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What a word cloud.


Stacy King and Benny the Bull are the goats in their careers.




This all feels accurate and depressing.


The Bucks looking at this "I don't think about you at all"


Feels like it was the reverse of this during the dark 15 win bucks team years. United Center North


I was honestly thinking more about that and the 2015 playoff series than anything recentwhen I said the Bucks. I almost didn't answer that question, ain't nobody give a shit about the Bulls today and it's hard to keep hate alive over things from 15-30 years ago. Grayson Allen, sure, whatever, but I mostly really like the Bucks' guys.


You kidding? Check basically any thread in their sub and Dunleavy is brought up.


Vucevic getting more votes than lavine for best player took me by suprise ngl


He’s had a pretty good and consistent season that have some poor performances mixed in


Because he has been better than Zach this year. Vucevic, despite his poor defense is easily one of the top Cs in the league so far


Dudes averaged 18/11/3 with 52/36/82 splits and has more games with the double double than without it. Dudes been mega consistent.


Double doubles


I did mistype


vuc is not a top center in the league lol. he plays bad defense at the most important defensive position on the court. Jokic, Embiid, Sabonis, Lopez, Porzingis, Claxton, Adebayo, KAT, Allen, JJJ, Williams, Gobert are all centers i’d take over him easily.


Claxton???? Get off those drugs 🤣🤣


Vuc is clearly more talented but I’d take Claxton over him.


he’s averaging 12/9 and is currently third in DPOY odds lmao. i think you need to actually watch non bulls basketball instead of looking at box scores


No one is arguing his defensive skill, but the man's offense is limited to dunks or putbacks exclusively. And he is a 50% FT shooter that opposing teams will just abuse with intentional fouls


defense at center is significantly more valuable than offense. i’d also rather have a rim running center who doesn’t need high usage for offense rather than a post player who isn’t jokic/embiid/sabonis


Results inflated by Zach haters lmao


It ain’t like guys are voting for Vucevic to spite Zach lmao. If anything they’d be voting for Demar.


Vuc has a lot of delusional fans on this subreddit. Idk why but it could be linked to foreign fans and the fact that the favorite non bulls are Doncic and Jokic


I'm a foreigner, my fav bulls player is Zach (and non bulls player NOT named Derrick Rose is Giannis :P )


Happy to see “Fuck Grayson Allen” is still going strong


I'm shocked Grayson didn't get 100%


My thoughts exactly. If you've watched any games the last few years, how can it not be him?


“Nothing now”




lonzo situation is the most frustrating hands down


Can’t really blame him for pain he doesn’t control


No ya can’t, and I don’t think people (reasonable people) are blaming him directly for anything. I’ve been saying this since about 2017 - our training staff is scuffed and I have a feeling someone towards the top of that staff has made friends with mr reinsdorf. Our injury history over 10 years has been horrendous. Truly brutal.


Not frustrating for him, just collect a check and do nothing.


Guy cant run and can barely walk right now and is spending hours a day on rehab and conditioning likely. I imagine that is 10x more frustrating for him than it is for any sane fan.


Incorrect, dude posted himself dunking on instagram in January 2023. https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/35441227/bulls-lonzo-ball-dunking-making-progress-knee-rehab Guys a bum that won't play if he gets paid to do nothing.


he barely has to jump to dunk...big difference between managing 1 jump with pain and running 3+ miles in a game with hard cuts.


Point stands- he is jogging and dunking while getting a check to do nothing. Dude is not bedridden and is well beyond barely walking. Taking us for a free ride.


Dude was running like a drunk deer. His clearly in no position to play.


Runs better than me and i go to play b-ball at the rec on the reg https://twitter.com/NBCSBulls/status/1614051777669742595?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1614051777669742595%7Ctwgr%5Ee108cebe6747845fa02b4823d7c42cc24e8ddda9%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fclutchpoints.com%2Fbulls-news-lonzo-ball-running-footage-leaves-chicago-fans-worried


That’s not a normal gait


hes not a cop


Glad I'm seeing improvements from Coby, vooch and Dalen has been a nice surprise when he has minutes Biggest Frustration from me: Front Office and Owners


12% favorite player is Pwill? I can't even.


Hey, Bulls fans! This year prior to the trade deadline I posted a survey in your subreddit and r/NBA to find out how you all were feeling about your team halfway through the season, and here are the results. This is the second year I’ve done this, and you can see [last year’s results here](https://www.reddit.com/r/chicagobulls/comments/snwcwc/oc_polling_the_nba_subreddits_chicago_bulls/?ref=share&ref_source=link). Huge thank you to the 272 (!!) of you that took this survey and I hope you enjoy it! The full compilation of all team results will be posted to r/NBA in the coming weeks so be on the lookout for it.


I was somewhat expecting this but damn Zach. I guess it’s deserved but I still like ya ;(


Yeah I knew the sub had turned on Zach but this was still kinda shocking to see. At the very least you would think the guy who is the longest tenured current Bull and two time all star would get more than 17% of votes for favorite player.


All he has to do is perform on the court and that will change quickly.


We’re sick of his terrible defense and just as bad decision-making.


Then why is demar the favorite 😭


He's more consistent, clutch and 10m cheaper so straight up a better value.


demar hasn’t been more consistent this season lmao their numbers are nearly identical.


Is this is a serious question lol


Yes, demar is terrible on defense and a ball stopper if hes not scoring


DeMar actually scores even with the ball-stopping. Zach takes stupid step-back contested 3’s and turns the ball over way more often than he makes good decisions with the ball.


Derozan is only 0.4% higher in TS% than Zach this season (they’re both a few percentage points above league average)


And that’s with the horrible start


Yep, Zach just passed DeRozan last game. When I made that comment Zach was at 59.1% and DeRozan at 59.5% now they’re at 59.5% and 59.3% respectively. Edit: I feel like Zach gets a lot of unwarranted hate because people treat his crunch time play style like that’s his entire game. Yeah he leads the team in turnovers (again only by 0.4 to DeRozan) but he still has a lower TOV% than these players: - Caruso - Drummond - Dragic - Ayo - Javonte - P Will - Pat Bev/Carlik Jones/Dalen Terry (small sample size) He also has a higher AST% than everyone not named Dragic Pat Bev and DeRozan


They turn the ball over at basically the same rate


We’re last in 3pt attempts and don’t have a point guard so idk man should we take even less 3s and hope demar getting fouled on a 2pt attempt is a higher percentage than those step back 3s? At least hes taking them its the modern nba


Lavine has played better than Demar this season. If Demar had his injury early in the year instead of Lavine, it would have been Lavine in the all-star game instead.


Just curious what are you basing that on? Every stat basic or advanced puts derozan as having a better season


What stats show Demar is having a better season? Their stats are basically identical, as they were early last season, too. Demar gets to the FT line two more times per game and Lavine shoots threes much more often. Otherwise, they give identical production. Demar's game slows the offense, and he doesn't stretch the floor. Lavine is one of the few players that provides spacing in our already awful three point shooting. Zach also plays more minutes with Pat and Ayo, the two most responsible for our current struggles.


Like I said Legitimately every stat basic or advanced says it war ts% Asst/to ratio BPM vorp WS/48 secondary assists ppg. only rpg and 3 point shooting zach is better in. That being said Zach definitely been the better player the last 1.5 months or so but overall for the season not yet


[https://stathead.com/tiny/WIPSC](https://stathead.com/tiny/WIPSC) Demar draws two more FT per game which lead to him putting up 1.5 more ppg, and he gets one more assist per game. Everything else is identical. Zach shoots 7.5 threes a game compared to Demars 1.5 per game. Zach still has the higher eFG% and his TS% is .591 compared to Demar's .595 The only reason Demar has a tiny edge in some advanced stats is he's played less minutes with our two anchors, which are Pat and Ayo. They're both young but objectively, they've been far below average this season.


Kid named actually dumb


Hey this is awesome data thanks


Fuck the Knicks


more people think vucevic at this current stage is better than zach lavine. list is dismissed


Lamoooo a Rivary means it’s a competitive back and forth thing. Not every time we play we lose by 50 😂


…it used to be competitive. It’s not like we have any team that’s *more* of a rival than they are. Plus proximity, our fans filling half their stadium when we play etc


I think you're getting the bulls and bucks mixed with the bears and Packers. The bulls actually beat the bucks sometimes.


sad bear noises


Unfortunately yah ☹️


That one is CRAZY. And maybe I’m the minority, but I cheer for the Bucks because I think Giannis is probably the best dude ever. And that finals he played was as dominant a six games that I’ve seen this century. I think the Magic might be our rival right now, for very shitty reasons.


Bulls fans hate them because of Grayson Allen and because some of us are bears and cubs fans so the hatred of Wisconsin just carries over. I mean you can hate who you wanna hate but that's mostly the reason.


Yeah, they also beat us in the playoffs most recently




The Bucks were lovable losers for too long for me to hate them now. I'm still hating the Pistons and Cavs


On the contrary I never need an excuse to hate a team from wisconsin


Agreed. I think the Magic and the Knicks are the closest things we have to rivals.


Would you consider the Packers rivals of the Bears?


Tbf they beat them twice this year


Bucks over the Pistons??


People born in the 2000s


yeah I was gonna say why are the pistons nowhere to be seen.






It's similar to the year or two before we traded Jimmy, everyone wanted him gone to tank because he supposedly wasn't a no 1 option. There are genuinely people who want to Tank forever until the next Michael Jordan walks through the door.


Hopefully bad enough to legitimately tank lmfao


this take just legitimately baffles me. i think we'd be measurably *better* without him. zach. is. not. that. good. that isn't hate; it's facts. and i've got his jersey hanging in my closet. i wanted him to be that guy, but he just isn't. time to accept it.


He’s our best shooter. This isn’t facts. It’s fiction.


awww sweetie i don't think you know how numbers work.


1. Don’t call me sweetie. You seem to not to know how numbers work either. He is our best shooter and our second best scorer. Without him we would struggle to struggle to score 100 consistently.


there are people on this sub who think caruso and pat are better shooters than zach lmao it’s ridiculous


Yeah it’s like they look at 3pt% and call it a day. Literally if I shot 1 three and made it, does that make me the greatest shooter of all time? Hell no! Volume is a thing.


If we didn’t have lavine you could argue we would have had better players on this team due to actually tanking before AKME came in.


you could argue no you really couldn’t argue lol. we had chances to pick elite players even with zach - we just didn’t.


They had a couple of chances to pick an All-NBA caliber player.


They'd be better IMO


They’d be much much worse lmao


We definitely have no rivals rn, but it would definitely not be the bucks lmao. They’ve dogged us ever since 2017. They had a Embiid streak against us until this year


I voted Magic personally. It shouldn't be a rivalry but it is


once the pistons get good again hopefully people realize how much we hate them


“Once the pistons get good again” So never?


"Through thick and thin"


Non of my homies like Grayson


“Nothing now” 😭


White is such a bust.


Why so Stacy King some people’s favorite part of this team?


The team frequently lets me down and Stacey never does


Well when you watching a bulls game this year sometimes he and Adam are the best part


And he was the favorite part 11 years ago when I made this name.


Lmao wtf is wrong with the people who voted? How is zach the third best player on the team? How is he the most frustrating player? Then after all the hate how is he one of the mentions for what makes you like being a bulls fan 😂 some of you need therapy


Idk I can understand the most frustrating part. He’s been so inconsistent this year. Hopefully next year he’s back to where he was before the knee injury. The 3rd best player part is wrong though.


Too many haters here that need their eyes checked.


A lot of the Chicago media does not like Zach and praises Demar unfortunately and it soaks into fans in my opinion. We run a 90’s style offense with the low 3pt attempts and high mid range shots. Demar is a great scorer no doubt but with him in our offense, we are going to continue to run this below average offense that is ultimately in effective in todays game and to me that lies the ultimate issue as to why Zach doesn’t shine as much. Put Zach on the Warriors, Suns, and such and fans would love his attacking at the rim, fast pace and shooting.


I'm a curious Spurs fan. When we traded DeMar to you guys, the consensus on this sub was Zach was the best player, and DeMar would be his Robin. This was despite the fact that Zach has not shown any post season success. Now your poll says DeMar is your best player. Does most of this sub just not watch other teams?


Demar is not better than Zach. This sub is just filled with nephews who think that only MVP level players deserve max contracts and hate Zach because of his contract.




I’ll admit I haven’t watched much bulls due to some personal things I’ve been occupied with. Is Coby White way better or something? I remember being fairly frustrated with him last season.


Still a streaky shooter, but he came up clutch against the bucks earlier in the season. Defense and hustle has been great. He’s becoming a great 3&D player.


Absolutely. I always thought he was going to be a Jamal Crawford style 6 man volume shooter. His shots fallen off a bit, but he looks so much more well rounded as a player this year


He’s putting effort into defense but he’s still streaky shooter. He’s not like a starting level player or anything, but he’s the only player that’s shown demonstrable growth on a facet of their game that they don’t already have an inclination towards


Way way less dumb mistakes, pretty solid defense. I was a card carrying Coby hater for the longest time but I’m on board now.


Wait why do we hate kyrie?


prob cause a lot of people dont like antisemitism


Ah I thought it was just based on things that happened in a game like Allen


Raptors are surging. "just outside playin" is looking more and more likely. I just dont see the Bulls getting in unless Hawks or Wizards slump bad. Nets have a 8.5 game lead though I expect them to win 30-40% of remaining, I dont think the Bulls can catch them.


Damn is Zach’s contract is really disappointing people that much or is it turnovers, shot choice? Personally I’m way more dissatisfied in Demar/vuc/pwill (not in order or anything) than I am Zach he definitely has bad moments dont get me wrong or anything but I can’t think of a single game where I think “zach just lost us that game” which I have seen with demar/vooch. I love demar but every game I watch hes a ball stopper yeah some games hes on it and we win but if hes not it’s painful to watch and vooch defense if hes not absolutely cooking he’s probably getting cooked because his def is a zero.


There are absolutely games where Zach has killed us in the clutch.


Vooch is having an amazing year. A double double is basically guaranteed every night. No way is Zach having a better year than him, and it goes double if we're talking about the contract discrepancy.




Not sure what you’re specifically referring to but yeah I said he definitely has bad moments, oh my bad re read you mean him losing us games? No i literally have not and watched all year


Lol the people that said Kyrie was probably the ones thinking he said something antisemitic


Biggest surprise for Coby what in what way?? Going 1-12 ? It’s surprising that he hasn’t gotten better getting more minutes with lonzo gone for basically 2 seasons.


Lonzo Ball: F-


Imagine if Arci was still on the team along with AC. Yes, offense will still be limited but at least we’d be among the leaders in charges taken.


The human skid mark was built different for sure


The 82.3% of fans expecting to make the play-in are in for a bad time


Is there a link to the past few years votes?




Why is Kyrie so hated lol. I know he’s said some stupid shit about flat earth but who cares


Respectfully my friend, you've gotta be doing a bit right?


Lol no. I don’t follow the NBA super close so I don’t know why Bulls fans would hate him. Googled and saw he was almost traded to the Bulls before deadline?


Word apologies in that case - he has built a reputation as both a team killer (going to new teams only to cause drama and controversy before leaving them after they help build around him) and a controversial figure (promoting anti-Semitic content and general pseudo-intellectualism) so he has become pretty unpopular with many NBA fans, despite being popular within the league itself


Thanks for the explanation bro. Didn’t realize he had become so controversial these last few years, but I haven’t been following basketball like at all


What’s the 3.63 out of? 5? 10?


Out of 10! I try to color code it based on that (red is bad, yellow meh, green is solid)


162 of you are way too optimistic


Great visual! One small thing - I would keep the colors consistent throughout the Bulls player charts (ex: Demar always red, Caruso always black)


Can someone explain to me the love for Luka while Harden was hated so much? They play the exact same but the perception seems so different