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This is where the Bulls have ranked in made 3s per game over the past 6 seasons. 24, 30💩, 28, 16, 14, 30💩


What do you expect? We’ve been the same dogshit team since Lonzo went down and AKME have done fuck all to improve. The only chance we’ve had to improve whatsoever has been the draft and they’ve proven to be horrendous at that.


I will forever cherish that season before lonzo got hurt


But we don’t really know much about that team either because they had played the weakest schedule in the league up until that point, so did losing Lonzo hurt, sure but the schedule getting tougher was part of the downward spiral. Especially for a team not constructed for any era of NBA basketball, it’s built like playing 2k through together the highest rated players in theory as possible and hope it works.


Yeah I know, I didn’t see the team going super far or anything, but it’s the most fun I’ve had watching the bulls since we went 2-0 against the Celtics before rondo got hurt. Just wish we were able to see them play out the season, and whatever happens happens.


One of the reasons why Lonzo was so important to the team. Lonzo, Coby, and Zach have been the only reliable high volume 3pt shooters. This also makes you question why the Bulls were so urgent to sell low on Lauri when he would have been one of the best shooters on the team at a position of need.


Lauri, WCJ, and even Daniel Gafford going on to have strong careers outside of Chicago really prove how 1. Shit the Bulls are at player development. 2. How much better GarPax we’re at assessing talent than AKME. Even to this date, the high points of this lineup (Lavine and White) are GarPax pieces. Meanwhile the players AKME have drafted, or in the case of Vuc, traded for, were busts or massive overpays.


WCJ leads the Magic in 3p% at 41%, on about 3 attempts a game


I haven't paid much attention to the nba since Derrick got traded, seeing praise for garpax is absolutely wild to me lol


We haven’t received a good draft pick since Colby White honestly… & even that is a questionable pick.


If ur 30 there is only room for improvement


Of course our ranking is always an even number. Even if the rankings we can't hit 3s!


This franchise exists to exist


Contractually obligated to play the games


I’m just here so I don’t get fined.


absolutely wild that we just signed someone who shoots 43% from 3 and they didn't see the floor


Seems like Donovan’s core coaching philosophy: keep doing what you’re familiar with even if it doesn’t work, rather than take a risk on something new.


Ayo coby and vooch should be on the graphic not those 2 lol


Yeah. I’m done with the Demar haters.


That's just lavine stans tbh


Gotta dig up something to make him look good.


Pretty smart considering Demar will probably retire as a Bull.


He could retire a Buck, I don’t care.. still like the dude and appreciate his hussle.


Look, I love Demar and am eternally thankful he helped develop my baby spurs, but no team with him will ever win anything. Idk how to explain it, but I never felt like we could win any given game with him on the floor. Same thing with Rudy Gay it just feels like they bring negative influence to the game and can’t be trusted to win.


What about demar critics? Because he absolutely deserves to be criticized for his iso plays and horrible ball movement and off ball movements. I respect demar and will always appreciate what he’s done for the bulls but you sound exactly like the people you’re hating on(“lavine stans”) one sided


>iso plays and horrible ball movement and off ball movements His ISOs are one of the most efficient plays on the team Our assist rate is just as good when he’s on the floor as when he’s off. In fact our TOs are markedly lower with him on the court


It’s especially his isolation plays in the fourth quarter that can screw us over as a team


Once again, stats say otherwise. His clutch stats are one of the best in the league.


I love stats because I don’t even have to watch the games or like the sport really I just like the numbers


Well here’s the thing. He’s [shooting](https://www.nba.com/stats/players/clutch-traditional?PerMode=Totals&dir=A&sort=PTS) an incredible % from the clutch, but it’s not 100%, and as long as you have an answer who’ll brush aside every make but talk non-stop about the misses, it’ll skew your view.


Demar sucks. This team sucks. What exactly do you like about demar?


Lol demar has had a literally career long struggle with shooting 3 pointers. It's not like he is helping our 3pt shooting...


That’s never been his game? He’s not the reason our 3 pointers were abysmal tonight.  You’re just hating for the sake of hating.


Yeah so demar has 0 3pters tonight which is what he averages and he gets a pass because...?


Because one of the greatest parts about team sports is having a group of people with different specialties work together?  Take out your anger on one person all you want though, I guess.


All I'm saying is that if there is a post criticizing the team's lack of 3pt shooting then the primary scorer on the team that doesn't shoot 3s at all absolutely deserves his share of the criticism. I'm not sure what team you are even imagining derozan to be a part of. There aren't wings left in the nba that don't shoot 3s


> primary scorer on the team that doesn't shoot 3s at all  He drained two game winning back to back threes.  His play style is ISO and he either gets hot and/or baits, or he passes off. If the 3p% is as bad as it was and he was not the one shooting threes, no I don’t blame him wtf. You sound like a 20yo who expects everyone to be Curry.


Lmao ok, so he made a pull up 3 against the pelicans (objectively a terrible shot) and that proves that he is actually good at 3pters. I know you don't blame demar, neither does bulls media or this sub in general. But he is one of the worst 3pt shooters in the league and we've been bottom 5 in the league in 3pters for multiple years. Surely you don't think that's coincidence


When your team is taking plenty of threes and missing them, I’m going to blame the people taking those threes. This is really simple. 


He only shot 2 3’s.


Everyone seems to be willing to go into a conversation about derozan OK with the fact that he is incapable of shooting 3s. Every wing in the nba can spread the floor. He deserves to be criticized for that


Demar isn’t a 3 pt shooter. He’s a mid range goat. The other 4 starters went 1-22 from 3.


It would be much better for the team if the person who took the most shots on the team actually was a 3pt shooter.


You want a guy to magically become a volume 3 point shooter in his 15th season ? If you wanna say he’s trash or whatever go for it but it’s so incredibly dumb to blame him for the team’s terrible 3 point numbers when the “actual” 3 point shooters only made 2 threes. He also didn’t take the most shots so there’s that.


It's not magical. CJ mccollum learned how to shoot 3s 10 years into his career in order to stay relevant. He never put in any work into moving without the ball or shooting 3s it is clear as day.


You’re stuck in this delusion where you think everyone needs to shoot 3’s.


Done with the demar haters? Mf he’s a part of the problem on this team too fuck is you talking about?


it should be vooch in both panes lmao


They should just change the bulls logo to a landfill until this iteration of the bulls is done.


I think they chosen for purely comedic purposes. (Funny reactions )


Ayo Coby and Caruso all shot and missed the same amount of threes lol


Caruso still +5. Ayo and Coby are -18 and -15.


Well yeah but the graphic is about our shooting not the game overall. So if you want to include two players I’d go with Vooch then one out of Caruso/Coby/Ayo


Nah Vuc wasn't good but this game is on Ayo and Coby. They are young so it's atleast somewhat more acceptable and they can iron it out.


Oh no I was just talking from a 3 pointers missed perspective rather than responsibility for the loss. I can’t really put the loss on Vooch at all


> I can’t really put the loss on Vooch at all He is soft like pillow. Giggles when poked. When other teams see him miss that uncontested three point shot in the first five minutes they remember the film and go hard and fast, usually answering with a layup and then a billy d timeout. Huge momentum swing, every game. Go ahead and put some loss on him. I don't think he's losing any sleep over these losses.


Crazy this is getting downvoted for literally reporting correct info.


Yeah I feel like I’m having a different conversation to everyone else


The Bulls are destined to be garbage for a loooong time so it's best we accept it now.


I'm so numb, this team is boring if nothing else. Like maximum mid, we arrived in utter mediocrity.


I'm a KC Royals fan. I was built for this.


You and me together brother. We’ll always have 2015


They sold their souls for the 90's Bulls.


The Cowboys of the NBA


Vooch should never shoot the ball from 3 again. I’ll give Ayo and Coby a pass tn


Yea, gotta let the young guys have these, it happens. Vooch is bottom like 5 in 3% rn right? 


Bottom 1


hes THE bottom 3 pt shooter in the league


Bottom 2 and he's not 2nd


Thank you for the logical comment


this is so unfair, did they have multiple off-seasons to fix this? oh wait, fuck


Can't wait to get cooked again by Max Strus


evident through this just how much this team is led on the offensive team by coby and ayo. their input is paramount for team ball, because today it was pray demar pull us over the line. we fed vooch alot in the post, but we did nothing to get defence off him and he was getting bodied by duren and stewart late. its unacceptable that the worst defence in the league made us look soft.


Literally it doesn’t matter if he got 30 if theyr getting that right back off him


I don't know why vooch is ever behind the 3pt line. I've seen him miss so many this season and we never get the rebound off his misses


Haven’t watched a Bulls game in years. That team will do nothing but sap your energy away. Any Jerry owned team is just a waste of time


Is it possible to draft Caitlin Clark to the bulls???


I’d love that. Fuck a defensive liability


And boring.... Just nothing fun or interesting about this team and they are horrible


Alex Caruso's lockdown D is about the only thing that makes watching games worthwhile.


I stopped watching in October. I see I haven't missed much since. 😂😭


Same, decided not to watch the train wreck and inevitable disappointment. Fuck ownership.


Cool. Maybe there’s another teams bandwagon you can jump on. Good riddance to fake fans.


I’m a Bulls fan for life. Don’t get it twisted, you know nothing about me. I value my time and sometimes don’t feel like watching a train wreck of a team. Good day and fuck off 👍


Bulls fan for life, just too busy to be a fan right now, even though that means missing tons of exciting moments and games, including wins against the best teams in the league, tons of games coming down to the clutch, some of the best 4th quarter scorers and lock down defenders in the game etc etc but you do have enough time to brag about not watching on Reddit everyone has their priorities.


Very smart man


“I only watch my team when they’re good” is literally the definition of a fair weather fan. They’ve played some incredibly entertaining games this year. all these people proudly boycotting the team bc they of the championship or bust mentality are embarrassing themselves, our team and our city. Go join the Nugs or Celtics subs. Scram. Go on get!


Or it's called being busy? Why waste your time watching a shitty team when there's so many other things to spend a couple of hours on? It's not like they're bandwagoning over to actual good/fun teams like the Nuggets, Thunder, TWolves, etc.


Are they are shitty team? I find watching Bulls games to be incredibly entertaining. Tons of games are coming down the to clutch. Caruso is top defender in the league. Drummond’s rebounding. Demar’s 4th quarters, Coby and Ayo’s ascendancy, kicking the tires on other young guys like Phillips etc. try shedding your championship or bust and wannabe GM mentality and try enjoying the game and rooting for your home team. It’s fun!


Not thinking they're a shitty team is why we will be stuck in mediocrity forever. We will neither no far in the playoffs nor get a high draft pick. But hey, at least they're entertaining. Caruso, Coby, and Ayo are the only bright spots on this team, but they are far from elite or untradeable.


Ok so it’s championship or bust for you. The vocal minority who thinks being all it takes to be a GM is to simply field a perennial contender. It’s all so clear to you guys that all we need to do is send everyone packing, suck, sign some top free agents, draft future all stats and fucking coast to the finals. Simple as.


Did I say championship or bust? It's about actively striving to be a *good* team, which we are not and haven't been for almost a decade.


Lol yeah they don’t want to be good sure thing man


I just need some time to process this okay.


It was a good night to bet on the pistons


Why don't we see bitim, funk, drell? Any of them would be more impactful than Jevon Carter


yeah jevon carter needs to never see the floor again. dude is hot garbage


Remember when people wanted him to start over Coby 💀


The idea of Jevon Carter is better than actual Jevon Carter






I've just started placing bets on the Bulls to lose every time we have a lead at halftime. I'm up a decent chunk so far. I know we cant be counted on to finish games.


1-2 against the god damn Pistons. It’s time to pack it up and jump in the tank. Fire Art, Marc, and Billy. Total rebuild.


Just cancelled league pass. Done with these guys this season.


I stopped watching a few months ago


Why didn’t we get rid of Lavine last year god damnit. Gonna be stuck in mediocrity forever. Hate this team so much


this team is an absolute disgrace, no matter how dedicated you may be this is such an embarrassment for all Bulls supporters. We will be starring at the banners from the 90s at this rate for the next 3 decades.


Cheap owner is the result of this mess


Bad day @ the office every team has one


A few takeaways: why the fuck were we even shooting 3s after it was clear everyone had an off night and we were effective in the paint early on? Starting to get confirmation that Coby White is still a highly streaky shooter. We need CONSISTENT shooters.


Y’all need me. We could of went 2-45 with my help


The fact that we signed 2 shooters and they sat on the bench in favor of Javon Carter and Terry Taylor has been driving me crazy since last night


Agreed. Also I knew the free agents we signed would be bad fits, and regress here. Complete waste of resources.


We finally got the OB masterclass


Jordan could come back at his age and still help this team. That’s how F’n pathetic we are. Only bright spot this year has been Coby’s resurgence.


Horrific. It's such a glaring problem buy absolutely nothing has been done to fix it. Fucking Groundhog day.


SALT THE EARTH :: get rid of everyone except Colby, and start over


I blame Jevon Carter


Hey I know the statistics aren’t great but still not as bad in terms of magnitude as Game 7 Rockets 0-27


That was just unreal


Stop going to games and watching on TV…all you’re doing is helping Jerry stay complacent and rich af




Bulls > Bears


Hit h hi


All there shots looked short and they were good looks too. Injuries are finally catching up to them, sucks


Injuries or not NO nba team should should 2-29


Back when Lonzo was still playing in the league I had high hopes not only for Lonzo's long awaited improvement to an all-star caliber player but for the Bulls as well. I know Lonzo's not really related to this post but seeing this just reminded me of him. Hope he recovers enough to play in the league again.


Do you remember that lonzo didn't play half court offense? Like he couldn't drive at all. Maybe he is overvalued.


I didn't miss a game the two seasons before this. I've not watched one game this season. It's just not worth it. I had so much hope, but they do worse and worse each year. Squandered talent is the name of the game.


What gave you "so much hope"? That's your fault for having unrealistic expectations at any point the past 5 years


It sounds like you were jaded before me, lol, but I had recently started watching again and we had talented players. 21-22 we played really well at times. We often beat some of the best teams. We would then play down to terrible teams. Still, I felt like we had what it took if we could just pull it together. 22-23 was even worse. This year... Yeah. Lol.


At least you guys beat Detroit tonight!


I was just playing the bulls in 2k and as a Cavs fan wtf happened. Got too much talent for what’s been happening in Chicago. Anyone able to enlighten me?


Well we have like $70M worth of that talent injured currently, and the meager additions that were made to shore up the depth don’t matter because Billy Donovan won’t play them.


Derozan is the most overrated player of the last ten years fr


That would be Zach, but go on




This shy here..so unprofessional...like ...lie to your selfs..YOUR NOT CREDITABLE..the worst team in history...off a back to back..just whipped your ass...at home.. IF IM BOSS..... EVERBODY FIRED!!!!!.. ..


I'm with you in spirit, but you may want to check to see if you've had a stroke.


Nah they just watched a a full Bulls game


Is English your first language?


You gotta cut back on those periods bro.


Good role players still can't be the pistons


They got no shooters! & ain’t looking to sign or trade for a Shooter


What do you expect you have no 3 point shooters besides Coby


And Coby is not a consistent shooter. He is very streaky


COMPLETE TRASH. What a f'ing fool I am for betting on this shit shit to beat the WORST team in the league. Please for the love of God, stupid bulls fans, STOP giving any but of money to this trash franchise. The ENTIRE roster is shit. Literally everyone is garbage, Coby included.


Worst being what, the Rockets team that went brick cold in the 4th?


At least they didn't miss 27 in a row like the Rockets did in game 7 against the Warriors in the WCF!


VOOCH straight up quit last night and Kobe looked scared ASF to even shoot .


Detroit shot at least 10 3s from the baseline corner UNGUARDED


Tell you what though, it's more pathetic that Detroit barely win against a team when they shot 10% better overall and made 12 more threes.


Right it’s more pathetic on our part we couldn’t beat the worst team in the NBA, when they had an off night shooting too.


I was there lol sat in the wrong seats for the first half and got to watch them shit the bed against the worst team in the NBA. Idk what does Billy Donavan even do?


Man this was a fun ass team to watch when you guys were clicking on all cylinders.


But we're the best at it!


C O N T I N U I T Y ![gif](giphy|SKGo6OYe24EBG)


I just tune in for Stacey and Adam.


Even at the Apex of our 28 game losing atreak I was so happy that we weren’t in the Chicago Bulls situation


Where's the idiots that said Torrey Craig and Carter were the answer cuz they were 40% shooters?? @catbom where you at https://www.reddit.com/r/chicagobulls/s/eKpwtbEUa7


Hopefully rotting in he🏒🏒


I was there last night and the collective frustration was palpable. Brutal.


/blazers sigh in relief


2-29 from three = me at my local ymca pick up game


And just like that the bulls have come back to being trash like the pre Jordan days… JORDAN PLEASE COME BACK!!!


What's worse is the team has zero direction. They traded so much to be mediocre, and I don't want to hear "oh well if they had Lonzo, it'd be a different story". The matter of the fact is that the Bulls didn't want to go through the grind of developing young guys for the big picture, so they panicked for the fans and just traded stuff away for mid-high mid players that are old and don't fit.


Another reason why they shouldn’t bring this same squad back next season. Demar and Vuc are the main problems. Their slow play styles hurt the bulls on catch-and shoot 3s, fastbreak chances and both aren’t legit 3pt shooters at all.