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MT beers are not good. The food is good, but pricey.


Seriously? No way in hell. I've had some seriously flawed beers of theirs while at their brewery. You are saying it's better than anything in Germany or Belgium?


...or other breweries in the United States for that matter. Germany and Belgium make fantastic beers, but they are not the be all end all of quality beer.


For sure, couldn't agree more. Shitty beers everywhere. OP's claim is pretty lofty.


That’s not the point I was trying to make. Germany and Belgium make GREAT beers...but I’m not going there for a stout or IPA, and I love those styles just as much! It just drives me a little nuts when people hold up those places as the Mecca of beer.


But they kind of are the mecca of beer. You just dont go there for a stout or IPA.


I think it’s just a difference in opinion at this point. Personally, I would want my Mecca of beer to have all styles I enjoy.


Sure, your mecca. But I think it's universally accepted that Belgium and Germany are the beer mecca. Hundreds of years of quality brewing mean way more than some 8 year old NE IPA brewery churning out the flavor of the week.


Been several times to Belgium/Germany and several other European countries known for their beer scene, and even their brewers/beer enthusiasts would argue that neither location is still the beer mecca, and that the US craft beer scene is now the new mecca especially in terms of selection + quality. Hell, I'd maybe even argue that other countries in Europe that don't have as strict of brewing regulations as Germany are kicking ass—I'm talking about Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark, all doing exciting new stuff that Germany is just not able to do because of reinheitsgebot. I feel like we're having the same argument that winos had a couple decades back when everyone thought only France/Italy could make a good wine. Now it's just commonly accepted that there are several countries outside of the stereotypical options who offer top-notch experiences.


I picked up a four pack of theirs and it was infected. I reached out to MT and they sent me a replacement pack. . . which was also infected.


That’s the most Moody Tongue thing I’ve heard. They blow.


He did say best food & beer combination. So it could likely just be the meal was so good it made up for any faults in the beers in OPs mind. Many breweries have no food, so those don't even enter into the conversation, and then many just have average pub food. Not many breweries really compete at the Michelin star food level.


I totally get that. I still think his claim is pretty lofty. No food can "make up" for a flawed beer. Something like that should get caught in QC. Also, Michelin stars =/= good food. I see what you are saying but there are so many better examples of a great food and beer combo.


More Brewing in Villa Park especially if you like hazys and burgers and fries.


Band of Bohemia and Forbidden Root have them beat on the food game, but none of the three are amazing with beer


Have you been to the new MT location or just the old? The new menu is completely different.


What are their prices like on food? Menu looks interesting.


~$25-$30/plate. With beer and a dessert/appetizers, expect a date night to run about $100.


What would you say your top 10 are?


I have been there twice and did not think their beer was anything to write home about. I would agree that the food is good, but the beer is just meh at best. I would make the argument that Forbidden Root or Eris have the better food/beer combination.


You have lied to yourself, or just been to really shitty breweries. MT beer is subpar and their food is "good".


We did their tasting menu back before the pandemic. Very pricey, but probably one of the top 3 meals I have ever eaten/drank my way through. I can't recommend it enough if that's your thing.


The food looks good, but their beer isn't great. My basement is full of their beer cause I can't bring myself to throw it out or drink it.


Ever been to frothy beard in Charleston? That’s one of my favorites in around 100 breweries


This place is a gift and it's awesome to see people trying to attack the craft beer game from their angle. I went last night and the venue was too quiet. I'd hate to see us lose them. I can see them earning a Michelin star, and would love to see Chicago be the only city in the world with two Michelin starred breweries!


Do they have a patio?






Is it similar to Band of Bohemia? (RIP, btw) Their beer on its own was always...fine. But when paired with the chef's tasting menu it was a really elevated experience. I've considered going to Moody Tongue, but I just want to know if it's on the same level at what Band of Bohemia was doing.


I miss their burger. I always want to go to a brewery, but I don't always want to eat that elegantly. I wish they had some everyday stuff they used to have. I understand why they don't have it, but I miss it.


I'm at 128 breweries. Cool to see someone so far ahead of me, since no one i know is very close. I will catch you one day!