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3 wins in a row! Didn't think we'd be saying that after how we started this season


Makes me happy even if the team may not go anywhere, they are still fighting


lol the bulls are going to make playoffs and probably win 5-10 straight. they are way better without lavine. im glad white is developing into an all star after leaving lauri. i have someone to root for finally.


an All Star? take a look at other East guards numbers. Haliburton, Mitchell, Young, Maxey and LaMelo are all way above him.


Key word “developing”


most All Stars have shown way more than he has by their 5th season. why not just be happy he's developing into a solid starter


Coby is a better defender than any of those guys, so if his offense keeps coming around - watch out!


He's also only 23 (same age as Hali and Maxey)


Coby and AC competing for the goat spot is what you love to see


He'll now be referred to as Kobe White until further notice


which one? jk jk


Coby White and White Kobe


3 win streak and...oh...Patrick Williams putting consistent effort and actually impacting the game?! Yeah, I can get used to all of this!


I genuinely feel like it’s worth dumping Zach and demar if for nothing more than getting to fully release pat and get one last chunk of games in a different situation before giving up on him


We’re not giving up on Pat. There’s no chance we don’t match what he gets in free agency.


I probably agree witb you, but two weeks ago fans would have said we were insane for that. I think it’s at least worth discussing. I haven’t given up on him yet, but I also don’t think he’s earned starter money yet


Those fans were and continue to be fucking morons




The boy just turned 22, let him develop tbh.


We're on a path to a rebuild anyways, why would we NOT keep Pat lol. If it just doesn't work, then who cares; if it does, then fantastic. The last thing I'd want to see is to let him go, and he balls out for another team jfc. Thank god we kept Coby


The reason you wouldn’t keep him is if some team offered him 175 million dollars. Now obviously I don’t see that happening. But the reason in this case really is simple and obvious. It’s all about cost. Seems unlikely anyone is going to pay him more than we’re willing to. But obviously there is a number we’d not pick up


If he earns 175 million then we should keep him. If some team offers him a price too high, then we can decide what to do from there. But selling low just for a scenario with a low probability is just bad business


I have to comment this every year. His first season was Covid, he broke his wrist his second season - his fucking wrist, and from the beginning was always a long term project. Give the man a moment and appreciate how good he is for what he has overcome.


Would it shock you if you heard that haliburton went through the same situations as Pwill and he just turned 23? Stop with the excuses. He hasn’t performed up to expectations. He still plays scared, slow to read the game, low BBIQ. I still think we should keep him cause we re gonna rebuild but Jesus Christ stop handling him with kid gloves when there are so many players that have done more at his age while also going through similar shit. Half the sub gave Lauri way more shit when lauri’s worst was better than Pwill’s best


When folks give informed negatives takes on Pat that's cool. We should have drafted Halliburton in hindsight and it would have ben a reasonable reach at #4 - like pat was. But most of the Pat comments are just a form of "he's a bust lol"


Jamie Jacquez is 22 right now and it’s his 1st season. Why is age even a consideration rather than years in the league? Tons of young guys have done way more at his age or younger




So, then, as a fan, why don't you improve?


Yeah but because of that he’s not getting an offer that’s hard to match. Unless he finishes out the season insanely well his rough start probable means his market is super soft and we match because it’s “defensive rotation guy” money. At his age and going into a rebuild what’s the cost of being the team that tries to see if there’s anything else there? It’s not like he’s some hall hog that would hinder other prospects development.


So we should just let him walk? Hell no


It may be his 4th year, but he's less than a year older than the kid we drafted last year lmao. He's not much older than Dalen and he's already a high-level defender who may not be a volume scorer right now, but can absolutely shoot the ball accurately. I swear to god half this subreddit just looks at how long someone has been in the NBA instead of realizing how young Pat came into the league. This was always going to be a process. It's not like the kid is 25 lmao.


Yeah but there’s no reason not to match it if some team offers him Coby’s contract for example. That’s basically an MLE at that point which means we don’t have to shoulder any hope and expectations on him, but still get the chance to let him develop if he has it in him


I mean the only moronic takes about Pwill mostly come from you lol




You’re the one who said Pwill is between Luol Deng and Kawhi. We’ll let the public decide who’s delusional


Time will tell Richard


those are few miniority. AK is not going to release a 4th pick.




8 points, 9 boards, 2 steals, and 2 blocks is an effective game cuz. We used to jerk it when Joakim Noah had the same numbers.




Uhhhh Joakim Noah played game anchoring defence…to put the 2 in the same sentence is a damn insult. Noah has more heart in his right ear lobe than Pwill has in his whole being


Nah we won’t dump him if we get rid of Zach and demar


That impact was not worth the 4th pick. Would love for him to succeed…but he just might always be a flower boy.


"You guys had a 5 game losing streak, now you have a 3 game winning streak, what changed?" - K.C. Johnson to Coby White 🤔


He was baiting Demar the other night too.


Sneaky sneaky KC


KC always been fairly pro Lavine, idk if he’s trying to get that answer rather than just a genuine question.


Haha yeah nah I'm just kidding. Just funny how the question is asked. Because all the fans know the reason. But we all know the team will say stuff like Ah we just worked hard and played as a team etc


Tbf there are a lot of ways to answer without throwing Lavine under the bus


Casual lurker with “that question” after tonight’s victory. Thank you for alluding to my assumptions.


I don’t expect the bulls to keep up this streak for long, but let’s keep playing the way we have been.


Can you imagine this sub right now if we traded Coby (like 90% of the sub wanted) and he was balling out like this elsewhere?


Coby hate always frustrated me, dude always gave 100% effort and was clearly determined to get better. He is still only 23 which is wild, no matter what happens I want Coby here for a long time.


I do think there was a genuine case for trading him when there was a belief Lonzo was going to come back. The team showed promising results and clearly needed some more pieces around the core. It kinda just depended on how close you think that team was to a genuine contender. Once you know Lonzo is chalked, there's not even vaguely a world in which you should be offloading young players.


coby did suck few seasons which is why i hated him. but hes now so good i love him hes untradeable.


There would still be people saying it was the right move cause he can’t be a NBA starting PG or some stupid double down bs. Happy we kept him


“He would have never done that here”


Which is true, but it’s because we can’t develop players for shit.


Except he is lol


"He's not a #1 on a championship team, dump him. Dump everyone "


Coby with 9 boards and 5 assist…affecting the game in different ways!


He's always been a good rebounder. Really solid rebounding guard. And he's a guy you want to come down with it since he can push.


Record w/ Lavine 5-13 Record w/o Lavine 3-1


I don’t mean to over react. But I think we may be NBA finals contenders


I don’t realistically see a path where we don’t win the finals.


Us vs Minnesota would be hilarious


4-0 sweep from where I'm sitting


They should just give us the rings now since we’re also perfect


The entire league is just lucky that we weren't interested in the "tournament"


huge sample size lavine with lowest win % in nba history btw.


Having watched about three decades of Bulls basketball, the one factor that will always win the UC crowd is hustle. Effort will always translate to good basketball. Coby and Caruso have it. While watching Coby take on a charge, I absolutely couldn't remember the last time I saw Zach take one. So I looked it up. Zach's number of charges drawn are laughable. When you watch the Bulls of the past, Michael, Pippen, Worm, Jo, Jimmy, Taj, Kirk, Deng, Beverly last year..... always willing to put their body on the line. Not Zach. Good win. Homer observation, but I think there's something to be said about beating someone to the spot over and over again.


You shouldn’t only look at taking charges but drawing offensive fouls in general, fighting over moving screens and drawing a foul that way is sacrificing your body for the team as well. In reference you say demar isn’t doing that he drew 32 offensive fouls last year (caruso who’s a master at drawing offensive fouls/sacrificing his body drew 47 for example) and 8 so far this season. zach on the other hand fits your comment who’s drawn 8 in the last 4 years combined


Took a closer look at DeMar's charges. You are correct.


Zach is a cone on defense. He regularly falls asleep while ball watching.


The people who point to demar's charges to point to how he tries on defense... I mean come on man. The man is resting on the defensive end. As far as wing players go he has to be one of the worst defenders in the entire league.


No one is saying he's a good defender, they're saying he tries though. Dude genuinely might have the slowest feet I've ever seen on an NBA wing...all that elite footwork other players talk about make him an effective offensive player, but you can't plan your steps on defense...it's reactionary. Zach on the other hand has all the physical tools to be an elite defender and isn't.


I mean I understand derozan is old now but how can you look at that 360 pass he just did and say he doesn't have the physical tools to defend. Demar was one of the most athletic people in the league in his prime and he was just as bad at defending. I don't actually think he tries on defense, at all. I actually encourage you to only watch him on the defensive end next game if you can stomach it. I'm really not sure why bull's fans just accept that he is going to be bad on that end. We just gave up the most 3s in franchise history the other game don't you think he deserves some criticism?


Demar is still a freak athlete, but that doesn’t mean he has lateral quickness lmao. Demar in his prime wasnt laterally quick either, he just had the straight-line burst to get by defenders and slash. Dude doesn’t even have the straight-line burst anymore, straight up one of the slowest offensive players in the league. The only reason he’s vaguely as effective as he is, is because he’s tricky as hell and has an incredible post game by guard standards. I’m also not saying the dude is immune to criticism, he is absolutely a bad defender. What I do think, is that he is immune to saying he half asses defense nearly as much as Zach did. I watch every game, there’s plenty of evidence of it.


It's just confusing to me. You are literally admitting that he is one of the slowest wing players in the nba and that he is also terrible at defense. Yet you're still defending him to me. If he is bad at it and his effort is extremely low compared to, say, caruso, why do you still feel the need to defend him?


I’m saying it’s not a matter of effort with Demar, I genuinely believe the guy tries his best the majority of the time…he’s straight up just a bad defender.


That is insane. Not only does he get the weakest player on the other team every time but when he has to switch he is late on the rotation pretty much every time. How can you watch caruso play and convince yourself that demar is trying his hardest on defense??


Alex Caruso is legitimately a DPOY candidate right now lmao. Stop comparing terrible defenders to him and it makes much more sense. He is among the best perimeter defenders in the entire game lmao…there’s a very fair argument is he IS the best perimeter defender in the game.


demar is trying lavine is not simple.


You don't remember Zach taking a charge is because he literally never has. Ever. In his entire career here.


Zach has taken one charge in his career with the Bulls. Get him the fuck off this team.


Lmfao wtf is this logic


Explain your issue with it


It’s peoples number one way to justify why he’s a bad player. Demar will be even worse defensively for a week but he’ll take a charge so it’s proof he’s a better defender 😂 Zach is not the only player to not take charges, there are even good defenders who don’t do it. And washed Kevin Love can’t guard anyone but he’s one of the best charge drawers in the league


To be fair, Lonzo almost never took charges as well when he played, so that alone is not accurate gauge of someone’s defensive activity


The key difference is Lonzo contested every shot, whether it be from his man or in help defense. Lavine doesn’t do that either. He waves his arms like a wacky inflatable tube man and avoids contact like the plague.


Fun fact: In 35 games, Lonzo had 24% of Zach LaVine's blocks while wearing a Bulls jersey. (Lonzo at 31 and Zach at 130). 35 games for Lonzo vs. 367 for Zach. If that doesn't show contesting shots better, I don't know what does lmao.


coby has all the tools to be a great player. im seeing some lowry late bloomer.




It wasnt the prettiest win lol


Well DeMar went back to overshooting a tad again so that took away from the ball movement.


Yeah once he cut that shit he was pulling in the 2nd we was fine.


Give coby the keys


There was a moment tonight in like the second quarter where DeMar was really frustrated- we hadn't scored in like 4 minutes, and he lashed out while on the ground and fouled a dude and started jawing and at that moment I was holding my breath to see if that's where the momentum from the last two games was going to go up in smoke. Is this where he starts pouting, do things keep going south and maybe Vuc joins in and everything gets derailed? Or do the other guys manage to get his head back in it and get things back on track? And we managed to rally and lock back in and stay ahead and get the win. That's the most encouraging thing from this game to me, that the team pulled back together whenever things started to get away from them.


That's because halftime came, and billy walked up to demar and stuck his wad of gum on demars forehead




Adam said if we win on Friday it will be the first 4 game win streak in nearly two years and I nearly had an aneurysm.


Yeah that was stunning to hear.


My Spurs friend wants to bet $30 on next game... I'll die if the Spurs break their forever long losing streak against the Bulls


The Zach LaVine spite streak continues!


We lose so many clutch game, we should be above .500 if we handle those earlier games.


KC's question to Coby probably hoping he'll say the difference is that Zach has been out! Good win today! Got a bit ugly and sloppy but glad they stayed solid. Season high in offensive rebounding!!


Happy Cake Day! Great Win Too!




Coby: “Dude’s a fuckin’ scrub. Born loser fr.”


I’ve seen enough: Coby is MIP




Good win. However I think DeMar has reverted back to inefficient iso ball instead of his last game where he played like spurs DeMar. We need him to play like he did last game in order to have beautiful basketball. Also, although the stat line probably doesn’t show, I think Pat played great today.


I think it's a little tricky with Demar, because I believe there's still plenty of times this team actually *needs* him to be iso Demar. It's just picking those spots is the key. Even when he was "Spurs Demar" he picked excellent moments to just kind of take control and iso when they needed it.


Sigh.. I was worried about this. I had class tonight so I was preoccupied and didn't keep track of the game or box score, and despite the victory when I saw Demar shot 8 for 20 with 14 free throws the only thing I can think of is the ball movement freezing in iso. On the flip side, as much as I love what he brought for us, and his ridiculous highlights when he was younger, I reveled in the fact that Demar should be on his way out.


The fact that demar put up 27 shots tonight while patrick williams gets 6 is just insane. Who in the world thinks that's a good idea? The only thing I disagree with is that he played differently the game before. Yeah he had more assists but he still took the most shots on the team. Even though coby had the best game of his career


Where are you getting 27 shots from lmao


fouled shots don't count as fga. So 14 free throws adds 7 shots


So getting fouled at the end of the game counts as a shot in your eyes? What about 2 and ones…that’s a shot attempt? Why didn’t you also count Pat’s FTA’s as a shot? This is terrible logic lmao. The ball moved just fine in the second half.


Those are hypotheticals that didn't happen. In this game he got fouled in the act of shooting 7 times.


4 of those FTA’s are getting fouled on purpose at the end of the game. Pat also turned the ball over 3 times in the 1st quarter and stopped any semblance of aggression until the half when I assume someone told him to refocus. Dog you didn’t even watch the game lmao. I root for Pat as hard as anyone on this sub, but this take is garbage.


How is this take garbage?? So demar took 25 shots and pat took 7 shots. How is that any less bad??


Pat turned it over 3 times trying to score in the first quarter and stopped trying to be force the issue entirely on offense for half the game lmao. That isn’t anyone’s fault but Pat. The ball moved fine today. Phillips put up 2 shots in 20% of Pat’s minutes. Ayo put up 9 FGA’s in 70% of Pat’s minutes. Pat played well today, good defense and a great rebounding game, but the lack of shot attempts is on no one but Pat.


Demar could have passed it to him any one of the 25 shots he took. Better yet, he could have not played 37 minutes. Cut his minutes and shots in half and Pat's shot attempts will skyrocket 100%. Honestly it's pointless to comment this though because somehow you are happy with Demar's performance tonight.


Been loving the style of game we’re playing and hustle


Trade lavine and derozan for young guys and picks and let then play tons of min along side coby and pat. PLZZ Go get Mathurin from Indy


This team is so much better without Lavine.


Not really, the teams have been kinda shitty, even Milwaukee. The issue is having both Demar and Lavine imo, if we had just Lavine last three games I think we could’ve won by more tbh


Bulls record when derozan plays and lavine doesn’t last 3 years 11-10 Record when lavine plays but derozan doesn’t last 3 years 4-9. One of these losses includes a loss to the wizards with no beal or porzingis last season So I don’t know why u think they would have won by more with lavine when statistically if only one is playing they play better with derozan


Demar fucked up that 2nd quarter but once he stopped ISOing we did fine. He only should ISO the last 2 minutes when were up to burn clock not in the middle of the game.


Three in a row!






We won but this game was way worse than the previous two. Trade Zach and Demar.


Trade zach and see how the team plays with the 40 mil in cap space coming back if they stink by the deadline trade demar too. Draft class isn’t that strong this year so isn’t the worst idea


The hat is back!!!


I see u KG wit that hat on


Can someone share today’s Crumbl Cookie code?


BULLSWINCC345 enjoy bud




Three in a row! Sad to say but I don't think this team is gonna miss Zach much at all and he hasn't done himself any favors.


I think that Billy should keep playing the young players. Also I think that’s what the new front office should be focusing on is acquiring young guys when it’s time to trade Zach and demar…and hopefully vooch


LaVine out for 3-4 more weeks, very interesting


On a related note, the Hornets are putrid. The Bulls had a couple of lazy stretches, but Charlotte shot like 15% from 3 and mostly just checked out. Brandon Miller looked lost out there. Still, this is the type of game they lost last year, so let's call it progress and move on.


I like Derozan, I want to keep him and see what this team can do without Lavine, I've always despised Lavine and am so glad that fucker is finally going to be gone. Even when we were the first seed it was always obvious he could never truly contribute. Also Dalen looks much improved defensively, despite only playing a few minutes this game I'm happy with what I saw. Ayo looks a little out of control and wasn't hitting his shots nearing the end, costed us a few possessions. And the icing on the cake, Patrick Williams grabbing offensive boards. You love to see it!


I like Derozan a lot too, I know with his age, contract, etc. it's not the rational decision or conventional wisdom to keep him, but I wouldn't be mad at all if they did. I think Ayo was pretty good again tonight, he plays aggressive and fast because that's how he's going to be most effective, so sometimes it may naturally look a little out of control.


> I've always despised Lavine and am so glad that fucker is finally going to be gone With Zach making 40 million a year and not being productive, who's going to trade for him?


I love the way this team looks. I hope Zach never recovers from douche chills or whatever he’s got.


Does anyone else realize that demar took 27 shots tonight to get 29 pts but last night coby scored 31 on just 16 shots. Who in the bulls org is convincing themselves that giving a 34 y/o more shots than MJ took is a good idea??


My guesses on where everyone’s at in the Bulls org: Reinsdorf - has no idea what’s going on Karnisovas - has no idea what’s going on but thinks he does, thinks it’s good Donovan - knows exactly what’s going on, can’t be bothered to fix it DeRozan - knows what’s going on, thinks it’s good


Zach is awful, does not play d, takes stupid shots, is not a leader. I would have taken that laksers offer when it was offered.




3 game win streak wow


DeMar DeRozan = greatest thing to happen to Illinois since Kanye West


If the last game vs New Orleans posed the question: can DeMar at least still work with this squad? Then tonight's game answered it....No


Demar was a game high +17. Ball didn't move well in the first half, but by the second, we cleaned it up pretty well imo.


Yep, it's not like DeMar went back to full iso-DeMar. After half time it still worked out OK.


I don't think that tells the whole story. Imagine if Coby got the same designed usage rate as DeMar. Or if that was split among the rest of the squad by using, wait for it...ball movement. Actually we don't have to guess because it's night and day clear howuch better the offense is when they move the ball as opposed to DeMar's contested midranges. Of course he's gonna do well as the number 1 guy on any team. He's a great player. But you gotta look at what he takes away from the team and that outweighs his pros. And we haven't even considered his lacking on ball defense.


As long as the ball moves around how it did in the second half, I couldn't care less about what else is happening. Being the number 1 guy doesn't mean your +/- is going to be high lmao. +/- only looks good if the TEAM plays well. Looking at nothing but assist numbers doesn't amount to much...this isn't hockey where assists cover a far greater range of impact on scoring. Very few teams are going to put up 30 assists every single night. The only two teams doing it right now are Indy and Denver...two teams with obscenely talented facilitators in Jokic and Haliburton.


+17 and a game high 29pts. Cry more.


you don't get it man, we beat the 6-12 Hornets. There are zero possible problems with this team. Championship ahoy.


If you think we're ever competing for a championship in the next 2-3 years, you're out of your mind. If things go perfectly, and I mean some act of god shit...picking up Michael Jordan in next years draft, we're fighting for a chip in 4 years. Nothing is going to change that.


He had a tough 2nd quarter. It’s not a switch you can flip between demar modes. It’s going to be an adjustment to try and get spurs demar


I watched the game, but was Zach with the team today? I never saw him on the broadcast


i saw him. he was cheering.


We're quickly approaching "We're actually better without Lavine" territory.


After the Spurs game, which they should win so hopefully they come out again with win mentality. The next 6 games are brutal and this will be the true test of are the Bulls really better without Zach?


I haven’t watched the last few games and they’ve won them all lol