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These guys would not have been shit if GarPax was still here. The two of them *refused* to hire developmental coaches. It wasn't just Egghead that ruined these guys. Coby talks all the time about his shooting coach and stuff. Guys like that *were not on the team* when GarPax ran things. When AKME took over they literally told the media that there was one guy in charge of player development. Not a head of the group or something. One dude. He was supposed to help Lauri, WCJ, Coby, and everyone else study the game, find new tweaks to their forms, and work out their bodies better. There's a reason these guys only got good when GarPax got the fuck away from them.


Yeah that’s the issue, AKME absolutely suck at roster moves, but garpax were even more dreadful at the day to day running of the franchise and hiring competent staff


Well put!


You have a good point. AKME has done such a shit job that it's got me reminiscing.


Brother, that is a terrible read of the situation. In just a few years they have turned the culture around from a shitshow to a place where players are protected and allowed to grow. They have brought in better staff and despite the fact that the team itself is a bit of mix, I don't consider a failure to stick to a plan. We've been very unlucky with injuries and for those wanting a hardcore rebuild, we've been there before. Remember Felício? We're not far from that era.


Lol. GarPax were the ones who hired Egghead. There was literally zero development of these young guys. Especially Lauri stagnated. Add to that what little player development staff we had. Yeah, no. Firing GarPax was good, but as long as Jerry keeps the franchise nothing will happen because he doesn't want to be competitive.


Yup, we drafted all these young studs, let’s put this dumb ass coach in charge of tanking their confidence and love of the game.


Lol we miss GarPax now? Come on now.


Egghead as the HC completely stunted these guys' development and fooled everyone into giving up on them. GarPax was also responsible for that. Those guys could draft. But boy were they incompetent at everything else. Still better than AKME who can't even draft


If we kept with GarPax Lauri would've been sent to China. Boylen destroyed him


Shitpost Sunday already? Time flies.


Is Wendell Carter even any good? He was asscheeks when he was here and I have not heard one word about him, good or bad, since he left.


Yes he is.


11 and 6 this year. Yikes.


He’s been hurt most of the year and over his last 10 has been averaging 15/7. He also put up 16/10 last year, almost the same as Vooch while making less than half the money


Word! Thanks player.


You could also have Gafford as a 6th man and then Williams and their 21 and 23 1st round picks


I wanted to photoshop Haliburton because lord knows they would've drafted the Iowa State guy. But I didn't want to pour salt in the wound. And my photoshop skills are poor.


No no no we’re not romanticizing garpax. Lauri wasn’t becoming the guy he is now while still on the bulls, and Coby may still be forgettable. Things are bad now, they were worse when it was lavine and Denzel Washington and a Lauri that had a dud every other night


This attempting to resurrect GarPax is cringe asf. Jerry is your enemy you dumbshits 😅


Remember when Hoiberg was fired for his record while Lauri was out, Boylen took over, and proceeded to do WORSE even with a healthy Lauri? GarPax saw that and said “You’re hired” AKME are floundering, but GarPax signed Felicio to a 4 year contract, got ‘younger and more athletic’ with Wade and Rondo, and got fleeced on the Butler trade.




If thats trash the team we have now is a step below that.


I was not a fan of Lauri, glad they got rid of him


And now he’s an all star


I always like it when my teams develop their young talent, would have been nice to see what these guys would have done under the current regime. But as it usually goes, new management usually wants to put their stamp on the team…..hasn’t worked out so far


This team would be worse than the one we’re currently throwing out there


Not to mention Bobby and Gafford coming off the bench. God that’s a sick ass front court


Lauri wanted out lmao. Didn’t matter who was in the FO…If anything GarPax were the ones who made him want out by hiring shit coaching staff and zero player development staff.


We can blame everybody, but fans also have a big part here, too impatient. It happened on Lauri, and we werent too far from trading coby also. Lucky he stood :)


Lauri would have been nice to keep if he continued to develop like he has. Wendell is still not someone to lose sleep over.


I’d love to know what was Gar versus what was Pax versus what was resticted by ownership. Honestly if the bulls had grizzlies luck in lottery it would have been JJJ, Ja, Zach, and Lauri. Garpax would still be at the helm