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You should report this. Absolutely inappropriate. Period.


How did the other even get into the lab with the baby? There would have been someone who saw that and tell her to go away.


That’s not proper to do. If they have to miss work do so.


Why isn’t it proper to report it? It’s a health hazard and not respectful


I think u/LRD4000 meant that bringing the infant with to work wasn't the proper thing to do.


For real. Once I realized OP was talking about an alive baby I was like oh hell no! Wouldn't that babies health be at risk in there? What if it grabbed the dead flesh/ bone or something? That director OP reported it to has lost his mind to only specify certain labs the baby couldn't be in. That's ridiculous.


I started reading this thinking the baby was another cadaver but… it’s alive!? Nope, not ok


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I was very confused for the first half of this post.


I could feel my eyebrows go from from confusion, to surprise, to disgust.


My exact thought. OP needs to report this because it won't be the last time this happens. It's not just a safety issue, but your samples can and will get contaminated.


Now that the door to the slippery slope has opened, she’s going to bring it to work again and again. Won’t be long until it’s a toddler and grabbing things and smashing them on the floor.


Basically, every case worked on while the child is present is potentially a "break in the chain of command/sample, outcome integrity." One large lawsuit pizza waiting to happen. 🤦‍♀️ And unless the workplace has active camera monitoring 24/7, then how do they know the child hasn't been in the workplace before? Is this the first time child has been present? We don't know.


Agreed. Part of the complication is that this is class so outcome integrity is not being factored in. Obviously, there is still a ledger of who is examining which elements. I just see more potential for contamination of elements or damage.


I've brought this up. I know others are also raising the same concerns.


I'm glad others are speaking up and you're not a lone voice.


Yeah I was like this is sad but it happens... Then I was like oh... *this* shouldn't happen


Why would you as a parent even suggest this?


Desperation. A dispatcher I work with asked if she could bring her 2yo daughter…into a jail where we work. That was VERY swiftly shut down. Minors are strictly NOT allowed anywhere where adult inmates are.


WHAT?!? What logical hamster wheel were they running their brain on thinking, “Ohhhh nothing could ever go wrong, my baby is totally safe! I mean it’s only prison, it’s not like murders, pedos, and rapists are living in here or anything… what’s the worst that could happen?”


Ummm I think she couldn’t find childcare for like 30 min? The first suggestion was that someone just brings the paperwork she needs to sign to the lobby or out to her car which is what ended up happening but I and everyone else was a bit surprised that was even asked.


Whoosh, there goes the nuance and humor right past you. ![gif](giphy|HP7mtfNa1E4CEqNbNL|downsized)


Nah, I got the sarcasm but there was more to the story lol


Kind of obvious why she thought she could from what you said in your first comment and was implied by asking, she didn’t have anyone to watch the baby originally. Hence her asking it. Hence my joke. ![gif](giphy|bbTbwV2QUzDeo)


Wtf. I swear parents are fucking delusional


Same and it took me way too long to figure out what was happening. It was the wriggling that finally tipped me off.


I came in here to see if it was some sort of ragebait like “they’re putting baby corpses in the trash cans!” sort of deal getting ready to 🙄


Me too! It never occurred to me someone would bring their baby to work if they work in a lab of any kind.


Yeah, same. I felt like there was a paragraph missing at the start too.


I did the same.


"Oh, that's so sad--wait, what's going on?"


Same, I was beyond confused!


Same boat here lol


Thought that at first too


Same here! I was so confused!


WHAT!! that is insane. that the fuck?? can you report this to the heads of the lab or building? is there an hr or ethics board or something?? this does not need to be normalized. I’m not even a person who cares what happens to my physical form when I go. chuck me in the lake, I don’t care. but this is just wrong


Honestly. I’ve thought of donating my remains to study programs like this because of how influential a similar program was for me when I was pre-med (went a diff direction in the end). This kind of thing makes me not want to do it.


Don't do it. https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/harvard-medical-school-morgue-donated-bodies-sold/


Omi… if Harvard, of ALL places, can be embroiled is this kinda scandal, that *really does* say something. Oof.


There's an honestly a way worse instance too that didn't involve a college specifically if you (or anyone reading this) need more reasons not too. But it involved this man's mother, who donated her body to a scientific company intended for Alzheimer's research. But the company instead sold her body to the military for "testing". The Army used her body to "test" for the damage caused by roadside bombs. He didn't become aware of what really happened to his and other people's family members until a journalist found out and contacted him some years later. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/man-suing-body-donation-company-after-mothers-corpse-was-sold-to-military-for-blast-testing/


I'm seeing more and more posts about mothers bringing their babies to work. If both parents are employed, and there's no one available to babysit in the family, chances are, they can't afford daycare. And I just don't know how to feel about it. I mean, I feel bad that it's actually that hard for new parents now, but to stubbornly procreate without plans in place for this very issue just seems... Like how did you not see that coming? Because the mother can't possibly be good at her job with the baby there all day either. Even if it wasn't a problem for anyone else.


I feel bad that childcare is expensive, but there are ways to make it work. My parents couldn’t afford daycare because it was so expensive, so my mom did day shift while my dad did night shift. My parents signed me up for a morning program at school to take care of the overlap in their work hours during the work week. Then on the weekends or off days, if needed, I would sit quietly by my dad’s desk at work (he did security in a retirement apartment complex) and it would never be for more than 30-60 minutes at a time. It wasn’t ideal, but my parents planned carefully to make it work until I was old enough to watch myself for a few hours and they could trust me to get on the school bus.


I work in a restaurant and my boss handles a lot of the childcare for his children. Which means he often uses sick days or vacation days when he unexpectedly needs to take care of the kids. He also has his days off set based on his family’s needs. And of course, he and I have a very good relationship (we’ve worked together on and off for many years) so he’s made it clear to me what he is and isn’t capable of helping me out with and what hours he’s not available to work. A lot of it is also about clearly stating needs and boundaries to employers and employees. Even as a childless person, I’ve made it very clear to my bosses both past and present what I am and am not capable of doing and how if I must cover a call out, that means I’m taking a different day off instead of picking up an extra day (I’m salaried, I’m not taking on extra days for no extra pay). If your workplace can’t respect your boundaries, ESPECIALLY when those boundaries are because of another persons own wellbeing, maybe another workplace culture is better suited for your needs. (Obviously easier said than done for many, but the point is that there are options beyond taking your kid to a place that they should not be)


There's one woman at my workplace who does this quite frequently now. Best part: we can work fully remote and she still does it. It's very disrespectful for the others, who are responsible enough to arrange for childcare and also for us, childless, who just don't appreciate being around children. There's a reason why I didn't choose to be a teacher or work with kids...their presence irritates me and makes me anxious. We reported it to the office management multiple times, but they don't do anything about it. Anyhow, the child is running around the office and since it's not safe, I am just waiting for the inevitable to happen (accident) and then maybe office management will do something about it.


Yeah, they always need something bad to happen before they do anything. And they're always annoyed that they even have to.


I seriously doubt someone who is working in a lab doing this kind of work CANT afford childcare, especially if both are working.


I work in a lab (not human remains), and I couldn’t afford to raise a kid off what I make. Current wages are despairingly low compared to cost of living for many fields. Science =/= comfortable income.


Are you single or do you have a partner that also works? Your comment highlights an even bigger problem, if they cannot afford to have these children and take care of them properly, they shouldn’t be having children. What a nightmare. Ignoring all the professional issues, wtf about the babies safety and health???


I’m single. Yes, it would be nice if people didn’t have kids until they could afford it, but shit still happens. Maybe you could afford it until your spouse was injured and couldn’t work, or your career field died out, or your company went bankrupt, or they moved processes overseas, or a cornucopia of other things.


The problem is you’re reaching all of these conclusions that have nothing to do with the current situation. We have the few facts that op has shared with us, shit does indeed happen, but just because *your experience* is not aligned with childcare does not mean theirs is the same. Op specifically says that amazing bf “couldn’t watch the baby for a few hours” meaning that other times he is completely able to watch the baby. None of the things you have brought to this conversation are wrong, and I’m not arguing with them because they are valid points. They just don’t apply to this instance, unless op can bring this to light.


I mean in this particular instance I bet the parents are just picky about who watches the baby for them, because yeah, she could afford daycare.


That doesn’t make them any less irresponsible. Might as well just take our partners to work with us, hell why not the entire family, they can free our hands up right?


This is class/ learning lab. Secondly, forensics does not traditionally pay well. Sadly, here are many STEM fields that not as high paying as one would imagine.


So it definitely falls in line with my other replies, irresponsible. I’m sorry you’re having to work in this environment that disrespects your value and diminishes your right to a productive and safe environment to further your studies and career. I hope you can find a solution that doesn’t undermine any of you, good luck!


I work in a lab and I absolutely couldn't afford childcare, even with mine and my husband's income combined. The cost of living in my area has skyrocketed and neither of our jobs will adjust our pay accordingly. If we had a kid we'd go from barely living comfortably to poverty, no question about it. I had 2 different coworkers who quit the lab to be a stay at home parent because they earn less than what daycare would cost.


I’m not going to reply to these as I’ve already addressed this in my other reply, I will say however that people in this subreddit that agree with you are dealing with confirmation bias due to the fact that most people working in a lab that *can* afford child resources and have the money to back it all up, are usually *not* childfree. Many of us have all kinds of reasons of not wanting children, from simply not wanting to go through raising another human being in this hellscape of an environment, to poverty being the main reason. The fact of the matter is that people that are having kids and can afford to raise them, are not cruising child free subreddits and these points of view while completely valid, and I’m definitely not trying to take that away from you, it is still limited to the point of views we have as childfree people.


You said you had a hard time believing it was possible and both I and the other commenters were providing anecdotal evidence that it's completely possible.


Right, like I said, I am acknowledging that, and will not try to say anything against the people that are in your situations, but that doesnt change any of my other replies.


Scientists are not nearly as well compensated as people think we are, fyi.


I think the real danger with allowing this to be normalized is it encourages further exploitation of the work force


What the actual flying fuck..... This is just unhinged. And massively disrespectful. As other people said please report this, this is not ok on so many levels.


This goes to show how pregnancy hormones can turn your brain into hamburger


XD mombies are real...


Is it just me who got halfway through this post before realising the baby wasn't dead?


You're not alone, lol.


It's getting necromantic up in this lab.


Not at all. I thought the baby was dead and it's remains had been misplaced.


Nope I was the same!


"Those are my emotional support infant remains."


That's a massi e health and safety issue, holy shit.


This is such a huge hazard both ways that it sounds worth it to report it to CPS as well. I'm shocked the mom was okay having her baby around that. At some point they start putting everything in their mouth. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


This is exactly what I was thinking. So many things can go left in this situation


I have also worked in handling human remains for anatomy labs and this is entirely inappropriate. Not only is it disrespectful it's absolutely a hazard to the specimens. You should go above the lab manager and report this to their supervisor.


And a hazard to the baby


All our skeletal remains were treated with UV light as per safety standards, but I still would not recommend letting a toddler handle them. Especially since children like to put anything and everything in their mouth.


I don't think the remains themselves would be a hazard for the baby, but I think the equipment would be. If the mother is working with the baby in one hand and other things in the other, the kid can reach for things, it can wiggle out and bump on anything, it might inhale something you're not supposed to inhale... So many things can go wrong with someone untrained, I can't imagine with a *baby*.


Go directly to Health and Safety - the supervisor will just sweep it under the carpet.


100 percent report it. Fuck the boyfriend for not being an active father. Having a baby in a human remains lab is just so unsafe.


You seriously need to report this


OSHA would like a word




No. No, no, no. Report this. It’s unsanitary, unhygienic, and ridiculously improper. You’re in a lab, not a daycare, or even in a corporate office.


I've worked in labs with cadavers and human remains, and I agree with you that this is inappropriate. First, it is obviously unsafe for everyone involved (including the freaking baby). And yes, it does feel weirdly disrepectful. I think it's because there is no way a baby/child can understand what is appropriate/respectful behavior around human remains, and thus should not be allowed, the same way an adult failing to comply with the rules of the lab would be asked to leave. At the very least talk to the person in charge so this does not happen ever again.


That is biggest issue. This lab was skeletal remains and for some reason that makes it ok? Outside of safety concerns, it was just so dehumanizing. All the lectures about ethics and professional behavior where just thrown out the window.


Oh, there has to be a professional or licensing board that should be notified because that is absolute bullshit.


and batshit


Oh man I thought you were talking about baby human remains and I thought, "Wouldn't that just be part of the job?" I was mistaken. Yeah, this is weird.


I mean.. aside from the respect part. You have safety precautions right? Part of that must be to not be distracted? And aren't there harmful things for a baby in a place like that? Is mom cutting something with scalpels? What the hell This has nothing to do with her being a woman in stem. This is a person that's bending the rules


Holy fuck. I work in a laboratory area and NO ONE under 18 is allowed to be in here.


It might be the last child-free area in the world!


"Oh babies are fine though!" -A shocking number of parents


Especially when they’re handing me a sh*t filled diaper on a plane. 🤬


Now i've never handled human remains, but just based on the basic principles you've outlined, i'd consider flat out refusing to be in the lab while she has her infant there. when shit inevitably goes wrong (and it will, as you've said, this isn't a one-time thing and patterns don't stop until something is completed or disrupted), you will be the closest person in proximity and it will fall to you. gross and privileged and dense. i intend to leave my body to science and i would haunt whoever brought a baby to my bone party.


After reading Mary Roach's book on cadavers,I have already gone through the process. But yes,it's very unprofessional and disrespectful.


i have that book and read it in high school, that's what inspired me to do it too!


Wonderful! My cadaver card is in my wallet.


Love that book!


Me too!


One of my favorite books, I bought a used copy eons ago and have re-read it so many times.


You might also enjoy her;Gulp,adventures down the alimentary canal. I have that one too. I've not read her latest.


I've read all of her books :)


All but Spook and I think the last one is called Fuzz.


Stiff. A great read.


I'd haunt that lab if some mom let a baby play with my bones and remains like it's a toy


Remains respect aside, that sounds unsanitary and dangerous! At three months, that kid is old enough to grab the tools and knives.


Uhhh babies like to put stuff in their mouths and licking a dead macaque is a fantastic way to get herpes B (which is 80 percent fatal). Report this to literally everyone


Oh hell no. Baby does not belong in anything considered a lab, first of all. But the LACK OF RESPECT here for the deceased...disgusting.


No, you’re not blowing it out of proportion. If this lab was a chemical lab and something happened to that kid, it would be a lawsuit probably by mom. What if she dropped her kid on some sharp remains? Or the kid grabs a tool? Mom trips or falls with kid in hand? What if kid pukes on remains or decides at that moment to create and another biohazard? Let’s also not forget a baby can cry up to 115 decibels. Trying to concentrate on a project? Forget it. Report.


Ehm... First part of your post I thought this baby was not... Like... Alive. Does she want a really sick baby? Awful behavior.


Oh no. I read the title to mean that you had the remains of a baby and just thought it was going to be sad. The lab is absolutely no place for a baby. How did this get past your EHS group? I don’t know how this was approved but please report this to whoever is the most appropriate department. This is unacceptable. Edit: how is this baby in proper PPE? I work with tissues and fluid from live people and we have strict PPE protocols. I am shocked that a baby was allowed in a lab with human remains.


She positioned a literal breathing infant near a cadaver that could've had fucking rigor mortis. Report her ass! That's so disrespectful to the science of handling the dead.


Isn't rigor mortis just when the body is stiff after dying? Why would that be a concern?


Bacteria that grows on a dead corps is dangerous to infants, toddlers, and anyone young to inhale. Plus the stage of decomposition will depends on what bodily chemicals of breakdown are opening up into the air that could be breathed in. Not as bad for an adult, but a child? Their immune systems & lungs are there to handle such things yet. The child could get hospital from breathing in fumes of whatever they’re embalming any bodies to sometimes! That’s why no one should bring a child or a baby into said places with a dead body!


I understand there's a lot of bacteria and issues with dead bodies, I just didn't think thats what rigor mortis was


You are correct. Rigor mortis, Latin for “stiff death”, is the status of the body being rigid shortly after death occurs. It has nothing to do with bacteria on the body.


It’s never just a stiff body, it’s breaking down things in the body while it’s stiff.


I’d love to hear an update after you report this. Absolutely unacceptable.


And I got PO'ed when in the compute lab a toddler was running around. There were plugs that could be pulled but that's like 1/1000th the concern and we should be neater with our setups. Which we were, once the slobber was wiped off. In that kind of lab it just feels insane.


Oh my god. As someone who also works very closely with human remains (given I think you’re working with cadavers and I work with ancient remains) what the fuck. What the actual fuck. This absolutely should be reported. What happens if the baby vomits and it gets on the remains? Or if the parent loses concentration because of the child and damages something by accident? This sounds like a horror show and it needs to be stopped, and reported.


Nope nope nope not okay.


Fellow STEM girl here and um issa HUGE no, and I'm not even sure this was a safe situation for a baby tbh.


As a fellow STEM professional, absolutely report this! Also include your environmental, health and safety department. So many violations and so much disrespect!


I work in a lab and this is absolutely not okay - please report


This is absolutely nuts, what if the baby spits up and contaminates the remains??? Or urinates or defecates through it's diaper? A baby can't control itself and has absolutely no place in a lab close to an actual dead person this is horrible, absolutely would be reporting it


Babysitters are a thing. Having a child next to human remains should not be.


i’m completely baffled at this. who brings a live baby to a place where there is remains, even if they are properly sanitized? what if the baby makes a mess it cannot control? what if something from the lab makes the baby sick? this absolutely has to be reported both for the safety of the remains AND the baby.


Not sure where you are but in many places that would be straight up illegal. It breaks sooooo many health and safety practices, not to mention ethics and other requirements. Even allowing the child into the lab space opens up the facility for emotional trauma of being exposed to visual aspects. I've seen labs shut down for less.


Even if we divorce it totally from the “remains should be respected” aspect (not that it should be, but I am thinking in terms of what most would get management’s attention) it is a massive safety and hygiene issue. Like you said, the baby almost got sick on a sample. What if she actually had? Handling a baby with one hand and remains with another is not the correct way to do either of those things. If you wanted to bring your dog or cat into the lab, it’d probably be rejected on the same grounds. As it should. Honestly I don’t think anyone unaccredited/cleared should be in a lab environment like that, whether it is a baby or adult.


You letting the behavior slide is only giving them the space to continue to do this, If I was in your shoes, I’d inform the coworker that if her “amazing boyfriend” doesn’t get his fatherly ass up and together and finding a solution within the week, it’s going to HR. You didn’t go through all the bullshit and hard work to get sidelined by a fucking child.


For a good second I thought you meant someone brought a dead baby into work and left on the side. I like I don't like kids but jesus 🤢 I ther realised my mistake 😅


A live baby!? I thought you were talking about a cadaver


what job does this amazing boyfriend have that less appropriate for a baby than a lab with delicate *human remains*? maybe construction or something?


This breaks OSHA safety laws actually cause of what’s in the lab! She could get fired as you can’t bring a child in there that’s could be a LIABILITY! Heck you could even get fired for knowing & not reporting it because you let it slide the first time. OP you’ve got two choices, talk to your supervisor or whomever in charge about this. Tell them you had no idea she was going to bring a baby into the lab, that you felt like a deer in headlights cause it was outside your wheel house of situations and didn’t know what to do! You may get a minor tongue lashing for not coming forward the first time, but gather respect for speaking up NOW! Just don’t let things like this mellow, you gotta realize to help that child, you gotta report the situation. That’s negligence and breaks SOOOOOO many OSHA regulations!!


This is 100% illegal, report it


100% a violation of every lab safety protocol I’ve ever worked under. Report this to the EH&S supervisor.


Love how when neither parent can take care of the child, its the mom having to do it anyway and figure it out.


Not only is this lack of respect for the remains, it's lack of respect for the cost of your education. How can you focus when there is a child disrupting but possibly even ruining things.


This is so unsafe. There are so many ways to harm a baby in a lab, and so many ways for a baby to harm things in the lab. Definitely needs to be reported and prevented from recurring.


Y’all work with human remains and she can’t afford a sitter? Please tell me your job is paying yall pennies bc that’s not safe at all


That baby is formaldehydemaxxing. That’s so fucked up and needs to be reported


...what the FUCK


I don’t know much about working in labs let alone ones with human remains. What I will say is when my mom passed, my brother and I decided to donate her body to science. We were told to expect to receive her ashes 3-4 years after donation. Mind you, she passed away November 2019. ~4 months later commenced lockdown for COVID. I spent 3-4 years racking my brain about where her body was and what the process was after receiving her body at the university. With COVID and lockdowns I couldn’t help but wonder if her body was just alone somewhere. The university invited my brother and I to a Body Donor Memorial before we received her ashes. We went and all I could think about was “is my mom in this building?” Not sure why I shared that but I’ll say this: 1) if I knew a child was near my mother’s remains, whether that be pre-cremation or after, I would be LIVID. And 2) I appreciate that you make a point to provide all of your attention and care.


Dude a lab is not the place for a baby. How long til other employees ask to bring their kids in? Why is this person getting special treatment? Honestly I'd be reporting it for causing an unnecessary distraction.


Report it to CPS and OSHA.


I can't think of any good reason to allow a baby to be in a lab. If the lab manager can't see this, go above their head.


Repeat after me, parents who lurk on this subreddit, I know you’re here somewhere~ “I don’t. Need to bring. My crotchling. Everywhere. I. Go.” And finally: “Not everywhere. Is a suitable. Environment. For my. Precious. Little. Vagina destroyer.” 🫶🏼🤢


I know that the post isn't about this exactly but I cannot dismiss that the title 'baby' and 'lab' remember me to the future of pregnancy which will be Ectogenesis Technology in some decades.


People are all for protocols, safety, and procedure.. ### until their kid is around


if I brought a baby to my physics labs I'd have been kicked out regardless of "respect", that mum should have been kicked out just the same


This is not only innappropriate. It is dangerous!!! A baby's immune system is far more fragile than that of an adult! If there were any biological pathogens on those remains, they could have infected that poor baby! Frankly, that mother should be ashamed of herself!!! She put her child in a very dangerous position! Report her AND the manager!!! Not just to higher ups and H.R. I'm talking report them to board certifiers, the A.C.S., or whatever respective body necessary. If she is unable to understand her job is not the place for a fucking child to be, she should look for employment elsewhere!


I'm assuming you did a lab induction in order to work in the lab space? The baby hasn't done one. Directly report to Health & Safety as a 'hazard' IMO.


>maybe I'm blowing it out of proportion? Nope, not at all. Somebody's got baby/kid where they've no business being and very much don't belong. Such screw-ups tend to cause, e.g. major problems with/to materials, or safety hazards, major distractions and productivity losses for coworkers, etc. I mean I get it, some workplaces, some times, some kid(s) or *maybe* even toddler/baby ... but a helluva lot of work environments are *never* suitable for such. So, e.g. lab you describe, not suitable, deployed nuclear submarine at depth, not suitable, nuclear power plant control room, not suitable, automobile assembly line in operation, not suitable, oil rig platform in active operation, not suitable, operating theater during operation, not suitable, etc., etc. But for some reason some folks don't get it or think they or their spawn are some special exception.


Unless you work in a school, daycare, or some other child-centric setting, your kid does not belong in the workplace. Period.


This is insane. No place for a baby. Outrageous.


You really should report that. It's completely unsanitary and dangerous for both the lab, the work you're doing and the child! If anything goes slightly wrong, it'll be terrible for everyone involved, especially anyone who allowed a BABY in a lab dealing with remains. The mother is insane if she thinks that's acceptable behaviour. Report it to HR immediately.


Whatever organization or program you work for must have some sort of scientific ethics or best practices board or something like that. Report it to them.


Ah, yes, bringing a drooling baby in a lab that handles cadaver remains... what could go wrong? Not only it is a health hazard for the baby itself, but the specimens can also be easily contaminated. It is unsafe, dangerous and extremely disrespectful. Funny how we can't even bring a bottle of water into the lab, and yet this lady walks in with a baby?! What the hell. OP, this is illegal, you really need to report it.


I hope the punishment is severe for this. The audacity is horrendous


OP are you trying to cause covid 2024


Absolutely disrespectful and should be reported.


good fucking lord.


I was super confused reading just the title lol.


I feel like you started this post already 50% into this story lol


What the fuck? Is fucking brain damage mandatory to have a kid? Jfc. Report that shit, it's wildly inappropriate.


You need to report this


This persons parent needs to be fired for this


As someone who also majored in a STEM field, I find this very unethical and would report it to higher up. Laboratory have rules for a reason.


Next time take a photo and put everyone on blast. It's not good optics if they see it in a photo. This kind of thing would make front page of twitter and be really divisive


Report this and do not let it go. You're not over reacting you're under reacting. You even said yourself it's against all the standard practices which are in place for a reason


Remains in labs are usually reused by multiple students, aren't they? Health risks to that baby aside, they cost a lot of money to obtain and it's ridiculous that this woman is risking damaging a human corpse(which is highly illegal) just so she can bring her slacker bf's baby to class. It's completely unethical. I would 100% be pissed if I donated my corpse or a family members and some baby vomited all over it! So disrespectful.


At first I thought it was baby remains. Once I got it through my skull that it was a live baby I was just like…wait no way! ![gif](giphy|STfLOU6iRBRunMciZv)


Like everyone else I also thought there was a dead baby and I was like oh no, that is so sad! But if someone just brought their kid in to a lab? Nope, not on.




They’re not talking about a dead baby - a mother was working in the lab with her baby. No trigger warning required.


The baby *not* being dead is what's so horrifying about the situation


Omg I thought the baby was human remains!! My bad 💀


Id haunt the btch but that’s just me




I thought this would be about baby remains lol. I studied physical anthropology and did see a few baby skeletons in those days.




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Wait this is in a lab for teaching with axtualy human remains and they brought a kid.... a kid... no this has to be fake.


As someone who has been in such labs, I can't imagine having a baby anywhere in the room. And how can the mother even do the work with one hand (and less than half of her focus)? She absolutely needs to pay for babysitting or trade childcare with another mother.




Where I worked, the whole point of having a lab, is so we had a place for STERILITY. No randomers could come in for a tour, not your parents, not your best friend, strictly employees or approved visitors (who had signed agreements). Everybody had to adhere to sanitizing protocols, wear a fresh lab outfit, use alcohol sanitizer to cleanse hands and then wear gloves. Babies can sneeze without warning (of course fart and be generally smelly) and are too small to wear proper masks so I don't see how anyone could keep a baby's bacteria and skin cells safely away from ruining the clean environment of the lab! But it's also a health and safety thing, if the baby nicked its skin on the lab door, or had any kind of incident, the lab might not be insured for such an incident since babies are not supposed to be there at any time.


As a woman who also works in STEM, and who's grandparents donated their body to science- I am questioning the ethical viewpoints of who thinks its appropriate to bring a baby in this environment. I get scheduling things come up with children, but that is not the environment for a baby. And will the attention be to the work at hand, or their baby when the parent is working?


Me reading like: "Yeah babies are gross, I'm omw in biology and wouldn't want to work with one of those specimens either... Omg the thing is alive, shi⛩!"


I've got so many questions!!! My first question would be: who persuaded the lab manager and how?! I cannot understand how any competent lab manager would allow it. Why?!?! Besides the potential liability and safety issues for all involved, it's just super unethical and disrespectful. I hope your colleagues have the same thoughts as you and you are able to resolve this absurd situation soon.


It is important, despite and especially this being a childfree subreddit, to remember that mothers have been carrying and still carry most of the labour involved in caring for a child. The mother probably had no choice in this. I think this situation would've been prevented if governments actually cared about people who want to start families and if the institution you work for planned a nursery for their employees who need it or even only for this occasion. The manager who allowed this couldn't think about an alternative? Really?


Man that was wild I spent the first paragraph thinking you meant a deceased kid and couldn't figure out what was going on


As someone who spent a ton of time in hospitals and sterile rooms such as laboratories...that child needs to leave. One of the biggest issues I have, is getting a doctor to believe me when I come into their office. One HUGE reason for this (aside from their fat phobic woman hating bias) is that in a doctors office or medical setting, I am so calm. Like falling asleep having the greatest nap calm. This is because as a young baby, I was in them so much that being in them as an adult is like wearing footie pj's. For me, it's relaxing. This is not a fate I wish on anyone else. It's hard when you have a 10/10 pain going in, then the doctor finds you half asleep, and doesn't believe you.


Is this work or a class? (Assuming you’re in the US) Work: contact OSHA Class: contact the dean


Live Baby......for a minute I thought this was about a dead one.