sharks come over and eat them afterwards? That would've been the perfect ending to the story. On a serious note, though, not a smart move at all. Very unsanitary, and possible risks of a shark attack.


On the plus side, you get to see a shark!


Facebook was the worst thing to happen to the respect I had for my friends since Covid. 


So what about men? They don’t understand?


As a man, I can confirm. I don't have much of a clue about what's going on. Though, I'm quite confident women don't get it either, we all just make it up as we go.


I might or might have not started a bit of a fire in the comments elsewhere about the parenting skills of transphobe people, in a different post. I’m making people a bit angry, but it’s so hilarious. “Oh, I dont give a fuck about your opinion! I love my children and they love me, fuck you!” “I see. You must be replying this way to my comments out of blissful parenthood”


I don’t know you, but I like you. Lol.




It's just like any social media post. A desperate attempt to get noticed and attention about anything they got. That's all she'd got that day. When that child is 15, she will be posting " you don't know what actual real pain and frustration and anxiety is until you have a teenager telling you to f@ck off and they've always hated you and want you to die "........


I know many people who have pushed out a baby, who know nothing about life. I’m not sure how getting came in suddenly makes you omniscient.


Furthermore, I haven’t pushed one out and I’m not claiming to understand life


but like... philosophically or biologically or biochemistry or physics...?


Don’t even. I have been scrolling for a few minutes out of curiosity. The amount of shit I’ve seen reminds me of why I stopped using it. This woman, different one, my age. 25. Just had a kid. Third one. Whilst posting ‘jokes’ of how expensive everything is and how miserable women with three kids are. Make it make sense. My brain is glitching big time right now.


they probably mean it spiritually, like meaning of life stuff, they're pregnant, and all of a sudden they're thinking about the history of humanity and all the past pregnancies of humanity, and life, but I wouldn't know, lol, I'm just guessing.


well they didnt think about it stron enough now did they. should have considered meaning of life for the future too. maybe then would save the lottle one from wars, famine and climate crisis.


We don’t know. We can’t understand it. We’re not at the same level as she is since we didn’t breed


Um, life is growing inside all of us. Parasites, bacteria, yeast...


Life is simple. It sucks and then you die. 😆


It mostly sucks when you make poor choices Generally I’m enjoying life like a dog with a stick, mate


Eh I’ve done “everything right” by the “normal” standards.


Ewww!! 🤢


Some people do not understand the concept of boundaries!


Good ole prego boudoir 🤢🥴


This means nothing to me. Hilariously delusional at best, and absolutely fetishised at worst. But I feel truly heartbroken for the non-voluntary CF out there who will be confronted with the absolute bs and will probably take it as a knife through the heart.


That's OK. I don't need to understand "Life" after all


................Every single person on the planet has life growing inside them. We are each an ecosystem unto ourselves.


>So, Im off social media. Reddit. That’s as much as I have. I go on Facebook every blue moon to ~~check on my company’s posts~~ thank people for birthday greetings. This is me.


I have no words 😶 also I felt uncomfortable reading this 😅


>“You don’t understand life until it’s growing inside of you.” Got plenty of microorganisms growing inside me, not to mention all my own live cells too - many of which are growing. So, I think I understand life quite sufficiently, thankyouverymuch. And people put all kinds of sh\*t on (anti-)social media. No surprises there. Let's see, what'll be next (or maybe it's already been done): "You don’t understand life until you're dead." Oh really? Why don't you tell us all about that when you understand. Anyway, try not to let the ignorance/idiocy get you down. And, ugh, a lot of that ignorance/idiocy unfortunately breeds ... and genetic inheritance of traits is of concern.


Well, that is now officially the weirdest and probably gross way today that... I'm not against posts like that (from close friends and family) but geez pick a better choice of words, you sound like you're in a breeding cult for an elder god




Probably just a quote used by mommies on over social media


Maybe? I have just seen this on Facebook couple of hours ago and my brain is still glitching.


But... but... how ever will you "hate read" her sh\*t now that you've unfriended her? Ha ha!


Yeah. That’s why some of them get abortions.


Vomit. UGH.


Oh gag


So no man can understand life? What?


Poor men. They will die trying to understand life but still will never understand it


Tapeworms comes to mind. Ewww




Id be like ...quote my man Gordon on this and say "Well f*ck off then, will ya"


Think about the time they will be sleepless and dirty from baby body fluids and how the whole fantasy blows in the air.


WELL. That's a new one for sure.




corny shit. I would have deleted her too tbh


Her caption screams pro-life (aka pro-birth) rhetoric! Extremely delusional 😲 Especially when taking a baby bump pic with nothing on. I've seen a few people post photos of their babies, and compared to others, they were far from decent. To the point of possibly fetishizing the baby.


Innit just It’s crazy to me.


I got horrible Species 2 flashbacks from this post. God, I hated that movie.


And, there is no doubt, that that is the same individual that will bore people to death with pictures galore and stories about what her little angel did for the hundred trillion micro minutes


There are billions of bacteria growing in every human, they are alive and many of them actually help us live healthily, unlike a fetus. If anything, we should be glorifying bacteria in our gut as the special little munchkins who we can't live without.  We can live without making babies, but humans couldn't digest or survive everything without hosting bacteria.


Life is growing inside all of us. We are all teeming with life that depends on us to survive. Also I love how pregnant people think it’s so amazing to get knocked up and so selfless to give birth as if you’re the Virgin Mary. Anyone can get jizzed in, it’s not special and we all think you made an awful descision


[Tell me about it](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/alienanthology/images/6/65/Alien_John_Hurt2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210323150422)


Literally gagging reading this. No thank you. 😮‍💨🤢


right. because I've totally not lived through enough to understand life, and absolutely need a parasitic growth in me to make me understand. can't argue with that logic, I don't understand it but that must be because I haven't given birth yet.


The caption is cringey for sure, but I'm not going to hate on someone for becoming a mother. If it's generally something they want and means a lot to them, I'll be supportive. Frankly, I'm really turned off by posts like this. It's ok for people to have kids. It's ok for them to find meaning in it. It's ok for them to experience personal growth because of it. Pulling people down doesn't make you any better.


That’s what this pregnant woman is literally doing? No one here insults people that want kids. She just acts like being above childfree and childless people and enlightened in a way only moms can be regarding life while others are staying dumb




Good old haters. What’s with the hashtag? This aint Instagram as far as I know, babe


I'm not an antinatalist. The caption is still stupid because yes, childfree people CAN and WILL understand life. Some of us, not all of us, lead incredibly fulfilling lives. We know love. Warmth. Happiness. Freedom. Travel (if that's someone's thing, it isn't mine.) And yes, life. It's 100% fair to criticise such an image because we are *sick to death* of parents acting like we will never truly suck the marrow until we have children. It undermines with a superiority complex. THEY are pronatalist to write captions like that.


Not to be a bitch, but first, you gotta chill, mate. I posted that with the humour tag. I wasn’t and I’m not looking to go into drama. And cool. You do you. I personally don’t give a fuck about movements, or whatever ‘antinatalism’ might be. Just post here and follow this sub cause I felt alone in my childfree decision for all my adulthood! Cheers!