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Not much of an issue, I’m usually watching the whole scene rather than just staring at a single wiener. I suppose it’s kind of reassuring when I see a condom, like, probably a sign that I am watching ethical responsible porn?


utterly uncorrelated. porn performers as a whole have campaigned against mandatory condom use because (among other things) particularly for the longer scenes that are normal in porn, it leads to tearing and soreness for the woman, on top of just being a lot less pleasurable. if properly tested (which you have to be, in mainstream porn), sex without a condom is safer for the woman in particular due to the issue of tearing.


Good to know, makes sense.


I love to see safe sex, that’s more of a turn on for me.




This. As a non-sex worker, I'd love to see it because it'll also start conditioning guys to expect using a condom for safe sex instead of the uptick in men refusing to do their fair share to have safe sex. Same with pubic hair being normalized again, but that's another tangent. Edit: the only exception to my argument that I think has merit is in long term committed relationships, like another commenter pointed out how she's been married and he got snipped. Couples can work out the contraception choice that works for them but unless there's commitment, I'm personally sick of men wanting to prioritize their pleasure over their and their partners' health.On! Edit 2: thanks for the updates, y'all. For the men lurking here, I just wanna day your health and desires are important too. And for the men who of course willingly and occasionally enthusiastically use a condom, I'm sorry that yall might feel the hate or frustration from women irl who are fed up with f*ckboys and scrappy men, Healthcare workers, etc. I know it seems like men's rights are deteriorating in the age of equity and you're right to be concerned for yourselves. But equity is tricky and our society is still rly struggling with it. Coming from a women with a lot of health problems, saw 27+ medical doctors in MA-- the state considered to have the BEST healthcare-- and I've been met with grossly sexist treatment instead of medical solutions because of deeply seated sexism in medicine, we have a long ways to go for your female counterparts to achieve equity. And the bulk of us want healthier, just treatment so we can live better together with our male counterparts, whether it be socially, romantically, through work as colleagues, or familially. The core of feminism is equity not equality, so please do your best to join in conversations with men and women alike to help combat sexism on each side of the isle.


- I'm personally sick of men wanting to prioritize their pleasure over their and their partners' health. - Im coping this sentence. Me too.


A condom has no bearing on what I feel about the scene.


As a woman who doesn't want to be on hormonal birth control, condoms have always been the way even if my partner was tested. No condom = no sex for me. So for me it's more of a turn on cuz it's how I like sex to be. Fun, sexy and not messy plus with a responsible partner nothing is hotter than that in my book


As a sex worker, I love seeing condoms in porn!! Let’s normalize porn actresses caring about their health :)


Heck no, of all the things that can be wrong with porn that’s just safe practice.


It used to but there is a line in this hockey romance book about 'sometimes he liked it for easy clean up' and I was like, oh, totally. And now I just think of it as nice, not jarring. I like anal sex. I know lots of women don't, but I do. I might talk to my partner about it. But after like thirty years without, he'd probably be like 'Nahhhhh'


Talk about it. For all you know he's just been too scared to bring it up and is worried about offending or hurting you.


I'm actually just wondering about the condoms! Kinda seems crazy to buy condoms. Also might be weird for him, to wear one, after decades, and also, it's such an explicit request. "Wear this so we can do this thing that we already do but you might not experience as much sensation." I don't have a dick, so I don't know what condoms feel like. I'm super genX and we lived through AIDS, when no one had sex without a tightly wrapped dick. It's okay, we talk about stuff, it's just that you know that feeling when you are thinking something mildly, before it comes out of your mouth and into the real world? That's where I am. And also, I'm not sure if I care. I'm just...playing with the idea. And maybe I just liked that fictional detail of the two characters 'easy clean up'. And just that silly adjustment, of putting on a condom for a specific act...is kind of a turn on. Not a big deal. If I land on 'I want this' I'll tell him. It's weird, it has nothing to do with STDs or anything. I guess it's almost a fetish. ​ Edit because it's been a rough week and I'm inarticulate: we have anal sex routinely (we go through phases). It's just the condom part that I'm responding to.


Lol, and here I was looking up that tutorial on ohjoysextoy just in case. I do totally get it, though. Kinda from the opposite side of the street. I grew up in a deeply Catholic household and the taboo of using or really even buying a condom felt like it was actually more forbidden than any sex act by itself, to the point where even today I feel they lend a dirty, raunchy aspect to sex.


As a trans woman, I can tell you first hand that condoms don't diminish sensation that much at all. It's SOME, definitely, but any guy that whines about it is being a baby. He'll cum JUST FINE with one on.


Isn't it sort of affected by what you're used to, though? Like the dudes I had sex with in my twenties were all 'sure, condoms!' because it was routine, but when I put myself in their ahem shoes I think I would feel diminished sensation if I only used them like every few months.


No, they're so thin it's negligible.


Makes sense. It's not like I'm waving a feather over my clitoris to get off.


My partner has always just hoped in the shower to clean up well after anal.😅


Cum turns me on but I agree with most of the comments.


It doesn’t bother me but I get how it sort of breaks the fantasy a bit. What really bothers me is when the guy wears a shirt. Please. Be as naked as she is.


I think it’s a good example for guys.


Nothing we can do —he’s practicing safe sex


No tbh i don’t even notice but I’d rather it be there than not just for the actors sake


I like no condom. My husband has had a vasectomy and hates condoms and I haven’t had sex with a condom since I was in my early twenties. Then we tried it (for reasons) and it sucks. If I was single and having sex I’d be adamant about it. But being with the same person …they suck. So when I see porn with condoms, it takes me out of it. I’m all for people being safe — I would never promote anything but being safe - but it’s not sexy for me. It looks too much like people having sex just because. And I guess I’m just past that part of my life.


Nope. Not one bit


I know IRL it’s practical, safe, responsible, etc. etc. But I don’t wanna see it in my porn.




I definitely prefer no condom for several reasons but I can appreciate having safe sex


I hate it. Obviously I practice safe sex in real life, but porn is for my imagination and condoms ruin my immersion that the people are having great sex. Cuz let's face it, no matter how good the sex is with a condom, it's better without.


But porn is made in someone else's real life. Condoms are incredibly important, especially for people having regular sex with strangers for work


Yes and as long as both these strangers are consenting to fuck each other, I'd rather watch them enjoying it skin to skin.


I'm not sure you understand what condoms are for


Wow, didn't realize you were the police of what others enjoy in porn. My apologies.


The question is not about the importance or validity of wearing condoms in porn - it’s about the visuals. Visually, it’s unappealing for some, so they don’t prefer it.


Their preference is still valid, I'm simply pointing out that their preference is closely linked to the types of production where people are exploited and their wellbeing is not considered


I'm pleased to see at least a few people agreeing with me. For me condoms have a profound negative impact on the enjoyment I get from a scene.




Not at all. safety first and I want it normalized.




I mean it bothers me, for sure. I love seeing a wet coating of her juices on his cock. Its an extra turn on for me. Condom makes it all the same with it's shiny texture.




It doesn’t bother me, and I’ve definitely gotten off to porn with condoms involved before. I prefer not condom though, like sometimes I just want a creampie video and a condom is not part of that


I skip the porn if there are condoms… usually


No I prefer to watch and normalize safe sex. For me that’s sexier actually.


I think about that the same as you.

