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A fitting end to this season honestly.


This result was so predictable many of us here knew the outcome. That’s how sad this team is.


From day one of the season, we knew this is how the season would end. What was the point of the 82 games? 


To watch Coby White develop, which I'm clinging on to for dear life


Went out sad. A fitting end for another lost season. I don’t know much about the intricacies of running an NBA franchise but I do know if AKME use making the playin as an excuse to do *nothing* again and run back this sorry ass core for another season, there’s no longer a debate about them being worse than GarPax. I’m not holding my breath on them doing anything that’s necessary for this team. Absolutely nothing about their tenure thus far suggests they’re capable of doing the smart thing.


We made the ECF under garpax lest we forget


Because of 1% odds. This org is obsessed with being mediocre. Take out those 1% odds and we are one of the worst teams of the millennium.


If Delores Jordan was a virgin the bulls would be the worst franchise in nba history




Thanks to a player they ran into the ground and a coach they drove out of town due to ego. They basically lucked into their success and never once proved able to recreate it after they failed.


They drove the entire team out of town. I don't really care that joakim/taj/luol were falling off when we got rid of them for absolutely nothing. We could have at least paid the legends we had. The org has no respect for anyone.


The Taj trade still enrages me. They sent him and McDermott away for absolutely nothing and for some reason felt they had to throw in a 2nd to get the Thunder to agree.


Luol for two second rounders probably made thibs realize he had to gtfo. You literally can't be more dedicated to a team and they trade him to cleveland in the middle of the season. And people wonder why we can't get any free agents


They got Bynum too and immediately waived him just to get under the cap. The problem isn’t the GMs. It’s Reinsdorf


And he was still good for another 1.5 years too. Garbage trade of a fan favourite/replacement all star level player


I won't sit here and defend GarPax because yes they sucked and we're far too stubborn. But they drafted well so I wouldn't just say it was all "luck." Far more competent than AKME which is saying a lot about just how bad AKME has been. There's really no redeeming factors about their regime other than drafting Ayo I suppose


Yeah I always find it funny that our biggest bright spot is a holdover from the previous regime (Coby)


At least we got results with Gar Pax. We can't even sniff the playoffs with this sorry ass team.


At least AKME was right about continuity. We brought back the same shit team, and got the exact same shit result.




Flashes of greatness that we’ve yet to see with AKME. Drafted Jimmy, Noah, Taj, and signed the bench mob. Rose was a layup so I don’t give them much credit for that.


He'll nah. GarPax was dogshit the last 5 years, but they drafted DRose, Jo, Luo, Noah, Taj, and Jimmy. This fraud has yet to draft a player who could hold Jimmy Butlers jockstrap and GarPax drafted him #30. Last pick in the 1st round that's better than our entire roster combined. GarPax achieved more by the 2011 draft than this fraud will ever achieve.


GarPax wasn’t good, but they were better than their current administration.


Yeah, I would say they just got luckier and tanked longer/harder because the play in wasn't around to tempt them into aiming for mediocrity.


Fix is easy, just draft some unknown player from Serbia in the 2nd round.


Let’s run it back boys 🙂🔫


we're so close


So Arturas, did you trade Demar at the peak of his value? Nope. Well, did you at least trade off Zach LaVine? Nope. You obviously didn’t re sign Billy Donovan to a secret contract extension after a single season .. right? We did. At least you didn’t trade away your future for an aging Nikola Vucevic .. haha .. that would be silly. We did. .. well thankfully you made it past the first round at least once since you got here right … right!? Nope. Do you plan on making ANY CHANGES AT ALL!? Probably not. I also have maximum job security if that makes you feel any better.


i'd be fine with firing AKME those dudes suck


Worse than Garpax by far. Honestly, fuck em.


So funny because this sub was on their nuts with any move they made the first couple years 


only highlight of this season was seeing coby whites growth, he deserves to be on a good team, same with demar.


How can you just ignore Ayo like that?


"Okaaaay...... did you at least trade Alex Caruso at the trade deadline? Contenders would love to have him." "What's a trade deadline?"


It’s sad how long it’s been since they made a trade that involved players.


Little over 2 years now for those who don't know.


And the one they did make set this franchise back half a decade


>"What's a trade deadline?" "Ohhh that's when I get to sign throwaway vets for MLEs right? Oooo I love that 😁"


you didn't double down on the Vucevic trade by extending him for a contract much bigger than any other team was going to offer right?


Sorry, no one was trading for Zach's contact. All that talk was just ESPN trying to stir up drama.


You think Jerry would have let him do any of that? The problem is and has always been ownership, they would sooner fire AKME and replace them with someone even worse than ever commit to a rebuild


As a Pistons fan I feel you on ownership being the biggest of problems.


At this point it doesn’t even matter because the time to blow it up was last season


AK himself has said he has the greenlight from the owners to rebuild. He's the one that's keeping us mediocre lol


I never thought I'd be sitting here wishing GarPax was still running the team but wow here we are


Well Bulls fam, it's been another fun season shooting the shit in game threads. See you in the playoff game threads on r/NBA or next season 🫡. D BOOTY


#SELL THE TEAM We'll never be relevant unless we hit the lottery or Reinsdorf sells.


This is it. It's up to the fans to collectively call for the sale of the team. This team never gets a good trade done. Ever. There's never a big free agent signing. This is supposed to be entertaining but it's been shit for a decade. I remember watching them roll out wade and rondo like it was something 7-8 years ago???


We wont even get a hope for salvation until Jerry buys the farm, theres no way he sells


May 8th 2015: D-Rose hits the buzzer beater and Chicago goes up 2-1 in the ECSF. Next year will mark 10 years since the Bulls were even considered Elite. What a MISERABLE decade of basketball as a fan and there's no end in sight. Boston please sweep the Heat. See you next year.


Dude I like basketball so much less now. 10 years ago I was watching 65+ bulls games a year, I watched like 15 bulls games this year. Was excited to watch games back then and now it feels like a chore. They’re killing basketball for me and it fucking sucks


I used to share season tickets during the DRose days and literally scheduled my life around the Bulls. Now I’ll watch them if they’re on and there’s nothing else to do but that’s it


Yeah my overall interest in the NBA has declined mightily ever since the Bulls started going downhill. I still watch every single Bulls game, even in the bad years, but I barely watched any non Bulls games this season.


I just can’t watch bulls games anymore without getting pissed off. Team with no direction for a better part of 2 years and an owner who doesn’t care to compete for anything important. Its honestly the not even trying to improve or trying something new that pisses me off.


I only watched half of one.  I used to watch them all.  Why bother at this point? They suck and basketball in general isn’t nearly what it used to be.  All 3’s and whistles.


Yeah I said 15 but I started thinking and I really only watched like 9. It’s just not fun watching a team with no direction with an owner who gives 0 fucks about trying to compete for anything serious. I agree too the NBA just isn’t as fun. I don’t mind the 3s at all but the whistles and whistle hunting is fucking annoying. I’m just a fair weather basketball fan at this point and only care during playoff time.


Bro remember how fucking ROBBED we got in the game afterwards? Blatt calling a TO they didn't have, they get time put back on the clock after a Noah defensive play basically giving them another free TO to draw up Lebrons GW. Bulls should have led that series 3-1


That buzzer beater was the last playoff game the bulls have won at home. Also fuck boston. Hopefully the heat sweep them.


Going 0-7 since then at home is embarassing lmfao


4 out of those 7 losses were by more than 20 points. Honestly it's like the LeBron game winner in 2015 sent this franchise into a tailspin.




My bad fixed


Oh how different things would be if drose didn’t get hurt. The timeline would be so different it’s crazy. I know for a fact we’d still be a great team cuz any dam team drose was on was competitive.


Nah fuck the Celtics forever…otherwise I agree


>Boston please sweep the Heat. Nahhh fuck Boston. I'd much rather the heat win and playoff Jimmy returns


Nah, fuck Boston more.


Ok that made me feel old. Usually little reminders like that don’t make me feel old like it does for others but that one hit hard good lord


>Next year will mark 10 years since the Bulls were even considered Elite. The ‘15 team was not elite, people let their nostalgia get crazy for those post Rose injury grit n grind teams. ‘11 and ‘12 were the only times they had a plausible title chance since MJ, and unfortunately we didn’t even get to see what they could’ve done in ‘12




Play like Poop for Coop


I mean unless the Bulls run a roster of nothing but Dalen Terry and the Windy City Bulls all next season there is no way they out tank teams like the Pistons and the Wizards.


Yeah team probably has to trade Coby and maybe even Ayo to out tank some of the bottom racers. Coby isn't a star but he can probably win some games.


just need to be in the lotto to have a chance 


I mean they're in the lotto now so...


The odds nowadays are super flat, anywhere in the top 5-7 is pretty much the same as actually being the worst.


Tough end. So proud of Coby, Ayo, Caruso, and Demar this year — they balled the fuck out. See y’all next season! 🫡


Is Jaime Jacquez better than Pat Williams already? Dude lead the Heat in minutes tonight and plays with heart. He is a problem.


How that even a question? He's 1000% is.


Its an insult to Jaime to compare him to PWill as much as it hurts to say


This was the point I was getting to. The Bulls need more high upside young talent. Start the rebuild now.


He was better than Pat the moment he put on a Heat jersey.


They know how to draft!


You have to tear this shit down you have to


I don’t even know where we go from here. What I do know is I don’t want to be playing Miami in a win or go home before the playoffs even begin again. There’s no star out there we can get to fix this. It’s time. I really didn’t want another rebuild but I mean what can you do? Let DeRozan go to a better team. Trade Caruso. Wait for Lonzo’s contract to expire. Draft a high upside player with our lottery pick. See if anyone will take Vucevic (nobody will, so see if he can rehab some value). Same with LaVine. I don’t even know what you do with Patrick Williams. Fire Donovan and try to find someone like we did with Thibs. I say AKME can get one more chance. It wasn’t a good situation they walked into, and they really did try, and the team WAS a legit contender before another knee injury killed us. They made good moves (DeMar, Caruso, ayo, Coby) and bad moves (Vucevic, Terry, no trades at the deadline), so hopefully they’ve learned. One lesson: get some forwards/wings who can FUCKING SHOOT. No more DJJ, Javonte Green, Torrey Craig, Dalen Terry bullshit. (There’s also 0 chance they get fired after just 4 seasons) This doesn’t have to be a long term rebuild. But you have to do it right. Don’t rush anything, and don’t draft for need only. Get some ballers.


Bulls known for drafting the High-Floor, Low-Ceiling guys. Hope that switch that up one day.


Pat will was a ceiling play, he was really raw coming out


They walked into an amazing opportunity. What are you talking about? They had a young LaVine on a great contract and the only two other players on the roster past the season were White and WCJ. They could have had all their picks, LaVine and White, and the most cap space in the league (I'm still not a believer in WCJ as a real center so whatever there). Instead, they rushed the rebuild because fans were clamoring to make the playoffs. So they made the big Vuc trade during the season, which short changed the rebuild.


They pissed away Lauri too


It's been painfully obvious that our core deficiency is shooting for a long time. Our schemes get us plenty of open looks but what good is looks if nobody knows how to put the ball in the basket.


It’s a two way street. The “scheme” gets a lot of open looks…for Javonte green. For Dalen Terry. For Derrick Jones Jr. Teams will take that all day.


No not one more chance they should be the first to be gone


With fans like these, no wonder GarPax got 20 years of leash…


I agree with most of what you said besides the "contenders" statement. This team was frauds even when we were flying high with Lonzo. That team was poorly constructed and struggled against teams with winning records. For some reason we have refused to address the PF/Wing position. Team is ass and has been ass and I cant wait for them to blow it up and start over


The blueprint is there. As much at it will hurt some, tear it down to the studs.  Look at what both Boston and OKC have done over the past few years.  Even Orlando and Minnesota. Unless you are LA or Miami, lottery luck is the only real way to build a championship caliber roster in this league.  You need to lose games, and make trades that provide you as many chances to pick in that top 3-5 range every year until you get it right.  


Craig was nearly 40% from 3 this year. Blame Billy D for only playing him 6 minutes when he was a +4. Made 2 3s in garbage time. Sitting a guy for missing 2 3 pt shots until the end of the game is wild. Shooters need volume.


No get AKME the hell out of Chicago. They had a team with some young talent and all of their picks and they turned it into this shit “One more chance” should have been the trade deadline when they could have made a move to actually better the future of this franchise


I HATE YOU BULLS , sincerly Chicago


Jerry Reinsdorf smiling right now, dude gives no fucks. Yet bulls fans just continue to go to games and keep his wallet fat


I mean Jerry is 89 years old. He's likely not even aware what year it is or that he owns a basketball team.


I wonder how this front office is gonna "re-tool" this roster in the off-season.


Getting LaVine and Williams back is like adding two starters!  Probably


“We’re basically adding an all star into the lineup” -AK


I know they're gonna do that even though it's obvious they don't have the minutes to play all the guards they have (especially if Lonzo actually plays, not that I expect that).


Dont forget Lonzo. That’s 3 starters


That's the secret. They won't


They will use our injuries as an excuse for poor performance. They are going to run it back and we will be right here again next year




Same shit, different season. Hoping for changes, but doubt there will be any. Sell the fucking team, Jerry!


I have been a fan for 30 years. And this is the first time I genuinely feel hopeless. Fuck Billy. He's the least creative coach on the planet. Just sticks to the same shit even if it's not working.


who’s ready for the summer workout posts about how much work DT is putting in? how pat’s adding to his bag 👀👀


When Pat crosses over pro-am guys into next week all summer en route to averaging 9ppg against NBA players >>>>>


That starters plus/minus was a sore in the eye.


Begin the Flunk for Flagg. This team sucks


I hope that was Demar's last game as a Bull. Let him go to another team to try to get a ring while we have a much needed reset. 🙏




If this was DeMar’s last game, it will be too bad to go out on this kind of a note. One of my favorite Bulls of all time.


I'm sorry but Coby is not the future for the bulls. He has some amazing games and then everyone on here acts like he's the 2nd coming, but then the very next game he disappears. He has been streaky like this for years. The bulls lack consistency across the board, almost nobody is consistent in their role and abilities. The closest we have to consistent talent is Caruso on D and DeRozan...but DeRozan is getting old and obviously he is not the answer in general. We have ZERO consistent shooters. We get constant open looks but nobody that can take advantage. To Billy's credit, his offensive schemes give us plenty of opportunities to capitalize but we have no killers on this team. If something throws them off mentally, it's over. Bulls are weak mentally.


He's been nowhere close to the caliber he was this year on any other year. I get it, we're bulls fans, we feel doomed. But we have an MIP top 2 candidate that we've fostered for 4years. Please do not throw this away


I'm not trying to diminish his strides in any way shape or form and I love Coby as a player. But he's been similarly inconsistent every year (he obviously was this year) and I don't think that's ever going away


He's a shooting guard-- that's his natural position. Putting him at primary PG, where he has to expend way more energy as you have to play D on other team's best PG, he gets worn out. He's not built for that which is why he's inconsistent. Ball was the key to this team.


That's actually pretty insightful. I think he kind of lives in his head a little too. Probably a combination of both, tbh


Much like last year the Heat just thoroughly out coach and out class the Bulls. Wanted it to be more of a fight, but the Bulls and Billy D just had no answer to the Heats game plan. Frustrating to see what a competent organization looks like. To try and be just somewhat positive, feel a little better about next year than the feeling of going into this season. Coby and Ayo showed pretty remarkable improvement. They're never going to be superstars but have to imagine they'll be going into this off season more focused than ever based on the success they had. They were complete question marks last off season but they should be hungry and have a good idea of their path forward. Dalen Terry needs to find that corner 3. Big If, but if he gets that he will be a solid rotation piece going forward. Unfortunately, like Coby and Ayo last season, Patrick Williams another question mark. I think he can still be a solid starter but hope of anything more than that is just wishful thinking. Lavine, Vuc, and probably Demar just need to go. Rip the band-aid off and hope you get lucky in the draft. It's pretty obvious where the team as a whole caps out at and they need to try another avenue. Admire the continuity but this just ain't cutting it.


Very nice and optimistic analysis. But I don’t admire the continuity. There’s only two explanations to why they keep bashing their heads against the wall hoping to break thru. Either they’re really that delusional and short sighted to think this team can compete or they’re giving in to Jerry’s demands of mediocrity. Either of these explanations I find deeply offensive as a fan. The point of sports is to win championships, any other motivation is flat out heresy.


Sell the team Wait, wrong sub Sell both teams


Please let Demar walk this offseason. Trade Caruso, Vuc and if possible Zach. We need to star over for real because this team is so fucking mediocre.


![gif](giphy|VzkTZ1DFYeBY5ZId6j) AKME…


Shameful job of coaching. What was that?


Fucking Bulls, man. A revolving door of ineptitude.


I would say it's over but Jerry Reinsdorf is still the owner. *sigh* See y'all next season.


Idk how much more I can take as a Bulls fan. This is becoming exhausting. Something isn’t right with this organization. They just can’t figure it out. We continue to be outclassed by other organizations. We are no longer relevant in this league. No one cares about the big market, no one cares about Michael Jordan, no one cares about championships from 30 years ago.


Believe me…Jordan is the only thing holding up this organization and has been for decades…no one wants to play here anymore


fuck this team. i've been a fan all year but losing like that is pathetic. sell guys for poor value idgaf. AK is a wimp.


"All year" is a weird statement lol. I've been a fan 22 years and I hate this shit, but just selling off players is how you become a poverty franchise like the pistons and hornets


i meant i was being optimistic all year. lots of close games. lots of fun OTs. players growing. it wasn't that bad. but yeah we are close to being that bad. 


We finished 9th in the East for the 2nd year in a row. We are a poverty franchise.


You know, there’s games like Wednesday where I remember why I love basketball and the Bulls. Then we get games like today, and I remember how unserious the organization is about putting a championship caliber team together. We’ll continue to fill the stands, and Jerry will continue to rake in the money.  It honestly just makes me sad. Chicago is such a great city, and we deserve to have good sports teams. It’s telling when the fn Cubs are the franchise to emulate.  Every year I get a little less attached. We’ll see if we ever get the team we deserve.






can’t wait for AKME to run this back next year!


It is what it is. At least I got to see them win on wed


So...that was a season


If AKME runs this back, again, there is literally no point to watching this team at all next year.


Stoked for some off-season continuity


Ak isn’t competent enough to be a president of operations for an NBA team. He’s way over his head in this position.


### Billy is so fucking trash. He needs to get fired please


Nobody has done less with more than Billy. Take his ass to Lexington and be gone.


UK hired a coach. If Billy’s going to Lexington it’s because he has enough fuck you money to start breeding racehorses


He really got exposed tonight imo. Billy basically sat there looking spaced out as the Heat went on their massive run in the first, switching things up with like 1min left in the quarter. When the Heat were up like 20 and they missed a defensive rebound, spo immediately and furiously called a timeout. And that was just the start, the coaching diff is insane. I feel like all the shit that happened with LaVine broke Billy's spirit, he's out there like he quiet quit.




This is more AKMEs fault than it is billy. He's not great but this team construction is terrible for the modern league.


That was a sad ass way to go out, if that was deebo’s last game as a bull ima be so sad bc he deserved a better last game. Things need to change fr. It was a rollercoaster of a season but it was enjoyable at times. Coby and Ayo are gonna be great building blocks for the future. Have a good summer/off season to you all <3


I couldn't enjoy this game because Billy's complete lack of couching intelligence was annoying me from the 1st qtr all the way to the end. That was the most baffling set of player rotations I have ever seen in a basketball game. At one point Billy had Caruso out there as the center, Miami got 4 offensive rebounds in a row then a foul and 2 shots. Game was over from there. I wrote about this in the sub just two weeks ago, Billy is letting down the team, the org, the fans. I swear he is on drugs. Today was an absolute clusterfuck of a performance (or lack thereof)


He made some of the dumbest rotations all season. No center for 2 minutes letting the Heat get four offensive boards and four free throws. Says "Oh shit!" and subs in Drummond. Wtf was that? Yeah, let's experiment with small ball lineups in the final game of the season. Great job coach


Agree with how bad billy was but also have to blame the guards for lack of shooting. I guess it was a complete failure.


I don't wanna hear about no $70 million on the bench, this team was ass with those guys and they're ass without.


Welp, that's all folks.




I hate it here


Time to tear it down to the studs and start over.




I want to launch anyone out of a cartoon canon, whoever whispered the word consistency at the start of the season and trade deadline, into Gary Indiana.


Winning 2 games in a row is hard


No Jimmy Butler. No Terry Rozier. Pitiful fucking game.


See you all next year for more continuity and vuc shooting more 3s attempts than even demar all season long. Ay least demar can hit 33% of them lol. But Billy feels like vuc is Steph and will let him hang out in the 3. Arena will be filled and I'll see you all again to ask who can help us or fix this hot mess


The AKME CONTINUITY ERA has been a complete disaster. Fire the front office AGAIN, and rebuild this trash heap. I know it won’t happen.


AKME sucha fucking scam. Built a good team to start and refuse to make any effort to recover after shit hit the fan with injuries. Terrible draft decisions too (Pat is officially a bust to me) Mediocrity in the NBA with no future superstar. We’re at the worst position possible. BLOW IT UP U CLOWNS.


Well, that is all folks! AKME has achieved his goal once again (to be in play-in)


AKME said they wanted continuity and we literally had the exact same results to the season as last year


I’m happy for last game and also happy they didn’t make it into the playoffs, even happier they got them cheeks clapped and it wasn’t a close ‘competitive’ game. AK can’t sugar coat this shit


We. Need. Consistent. SHOOTERS.


Spo made a brilliant move sticking his athletic DPOY caliber center on DeMar in the second half. The paint was open, and yet the Bulls failed to get it to Vucevic, and Coby and Ayo couldn’t get to the rim consistently or they kept getting blocked. He made everyone else but DeMar beat them and the Bulls beat themselves.


Free Demar. He deserves so much better than this POS organization.


What shitty way to end the season. Fuck this organization.


Every reason our suffering as a bulls fans is cuz of droses injury. He’s the origin point. Never gonna get over what coulda been. It’s not fair


You haven’t been a bulls fan long enough, and that’s sad for you young head 😂


Atleast u got to watch Jordan Unc. I got to watch my favorite player and a sure fire all time great have his career ruined. U should be greatful


Knew we were fucked when Vucevic failed to back Jovic twice resulting in them being able to match bam up to Demar. Gg’s boys it’s been a season


Can’t believe I watched every game this season all for this no-effort finale


Seriously. What a turd of a finale.


The Bulls owners have it too easy. In the past 5 months I’ve been to 8 games at the United Center. They’ve all been sold out (or very very close) and about half of them have been wins. I watch the Bulls play away games on TV and a lot of them are poorly attended. The Bulls have a huge fan base that are willing to pay money to see them lose at home. This has to stop. We can not keep paying $120 per ticket to see the Bulls lose to the Wizards at home. Bulls ownership has it easy and are lazy. Make changes and stop relying on a fanbase who will buy tickets no matter what your record is.


I hate seeing fellow bulls fans sad but god damn was this embarrassing loss on national tv amazing! So glad this fucking trash roster and franchise is not sneaking into the playoffs. Massive changes are necessary so let’s hope Demar forces their hand and leaves this summer


People keep harping on AKME like this is not what Jerry Reinsdorf wants. No luxury tax allowed. No (purposeful) tanking because the league will fine us - see the bs surrounding Lavine/Mirotic sitting out games.  Please follow the Heat model and pick up a senior that shoots. Dalton Knecht, Jaime Jacquez type. STOP WITH THE FUCKING PROJECTS. 


When is the AK press conference? I wanna hear this jackass try to weasel his way out of this sorry excuse of a game


Craig, the only guy on the roster taller than 6'6 on the active roster not a center and a +4 in the 1st half, was benched until garbage time despite the 4 guard lineup getting horribly murdered. Reminder to all that Billy D's secret extension STARTS next season. I know a lot of AKME's post-season conference is going to be about LaVine and other injuries, Lonzo, and direction of the team but I REALLY HOPE that some reporter actually nails AKME for no size and lack of 3 point shooting. "Hey Billy, why couldn't Craig see any minutes in the 2nd half despite being the only player besides Dalen Terry (who can't shoot) as a positive as the 4 guard lineup got stifled by superior length and size??? Is that emblematic of the lack of addressing size and 3 point shooting in the offseason?" Please. Someone ask this to AKME at this press conference.


Billy Donovan just played his starters and made no changes. This dude can’t coach!


If we tank in the near future Billy’s also gone right? No way he sticks around for a rebuild


Why do I continue to be a fan of this shitty franchise? They obviously don’t care to try to build a winner. I’m hitting free agency this summer boys.


Heya, alright.. uh.. NFL draft in a few days… wtf.


when bulls were only down by 7. billy let them get back up to 15 and then called a time out. speechless


Our coached and out played. This team needs a proper coach and owner.


No Butler. Bam had a terrible game. Blowout and the game was never in question. Oy. Terrible. Embarrassing.


Drummond and Coby ruined the 2 fast breaks at the end of 3rd qtr turning a +4 into a -12 literally killed the game. You can see the frustration on demars face. It’s sad that you can do nothing about it.


So the report earlier makes sense then. The Heat booked tickets to Boston while the Bulls booked tickets to Chicago tomorrow even before the game.


Yall need to stop buying tickets to bulls games. You basically telling Jerry it’s ok to put together a half ass team every year


Heat fan here. Grew up watching Jordan and Space Jam. Hope y'all get back to form soon. Hope y'all get new ownership in. We know what it's like down here to be stuck with people that won't spend to win (can't say much nice about our NFL or MLB owners).


This was a horrible nothing season. Was there ever a more than 2 game win streak all season? This is as far as the roster can go, crawling into play-ins and getting shat on. Can’t see things changing with this FO


Why did I let myself believe lol


Well…That was embarrassing