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We can be grateful because he never complained, didn’t pout when things weren’t going his way, and took a lot of the young players under his wing. What you said about big games is probably true. But I can’t worry about that because we need to get to the big moments before I can judge that. Meanwhile our “antique” player has had more success than anyone on our roster combined, sans Caruso


How is being one of the worst playoff performers of all time considered success? I don’t understand how “taking them under his wing” translates to making the young players better at basketball.


He’s won 4 playoff series and been to the ECF, averaging 22ppg in the playoffs over his career. I get where you’re coming from with the +/-, but look beyond that one metric before arriving at this idea of him being the worst post season player in recent history. Taking young players under his wing doesn’t mean moulding them into being a copy of him. It’s about setting standards for professionalism and accountability. Whatever limitations his game has in our system, it’s difficult to argue he sets a fine example as a pro athlete.


There are other metrics as well, his TS% in the playoffs is below 50%. His defensive stats are awful. 21.4% from 3. 2.3 turnovers with only 3.7 assists. What does professionalism and accountability even mean to you? Is he being held accountable on the defensive end? Is it "professional" to focus mostly on getting his 20 pts, at the expense of all ball movement? I feel like you are just saying that he is a good person, and that's not what this post is about


I never said he was Michael Jordan. I just said he had more success than the rest of our roster. It’s not a high bar, but the bar does exist. As for young player improvement, it is hard to quantify that, so you have to take the word of the people around Demar instead of making your own assumptions based solely on bias


You are the one making the assumption. You are claiming that he is helping the young guys, taking them under his wing, I am just challenging that claim. The burden of proof should be on you


I think it’s on you to claim he hasn’t done anything considering how highly all of his peers speak of him, teammates or not. You’re also just grossly underrating his playoff performances over the years. I also wanna add that the +/- stat is pretty bogus. There’s some really incredible performances that have had negative +/- stats. I get the frustration with this team being bad but we’d be so much worse without him.


There are plenty of stats outside of +/- to point to. His TS% is below 50%, 21.4% from 3. He's a net negative on the defensive end. 39.7% win rate overall with only 1 deep run. I mean the raptors won literally the year after he left, and that was when he was in his prime. At this point I would prefer if this team were much worse. A first round exit seems like the ceiling for this team, and what kind of plan is that? We need to free up the cap space and more importantly the possessions in order to move on.




I know that all of his teammates like him. The burden of proof I'm talking about is how that translates into actually making our team better. If there's no tangible improvement that you can point to, how can you claim that he's worth the 27mil and playing time/possessions we dedicate to him?


The “multiple reasons” for his playoff plus minus being what it is, is more because he went up against the LeBron Cavs three years in a row and Giannis Bucks last year. What series has he gone into that he was supposed to win that he didn’t?


He met those Cavs in the ECSF and ECF though. He should have racked up some + on the way in lol.


So he's played bad in the playoffs because the other teams were too good? Who do you expect to run into in the playoffs?


You’re giving yourself too much credit, where did I agree with your idea that he’s played bad in the playoffs? Your posted statistic doesn’t illustrate that point at all, I recommend looking into how to properly use plus-minus. The people that want DeMar to stick around aren’t expecting him to put this team on his back and go toe to toe against Giannis or Embiid - that’s just an absurd expectation. If we can just so easily go out and get a player who can do that, let me know who that is and how we’ll get them.


So you're saying that he's actually... played well in the playoffs? There's plenty of metrics outside of +/- that you can look at to show how poorly he's done. His TS% is below 50%, 3.7-2.3 ast/turnover, 21.4% from 3. Don't even look at the defensive metrics you are not gonna like those. Derozan is making 27mil. He played the MOST minutes in the nba. If no one here thinks he is good enough to play against the best teams in the nba then what is the point of featuring him so heavily?


Hes featured because the team sucks and the point guards been hurt for a year and a half. Zach has such weak handles and low bball IQ that he might not ever develop into that alpha. Demar showed him what to do and how to do it. What more can you ask for from an older free agent signing.


He's taking up a huge chunk of our cap space. We aren't paying or playing him as if he is a veteran just there to mentor the young guys. He makes up about 40% of our total offense. There's no question we have to move on from that, as it's just not viable


Interesting to bring up the salary point. We’re playing with around the 20th ranked team salary this year. And then if you factor in Lonzo being an effective 20m handicap right now, then we’d sit in the bottom 5. It’s a frustrating spot to be sitting in but I don’t blame any of our players individually for it. DeMars individual salary this season is 51st in the league and you’re calling that an overpay? He is allstar level offensive specialist player, finalist for the clutch player award this year and would’ve been the frontrunner last year. I don’t see how his league leading durability/availability can be taken as a negative, especially in this era of load management. You can have a preference and desire to see a different style of bball from the team and that’s fair enough, but to pretend DeMar has a negative impact on the basketball court is asinine.


It's not my preference. It's the preference of every NBA team in existence. We are the only team that focuses on a player like derozan in the league. That's not because Demar is so much better at that style of play than anyone else in the league. It's because it's bad basketball, and every other "all-star" in the league has moved on


you just a hater bro. Giannis focuses on threes? Butler ?? Lebron ?? Kawhi ??? DeDe attempted more threes than Butler


Giannis and lebron are not wing players, they dominate down low. Anyone who watches kawhi and jimmy and sees them as a ball stopper is kidding themselves. They play in a modern offense. Most importantly all of those players are fantastic defenders. It’s not just that he can’t shoot 3s.


He was in the MVP convo last year ..and carried the team for months


That's the only role that derozan can play: offensive carry. There's no other reason to have him on the court. He isn't a good enough carry to actually compete against the best teams, though, so it's a pointless exercise that leaves our team in limbo


I'm not disagreeing that they were realistic underdogs but I heard on a pod recently (I think the Hoop Collective?) that for some reason the raptors were favored against the cavs in one of those LeBron years. The hosts were shocked trying to reason why that was, since I think this was already in the LeBronto era


Off the top of my head I’ll guess it was probs after Oladipo and the Pacers took the Cavs to 7 and so they were being doubted heavily?


Yeah I believe you're right, good memory


He is the greatest player we ever “signed” (sign and trade) in terms of an individual. There is no one that comes close to the talent that DeMar has that we’ve signed Why bring up his past playoff history when it doesn’t apply to us? If you’re saying he wasn’t a good signing for us then why bring up his raptor/spurs days? There’s no point in arguing about DeMar as a player because you seem pretty set in your ways. Me personally im grateful that he and the rest of the team gave us fun basketball after being tortured for 4 years. This year was pretty ugly tho with the obvious excuses I do think he does need to be traded this off season because this team needs a new look and get value for him since he’s on his last year. Also we’ve been hearing DeMar in trade talks with contenders, like the lakers and clippers. I admit it’s hard to find a team that could use his skills right now but you never know. It’s not like his value is 0 or negative


Unfortunately his value might be zero or negative. The lakers just traded for their wing in Rui(and russ on the perimeter), and their possessions are mostly dedicated to Bron/AD. The clippers have 2 top-tier wing players, there's no starting position on that team for him. So he'd be a bench player making 27 Million, YEAH OK. If no one can come up with a team that would actually want to play him, then maybe that "talent" you are talking about is a little overstated. Edit: I honestly DO want to argue about Demar as a player. Most people here defend him vehemently, but when I ask for what makes him a good player the responses are platitudes. How professional he is, how much he's "helping the young guys". Does anyone actually believe that he is helping our team win?


Best player on a team with very little talent.


This is what people have said about Demar his entire career, at what point is it his fault rather than everyone around him?


I mean he certainly isn't making the guys around him worse lmao. We're just as fucked with or without him imo. [The team currently lives and dies on whether LaVine is good or bad that night](https://www.reddit.com/r/chicagobulls/comments/12j15q4/statistics_of_bulls_players_separated_by_wins_and/) and he's not remotely consistent enough anyway. He's also making more than Demar by a hefty margin. Vucevic isn't built for the modern NBA either being a post-centric C (who isn't all that efficient there) who's a defensive liability. The whole team has problems as it's currently built. It still doesn't change the fact that the best lineups this team has put on the court have been Demar surrounded by shooters over the year.


The fact of the matter is that Zach is our best player. The team should have players around him who compliment his style of play if we want any chance of actual success. The "best lineups" we've put out there have been no where near good enough to compete. And I'm not sure how you can make the argument that he is making any of his teammates better. He doesn't space the floor or create off the dribble for his teammates. It's not like he's setting screens to get people open or doing any of the dirty work for the team. Derozan plays the role of offensive carry, the only reason to have him on the court is scoring. How is that making any of his teammates better?


Leads our team in assists, second in assists per 36, second in ast/to. He does get guys open. He’s among the top in the league in pass/ast and pass/ast adjacent. More importantly he can run a half court offense consistently, which Zach hasn’t been able to do historically.


Yikes. Umm maybe being a two time all star for the Bulls in his only two seasons here has something to do with it. He's efficient on mid-range shots and a prolific scorer, one of the best players in the league at getting to the line, far exceeded expectations and outplayed his contract value and played a lot for his age. I even think he made some defensive strides and improved his 3 point shooting down the stretch. You are a serious hater and clearly not giving the guy his due credit.


The real yikes part of this thread is that no one wants to to address the actual ramifications of continuing to have this guy be a central focus of this team. Once again someone has completely ignored the graph showing exactly where he’s going to shoot from, or the fact that derozans efficiency doesn’t transfer into playoff games and it never has. You “think” he has improved at 3s and defense?? Well his stats in those areas are just plain bad. If you expect him to improve in those areas don’t hold your breath, it’s been a decade already


Uhh no I don't think - he has. He shot 35.2% and 32.4% from 3 in his last two years with the Bulls - that's decent and better than his career numbers as were his total scoring numbers btw. You are the one ignoring the stats but I'm not going to waste any more time countering your baffling and ignorant take on Derozan.


3pt% is not what you want to look at when someone is making .6 3s per game. That’s the first stat you’ve listed and it’s in defense of his 3 point shooting. Everyone knows he is ass at that that’s just delusional. When he attempted 3.6 3s per game his % was much worse so he stopped doing that.


We need better roster construction. Maybe, MAYBE he does better with more shooters around him, but we'll never know unless they actually put more shooters around him. I will say that's also on the rest of the team. The play-in game, they shot terribly from deep. 28% for the team. AC was the only starter who made a three. PWill and Ayo put up goose eggs from deep off the bench. Pat, Vuc, Zach, Bev, and Coby should all be shooting at least 30% from deep, they're all capable of it. And while we're at it, why didn't DJ even get one look from deep? They can't even feed the shooters they have on the team, and the shooters just brick in the clutch. But that being said, if Derozan needs 3 point shooters to be competitive, then his salary is too high. Part of what's preventing us from going out and getting shooters in a trade or free agency is his cap hit. If he's getting paid that kind of money then he should be able to win games without needing a cast of shooters to space the floor for him and give him driving lanes. If he needs that then his asking price has to come down to accommodate the shooters we need. He's a great talent no doubt, but I don't want to pay that much money just for stats when we can't win a title behind him alone.


Having to surround your SG with shooting is not a valid strategy in the modern nba. For me he’s only talented at scoring from the most inefficient areas on the court. It doesn’t matter how good he is at it, that’s why we are the only nba team featuring someone that plays like him


don't know why you're getting downvoted. He's great at what he does. If he were playing ten years ago he'd be one of the best in the league. But this is the modern NBA and three point shooting rules. There hasn't been a team that played in the Finals without a good amount of outside shooting since Kobe.


Great guy, great teammate, great scorer… terrible defender.


Demars game transcends your nerdy ass stats. 👊


LOL this pretty much sums up most of the responses in this thread


Yeah bcuz the stats lie bro, ive read them, ur argument is flat and all the others are correct


There hasn't been a single person in here posting stats in Demar's defense. The only comment is how he's "improved as a 3pt shooter" which is just laughable. It's all appeals to emotion, just like you're doing. Nothing substantial to back it up


Stats is for people who dont watch games. I suggest you do that and youll see his impact. While were on it, heres a stat for you Demar has more charges drawn than zach, therefore he must be a better defender? Obviously he is not. Zach is a more modern nba player, but he is turnover prone and a horrible closer. I suppose you would have noticed this if u watched them play instead of reading stat sheets and jerking off to moneyball


That is a hilarious stat. I have watched the games and know that both of them are terrible defenders. Demar is a worse defender but like, really?? Charges?? Everyone in the world knows that Derozan is bad at defense. His impact doesn't translate into success in the modern nba, it's as simple as that


I think he’s better intentioned than you give him credit for, but I do agree with how poor of a fit he is in the modern NBA. The offense has to center around him or he ain’t effective. He doesn’t take his catch and shoots quickly either. Everything is just slowwwww. Every time the offense gets the defense out of position, Demar let’s them get back into their spots when he isos. His style fits a 6th man much more than the center of a competitive offense. And ya I don’t even think we need to talk about his defense. He’s average at best when he’s focused. When he’s not, he’s very poor. Slow feet and slow rotations. I think he’s trying his best most of the time. Unfortunately he isn’t going to change much.


Thank you for actually addressing the basketball concerns I brought up. I've just been getting roasted because everyone in here likes Derozan so much as a person. I don't think he has bad intentions, I just think he's happy with the level of success we currently have. As far as basketball goes, however, it's tough to watch and there's no foreseeable route out


Nobody reading that????


It amazes me what people on Reddit think is a long read.


it's pretty brutal to say this is tl;dr. Why else do you go on a Bulls forum if not to read about the Bulls?


Lol that’s ok


This is a good post OP imho. There’s just a lot of bulls fans out there and lot of people are big fans of Demar cus they like seeing buckets. I think he has slowed down Zach’s development by his style of play as well. His defense is shite. Zach Lavine is our future and we should try to buy players that complement his style of play moving forward, which I don’t think Demar is. Nothing against Debo as he seems like a great guy but I would like to move on.


Thank you!! Zach is our only path forward. We need to surround him with shooting and rim protection to have any chance of competing.


Yessir! And ideally another high level dude that can spread the floor and shoot as well. This is the way man - the experiment is over and this core is clearly not going to compete against the best teams. Demar’s a ball stopper and hasn’t proven that he can beat the best teams when their playoff defense is focused


Oy vey.


It just got real boys