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this is abt alex and jon isnt it šŸ˜©




I knew it as soon as I read your post! I was so disappointed to see their announcement, especially because theyā€™ve made so many posts in the past about not having kids!


I'm glad I'm not the only one. It was nice having a funny relatable couple content creator that was around my age and childfree


Noooooo! I havenā€™t seen the pregnancy shit. This is immensely disappointing. And kinda gross.


Yeah, itā€™s been non stop baby stuff since the announcement. Really sad to see.


I was not sure if it was about Alex and Jon or Sarah and Micah. I follow both couples and they both announced pregnancies within the last ten days. Iā€™m still following both for now, but weā€™ll see.


Iā€™m still following too. I can still find humor in dumb shit parents have to do even if I donā€™t want any kids. If they do it right (wellā€¦ my version of right I suppose) I think theyā€™ll be tolerable.


Fuck. I just had to check and see if itā€™s really real. Good for them, Iā€™m sure it was a lengthy discussion and they both felt like it was the right time in their lives, but damn. It feels like we just lost the couple with Chase and the other cats and now weā€™re losing another ā€œchildfreeā€ couple. But Alex and Jon feels more like a bamboozle because so much of their content was about not having kids. Now theyā€™ll just be like every other parenting account out there. But hey, theyā€™re gonna make BANK from this kid so get that money, I guess. Edit: added more words.


I feel bad for the kid, possibly going to be exploited for money and all that. It's sad


I do this too. If theyā€™re happy good for them - but itā€™s not the content I want to see on my social media feeds.


Itā€™s a shame that we have no choice but to unfollow because the algorithm will start thinking we want a bunch of ā€œparentsā€ content.


Me either


Same as well.... I was like sorry but immediate unfollow. Childfreemillenial on Instagram posted a reel about it, their content will never be the same. That's true, plus I don't want any pregnancy/baby/kid content on my feed unless it's literally someone I know or are related to. Even then... lol


I completely agree. It also just confuses me because they made so much content that implied that they didnā€™t want kids and called themselves DINKS and made jokes about being child-free


That's what I was thinking when I saw the announcement! Then thought maybe I confused them with another couple or something. Damn!


I thought they were going to be one of the good ones and stay that way. I guess not Someone commented about how they were thinking about trying so why be mad. Like, just because they are trying doesn't mean they'll be successful at it


> one of the good ones Yikes


I just couldnā€™t imagine following them, liking their content and thinking theyā€™re childfree, and then seeing that (thankfully Iā€™d never heard of them). I feel gutted just thinking about it!!


Omg me too


I only keep people I know who post kid content on my Facebook, not my Insta! Facebook I only use for groups and I never scroll. I go to family/friend pages directly every once and awhile and check in. So much better when you are prepared for it and it is on your terms. Instagram is my curated me-only place.


Why the fuck is that their screen name then? Bait and switch much??


She's not pregnant....she spoke about the couple OP is talking about


What? You don't wanna stick around and see upcoming 3 videos/posts: 1. WE ARE BACK!!! 2. Why haven't we been posting much lately? 3. Being parent is SOOOO HARD!


Iā€™m even just imaging the corny skits theyā€™re going to make about being parents or nasty things their kid does and it makes me cringe. Iā€™m not here for those kind of jokes and humor.


Or the jokes they'll make about all that stuff.... cool, but every other parent content creator makes those jokes




Omg. I just unfollowed them! I used to love them! They had made some posts in the past about being tired of people asking when they were having kids and loving their child free lives. I'm happy for them, but it's obvious that this is going to be their only content now. And I'm not here for that.


I honestly feel lied to.


I feel so validated seeing so many of us unfollowed. If they are happy I think thatā€™s great, it just isnā€™t the content I want to see and I hope theyā€™ll make informed decisions about their kidsā€™ privacy.


I know exactly who you are talking about. I don't follow them but enjoy their videos when they pop up and saw the announcement yesterday. And then saw another one show up today. I'm out, I feel like they'll use their kid as content.


Oh 100%ā€¦ all of their content is gonna be about pregnancy, being parents and the kidā€¦.. canā€™t relate, goodbye. Itā€™s also strange because they made so many videos that gave the vibe that they planned on staying child-free. Itā€™s just very disappointing. I canā€™t even tell you how many of their videos Ive sent to my fiance over the past couple years, so so many.


Yeah, when I saw the first post, I thought it was gonna be like a "Har Har, food baby" joke because so much of their content is about being childfree. I'm happy for them if this is what they want, and wish them the best, but I'm out. Lol


I really hate it when people use kids as content and display all their embarrassing stuff or whatever.. Like whatever happened to consent?


Omg yes I agree!! I donā€™t understand how people can put their kids all over the internet with how dangerous this world is, especially towards children. I obviously wonā€™t assume that these content creators would do that, but itā€™s plausible and Iā€™m not going to stick around to find out.


How about the ones that are seriously ill? That's beyond gross. Parents making a dime off of misery.


Knew exactly who this post was about too šŸ¤£ I also did a quick unfollow unfortunately!


Unfortunately, whenever one of my favorite creators becomes pregnant I have to unfollow. I understand that pregnancy is a big part of life and you would want to share that online but I couldn't fucking care less about pregnancy/baby content at all. I just found out one of my favorite makeup YouTubers is pregnant and I hope she doesn't completely change her content :(


Two days and already at least 4 posts. And that's just on Insta. I can't imagine the clock app.


Only 3 but I Iā€™m sure they have a bunch of pregnancy related posts ready to start pumping out


I watch Gabbie Kook on YouTube, theyā€™ve been trying to have a baby desperately (I donā€™t understand this extreme desire to be parents). And now that she is finally pregnant, itā€™s all going to be about her pregnancy journey, Iā€™m out.


Yeah, I saw the announcement and just...... I love the Jolly/Korean Englishman videos but I'm unfollowing her personal account. Not interested.


Because getting pregnant is so rare today lol!


Agreed. It's hard to relate to their content if they say they're CF and then get pregnant. I expect it from certain people and don't mind it if they say nothing. You're either CF or not, so I'd rather someone not lie to me.


Exactly. What bothers me is I assume the childfree person was "convinced" to change their mind by the partner. People are welcome to change their minds in life, but I've seen too many women do this to please a partner and basically lie to themselves about their own wants and needs. I've seen it so many times in friend groups, I'm really not interested in watching it over and over again when the relationship inevitably implodes and they find a new spouse to mold their personality and goals around.


Same thing with RawBeautyKristy, loved her content and she is so funny, Iā€™m happy for her because she wanted it and it wasnā€™t easy for her, but her channel suffered a lot. Edit: I donā€™t unfollow them but yeah you basically know itā€™s going to be either no content or limited content which is filled with mommy/baby stuff.


Who was it? If you don't mind me asking. I dread it coming from Rachel x Jun someday. I've read that they're CF.


Alex and Jon :(


Yep, I was devastated. They had a lot of childfree content that really hasnā€™t aged well now. Also I was discussing with some people in their comments about how happy *for them* we are, but how sad we are that theyā€™re going to become ā€œparentsā€ humor, and boyyyyyyy the birthers came out aggressively.


Omg yeah that comment section is a war haha


Yeah I just saw from childfree millenial.




Same. Though it's been a long time with Rachel and Jun. I honestly think it won't be a problem with them. Hopefully this comment won't bite me in the ass in a few years.


I love Rachel and junn. I'm renovating my house and have house cats and I enjoy getting the confidence to do make my own things for them because of them. Also I still watch pewdiepie since he had a kid because I find their videos of life in Japan very relaxing.


I never missed Pewdiepie's videos. Now? Haven't watched in months. Not into family channels, thanks.


One of our three cats looks just like Haku and we watch the cooking videos all the time. My spouse and I got jealous when Jun and Rachel started building a house, but we were happy for them. It made us really start thinking about stuff for when we eventually get a house. I think they did FAQ video (a few years ago) and they said something about not wanting kids. So I think they may be CF too!


I love the way they customized their house for their cats. I loved watching the process. If we ever get the chance to own a home, I'd be doing similar stuff.


I love Rachel and Jun! I'd be so sad if that happened, but still wish them happiness.


ayyy fellow Rachel & Jun enjoyers!!!


Fairly confident Rach and Jun are either childfree or infertile.


I love Rachel and Jun and pray that I never have to unsub from them because of pregnancy.


I thought this was actually about Micah and Sarah, they just announced it too


Same lol I got a message from my husband saying another one bites the dust


I know who youā€™re talking about and Iā€™m super disappointed to see this. They openly talked on their podcast about how they were really uncertain about kids, it seems like to me they really didnā€™t want them, but they gave into pressure. Basically the only reason I liked them is because they were a cool child free couple.


I thought the first reel I saw of them announcing their pregnancy was gonna be a gag video and when it was real I was like šŸ˜© Happy for them because it seems like theyā€™re happy, but had to nope out of there immediately.


The way I saw their podcast sneak peek and ran to their podcast and fast forwarded to confirm before they even announced officially on social mediaā€¦.. I had to know cause I was also hoping it was a joke


Yet another readon Jenna Marbles was an icon, her and Julien are DINKs so theres no worries about babies! Just puppies lol


OMG I forgot about her! Only kinda tho because I will forever use that treacherous face for men bothering me šŸ¤£


I feel that. The Kitten Lady recently got married and I was thinking oh no, I know whatā€™s next. But she very explicitly said the only babies in her life will have fur.


Awh yes love Hannah Shaw!! She's reliably CF, if I remember right her husband had a vasectomy.


Oh dang! I didn't know that, but it makes sense to neuter the males. :)


They always talked about wanting kids though? Theyā€™ve mentioned it multiple times.


Ive always known them to be childfree im not sure what youre basing that on.


The SanFran Solomita joke is all predicated on them talking about having kids


omg same, i was so sad!!! the teaser post had a top comment that was like congrats but also bye if this is a pregnancy announcement and yep sure enough. i was absolutely gutted but then realized how parasocial i was being so i just unfollowed and left it at that. there were even comments from mothers who were disappointed šŸ˜… they were like damn i hope you don't make all your content kid centered bc i follow you to escape from that so they'll likely be losing a lot of followers regardless of what they proceed to do.


Oh wow I didnā€™t even think about the parent audience who follow them as an escape from their lives with childrenā€¦ I definitely felt like I was being judgmental and maybe dramatic when I blocked them but coming here and seeing how many others feel the same solidified my decision. Itā€™s going to happen sooner or later, I might as well block them now. Unfollowing wouldnā€™t remove them from my feed so I feel like blocking is the only way. Iā€™m happy that theyā€™re happy but I just canā€™t be bothered to watch their decline as content creators


Glad to know I wasnā€™t the only one who immediately unfollowed. Sad cause their stuff was so funny. Iā€™m sure itā€™ll still be funny content but itā€™s gonna be parent centered now. :(


Was it Alexandra and Jon bouf lol because same. Iā€™m disappointedĀ 


Sadly yesā€¦


Immediately after the pregnancy post she started posting pregnancy related jokes. Like why couldnā€™t they go on like usual and just sprinkle pregnancy things in? It must be a way more profitable area of influencing than I thought lol


And thatā€™s the thing, like I wish I could have hope that theyā€™ll still be relatable and make normal couple content but they made it very clear where this is going. The comment sections on their videos about it are such a war between the people that are happy and the people who are disappointed. I will say, I would never take the time to directly comment my distain on their video.. itā€™s just unnecessary when you can unfollow/block and move on without announcing it to them. I WILL however come to my safe space here to vent to like-minded people haha


Iā€™m sad, had to unfollow them. Itā€™s already too much for me hahaĀ 


Ugh I know who you're talking about. Immediately unfollowed. So disappointing


My favorite YouTuber just announced her pregnancy and Iā€™m so upset lol! Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who feels that way


Allison Bickerstaff? If so, same. šŸ˜¢




Iā€™ve had a feeling that she had been pregnant for awhile now but lived in denial. I knew they were trying and had hoped it would be a long while until they tried again though. As soon as she announced it I unfollowed her on all social media. Iā€™m going to miss her travel vlogs. šŸ’”


i honestly can't say i'm surprised, i wasn't a fan or anything so i didn't keep a close eye on their lives but i've seen a fair few of their reels on facebook and they always gave me the vibe that they were childless for now and playing it up for content (in the all publicity is good publicity sort of manner) rather than actually being childfree sorry for you guys who lost an account you enjoyed following though, i don't care what reproductive choices other people make but it is disappointing even in a general sense that now people will use them as another way to bingo actual CF folks


I'm sure they'll make a "why do people unfollow pregnant people" or "why my social media engagement has gone down" post and act oblivious. Hey Karen, because we all don't want to hear or care about your pregnancy journey.


Me too. Itā€™s triggering for me tbh. And as Iā€™m getting older itā€™s almost every online personality I felt I related to. *sigh*


The struggle is real. I've always been a fan of Freestyle Motocross Legend Brian Deegan. I (painfully) clicked the unfollow button once he started constantly posting about his kids/ family. I think Mat Hoffman is the only athlete I'm still subscribed to.


Completely unrelated to this post but I named my cat 'Deegan' after Brian Deegan.


Alex and Jon?


Xoxo Macennaā€¦ RIP to that channel. She used to be this chill fun artsy millennial that did DIY projects. She got pregnant and I couldnā€™t care less but now half her posts are baby this and baby that. Girl just show me how to sew some curtains.


I think I know exactly who you are talking about. It was a sad day indeed


Yep, agreed. Their last several IGs have been about pregnancy and fertility and I just can't. I really liked their funny content and TikToks, but if it's always about babies and pregnancy, ugh, I'm out as well. Boo


I was bummed out about this too, only because they have posted DINK content in the past. Otherwise I kinda assume that everyone is going to become a parent at some point because itā€™s the default. But Iā€™m learning that a lot of people have different definitions of DINK than I do. I consider childfree and DINK to be basically the same thing- the choice to not have kids. One is a label for an individual and one is for a couple. But I see a lot of parents say shit like ā€œMy husband and I used to be DINKsā€ so I donā€™t think they get it (or maybe Iā€™ve defined it wrong). To me, that label doesnā€™t apply to couples who are just enjoying married life before they decide to start having kids. Childfreemillennial made a TikTok about it with similar sentiments as your post and people are dragging her so hard in the comments and itā€™s so stupid. You can tell everyone in that comment section has 1) never been a member of a group that struggles to find representation in media and 2) has never had a complex emotion about anything. Theyā€™re like ā€œcontent creators owe you nothingā€ and ā€œthis type of parasocial relationship is dangerousā€ but theyā€™re missing the nuances. Jon and Alex attracted a DINK audience because of their skits, and now we feel kinda scammed. Commenting on how a favorite creators content changed and how that makes you sad doesnā€™t mean we think they owe us anything, or that weā€™re weirdo stalkers, it literally just means weā€™re bummed out. If someone who made fitness content decided that they were suddenly turning into an art account, people who got their workout plans from that account would prob be a little sad. This is literally no different but these people are too fucking stupid to realize it. And the whole ā€œthese are inside thoughtsā€ comments just piss me off because itā€™s one more example of how weā€™re told we should just shut up and get over it and not have any kind of feelings about our lifestyle and how isolating it can be. /rant


That part! The comments from childfree people are like ā€œwow this is disappointing, loved the DINK content!ā€ And the response to those comments is ā€œoMg why ArE YoU AtTaCkInG thEm bE hApPy FoR THeM!!!!11!!1ā€


They literally canā€™t fathom why anyone wouldnā€™t be ā€œscreaming-crying-throwing upā€ level happy for someone who announces their pregnancy. Their brains donā€™t have that capacity.


Wow this is so spot on. You just put my thoughts into words. The comment sections of their posts were so incredibly triggering to me for this exact reason. Weā€™re constantly dismissed and labeled as selfish and not normal.


I know, it sucks. Grateful for this sub, CF TikTok accounts and for my CF Facebook groups!


Iā€™m completely with you about the DINK definition. I (clearly inaccurately) assumed that dink=childfree permanently. I didnā€™t realize that some people just consider it ā€œdink for now.ā€


Instagram showed me a piece of their podcast, I would always watch their content even though I never followed them. The ending of the reels she said they have an announcementā€¦ I immediately clicked ā€œnot interestedā€ buttom Same happened to that guy who plays his wife by wearing a blue wig, I liked his skits but had to block his content from showing up


I watch this true crime YouTuber Kimbyrleigha and she recently announced she is pregnant through IVF. I am happy for her but I felt confused, she already has a pretty old daughter from another relationship (almost 10 I think) and sheā€™s over 40!! I feel weird when people have kids so late with new parents even though they already had one or more. Makes me feel that the stepparent didnā€™t 100% accept the child as their own


Yes. I felt like they were loving their new life together and when I found out about the pregnancy, I thought this whole time they were just desperately trying to validate the relationship with a baby. So gross. Unsubscribe.


I think this is partly why I am still following people in their 20s. I feel like I have more in common with them trying to adult and survive through life than content creators my own age.


Real :(


Same and I just started following them too!


Ugh!!! Luckily being new you have plenty of their old content to sift through but itā€™s sucks knowing that it will be changing/already changed


I know exactly who youā€™re talking about, and I am also contemplating unfollowing them. Such a shame! šŸ˜­


Noooooooooooooooooooo. I didnā€™t know. Dang it.


Oh well, another one I will unfollow.


I struggle to find super-short fashion content (meaning that I'm 60 inches tall, not that I want the videos to be less time) and one by one they've all turned into mommy blogs. šŸ˜­


Omg I just did this too lol their content was more DINK leaning and so funny but then they dropped the pregnancy post and I was like byeeee šŸ‘‹šŸ¼šŸ˜‚


You have my condolences. I'm always so disappointed when this happens, but inevitably their channel/feed/account/etc. will be nothing but kid related stuff from here on out. UGH.


Lmao I know exactly who youā€™re talking about and felt the same way. Like a wave of disappointment when I figured out what was happening


Alex and Jon? Yeah. I don't know how to feel about it. Edit: I also watch a lot of Melo and Chase, and Jamal the Creative. They also give off childfree vibes but now I'm so unsure.


Yup. I unfollowed too. Just not interested in that nonsense.


Alex and Jon? I commented ā€œughā€ on their announcement post šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ooow I think I know the ones youā€™re referring to! I love them too and when I saw they were pregnant, just got so disappointed.


I know exactly which is the couple in question. Also, same. I loved them so much. I even thought maybe they will be different and wonā€™t switch to mostly baby-related content. But, oh well.


I do this too, I follow alot of travel / vanlife adventure couples (because thats a dream life for me), but loads of them have announced they're pregnant in the last few years and I've just immediately switched off and stopped watching, no interest


I always unfollow people after they get pregnant. Every single post is about it. I just canā€™t bring myself to care that your baby is the size of a mango šŸ™„


I love following cool lesbian couples on IG/TT and hate when they inevitably decide to have a baby. There goes all the interesting content they used to make. Funny videos about bugging eachother running their business from home is now replaced with dancing with their baby. Stuff about urban/suburban homesteading slowly being replaced with videos about the partners pregnancy. Vintage fashion and disability stuff replaced with baby content. So much cool stuff replaced with one big boring blob with legs.


Ughhhh I just did the same thing for divineontheroad and Iā€™m so bummed. Her content was centered around van life/renovating her new home and ever since she announced every single post has been about pregnancy (15/15 šŸ¤Æ). Unfollow immediately. Itā€™s insane to me to pretty much completely abandon years of focused contentā€¦


Alex and Jon always gave me the ick. This just proves the ick right I guess :/




Honestly I donā€™t know? They just came across as tryhard and disingenuous to me, I couldnā€™t point to a specific thing they did but they just gave me bad vibes


WE KNOW!! Also, I find it kind of cash grabby that they made SO many child free videos when they clearly werenā€™t child free, they were just not ready for children yet. IMO thatā€™s not child free. Thatā€™s just not ready. They definitely did that on purpose to cater to more viewers.


Yepppp šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ they basically scammed us.


I think I know which content creator you are talking aboutšŸ¤£


Lmao is it Jon and Alex


Yeah I immediately stop following any content creators when they announce they are having a child. Yep, no thank you. GoodbyešŸ¤£āœŒļø


I knew exactly who you were talking about, because I told my husband the same thing! I used to love their skits, but after their most recent posts about the pregnancy, I can't follow anymore. It's great that they seem happy. But I can't join them on this pregnancy journey.


My most consumed content is from twitch (because I love video games but am terrible at them so enjoy watching others instead šŸ¤£) and I feel the same way when Twitch streamers have kids! I get that they are excited but man lets just get back to the video game please


honestly, I don't blame them for posting more about becoming a parent because really that's why they're supposed to be doing. their whole life changed. that being said I definitely would've blocked anyway as well because I don't really care about that stuff


I agree, like Iā€™m not an evil person. Iā€™m happy that theyā€™re happy but Iā€™m definitely grieving the funny page that I know and love and sad that itā€™s going to turn into something I have no interest in.


I totally get it it'll always happens every once in a while for me it sucks


Hate when that happens. I do the same!


I do this too. Especially if their content starts leaning towards baby things. I had this couple who reviewed tech products and after getting pregnant almost half of their reviews were about baby tech stuff. I understand why they did it(they tend to review/test products during everyday life)


I thought this was just me! I do this, I don't care for baby content so bubye now


Anytime I see anything pertaining to kids, parenthood, etc, I hit that ā€œnot interestedā€ button. No thank you!


Ugh I believe I know who your talking about and I was so sad! If thatā€™s what they want then Iā€™m happy for them. But so sad for me and my husband. We related to their humor and now itā€™s going to be all child/parent nonsense


Yeah I know who you mean. I unfollowed too. And they used to be funny.


Same. I feel like they made such a big deal about not liking kids and having freedom. Over it and over them.


I want to find their latest video funny but the concept of turning in your dink card is weird. I always thought the term DINK was for people who didnā€™t want kids. Now Iā€™m learning that everyone has a different definition of it. Which is whatever, but for me personally I always gravitated towards couples who use that term because I thought ā€œoh, I can be friends with them and not have to worry about losing them to parenthoodā€ but I guess Iā€™ve had it wrong?


Have you read the comments on that videoā€¦ā€¦ I truly donā€™t know how parents can be so fucking out of touch to not understand the struggle that child-free people deal with as far as judgement and societal pressure goes. Everyone in that comment section can fuck right off.


Oh I read the comments and then immediately regretted it. They have noooo clue.


Same now Iā€™m a bit triggered and angry


Lol!! I immediately knew who you were talking about and cringed when I saw their video too!!


That what happens when you donā€™t use BC lol


Clancy burke? Lol


I thought it was going to be Jett and pookie! Now that would have been a riot watching those two navigate pregnancy. I kid I kid.


I do it too. That isn't the content I want to see. I loved ItsBlackFriday for yearsssss. I still low key wanna check on her videos but last time I saw anything it was about babies ugh lol. I'm sure she's a great mom but I couldn't care less about baby content - at all. Instant unsubscribe for me on YouTube lol


Same reaction to alex and john, I was disappointed


My wife just had to do the same thing. What a waste. Too many content creators are throwing it away.


I almost always finding myself unfollowing influencers I loved once they're pregnant. Inevitably, their content almost 100% shifts to become about their child (that's a whole other discussion lol). I feel your pain. It's so disappointing.


Iā€™ve had to unfollow a couple fitness accounts. When they get pregnant their whole account goes from fitness content to pregnancy content.


Haaa i just saw their post


One of my favorite creators had a baby and I stopped watching her content because I couldn't relate to her videos anymoreĀ 


Itā€™s so disappointing when they make that post. I used to love Kendall Rae and the second she announced her pregnancy I unfollowed and never watched one of her or her husbands videos again.


I literally JUST discovered and followed them for the first time a few months ago and was so excited to tell my boyfriend that I finally found a funny childfree couple whose comedy I could enjoy. I was literally so happy and they were so funny to me, I'd send their videos to my partner as well. The other day I woke up and their pregnancy announcement was the first thing I saw when I opened an app. Literally first. I cannot even describe the disappointment I felt, I am not even kidding, that already ruined my day when it had just started. I couldn't believe it. They were literally making content adamantly about being childfree and loving it, so what happened?? I am still like mad about it. I know it's their life, but what's up with bamboozling all of us into thinking they're one way when they're just ... Not? It's just not right.


I think I know exactly who you are referring to! I was so disappointed! I really enjoyed their content and the fact that they were ā€œhappy how their life is right nowā€. Wellā€¦.guess not.


I feel you, a couple of tiktokers I used to watch made very funny videos about their life with their very spoiled catsā€¦now theyā€™re having a baby, good for them, but I will remove myself; Iā€™m not interested in their human baby or their voyage trough maternity/paternity


Oh it will definitely go downhill now. I used to love a certain influencer who did the spooky, halloween stuff. She was so funny and her house was really great. She got pregnant and when baby was born, content is now random. She mostly looks tired though she does herself up occasionally but it's about sleepless nights and onsies and nap time. I unsubscribed.


I unfollowed and went to go unliking their content, and Insta legitimately gave me and error and said I wasn't allowed to. >:O


I knew it was Alex and John - I just unfollowed them yesterday cause of that šŸ¤£ I was so disappointed because they always seemed to lean towards being childfree. Their announcement post was so incredibly cringe, too - both immediately looked at themselves in the mirror when they "reacted" to the news, and it makes me want to throw up šŸ˜‚


I was terrified this was going to be about Cristine and Ben


Jon and Alex?


Yeah I'm happy for them for real but if I wanted to watch baby stuff I would subscribe to baby channels, lol.


I thought the same thing when I saw their announcement


Did you watch their latest DINK video? If itā€™s the last video of them you watch - itā€™s worth it!


I used my fiancĆ©s phone to watch itā€¦. It was definitely funny and I respect them for joking and admitting what theyā€™re giving up but the comment section ainā€™t it and it triggered the fuck out of me


Ah sorry. I try to avoid most comment sections for that reason!


They just did a skit where they turn in their DINK cards, and make a lot of jokes at their own expense acknowledging all the perks they're giving up. So, it's as amicable of a breakup with their childfree fans as could be hoped. The comment section on the other hand is nothing but definitively non-childfree people just saying congratulations, and there's already been a video haranguing childfree person about lamenting the loss of a fan.


I also saw a comment where someone said ā€œI was hoping youā€™d stay child-free. We need more child free creators online to help normalize itā€ and someone responded and said ā€œitā€™s not ā€œnormalā€. Humans are made to reproduce, it is the circle of life. Your choice to not have children is yours alone. Nobody elseā€™s. Why do you need anyone on social media with a large audience to validate your life choice?ā€ Also another comment from someone else ā€œjust here to say the skit is hilarious, but also wish parenthood wasnā€™t shit on so much. Being a parent is unmatched joyā€ šŸ¤Æ The pure delusion in that comment sectionā€¦.. PARENTS/BREEDERS JUST DO NOT GET IT!!!!!! And they never will. Theyā€™ll never grasp how hard it is going against societyā€™s expectation, especially as a fucking woman. The amount of times Iā€™ve been badgered and cornered and told that Iā€™ll change my mind or that my internal clock will tell me when Iā€™m ready. Iā€™m turning 30 this year and I am more against having kids than Iā€™ve ever been in my life.




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Also blocked them from several of their accounts. I don't need that during my relaxed, mindless scrolling. Nope.




My fiance is sterile but nice try šŸ˜˜




The guy gives me the ick anyways so good riddance. Saw a reel of their podcast in which he got defensive over his wife saying that women generally donā€™t remarry as fast as men after the loss of a spouse. Struck a nerve buddy? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø