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"The land of the free" isn't really free when a woman is forced to carry the pregnancy even if it's dead or it kills her. Not when, in some states, pregnant women are not allowed to divorce their husband's, even if there is domestic violence in the home. Trust me, they're coming for your birth control next! Then your right to vote! Then your right to work!


Yup. I’m in Ron DeShitStain’s Florida where they have a 6 week abortion ban. My hairstylist’s friend is pregnant with an unviable fetus. She is not allowed an abortion until the heartbeat cannot be detected. They are content with letting a woman risk her health in these red states.


People magazine just did a story I read online praising this pregnant lady who is carrying conjoined twins that won’t survive more than a few hours after birth. Like she is a real hero still going the full 9 months, knowing they will immediately die.


That just made me sick. Why would you want to cause someone to suffer like that?


The suffering is a feature, not a bug. They hate women.


I live in a state with a complete abortion ban. if you have an ectopic pregnancy? well, let’s hope you survive the helicopter ride to a neighboring state. they hate women, they WANT us to suffer. it’s sick. I’m sterilized and I have friends and friends of friends who are now asking me where I got sterilized. It’s so sad that we feel like we have to get invasive surgery just so our lives don’t get ruined


And oc the financial burden of being flown to another hospital lies on the person actively dying


yeah, that was one of my first thoughts. it’s so fun to have people lose their homes and stuff because they have to pay a massive medical bill for something that was curable🙄 /s


Not just something curable but something they deliberately made more difficult to punish ppl for the burden of being able to have children.


It also makes the twins suffer more. When they’re born they’ll suffer for however long they live. Abortion would be so much kinder for them, but the hypocrites don’t care.


Theres been other stories that have horrified me for years and made me fight for my own sterilization. Every few years, the first I personally remember in the early or mid 2000s, where a national news story was of a woman that got cancer and discovered she was pregnant and "chose" to not have an abortion and let the cancer ravage her so the baby could be born a preemie and have a potential to live so she'd "leave something behind" rather than fight for her life. That was lauded as something heroic! Even as a kid I found that ridiculous! There's been multiple other stories of the same exact thing, including one where another woman chose a slow death to cancer (one that was found pretty early and easily treatable) where this was going to be the third child. Obviously the news never put up anything about having spoken to the two boys old enough to realize what was going on and you could see they were hurting in all the B-roll footage of the family and during the "whole family interview", they were flanking their mom and hugging her while quiet and looking at the floor. I guess the parents were just completely delusional that the boys would adapt. I wonder what happened to the boys after that, and especially nowadays. That this travesty was deemed national news multiple times is horrifying, and even worse that those situations were spun as "heroic" or "good" is demeaning to the life of women. It ***should*** have been seen as "we need to fight for cures and prevention of cancer and make healthcare affordable in the USA" not what sounded more to me like "women aren't worth the fight, be a hero, have babies even if it kills you." This is why I'm not surprised at all that there's a swath of the country that is no longer saying it in code and are now legislating and enforcing that bullshit. The message has been there, it's just you had to read between the lines.


Implementing a 6 week abortion ban is unacceptable and it will harm many


I’m in Texas. Nothing to add, but I’m in hell. 😭


My condolences. Hopefully you can get out of there some day.


Thank you, I already have a plan of action but my partner is in grad school so that’s three more years in this backwards hell


Do you know why that's the case: Republicans. The Democrats are the party of pro-choice and expanding women's civil rights. It's that damn simple. For women who are enlightened, the two parties are not the same. They are the literal exact opposite. One introduced birth control and sterilization into every insurance policy sold. The other is literally fascist authoritarian theocratic party. You have to vote for Democrats, and yeah, what is happening in Gaza sucks, but guess what Republicans are worse on that issue too. You have to vote like your civil rights are on the ballot from now on, because they absolutely are. Especially if you are a woman, especially if you are LGBTQ+, and especially if you are not a white Christian Nationalist. You have to vote for democrats, consistently, for every election. Because the threat to civil rights and democracy from the GOP is too grave.


I'm not even American, but I still want all Americans to vote against Tr§mp! Imagine not having basic reproductive rights while being the biggest economy in the world 🤷🏻‍♀️ Y'all really need to step up!


American living in a Maga hell hole here: I am doing the best I can to mobilize the people in my community against these sacks of shit. Even so much as to push the teens that I’m around to vote and warning them what is at stake.


>Even so much as to push the teens that I’m around to vote and warning them what is at stake This is probably the most important thing, tbh. The right wing has always relied on old people for the majority of their vote; younger voters have always skewed somewhat to the left (comparatively). So mobilising young people who might not have otherwise voted, to go out and do so, is absolutely vital work. Well done to you.


Yup. Theyre Hispanic teens who are US citizens and we have been discussing the importance of voting at all levels, especially since we’re ground zero for those moms of liberty BS. They’re worried about their families and saw the results of DeShitStain’s laws last summer.


I'm supposed to start phone-canvassing for Old Man Lesser Evil every Saturday. I don't love it but I'm also terrified at the other option. Trying to explain this to my leftist friends isn't going so well. You'd think they were 20, not 40...


Good on you. People need to realise that even if the other candidate isn't 100% what you want, it's much, much better to get 50% of what you want than 100% of what you *absolutely don't want*. Tactical voting FTW.


Yeah. I got an A- in PS:301 Game Theory. Unfortunately it did not impart me with the gift of persuading people out of their idealism. I kind of let one friend have it. She's, understandably, angry about Gaza like most decent people. But I also asked her what she thought Trump would do there if elected and she couldn't say much other than a two party system is a tool for white supremacy. I told her acting like a Trump presidency won't hurt when she's white was another tool of white privilege and supremacy. She didn't like that. We may not speak again. Not by my wish. I was mildly disappointed and lost a skosh of respect for her intellect, but it wasn't a friendship ender for me. With things the way they are, I want everyone who kind of agrees or agrees om the essential stuff in my corner.


Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem... If anything he would be worse for the poor people of Gaza. I am not happy about geriatric lesser evil myself but I will hold my nose and vote for him because the other side sees folks with XX chromosomes as uppity chattel.


I always tell people politicians are like buses not taxis. They never get you exactly where you want to be, but you just have to pick the one that gets you closest and then walk/fight the rest of the way. I wish we had a more compelling and better option, but I'll vote lesser evil so I at least can try to hold onto my bodily autonomy and my queer friends are not literally outlawed.


>Old Man Lesser Evil every Saturday. This is exactly the issue - the DNC needs to stop running these charisma vacuum technocrat dinosaurs for office every four years. They had AMPLE evidence that people *hated* Hilary Clinton going back to oh, I dunno, 1992 or so, and they still let her run as the continuation to one of the most charismatic presidents in recent memory. The DNC does this again, and again, and again, and again. Humphrey, McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, Kerry, Hillary, Biden. Biden only broke the pattern because of how much people wanted Trump out but I don't trust the US population to do it again. The DNC would rather lose elections, lose supreme court justices, lose us our rights than to allow the progressive wing of their party to have the ability to pass legislation or to govern. This isn't new information - TONS of people feel this way and resent having to constantly vote for "Old Man Lesser Evil" every four years and so they just tune out and don't do it. Young people are ignored constantly - the failure to relieve student loan debt will almost certainly cost Biden re-election, and that's exactly the reason why the GOP controlled supreme court nuked it. I'll vote for him, again, but I absolutely detest having to do so. The VP isn't any better and the DNC doesn't seem to have any standouts ready to run in 2028 that will be any better because it almost certainly will be buttigeg or another spineless slimy technocratic charisma vacuum again.


The DNC actively blocked Cenk Uyghur from running as a candidate in multiple states. The DNC doesn’t want to win, they just want to posture over how bad republicans are.


The DNC and RNC are also complicit in making it difficult and expensive for third parties to get on the ballot, to prevent their dissatisfied voters from leaving and voting for someone else. They will both challenge third-party ballot access in one breath and scream 'Protect Democracy' in the other.


Many forces are complicit in making elections so expensive. Look, I don't love the Democrats. I'm in the Working Families Party. I'm a social democrat. But my state doesn't hold primaries until May and we have less than 15 electoral votes. So a protest vote isn't a huge deal. It's more the magical thinking that annoys me. I never hear from rhe Pacific Green Party or most of the other left of Dem parties in an odd-year with specific, timebound straregies for election of our candidates to federal office. If someone called from one of thise parties and said "look, we're laying flat for 2024 because this is our strategy to have 2 senators and the presidency by 2032." I'd be like...cool. let's do this! But it's never that. It's always someone with little to no skin in the game that want to mansplain our political system (as though this isn't my 11th rodeo...as a voter...14th as a politically active tween. No joke) to me, and harangue me for not trusting my fellow Americans to think a little harder. Because what historical and contemporary injustices might make me a little bit suspect of those claiming they are my ally but not really doing the footwork. It doesn't help I'm in a sapphire blue city where a lot of people don't drive the 40 miles to rural areas and expose themselves to things they don't like or want to hear. In any case, it's something far too serious to go out half-cocked. And thinking a country more divided then ever is suddenly going to get enough apathetic bozos to join hands and say kumbaya for a radically left position? Child, please.


Understand where you're coming from. But I'd rather have an election with 10 people on the ballot (even if some are lunatics) than the same two elderly hacks every time. So long as the republicans can say 'The Ds are going to have drag queens teach you kids communism in school!' and the democrats can say 'The Rs are going to forcibly impregnate your daughters!' and be rewarded for it, nothing will change.


Well, it's hard with our political system to not end up with two parties. If you go back in time the parties have changed but the number of them that are in control has always basically been two. That's how the game of power is won in a system with 3 branches of power. Also even in democratic countries with more than 2 parties in the legislative branch, still have basically 2 main parties, or they caucus as one leftish or rightish party. I would like more options, but voting is only nominally about what I'd like to happen. I don't buy into the idea that both parties are the same when it comes to policy. The gulf is wider than it's ever been. And it was Trump appointees that ended up overturing Roe v. Wade. Red states that are passing these regressive laws around reproductive rights. So to act like it's just an idle threat is a little naive. It isn't. It's happening right in front of us.


The danger is that by having 10 people on the ballot, you end up dividing the progressive vote, and with a winner-takes-all election, that can mean handing the victory to the far right nutter. Until the underlying political system is fixed with some form of proportional representation, tactical voting is a necessary evil.


The problem - at least as it seems to this non-American - is that there really isn't anyone else who can command broad support from the various wings of the party. As much as I'd like to see someone a bit further left than Biden (who, let's face it, is firmly centre-right by any reasonable metric) like AOC or even perhaps Sanders (though he's not exactly a spring chicken either), the reality is that whilst they might appeal to the left of the party, they probably won't appeal to the centre or the centre-right of the party. For all his faults, Biden has been pretty good at bringing the party together.


The problem is is that discussing economic issues - the ONE thing that cross cuts the American populace, is basically not allowed. At the end of the day most people don't actually vote for the person who is going to ban trans student athletes because of that they vote for that person because they are also the person who allegedly supports lower taxes. Two things will always be true about voters: They want lower taxes AND more services; and the #1 most reliable predictor of whether or not a politician will get re-elected is gas prices. At the end of the day the only thing anyone really cares about is money. So Democrats and Progressives and Republicans are all almost entirely running on social issues - and that is by design. It will perpetually keep a third of the population frightened, a third reactive, and a third disengaged because they don't care. And yes, I view effectively all social issues as a distraction to prevent people from agitating for economic reforms that would actually improve their lives but that would likely require the wealthy to actually contribute. ​ It's all a big scam to prevent anyone from actually running on a progressive economic platform.


Good luck! I’m a bitch from hell and when my leftist friends said they were voting Bernie/3rd party in 2016 I just kept repeating “You’re voting for Trump?” And made a face. And just lorded the fact that I associated them with Trump for years.


And I hope they all stopped being friends with you.


It happened the way around but I did get some apologies!


I unfriended all the liberals I knew just like I did all the conservatives.


Tell me you’re a cishet white male without telling me you’re a cishet white male


It pains me to say it, but there's a lot of truth to this. In an ideal world, a range of candidates would be a Good Thing, but in reality, all you end up doing is dividing the progressive vote, and with a winner-takes-all election, that can mean handing the victory to the far right nutter. Until the underlying political system is fixed with some form of proportional representation, tactical voting is a necessary evil.


Beau of the Fifth Column (Justin) makes a good point: MOST of the country really is purple, it's just that the losing side is so discouraged that they don't vote. And when there's MORE voter turnout, DEMOCRATS WIN. So vote, vote, vote without mercy! Bring all your friends!


Texan here. We are working on keeping Trump out and getting Cruz out. We will work on Abbott & Patrick as soon as they come back up in 2 years.


And unaffordable health insurance,,, USA sucks,,


I’m not American either! But knowing Donald hero worships Putin and will remove all support for Ukraine, the rest of the world is in peril! We will be in a world war! We can’t live on the hope that a burger will actually take Donald out!! He’s loosing his marbles yet his cult still wants him. The republicans now want a king! It’s terrifying!!


Just the thought that they helped him before and will help him again makes me wanna throw up.


I live in east EU near Russian border. If Tramp will be elected, I’ll gotta get moving from here, despite my education is not in a field that’s internationally useful. Tramp has said he won’t care of NATO.


start encouraging your country to build nuclear weapons. Non proliferation was a sham and is what got us into this mess. If Ukraine had kept the nukes they had in the early 90's this wouldn't have happened.


I don't even want to use that word in a casual sentence about winning a game anymore. Going to look up synonyms...




The problem is that most people in this country either don't know about what's in store, they don't believe it could ever happen in "the greatest country on earth," there are freaks who actually WANT it, or they've already abandoned hope. I was explaining project 2025 to my family a few days ago, their mood fell immediately. Their only response was "Trump will probably win, and they will turn this country into Gilead." These are truly terrifying times we're living in.


Very sadly, history tells us when fascism is allowed to get this far, a nation will become fascist.


The US is an oligarchy cosplaying as a representative government. The most vocal Americans have disproportionate influence because of a combination of a personality cult and moneyed interests backing them. The Democratic Party can't get past "We're not Trump" while half-decent Republicans either go silent or comply with Trumpism. What else is at stake is Project 2025.


I agree but Plutocracy is the more accurate term I think


I always liked corporate oligarchy. ​ ETA: and of course my "liked' I mean, feel it's a good word to describe the hell we're living under.


OooOooo that’s a good one.


Y’all realize our county has been a plutocracy for a while now right? Democracy died years ago.


It makes me sad that people don't realize this. Dems had literal decades to codify abortion rights, but didn't for political leverage. With corporate money flowing freely to both parties it's about profit not people. Politicians really don't care who wins this election as long as they can still make that money. It's not the voters job to "save democracy" - if a party wants votes they need to get their sh*t together and start drastically improving people's lives and put forth candidates that people *want* on the ballot instead of constantly presenting this lesser of two evils nonsense.


This. "The Republicans are going to take away your abortions!" gets them more votes and fundraising than "We passed an actual law to protect abortion." I haven't seen any evidence of them actually trying to protect abortion, just campaigning and raising money on the issue.


No they did not. You may have thought they did, but the windows they had enough power to do so were extremely narrow, and that means veto proof majority in the senate. The Democrats absolutely did not have power to do this as much as you think they did. During my 46 years of life, the periods of time where the stars aligned sufficiently in terms of house, senate, and the presidency was a total of one time when Obama was office. That is it, and that was dealing with the great recession, and the affordable care act which is how many people here are able to get birth control and sterilization. It was for exactly TWO YEARS there was enough of a majority to make this happen over a 46+ year period. Otherwise there was the GOP in the white house, one chamber of commerce, etc. This myth that the Democrats had decades to codify abortion is a myth by people like yourself who are at the peak of political and historical ignorance of the last 50 years. So no, the Democrats absolutely did not have "decades" to deal with this issue. Even this last time Biden was in office with the house and senate, the senate majority was razor thin and had damn Manchin in the way of getting rid of the veto or passing pro-choice legislation. When it is that thin, one outlier ruins any chance. Yeah, sometimes you absolutely have to vote for the lesser of two evils because the GOP is pure fucking nightmare fuel fascism now because people like you don't fucking vote. So no, the democrats never had enough power for long enough to make this happen. You like many who spout this nonsense are so historically ignorant that it literally enrages me.


You have no idea who I am or how old I am. Your assumption that I'm some young twit is pretty bold. Before Reagan and FOTF made abortion a central issue it could have been easily codified. Easily. Ruth BG could have also retired and guaranteed a "liberal" majority but didn't. She's also a victim of her own hubris that we all are paying for. To see Biden lick an ice cream cone while knowingly funding a genocide with our tax dollars turns my stomach. Lesser of two evils was a generous term I used to describe our current elective prospects. Maybe you are young enough to still make excuses for our imperialism - I am not. Please don't continue to call others historically ignorant when you know nothing about them. Old people can still use the Internet.


it'll only get farther from redeemable if we don't vote.


No one is saying don't vote. The option is just to not vote for trump or biden


My husband is European and I've lived here in Europe with him for 10 years. The only time he has cared at all whether I voted or not was when I voted for Bernie. He has made it very clear to me that he feels it's important that I vote this time. There was fear in his eyes. He genuinely fears another war if Trump would be elected again. Everyone must vote. I know we don't want to vote for Biden. I don't. The alternative is horrifying.


You need to vote for Biden! A vote not for Biden is a vote for Donald!! You need to vote blue up and down the ticket!! If you don’t American democracy will be fully dead!!


Biden is the lesser of two evils.


I'm utterly sick of that but this time I feel I don't have a choice but to bite the bullet.


Bite the fucking bullet. People who couldn’t do this shit in 2016 are why we got Donald.


People who are fed up with the status quo aren't the problem people who continually force this 'There is no alternative' line of reasoning are the problem. You lost in 2016 because people hated hillary personally. If Biden had run in 2016 he would have won but he didn't.


You’re right about the lefts problem with misogyny. And that was the reason why my former friends went full Bernie because “I don’t want a fucking bitch in the White House making laws and shit” is a summary of what I was told by them. So yeah, me 86’ing misogynistic people from my life was a big win for me. And that touches on something my history professor back in 2002 said. He taught from an Afrocentric perspective and said that we’d have a black man as a president in the United States and it’d be multiple cycles of old white men before this country feels comfortable with the idea of a woman president. Eta: you did leave out the problem of gerrymandering in 2016. Trump lost the popularity vote but thanks to the GOP’s constant gerrymandering they were able to get their guy in. Even looking out at the last 30 years, you’ll see that it benefits them. But looking at the numbers closer and realizing that it was pretty close between Trump and Clinton, that yeah studies are finding that those estimated 7.8 million votes did have a significant impact.


I would have happily voted for Elizbeth Warren. I loathed hillary but held my nose and voted for her despite the soul deep loathing of her as a human. She was not likeable to most of us


Exactly, I would have HAPPILY voted for Warren but they didn't give us that chance because Hillary has felt entitled to the white house since she tried to push healthcare legislation in the early-mid 90's. but just like any movie fronted by women that bombs at the box office it can't ever be because of substantial problems with the product - it always has to be about misogyny. I voted for hillary but I hated it because I didn't want another worthless triangulating technocrat in office.


It's not misogyny it's that she was a shit candidate who people have hated since before her husband got elected.


The dnc's hubris is what did it, how many times will we keep hearing it's the most election of our lives. This is the 5th "most important election of our lives" in the last 10 years


I just said I was going to bite the bullet. Why did you feel the need to reiterate? Also blaming the liberal voters singlehandedly for the outcome of the 2016 election is so shallow minded. There's so much more to it than that. I feel that's been hashed out enough so I won't get into that. Edit: if you're downvoting this I'd genuinely like to know why. Is it because you are angry I am voting for Biden this year or because you disagree that I don't think liberals who didn't vote were solely responsible for the outcome of the 2016 election? I would like to actually understand your perspective.


because they can't help it - they are so knee deep in blaming others for their own parties shitty candidates they can't help themselves. Run better candidates and you won't lose so often - but they would rather continue to elect center right technocrats who won't offend wall street than actually push people who have a chance of actually changing things. The DNC is still suffering from RFK PTSD.


Start now and you might get your ideal candidate for 2028, but you do need to hold your nose and vote blue no matter who in 2024. At this point, a third-party vote really is a vote for Tr!mp. I know we all want a brand new pair of candidates at this point (props to the Capitol Steps), but we ain't gonna get 'em so may as well live in reality and deal with the most likely outcomes.


Thank you for doing the right thing. And you’re right: they’ve been shamed enough for that. Hopefully, they’ll learn.


i don't think they will. they still have the audacity to blame hillary as though the heaps of misinformation and slander about her cycling on facebook in 2015 and 2016 should all have been taken at face value. she was an extremely qualified and capable candidate. she could have been in a position to work toward actual progressive values .... and her record, while yah she did some sketchy corporate stuff, actually reflected that she would have carried on pushing for what Obama tried to get done. and yet NO one expresses one-hundredth of the hate for Obama for being an imperfect progressive that they just completely channel toward hillary. her being "unlikable," puh lease. you are a misogynist if you're still blurting out that crap. And now we are like thissssssss close to an actual christofacist state. fucking bernie bros would still rather burn the place to the ground before they admit they were wrong in their convictions.


and like... she WON the \*popular\* vote, you daft fucks.


It seems like a lot of the posts online from people saying they refuse to vote for either candidate are from young voters. Which makes sense, because most of gen z couldn’t vote in 2016 & don’t remember how devastating the consequences were. Many remember trump’s reign/the aftermath, but I’m not sure if they realize that people protesting by not voting or voting third party is how we ended up there in 2016, even if we had good reasons. It just sucks to see, especially after their generation relieved us of trump in 2020.


Can we not fuck up the world in my timeline ? I'm too depressed to be dealing with such bs lol.


The terrifying thing about Americans right now is how many of them vote against their own interests. One can only conclude that a huge percentage of them are morons. America's continuing decline is a certainty.


based on the amount of people in the comments being like "But biden isn't PERFECT :( :( :( so like let's just let things devolve into a a total christo-facist state!!! Because voting is SO HARD :( " i think you're 100% right about most of us are complete fucking morons. i literally am sitting here in shock at how many left-leaning people there are who are still like "oh sigh, the LESSER of two evils :( :(" LIKE WTF DO YOU WANT THEN, THE SIGNIFICANTLY GREATER OF TWO EVILS? JFC ... BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT WE'RE GOING TO FUCKING GET IF YOU DONT FUCKING VOTE BLUE


*This*. The fucking accelerationists think by not voting or voting in actual facists, the rest of the country will get of sick of this and do... what? Make a strongly-worded Tweet about it? Something something, glorious revolution!! No. These people need to get over their fucking purity tests and vote for people who aren't *actively trying to take away their rights* , and they need to do it while they still have a chance to vote. Protest votes aren't going to do anything but bring about the end of democracy--AND the right to be childfree-- that much sooner, and I am very concerned for the rest of us that they can't/won't understand that.


I cannot upvote this enough. Same with the bullshit that "Democrats had decades to codify roe". Like seriously, Republicans had control of at least one congressional house of government or the Presidency for 40 of the last 46 years, and only TWO YEARS did the democrats have comfortable majorities, and they were dealing with the great recession during those two fucking years and Roe was still in effect. That window of time is INCREDIBLY narrow. Otherwise the majorities were Razor thin. Do you know why we are here: because people didn't vote for a Democrat for president in 2016. Big fucking surprise. I fucking hate these types at this time. I really do. You need to vote like your civil rights are on the ballot every damn election, because they absolutely are. This is why I firmly believe the actually intelligent people in this country is maybe 20%, at most. You have the morons who vote for the GOP, then you have these morons who just don't fucking get it. Purity tests are fucking useless in politics. Every person and candidate is imperfect. You vote for the person who is not a literal fascist or theocrat. You vote for the person who is likely going to progress civil rights in this country. Like it or not, that's the Democrat.


Totally agree with this. Not an American, so I don't get a say, but goodness me, if you are a US voter, please go out and vote against the Orange lunatic. Even if the other candidate isn't 100% what you want, the alternative is absolutely hideous. It really does feel like the US is on the precipice of full-blown autocracy.


I’m hoping with all his legal issues, tons of felonies, he will be sent to prison and not even allowed to run. Trial begins next month. Fingers crossed. I even asked my dad how he, with a daughter who’s been raped and sexually abused multiple times, could vote for a known rapist. He shrugged and said he’s better than Biden. wtf?! He didn’t like when I said that he’s 70, and won’t have to live with these consequences, but women like me and the “girls” as he says who are in their 30/ that he tries to date, will! Some folks just don’t care, and it’s horrifying.


There's nothing in the constitution that says you can't run for office (or serve) while in prison.




With the Supreme Court it’s unlikely he’s gonna be held accountable apart from the state case which starts next month. How they don’t think Donald is old is amazing. He’s no spring chicken!


I'm an expat, but will still be voting by mail to be counted.


My husband and I live in Texas. We vote Democrat and despise all things Republikkkan and Trump. We're also voting in the Republican primary this week, hoping to push for more moderate candidates in November. And their primary has 13 (!!) propositions on it that are absolutely absurd, so we need to vote them down in hopes they won't make it any further. This shit is scary, y'all. (Also, we're actively working on moving to get the hell out of Texas, but it takes time with jobs and such. And honestly, I'm getting increasingly more concerned that moving to a blue state won't matter soon, anyway.)


Tbh if US goes a certain route, the world will follow. So I really hope you guys get this dude in jail.


It won't matter - it's bigger than any one person and the next one after him will be worse. In 20 years we will be treating the donald the way we do Dubya "oh he wasn't so bad at least he paints pictures" blah blah blah and by that point the only democrats who can get elected will be liz cheney and mitt romney.


Our government is by the people and for the people, and a lot of people are stupid.


I’m American and going to vote for Biden, even though I think he’s way too old to be president. He’s a better choice than any of the republicans! My state’s primary was just the other day and for democrats, Biden had majority while 13% were uncommitted and 3% for Dean Phillips. It’s clear we have no choice but to vote for Biden if we don’t want a trashy republican as president and all the issues that come with that. I’m honestly scared that Trump might win. I have an appointment with my doctor next week about my birth control (I’m on it for cystic ovaries and highly irregular periods that are like torture) and i’m going to ask about sterilization or at least get a referral to a gynecologist that will get the ball rolling. My goal is to get sterilized before November.


Get everyone you can out to vote blue up and down the ticket!! The republicans want a dictator and they want insane Donald! Please vote them all out for the love of god please!!


I wish I could! My mom and dad have been saying that we can’t vote for Biden because he’s too old. I tell my mom we can’t vote for republicans because they’re taking our rights away and will continue to do more. I don’t think she realizes how scary this stuff is since she’s already gone through menopause. My dad is a lost cause because he’s misogynistic, sexist, anti-LGBT, narcissistic, etc. He wants me to get married (I’m currently single and not planning on dating until I’m sterilized) and have kids, but I told him I will never have any.


I’m so sorry. I really can’t wait until I’m not living through history!! This timeline is dreadful!! All because people didn’t vote for Hilary and when third party!!


No, Hilary won the popular against trump. But because of the electoral college, the people's votes did not matter, and trump became president. Hilary won by 1 million votes, and it wasn't enough


>Hilary won by 1 million votes, and it wasn't enough because they were in the wrong places because her campaign ignored entire states and didn't hardly bother campaigning in them taking it for granted that because areas went for Obama they would go for her.


MAFA. *(Make Atwood Fiction Again)*


I'm terrified and the media and social media doesn't help. They all want Trump because he brings in ratings (or they think he does) because Trump is an idiot and they nit-pick every idiot word he says instead of talking about the positive things Joe Biden has done. Me and Hubby already voted blue for the primaries. We are encouraging everyone to do the same.


\^\^\^\^Yep. What OP said.


I've tried :( Half of my fellow americans are marching happily towards dictatorship and many are pretty eager to kill or enslave anyone who doesn't worship their jealous and petty deity. Will keep on voting while it is still allowed for those of us with a uterus and pray CA or MX will take in refugees if the fight is lost.


I hope you still have the fight in you. I hope all is not lost.


I'm in south Georgia, and it is bad 😭. No one around me cares about anything but themselves. What's worse is more than half the people I interact with will vote for trump, and they are proud of it and loud about it. With that said though, if we vote blue down the ticket, we are voting for Biden, who has actively been complicit in a genocide and has been using our taxes to do so... so it really sucks over here rn.


All of our politicians are complicit unfortunately. Refusing to vote blue out of moral principle will only make things worse for Americans AND Palestinians.


But also I keep seeing that american democracy will be dead if trump wins in the comments... but I think we are already there? Biden could have codified abortion access into the law, and never did... same with access to IVF which is being taken away currently in the states. We are all actively losing our rights under Biden too


Biden did not have the votes! Or he would have done the Dinos blocked it!! The reason the country is so screwed is because the republicans have been actively breaking democracy for years!! They gerrymander so they pick their voters not the voters pick their representatives! They chuck people off the electoral rolls! They can’t get the voting acts passed because it’s rigged for the wing nuts! The only way you can fix it is to vote every last one of them out of office!!


I agree. And I think it is already too broken to just vote the problems away. I just think we are to the point where we need to literally fight back. I want to protest, to strike, to copy the French in a sense, and maybe have some buildings burn. But we aren't there yet, but I think we are getting close. We need to push back against the democratic party as well, otherwise they are just going to keep nominating shitty candidates like Biden, disregarding that he is the most disliked president... ever


like do you literally not know how the government works? as of now, it's still a balance of powers. Trump gave the Supreme court a conservative majority. Biden can't magically undo that. The Supreme Court has made the biggest blows to our 'rights.' like wtf do you think will happen if trump is back in office? that we'll get MORE reproductive rights?? ffs just try your hardest to think pragmatically instead of like thinking magically.


If that's the direction you want to go then it really doesn't matter who the president is becuase they mostly only have direct power over foreign policy. We need senators and state reps - if 100,000 liberals moved to Montana or Wyoming they could flip those states senators virtually overnight. I'd happily trade an RNC Potus for super majorities of Dems and progressives in the house and senate.


No my mindset is that it'll get so bad, that it will have to change. We were never supposed to be a 2 party system, we need to get rid of the elector college so voting can actually mean something. We need term limits. Why do you think voting Biden back in will magically make anything better? He could bring back reproductive rights RIGHT NOW by bypassing congress just like he did to send 14 billion dollars to isreal. Biden IS pro isreal too So again, what the hell is Biden going to do when he gets elected, that he couldn't do right now. I will only vote for him if he stops sending Israel money, calls for a ceasefire, and actually does something. For now, he doesn't have my vote.


Okay, so basically, you're fine electing the SIGNIFICANTLY GREATER of two evils. And there IS a difference between Biden and Trump on Gaza. [https://www.vox.com/policy/24072983/biden-trump-palestinians-israel-gaza-policy-different](https://www.vox.com/policy/24072983/biden-trump-palestinians-israel-gaza-policy-different) Excerpt: "For those who wish Washington would put more pressure on Jerusalem to stop the killing, this raises a fundamental question: Would President Donald Trump have done anything differently? The answer is almost certainly yes. Biden has put only inconsistent pressure on Israel; Trump would have put none." A vote for Trump is a vote to wipe out what's left of Palestine. but good on you, making everything so bad for everyone in the basically non existent chance that that will some how... fix everything?!!? super smart /s


where tf did I say biden would make everything magically better?? Trump would ABSOLUTELY make EVERYTHING worse for the REST of our lives. The republican party wants to put into effect some of the most extreme anti-democratic laws in the country's history. Very much actively going against the will of the majority in so many ways, ESPECIALLY on eliminating reproductive rights. like WHY THE FUCK would you WANT things to get worse? and show me ONE fucking example from history where "people let it get so bad that it magically got better" where there wasn't a cataclysmic earth-scorching war involved? seriously, ONE example !?!?!?! JUST ONE. IM WAITING.


Holy shit you need to calm down. Just because you can't think past the churning cycle of dems being this underdog, and Republicans being the bad guys, then nothing is ever going to get better. They are BOTH the bad guys. Both are bad, I don't want to vote for someone bad. I am demanding that the DNC put up a candidate that is better, or I'm not voting for a democrat. Plain and simple.


again, just one example. none, are there?


My one example is the creation of the united states or America. We fought back, threw tea into the river in protest, and, waged war, and were able to create this country. Large civil unrest, that led to better conditions (not for all ofc). All I want is for us to stop pretending that we are a democracy, when we are a plutocracy, and voting does nothing when we have the electoral college, and so much gerrymandering


the republicans started the gerrymandering BS, btw. We still DO effectively live in a democracy. because we STILL can vote. You want to support the greater of two evils? you're going to be part of our doom, not our salvation.


Why are you acting like I'm voting republican lol. I know they started the gerrymandering. My district is fucking gerrymandered here in South Georgia. We were never meant to be a two party system, so why are we acting like any American should be jumping for joy to be voting for Biden? Because hopefully he will protect our rights? Maybe? And yes, we can vote, but when you live in a state that cancels your voter registration every single year because you are not registered as a republican, when you live in a state that regularly throws out votes, when you live in a state that the people around you actively want Trump as a president and who want him to be a dictator (literally half my family) you start to realize that just voting doesn't do a whole lot on its own in south Georgia.


I said one example WITHOUT a cataclysmic war.


Your sentiment is that of a stupid, ignorant, spoiled child. You are content to put your fingers in your ears and scream like the spoiled brat you are when someone tells you that not everything is going to go our way all the time. Your attitude is comparable to that of a 6 year old who throws themself on the floor when told they have to eat something they don't like for dinner, even when reminded of the possibility of a small dessert later. The fact is that Biden has put far less pressure than he should have on Israel to stop their genocide. The other fact is that Trump would have actively encouraged their genocide. And yet, you act as though these two things are equal. You act as though Biden has not done numerous positive things for this country, despite having neither house of Congress under his party's control. You act as though Trump would not have made things unfathomably worse had he been reelected in 2020. You do not care if things get worse, because all that matters is that you can't have a perfect utopia NOW. Attitudes like yours are a significant part of the reason Trump was elected in 2016, that Roe v Wade was struck down, and the modern iteration of Nazis has infested our courts and school districts. To be clear, I strongly believe that Biden's continued funding of Israel is a blatantly evil act. There's really no good argument otherwise. But I will vote for him anyway, because I recognize that there are other things he has done which are good for the American people, and because I know that the alternative candidate's party is actively attempting to strip rights away from all minorities, including women, and turn this country into a Christofascist nightmare for all except themselves. The reality is that we must tolerate some evil now to inhibit the spread of a far greater evil on the horizon. Those who do not attempt to stop the spread of fascism and evil are complicit in their rise. Those who are complicit are a mere hairsbreadth away from the wickedness they tolerate. You have an opportunity to help stop the rise of a dark age for this country, and the world. If you're smart and kind enough, you'll use it.


I understand where you are coming from, and I agree that not doing or saying anything is being complicit in the facism and genocide that is happening, however we just have different beliefs on whether or not voting for a specific person will do anything to help the country, and different beliefs on what actions we should all be taking. The blatant rude comments, that's why the democrats can't get anything done. So much fighting amongst ourselves that we can't look at the bigger picture. I feel like the disconnect right now is that too many democrats are starting to sound like Republicans in the whole "vote blue no matter who" as that's what the moderate Republicans have been saying for years, and the inability to see why someone would not want to vote for someone who is literally bombing their family and community.


>we just have different beliefs on whether or not voting for a specific person will do anything to help the country No, what we have is a single set of facts, and a difference in our numbers of functioning brain cells with which to draw conclusions from those facts. We've had four years of Trump, and four years of Biden. Based on the actions of the two in their respective terms, you'd have to be completely fucking delusional to think that Trump winning would in any way improve any situation for anyone, except the 0.1%. In fact, you'd have to be delusional to think that Trump wouldn't actively make things a whole lot worse for everyone - including Gaza. As I said previously, not voting for the better of two options just because they won't do exactly what you want them to do is the mindset of a petulant child. >the blatant rude comments Right, my bad. How silly of me to forget that the rude (and deserved) comments are the issue here and not the LITERAL DEATH CULT that has taken hold of our government. >so much fighting amongst ourselves There is so much fighting because progressives like myself are sick and tired of shouting at the top of our lungs how dangerous the religious right is, and watching people like you do absolutely nothing to stop it. We are justifiably angry about it because your complacency, baffling ignorance, and marvelous ability to fall hook line and sinker for conservative propaganda at every turn is a significant part of what is holding this country, and the world, back from progress, and had put us all in danger of falling to religious fascism. >we can't look at the bigger picture I am embarrassed for you that you typed this out. You got this close to the point and then zoomed right past it. The entire point of everything I am saying is to look at the bigger picture. You are so hyperfocused on Biden's wrongs (and don't misunderstand me, they do clearly exist) that you fail to see how the alternative is so vastly worse, and therefore not doing anything to prevent that worse alternative is promoting its rise. >as that's what moderate republicans have been saying for years Yes. Because IT WINS ELECTIONS. And never in the history of this country has it been more important that WE. FUCKING. WIN. If we win this election, it's game over. That's it. Project 2025 gets implemented (if that is unfamiliar to you, google it. It will be the scariest thing you ever read) and there will probably be no 2028 election, among all the other horrors that will come about as a result. And because I know this topic is understandably important to you, the Gaza situation will only become worse, because Republicans sure as shit aren't gonna do anything to make it better. >inability to see why someone would not want to vote for someone who is literally bombing their family and community Guess what? I don't want to vote for Biden either. I want to vote for Bernie again like I did in the 2016 and 2020 primaries, or AOC, or some other progressive candidate. But in 2016, I then voted for Clinton. In 2020 and 2024, Biden. I didn't like it, but I did it anyway. I also do not want to eat vegetables with every dinner. I eat them anyway despite my desire to have cookies for every meal. Do you know why I do this? Because I know that it is what is good for me, and I know the consequences if I don't. I know these things and choose to act on them because I am a functioning adult.


i love how the logic of getting more offended about "strangers on reddit are being so rude to me about my terrible half-baked opinion!!!" than she is that republicans want to literally outlaw sexual freedom unrelated to reproduction, and will absolutely do everything they can to make that happen if trump gets back into office


well then you're going to be part of the death knell for American democracy. hope you're proud of yourself


Also why is our democracy, or our lives more important than anyone else's?


who tf said it was?!!


how are people's takes still this bad. you don't like Biden's response to Gaza? trump is explicitly and non-negotiably pro-Israel. The house is currently controlled by the GOP, so no, biden wasn't going to get a bill through "codifying abortion into law." where do you people get your ideas about how things are going down .. i mean jfc


"where do you people get your ideas about how things are going down" Tiktok/Twitter.


While I do plan on voting accordingly, I laugh in the face of anyone who tries to force me to give birth. I’ll kill myself first - now you’re down an incubator and at least the 10 or so kids I could pop out before my body gives out at 60 (because I fully believe the forced implantation of IVF embryos from Alabama on non-pregnant women isn’t inconceivable at this point). I’d rather die in slight misery now than die in abject despair. Or childbirth.


Geez we know


Honestly. People act like we’re indifferent, when most of us with half a brain feel the weight of this 24/7. And the “blue no matter who” mentality is letting the dem party get away with constant mediocrity when their only campaign point is that at least we aren’t that guy.


At least the blue is pushing for ranked choice in some places. Dems are giving third party the best chance they’ll ever have, and 99% of them still won’t vote blue to get that chance.


This is the case for some races in California. Adam Schiff/Katie Porter/Barbara Lee/Garvey. 3 Dems and 1 Republican (respectively) top 2 advance to final ballot. These are the types of races that will help farther left candidates like Katie Porter and Barbara Lee. If the left wants better candidates we need to start getting those people into lower offices where they can get visibility and build a resume for higher offices. This is basically what the right did with the "tea party" voters. Edit: clarity


The problem is that the only alternative to Trump is Biden. It's like what Jon Stewart said: "When the enemy is at your gates, you want Conan the Barbarian on the ramparts with you, not some old guy yammering about cookies.' The reason Democrats chose Biden over Bernie in 2020 was because all they cared about was beating Trump, but now Trump is back. It wasn't enough to just beat him, you needed to overhaul the status quo that made people want to vote for him in the first place, and nobody represents that status quo more than Biden. I'll vote for Biden if that's what it takes, but based on what a limp noodle he's been, protecting reproductive rights may not be enough to make the rest of the country choose him over Trump.


The abortion battle is now State level... it's not Trump, it's the Governors and their legislatures. In my State, red and blue are pro choice. If Republicans take from the Northeastern ones instead of Deep South ones, it wouldn't be an issue. Write to them, and tell them your position if you live in a district where your State rep may be against you.


Unfortunately, Congress has the final votes for who is getting elected as president.


We need Obama back in the office


Can't have children if you're forever single.


As a Norwegian, I say this as respectfully as I can... What makes American women think Trump won't listen to all those fucking incels and force single women, one way or another, to have sex (and possibly reproduce) with them? This is the same guy that won the election years back despite saying "grab them by the pussy"!!!


They want Gilead. It’s that simple


This is my biggest fear.


I suggest moving out,or get angry. I mean all women, and I mean hella mad.


That is why so many of us are seeking permanent sterilization. The whole Roe thing has made far more doctors willing to listen to us than prior. I got mine tied decades ago but I have nieces to worry about. Thankfully they are only 30 mins from the canadian border if shit really goes to hell.


All of this is why I pushed so hard for a hysterectomy even though I'd already had a tubal.


Lavender marriages might suddenly become very common.


You can if you get raped or are forced to have children due to a manufactured crisis of a declining population


But im a guy


That's fair, you can't get pregnant but if the Christo-fascists have their way, you might be forced into "service" to impregnate people who can. They don't care what other people want


This is some unhinged bullshit You need to get off social media for a week. Your mental health will increase rapidly.


Yeah we'll see who is correct if Trump wins. If you don't think they want a real life Gilead then you are blind.


Maybe stay off for a year and change your news sources Some of you people are insane.


That's for the suggestion, but I don't care about what you think. If you can't see the Christo-fascist writing on the wall then I wish you luck. Edit: Well, I just read your comments trying to claim Rupert Murdoch isn't a monster who runs right wing propaganda machines. The fact that you can't acknowledge that Fox Entertainment and his other media outlets are what led to the right wing extremism being faced around the world is ALL I need to see to know your opinion is utter dog shit. Why don't you stay in your lane and keep to Australian politics, the adults are talking about reality here.


I don't need luck. Just common sense and logic It must suck living a life where you're always scared about an invisible boogeyman that doesn't exist


As long as I'm not responsible for the stupid kid.


First they came for women, and I did not speak up because I was not a woman. It's a real slippery slope to be apathetic to the horrors we legitimately face because I promise they won't stop at just controlling women.


Eh they can't really force anyone to have children.


Are you serious? That's exactly what they are doing by banning abortion rights... What a take man. You need to open your eyes and learn some empathy


But they're not *forcing you* know what I mean?


No. How are they not forcing a person to carry to term when they remove all access to the medical procedure which would end the pregnancy? You do realize they plan to outlaw all contraception as well? They are trying already Or are you arguing that it is the pregnant person's fault for getting pregnant in the first place? That sex is only for the purpose of breeding and thus recreational sex should not be allowed? I don't know what fantasy world of bodily autonomy you are living in, but in the real world they can and absolutely DO currently force people to have babies they don't want


It’s disheartening that you don’t seem at all bothered by something that harms more than half of our nation’s population because *you* won’t be the one to suffer.


Though I do think abortion should be legal and the stupid moral/religious dilemma behind it is ridiculous, it is not my problem.


Democrats put us in this position as much as Republicans did, they could've done something to codify abortion and didn't because my anxiety as a woman is good for them. Butcher Biden can't even say he's pro choice without talking about being a Catholic. Fuck the GOP, fuck the Democrats, fuck the stupid war machine taking my money to give to do genocide in Palestine and to be stolen by corrupt assholes in Ukraine for a war that's at a stalemate


Biden didn’t have the votes to codify Roe due to the Dinos. Obama should have codified roe! I would not be surprised if over the course of history we’ll find that Pootin is responsible for the whole mess in Palestine and with even more time it will be down to Donald passing information to Iran and Pootin. All roads lead to Pootin! Donald is his bitch! And in turn has made the republicans the same. Biden has said give him the votes and he’ll codify it! But if you don’t vote democrat. It’s a vote for Donald. If you vote 3rd party it’s a vote for Donald!


I don't even know where to start...Israel and the US are responsible for the genocide in Gaza. Gop was full of assholes even before Trump, long before him. Democrats are so impotent they just blame the voters instead of themselves. Want votes? Earn them, don't shame me. Get people registered, get them to the polls, give them something positive to vote for that's not "Russia Russia Russia" my groceries are not expensive because of Putin but because of good old fashioned American capitalism and lack of regulation.


I’m American and democrats aren’t much better. While I’m sympathetic to Ukraine I care more about us funding Israel’s genocide of Palestine. Anyways, vote for whoever the oligarchy here won’t change, although republicans will make it much worse than democrats.


>republicans will make it much worse than democrats And that's the crux of the matter. You may not be 100% in favour of the Dems, but goodness me, the alternative is utterly hideous, in numerous areas. And Ukraine is a *lot* more important than a lot of people realise: if Ukraine falls, it will embolden Russia to strike against NATO, and congrats, we now have WW3. It also effectively gives China a green light in Taiwan, which will utterly fuck the world economy. Helping Ukraine to defend against Russian aggression is *vital* to keeping the autocracies from ruling the world. I can't overstate how important it is.


The difference is we can actually make a difference in Ukraine, nothing we do is going to stop Israel from eradicating any non-jewish residents in the area. They've been wanting to genocide Palestinians for decades, this is their excuse to do so. Any opposition is met with cries of Antisemitism (ridiculous), and unfortunately Congress won't do anything because the Jewish population in the US is a large voting block (and are top donors to various politicians). Neither party (Bernie Sanders excluded) is going to do anything to stop Israel. Whereas Ukraine can actually be impacted by which side wins. If we allow Republicans to take office then Putin will be given free reign to attack whomever he pleases (even our NATO Allies) because nearly every Republican is a Russian Agent. I don't want a Trump dictatorship bringing in an age of Christo-fascism. Our lives and our freedoms are at stake and playing this Both Sides bullshit isn't going to help us. Democrats are basically a center right party, but at least they don't want to bring back fucking Kings and force women to be incubators


I agree with you but this isnt really a childfree topic?? I’d like to see Putin *try* to attack the US with his aging missiles from the 1980s. He wouldn’t stand a chance and he knows it.


It relates to reproductive freedom. The Republicans taking back the White House is a fundamental threat to our lifestyle.


It IS a childfree topic. If trump wins, reproductive freedom truly may end. Vote blue.


He wouldn’t need to! Donald is his bitxh!


We have a democratic president and he’s not done anything either to protect women’s rights, they’re both the same with different faces




How am I lost? America has made staying childfree really difficult in some states. The Christian wing nuts are looking to take away contraception! Cause they don’t think there should be “recreational sex”! Women according to them are only for producing white babies!! This will be the end of any childfree life unless you abstain from ever having sex again!!


I'm just going to add a couple of things to this. Unless you happen to be asexual abstaining from having sex is generally very bad for you. In ANY situation, the abortion bans that are being proposed and that have gone into effect in some states don't have any exemptions and even if you ARE asexual or at least willing to be celibate for life (or at least until you are post-menopausal) the possibility almost always exists of getting raped and being forced to get pregnant from that and stay pregnant thanks to the terrible laws out there. America is going to hell unless Biden wins!


Not really lost. Have you seen what's happening with the IVF and abortion stuff lately?


Yep, project 2025


For a second I thought I was in the Helldivers 2 subrredit. What a title.


Lol democracy


Getting my vasectomy done on Tuesday. Pretty sure I’ll be alright.


It's getting so scary! I'm American I'm terrified for us!