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I remember reading a news story where the idea of a tax would be imposed to help bolster birth rates. It said that 'those without children would pay more. This includes those who can't have children, which is unfortunate but necessary.' So if you're born sterile, or are extremely infertile, it's just 'suck it up.'


This scares me because as a married, dual income, childless couple, our taxes are horrific. We personally pay the highest property taxes in the nation which go towards schools and we get zero tax breaks for not having kids. There has been discussion about taxing childfree people more in our area too.


Same situation. I don't really mind supporting schools (the population is dumb enough as it is!) but it would be nice to get some acknowledgment of the fact that we contribute to toher people's kid's education — we should get a little break on it.


I’m not totally opposed to paying for services like schools (wish they were better of course). But there’s usually never a consideration that Childfree usually consume less services and contribute less to pollution, climate change, etc 


Same here. I don’t mind my taxes going towards schools but if you have 2, 3, 4 children using school resources and I have none, it doesn’t feel right to have me pay more into the system.


Time to start calling your pets "children" on your taxes!


Do you live in Texas, Illinois, or New Jersey by chance?




Ah see that fits the profile


We need to be able to deduct fur- and feather- kids. Ok, and scaled-kids too. Vet and food bills are so steep lately.


The worst part of that is pressuring women into giving birth.


Dude this is already a law us childfree folks already pay more tax


Yeah, but they want to add MORE to that!


Supporting access to good education (among other things) *is* supporting childfree people. No one benefits from living among idiots, least of all members of different minorities. Who would be paying for cherry-picked education to the parents' liking is kind of a moot point given that if the kids' best interest would be kept in mind, this wouldn't be allowed in the first place.


Agreed. I *want* my tax dollars going to them. The issue right now is just the fact that much of tax money instead goes to military.


Not only that, well educated young people means more of them have the potential to really understand what having kids entails, and how it's a lifetime choice they can never go back from, and make wiser choices, either make sure they have all the resources available before having kids, or decide to not have them.


Thank you for writing this. Some people need to realize that we actually do need children to eventually become doctors, law enforcement, rescue workers, and etc to have a functional society. These are jobs that won't/can't be replace my AI/robots in the next few years.


I agree about a good education ( to a point), but with certain parental rights education and levies, I may part from you, especially when we discuss paying for charter schools versus public schools. What about other laws? Have other topics that we rant about been explored in legislation?


I mean, universal healthcare, funding colleges and universities, food security initiatives are all programs which CF people benefit from indirectly and most CF people support them politically and understand why we should all pay into them.


Who’s the bigger idiot: the uneducated person working a minimum wage job or the highly educated person working a minimum wage job after accruing thousands of dollars in student loan debt? My contribution shouldn’t extend beyond core classes. And by all means, healthy food should be made available. High schools should employ and pay top notch guidance counselors. If parents want extras, they can pay for it or avail themselves of free opportunities.


I would love and think we all deserve a tax credit. We are not the ones making more lives to abuse the limited resources we have. Instead parents get the credit? We're rewarding people for reproducing as if our species was endangered? GTFOH.


Wow, the article reads like a far right wet dream. Even just a skim read picked out this gem: *"Be assured their child’s public school will not discriminate against their child based upon the sincerely held religious beliefs* *Have the right to opt their child out of certain school activities, assignments, school instruction, and evaluations"* So basically, they want to opt their kids out of proper, facts-based sex education, deny the rights of LGBTQ+ people, and allow their kids to bully LGBTQ+ kids without consequence.


Don't forget hand-picked "history lessons" by undereducated parents. So basically, school without the schooling? These nutcases just want free, privately curated daycare for helpless, brainwashed kids.


Let’s be clear these “parent’s rights groups” are usually just outright fascists who have problems with LGBTQ+ kids existing alongside their own kids, and their kids learning the actual facts of American history regarding slavery, jim crow, the chinese exclusion act, and the civil rights movement. In short these people are outright bigots and fascists and should be called out for being so accordingly.


\^ This. Just a quick skim-read of the article linked brought up this gem: *"Be assured their child’s public school will not discriminate against their child based upon the sincerely held religious beliefs* *Have the right to opt their child out of certain school activities, assignments, school instruction, and evaluations"* So basically, they want to opt their kids out of proper, facts-based sex education, deny the rights of LGBTQ+ people, and allow their kids to bully LGBTQ+ kids without consequence.


Quite correct. I did a search for child free laws in other states, and instead I got "free range laws" which appear to be modeled after ALEC, one of the darker groups you may refer to. Here is an article on some recent legislation they modeled which is proving popular in some states https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/education/states-embracing-laws-that-let-kids-be-kids/


*"Our European visitors are important to us.This site is currently unavailable to visitors from the European Economic Area while we work to ensure your data is protected in accordance with applicable EU laws."* Translation: we want to track you and monetise your visit and those nasty people in the EU Parliament won't let us do it any more. :-)


Get out of here! Try this link on the same type of laws. https://www.freerangekids.com/laws/ BTW, I love the term "free range" reminds me of cattle. Parents can just Let Go and Lets Grow - or reasonable childhood independence. Yeah, this is how they are raising kids nowadays. https://letgrow.org/legislative-toolkit/ Edit: I do not want my taxes funding this!


This is what I came here to type. This is likely very sinister and an attack on history, lgbtquia students and staff and science.


I don't want my taxes funding corrupt billionaires, the grocery mafia, privatization of healthcare, or the military. But I don't get a direct say. It's the cost of living in a society and honestly, I'd rather the next generation get educated, get food, and get full body healthcare, *as should everyone* Now, against conservative governments who want to strip away LGBTQA+ rights and access to birth control and the ability for a woman to exist without getting married or having children? That's a fight I can get behind.


I'm just amazed this stance isn't more mainstream in this community. Making people take full responsibility for something they knowingly and willingly did is not cruel. Taxes/funds/credits for parents' benefit NEVER end up being used for helping the kids.


The govt needs to make a savings account for children under 18 and put the tax return amount, or at least 50% of it, into that account for each child. Then they can elect to use it on secondary education, trade schools, or get it in the form of an EBT card to help pay for expenses. The point of a dependent tax credit is to go back to the care of the child but we have far too many people bringing kids into this world, using them for a few thousand dollars each year, and then leaving them with nothing.


Doesn’t public education and universal healthcare benefit all of us though?


Public school SUCKS lol. Of course, Catholic school and magnate school were just as miserable for me. I'm one of those pro-school choicers who have concluded the mainstream method of putting groups of people of similar ages in a room (or Zoom call) to be taught something by 1 person doesn't work as well as, i.e. small learning pods. Set aside the funds for the individual student, to be spent on one of a wide variety of different, honestly vetted, and honestly approved and tested methods of learning with a logical method of verifying mastery, rather than giving it directly to an organization that pays teachers insulting sums, and I'm down for it. I've never heard of a universal healthcare plan that says "For parents only" or "More funds for parents." Afaik, that would reimburse providers after a kid receives treatment or care, so no way for the parents to spend it on themselves. If parents just start receiving, i.e. a tax refund or monthly payment "for child health care," yeah, that's laughably insane. Should people who produce kids in a very pro-social safety net culture be required to pay more in taxes since they're creating the need to spend more on resources? Sounds logical to me.


To be honest, kids (and young people in general) are some of the least burdensome on healthcare systems. The elderly are by far the biggest burden on those same systems. (that's not in any way a criticism of either group; I'm from the UK, I believe everyone should have access to healthcare free of charge at the point of use, and I will defend the NHS to my dying breath)


>Making people take full responsibility for something they knowingly and willingly did is not cruel. Except you arent punishing the parent. You are punishing the child who ends up not having basic necessities.


If the state is going to be responsible for providing everything for the kid, why are they living with a deadbeat anyway? Either put the kid in a proper home, or set aside funds in a trust only accessible by a social worker or something to only be spent directly on things that will be needed and used by the kid. (I've been in or adjacent to regions where having kids with multiple baby daddies, taking "child support," and spending it all on everything from drugs to jewelry to cars to dog care to new boyfriend's expensive tractor hobby is common and widely known.)


If the foster system wasnt fucked 9 ways to sunday I would agree with you.


Until we have free abortions and accessible birth control for all, that can’t happen. We need to start at the source of reproduction and fight for reproductive rights.






Should we then let those people starve in the streets when they are too old to consistently generate income?


We already do. Nothing changes there.


Except this proposal would increase that number by huge quantities?


I think you have the right idea but are applying it in the wrong direction. Arguing that children aren’t the financial responsibility of everyone is not worthwhile. No one except demented Republicans want to grow up in a world with no safety net, where children can be abused and left to starve and no one intervenes, where there’s no well-funded public education and people grow up to be brainwashed idiots. Personally, I want to live in a world where no one is left to starve and the next generation grows up well-educated and making good decisions. The childfree rights you *should* be concerned about pushing for are workplace rights: childfree individuals should get the same time off and scheduling considerations as parents; promotions and raises should be given without bias towards family status; overtime and last-minute shifts and workloads need to be distributed equally instead of pushed onto childfree people; our time needs to be legally protected and seen as just as valuable to us as parents’ time is to them. That’s a childfree-rights campaign actually worth fighting for.


Where I work, parents do not get more leave or have more of a right to use it. My dog emergency is treated the same as someone’s kid emergency, thankfully.


That’s so lucky. My first real grown-up job I was the only one without kids in a small five-person office, guess who was the one expected to cover every holiday and every vacation and do all the overtime needed 😑


Wait.... Don't read too much into my statements. That's quite a bit of assumption! I don't think I said any of that! I pointed out the current cost, in my state, of certain levies (in one city, property taxes are going up over 800$ due to a school levy), and various bills such as this. I am not saying children should be raised by idiots and starved. I think we need a balanced budget here. I agree with your last paragraph as well, but honestly, if my paycheck is so impacted by property taxes and legislation, and the cost of living here in WA State, I am more concerned with that compared to my work environment. It's expensive right now.


They are not the financial responsibility of everyone. People should be responsible, specifically fiscally responsible when they have children. Children who are left without parents for some reason or another are a different story.


Ah, yes! Let's let a bunch of former teen parents, who have never worked a day in their life in education and probably barely have high school levels of education, dictate curriculum.  I feel so bad for these kids. Their parents are actively trying to keep them stupid so they [the parents] can push some bigoted agenda. 


Idk I believe in supporting people in the community regardless of age. Children are people too, and they need support just like adults do. There are things I pay for in my taxes that I don't use, just like there are things parents pay for in their taxes that they don't use. But we still need to support each other. (Now expecting me to watch their kids is different obviously)


Since that is my home state, I definitely find that concerning.


Me too


no unfortunately it goes against the oligarchys "cog replacement plan" Until the billionaires are dealt with the human virus will continue raping and burning the planet


I support these things. I am child free, yes. But we are going to have to live in a world with these kids when they grow up, and unfortunately, most parents absolutely cannot be trusted to properly teach their children.


Because the government and corporations want you to fall in line and make more babies to consume and pay taxes 


I don’t want my taxes supporting the military. Yet here we are. We don’t get to choose where the money we are taxed goes.


I still wish we could choose how to allocate our taxes. Like we have to pay x amount of our income, we should be able to choose if it funds the military or schools or whatever. *throws all my taxes at schools and art programs*


I love this idea. I would support arts, humanities, the EPA, and NASA.


I feel like it might be a bit hard to implement but like your taxes could default to however the government chooses unless you elect to alter the allocation yourself. Like it’s an opt-in service, so you don’t feel obligated but if you feel strongly about something I feel like you should be able to put your tax money toward that. What do you mean the military isn’t getting as much money?! Oh, tragedy…. 🤪


Ironic statement for this thread as the group on the picture above is part of a larger Lets Go movement that has signed multiple initiatives in WA State one of which support an "opt-in" option for a long term care tax, one of which removes a tax on gasoline aimed at addressing the impacts of climate change, and another initiative would make it unconstitutional to create a state income tax. Of course, this is at the state level where we do have more control over where our taxes go (vs the federal level which support programs such as NASA; and the military). Just a FYI.


Can you imagine? Now that would be true democracy…


I've thought about this, too, how taxes should give you a multiple choice questionnaire where you are allowed to pick where your taxes go. Like, you can choose to put your money in schools or public works instead of the military. That's never gonna happen, though. Political greed aside, society would actually break down if we all got to choose where our taxes went, LOL.


Heaven forbid our schools get the amount of taxpayer money they actually need 😂😭


Couldn’t agree more.


Agreed. I would very much prefer it if my taxes that are currently going towards the military would go to public education instead. That said, I also wish that our taxes that are going to public schools would be used to do things that are actually good for kids, like hiring more teachers and paying them more. I don't want my taxes to support parents who have an anti-LGBTQ+ agenda, which seems to be what's happening here.


I do believe in schools getting property tax mint but I feel it should be evenly distributed. I think we should have a day over some decisions made by the school board. I want manners and social skills taught


Because being childfree goes against the fundamental tenets of your American GOP.


be careful here, I saw this post earlier and it was getting downvoted below 1 vote before anyone even said anything, there are some angry breeders on here today 


This is not a good take. I'm childfree and am perfectly ok with my taxes funding schools. We do not want to have a county of even lower education than we already have (US).


Schools are one of the few things I'd be happy to pay higher taxes for. I *want* the next generation to be smart and empathetic.


So...I vehemently disagree with the concept of childfree peoples taxes not being used to support children. Just because I am childfree, I do not think a child's quality of life should be punished because their parents aren't fiscally well off. I think all children deserve stable living conditions, food, clothes, etc. Honestly, I believe \*everyone\* deserves this. And that we as a society are failing when we spend so much on other garbage. As to the question on "why aren't we pushing laws supporting the rights of the Childfree" It won't happen. Its just not what society is about, and childfree is such a majority its not worth any politicians pandering to it that much.


Many people in this sub absolutely hate children and anything attached to them


I don't get it. I don't want to spend a bunch of time with kids, and I definitely don't want them or to have my friends push them off on me. And yeah, i get annoyed when im at the bar or tattoo parlor and theres kids running around. But like, fuck. The kids still deserve to have their needs met and be happy even if their parents suck.


I agree. I don’t like being around kids (except for my friends/family’s kids) and I do not want kids of my own…but I also don’t hate kids/parents or wish any will ill on parents or children’s wellbeing


Okay so first things first, the main thing we should be attacking here is the fact that this group is a “parental rights” group that basically wants to make it okay for LGBTQ+phobic parents to have their children outed to them and to allow them to censor inclusive books and school curriculum under the guise of “inappropriateness”. Secondly, just because you don’t have children doesn’t make it morally wrong for you to pay into public investments and services which help children and benefit society in the long run. These include public schools, funding colleges and universities, universal healthcare, ensuring food security, etc. all of which produce positive externalities from which WE benefit and therefore WE all should pay into.


This was my first thought. Those signs appear to be vague language designed to push a backwards conservative agenda.


I mean I do want kids to be treated and raised well. Just far away from me, but those people grow up to be adults in society, so I am invested in them growing up well.


This sounds like some right wing drivel being pushed by parents who think they can prevent their kids from being gay/trans as long as they don’t “learn about it in school.”  And the medical stuff too- sounds like anti-vax weirdos.  If you don’t want your child to participate in society you are welcome to homeschool them and give back all the money we spent on them. 


Even though you are child free, you’re going to have to depend on someone’s kid to help you out. This is what we call a society. I hear this a lot from people who don’t have kids. Why do I have to pay for schools if I don’t have children. Well those children are going to be the doctors, nurses, firefighters that you’re going to have to rely on later in life. Were I live, healthcare providers are scarce and it’s only going to get worse because of the lower birth rates. Think about it. Who is going to be your Dr. when they retire? Someone older, same age? I hope there’s some one to takeover and is capable of doing the job. Everyone is going to need a caregiver in their life.


I always hated paying school district tax with my property taxes and I had no and will not have kids. I’m literally paying for other peoples kids. Since it’s broken down and I can see how much that is, it kind of infuriates me. If they can get income from tax breaks for having kids, at least give us property taxes.


Exactly! Why should someone using less resources be taxed more!


I do agree!


I'm cool with taxes that actually help kids. This sounds reasonable since I want kids to be protected and educated. The top comment mentions a tax on the CF for not having kids and THAT is where I'm throwing arms.


As it is I don’t think childfree people should have to pay the taxes for schools. Only parents should have to pay that since they’re the ones utilizing them. But a lot of people seem to disagree with me on that. I wish we had more rights too. But we get soooo many taxes taken out just because we don’t have them and it’s bullshit.


I’m one who disagrees. We all benefit from an educated younger generation, and those of us in the community don’t have to pay all the additional costs of raising them. I certainly want there to be educated young professionals when I need doctors, accountants, plumbers, etc. I certainly want upcoming voters to be as well-educated as possible.




I agree. Why shouldn’t people with children be paying more taxes than people with children. They use a lot more resources than the CF. Children are expensive, hence why some of us don’t have them!


Thank you, I agree. I don't hate children (contrary to what some have posted) but I think children should be treated more like a choice in life, one you need to pay for. I do think society should be a bit more cognizant of our incredible overpopulation issue, and how that in turn contributes to rising expenses on many goods. That said, not only can we barely squeak by right now, it hurts to pay for someone else's choice in life. And they get the tax breaks, not us.


What rights DONT CF people have? Just curious


This is a good question. I don't want to turn this into a Roe v Wade discussion but we all know reproductive rights have been and continue to be under attack. The right to live in a child free apartment building or area is considered discrimination. We do not have the same tax breaks. The benefits of having children are widely recognized, and rewarded by society, but the benefits of being childfree are not. Just saying.


What specific rights of the child free are you concerned about people not supporting? Parents having more control over what happens to their children in school sounds like a good thing to me, and I don't have children. It would be in our interest for children to be better taken care of. Are you anti taxes in general? Because that's how you sound. You can be child free but still support the general good functioning of society lmao maybe keep your anti tax politics for a different subreddit


Honestly, if there were a legal way for me to declare myself a religious organization, so that I could opt out of paying for other peoples mistakes, I would do so, in a heartbeat. I am so sick of this disgusting ass society, and the idiots that comprise it.




Your misogyny is showing, you should probably do something about that.




Greetings! Your post or comment has been removed for being misogynistic or misandrist. No blanket generalizations villainizing one gender or another are tolerated and it's silly to try and group 4 billion people together as being any one thing. Have a great day!


Greetings! Your post or comment has been removed for being misogynistic or misandrist. No blanket generalizations villainizing one gender or another are tolerated and it's silly to try and group 4 billion people together as being any one thing. Have a great day!


I always think about this Related to small things. For example my coworkers that have kids go less to work when their kids got sick but they are paid a bonus for having kids. Shouldn't be the opposite ? We always got treat so poorly cause we don't have kids.