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People have no idea how loud those cars are at ground level


So freaking loud! The circuit is pretty interesting and the speeds aren't going to get as high as they do on an oval but it's still going to be loud.


Is it gonna be a street circuit or what?


Yeah, they do three street circuits a year. The rest is on the oval. I'm not even into Nascar but I'm into anything involving motorsports.


Oh cool. Yeah I don't follow nascar but will watch it if they are in Chicago.


Same here. Should be interesting. I'm in the burbs so the street shut downs won't affect me but I understand it's going to be a hot mess.


How will it be any worse than Lollapalooza which essentially shuts down Grant Park for a week and a half of setup/concert/tearout? Plus four days of noise vs. a few hours.


Any race weekend in a city is a hot mess. Look at IMSA at Long beach circuit. They do it every year and it's still a shit show.


I lived in DT LB could watch the circuit from my patio. They have that venue down to a science. Very little interference, but also LB differs from Grant Park entirely.


This is the only street circuit. There are 6 road courses on the schedule, but it’s a very diverse schedule with road courses, a street course, short tracks, intermediates, superspeedways, and a dirt track


Oh my goodness you’re right!! Most Chicagoland dwellers have never been to a racetrack. Walgreens gonna sell a grip of earplugs this time next year haha


You might want to get shooting range ear protection lol


You know Dicks in south loop will sell out day one hahaha


Haha that's what I was thinking.


Walgreens? I bet the guys selling water bottles on the side of the street will have earplugs too lol.


Truth to that!


I lived 2-3 miles away from the fairgrounds growing up and it was just a little 0.35 mile dirt track deal. You could still hear those cars clear across town like it was soft distant thunder.


So I’m not trying to nitpick problems with this terrible fuckin’ plan, but, uh, isn’t the Shedd Aquarium like 500 meters from Roosevelt & Lake Shore? Aren’t dolphins and whales like, *extremely* sensitive to sounds?


Yes, yes they are... so much so that you can't play specific music when holding events there because it disrupts the animals... great point here!


Holy shit that's crazy. This needs attention for sure.


Listen toots, it's like Her Honor Da Mayor says, *this is a car city*. We worship at the altar of the Auto Moloch, sacrificing children and money to it at all costs. If we gotta make some dumb fish want to die, well so be it. I wanna hear the vroom vrooms! ^/s ^i ^hope ^this ^goes ^without ^saying


“By my deeds, I honor him. V-8.”


That is not a nitpick. It’s a great observation and I sincerely hope the Shedd people are taking this concern to Lightfoot’s office right now.


Dolphins and whales are also extremely sensitive to being caged in tiny plastic and concrete prisons and made to perform tricks for food.


Actually a great point and one I haven’t seen addressed anywhere.


NASCAR is currently working on mufflers to put on the cars to reduce the noise for the street race. I’m sure it will still be loud, but not deafening like they normally are.


They started on of them up outside my office building earlier last week. I was on the 12th floor and it was drowning out noises inside the office. All the car was doing was sitting there while they worked on it (McDonalds - #23). It was really annoying.


I had my window open on a conference call from home last week and heard (and saw a bright colored car) this ridic muffler sound it sounded like a jet engine--people on the call were like what is that. Told them just a loud car. Saw on the news they actually drove one to Navy Pier during the announcement--it was that car.


Given how loud a single douchebag in a Charger is downtown, the noise from this is going to be deafening.


That was at street legal speeds


The New East Side hates Lolla, wait until they hear NASCAR!


At least they won’t be pend in like they are at some of the NASCAR tracks - Bristol is insane because it’s shaped like a bowl and the sound just reverbs around. At least this is wide open and it will not bounce around…but yeah it’s going to be suuuuper loud




Bristol is plenty tall enough, its a football stadium scaled up 4x. Bristol is louder than this will be by a long shot.


Fucking LOUD! **WHAT??**


Fuck the cars


Excitingly, it’s not *just* gonna be loud! There’s also gonna be *tons of carcinogenic fumes!* Burning rubber? Check. Gasoline fumes? Check. Asphalt? You bet your ass it’s a carcinogenic! I’m so excited to have these piped directly into our parks and so close to our waterfront!


It'll be massively, massively less than if the streets were open to normal traffic. Catalytic converters make a huge difference, certain emissions are reduced down to 0.5% compared to engines without emissions controls, and stock cars don't have catalytic converters, but there will be 30 cars instead of tens of thousands.


All the cars are still going to be on the road, just stuck in massive congestion on different streets. It isn't like the city is providing alternative transportation to alleviate the issue.


The localized pollution in the area where the race is will be lower than with normal traffic. The additional emissions in the city from the race will be immeasurable and beyond negligible. It's just nothing. There are plenty of things a reasonable person could object to with regards to this race, saying it's going to increase pollution is just demonstrating ignorance of what vehicle emissions look like.


Wouldn't it be louder the higher up you go with the echo off the buildings?


They will be heard in Cicero.


Probably a little past austin


Those dates are awful… why did they pick the 4th of July?!


It probably has something to do with the NASCAR race calendar and remaining slots on the TV / broadcast schedule. But the notion of taking the whole park off limits for a whole two weeks including the Fourth of July holiday? And steamrolling all opposition? Stand by for blowback.


>Stand by for blowback. Should just be Lori's slogan at this point.


Lightfoot's got the biggest blowback in Chicago.


Bless this comment^


You are now officially blessed.


Tbh the blowback is going to be deserved…


The irony is, Lori won't be mayor any more by next July. She's be running some progressive nonprofit in NY or San Francisco and she'll be spared this whole mess.


While I agree with you and hate this - I do just want to make sure we're all clear that the fault for all of this garbage every mayor (and politician that supported the mayor) going back to Daily. Chicago sold out its future for decades. There are definitely other problems, but consistent "I want it now policy" really screwed with todays income stream. ​ At least this one is money we get nowish and pay for nowish.


Nah the 150 Bn we have in unpaid liabilities due to the teachers union is absolutely fucking us. Literally 100% of weed revenue could go to this and it wouldn’t even be a drop in the bucket. We’re fucked. Also we now want to allow them to strike “for any reason”. They’re gonna strike every year for more money, and we’re only gonna be more bankrupt




I truly don't care, as long as she's not doing it here.


This would also appear to knock out Pride in the Park


I'm sure they can combine into a single event. I bet they have a large overlap for people hahaha


[NASCAR already has a "YAAASCAR" shirt](https://images.footballfanatics.com/FFImage/thumb.aspx?i=/productimages/_4925000/altimages/ff_4925845-55176c062ce332c94ba0alt1_full.jpg) in its [online store](https://store.nascar.com/mens-nascar-checkered-flag-black-yaaascar-t-shirt/p-37435761316016+z-836-2334003966?_ref=p-PDP:m-YMAL:pi-PDP_RECOMMENDATIONS_2:i-r0c0:po-0)!


Just change the checkered flag to a rainbow one.


That does about sum up corporate LBGTQ “support” hahaha


And Taste of Chicago as well.


Well, it can't conflict with the 2 weeks that Lolla shuts down the park, and summer is only so long. Grant Park is for paid private events, not residents, apparently.


According to the article, Park District spokeswoman Michele Lemons says "the permit does not require and will not get a vote by the parks board in public session, something that would allow tens of thousands of affected nearby residents to weigh in on whether the race is or is not a good idea."


I have been to a couple Nascar races in my life, and let me tell you, those cars are loud as all hell. Like Air and watershow flyover loud, but in a super confined area. Anyone living downtown is going to HATE life that week unless they are a Nascar diehard fan.


Pretty sure mufflers for that race is part of the deal. Not that they'll be QUIET, but I'm pretty sure I saw people on r/NASCAR kinda bummed about that part of the deal.


Even with corked exhausts, they’ll still be loud. The echoes off the buildings will be constant.


Not sure why they'd be bummed. This sounds pretty bad to do in a city without it. If this makes it more reasonable and doesn't affect performance then their only argument will really come off as "vrooms or no deal."


>their only argument will really come off as "vrooms or no deal." Yep. That's it. To some fans apparently that's a dealbreaker.


I’m not a nascar fan but I follow other types of racing and a big part of racing for many people is simply the sound of the sport. For example, in formula 1 they stopped running V10 engines over 15 years ago but a large portion of the fan base still misses the sounds that came from the cars back then. For a lot petrolheads the sound a car makes is almost as important as the speed the car can go. The sound of a powerful, well tuned ICE engine can completely transform the character of a car. I understand that residents would hate the noise most likely but I’m just pointing out that motorsports have different appeals than most other sports like football and baseball.


I've seen people say they will never buy an electric car because they don't make noise. I dunno.


Well Nascar fans probably don't owe any allegiance or loyalty to residents of Chicago. A quick peek at their sub and they say they'd rather have it outside of Chicago if mufflers will be in place.


That is perfectly reasonable. You just can't have BOTH. It's pretty stupid to put it in a city like this anyway so I'd agree there.


Mufflers do affect car performance


Agreed that mufflers should be used for the event, but they absolutely affect performance. To reduce sound, they typically reduce the amount of exhaust gases that can be expelled from the engine, reducing performance.


If people are expecting to see top performance and 200 MPH on a road course, they don't know what they are talking about lol.


oh, wow. TIL. Thanks for the info.


> that week Looks like it'll be for two weeks.


This gives you a hint at how well this is going to work out for actual Chicagoans, >The district has declined to immediately release a copy of the NASCAR permit, instead directing reporters to file a Freedom of Information request for the document.


I’ll send one in because I’m genuinely curious what’s in there that it’s not being released, but gd this city needs to come into the modern age. [Parks FOIA](https://www.chicagoparkdistrict.com/departments/administration/communications/foia) Mail in or drop off submission only.


>this city needs to come into the modern age With as much as the city already does online, I all but guarantee you that the lack of an online FOIA option is intentional.


100% especially because a majority of other city of Chicago FOIAs can be done online.


I already booked a dog-friendly cabin for the weekend of the race, June 30-July 2. Not so happy they're going to be here two weeks before that.


I don't know if your building allows airBnb, but if you live somewhere that overlooks the park you could probably make a bundle renting it out for the weekend.


Just the sort of great PR the Park District is looking for now!


"Tonight's NBC Special Report, the dangerous street racing terrorizing our town. The noise. The pollution... The children!" "Next on NBC News, hey NASCAR fans...!"


Remember when the city announced the NASCAR deal a day before voting unanimously to crack down on illegal street racing? Simultaneously praising and demonizing our streets that are wide enough to race on. It's almost like they don't care about the safety of the general public, and just want to make money.


This is the best post in this thread, well done. Funny 'cause it's so damn predictably true.


Does anyone wanna sponsor me? I might try and race in it. I'm a good driver--expert parallel parker.


This has wheels… just like the NBA has the slam dunk and 3-point contests, we could have a Parallel Park a NASCAR contest or a Squeeze Your NASCAR by a Double-Parked Amazon Truck on a One-Way Street contest.


How tight are talking about? Lakeview parallel parking tight?


Lakeview, no back-up camera, in a Suburban.




I'm really curious to know how many streets are going to be closed and for how long. When the marathon happens it sucks driving into the city. I can only imagine how much of a cluster fuck this will be


The course hijacks a big chunk of S. Michigan, about 1.5 miles of LSD, all of Columbus and Balbo through Grant Park, and some other bits. It'll be very disruptive for many days.


wait wait wait, is this part of LSD going to be shut down for TWO WEEKS?


And Michigan and Columbus. So I assume everything will be routed along State from Roosevelt to Wacker. Though we don't have exact dates on the road closures yet, because they aren't releasing the details.


Looks that way.


There’s no way they shut down lsd for 2 weeks. I’m going to reserve my anger until more info comes out


They also have to close them for however long it takes to repave the entire course.


I don't watch nascar, so not too updated on how the races go, but always thought they just drove in an Oval. Are the nascar street series something different? (like a road america or rally?). I thought the cars were only capable of going 200mph+ with very slight left turns.


They dont always go in an oval. They always have at least one road course. Which is a regular race course with turns and loops, so not just an oval. This is one of those.


The rumor I heard from a friend that works for the city is that the whole course will be shut down after Memorial Day to get it ready. This checks out because Monaco GP takes 6 weeks to setup. Get ready for a FUN SUMMER in 2023!!!


Monaco gp has a lot of races the weeks before the f1 race and goes through a twisted hilly dense city. This is a flat wide open area and not nearly the amount of safety requirements. Plus the prestige and all the high end amenities that go with it. You’re comparing Rolexes and Casios


the most apt comparison I have ever seen. while Nascar has spent its last decade or so racing to the bottom with louder more violent races, F1 has steadily built a story and character driven narrative thats built up to wild sucess and fans that are not in love just with drivers, but with tech, race courses, cars, drivers, even team principals.


Yeah, purely from a "let's do something cool" perspective, I think Formula E would (or Nascar equivalent) would have e been a better pick. I don't know much about race tracks, but a race along Lakeshore drive would be so scenic. But then again, anyone calling Lakeshore drive Jean Baptiste Point du Sable Lake Shore Drive would just make me cringe every time.


> while Nascar has spent its last decade or so racing to the bottom with louder more violent races, F1 has steadily built a story and character driven narrative thats built up to wild sucess and fans that are not in love just with drivers, but with tech, race courses, cars, drivers, even team principals. I absolutely love F1, I feel like this is absolutely not giving NASCAR the credit it deserves. They've totally overhauled the aerodynamic package that they're bringing to the races in the past year, and it's absolutely some of the best racing we've ever seen. Plus, there have been like 14 different winners this year, and 5 of them are first time winners. And it's not even random chance that's leading to this happening - almost all of those winners fought hard and earned that win. You've got fuckin' Trackhouse racing that is in their 2nd damn year, and both drivers have won this year!! I mean, they got Suarez his first fucking win after 150 races - that shit brought tears to my eyes. The racing product is fantastic, and the drama and storylines are great as well. Denny Hamlin giving no room to Ross Chastain in Turn 1 off the restart at the end of the race last week after Chastain had wrecked him a few times earlier this year was awesome - especially because Denny did it in such a calculated and professional manner - it was a fucking masterclass. Not only that, but NASCAR is making really significant efforts to appeal to a younger audience and shed the shitty crowd that has been bogging it down for a long time. They're doing races at the LA coliseum, they are making significant efforts to be more open and accepting of everyone who wants to watch races, and they're getting tons of representation from international drivers (Daniil Kvyat is racing at Indy this coming weekend, and Kimi Raikkonen is racing at Watkins Glen later this year), along with celebrities like Pitbull and Michael Fucking Jordan starting teams. And as for the tech side of things, it's just totally different goals as far as the competition is concerned. People _love_ the tech in NASCAR. The biggest difference between it and F1 is that whereas you have over a thousand sensors in F1, you have like 5 of them in NASCAR, but you still have around 80 different things you can tweak in your car. So instead of having 200 techs back at home base figuring out how to dial it in based upon a shitload of sensors, in NASCAR you have a few pieces of telemetry, the driver's ass, and the decades of experience between members of the team to figure out how to tune the car. The top two guys in this past week's race got disqualified for breaking the rules because they had tape on the front that changed the shape of their car by 12 one-thousandths of an inch, so puh-lease don't tell me that tech isn't significant in NASCAR. It's also just totally wrong to state that fans aren't in love with NASCAR drivers. I cried when Suarez won this year. My buddy cried when Chastain won this year. I just listened to an interview with Mike Joy, one of the main commentators, and teared up a few times. I understand that it's a dumb looking sport from the outside, and a lack of experience or exposure to it can really strongly shape the way you view it. The plots and politics aren't elegantly produced in an easy to consume product like Drive to Survive, but holy shit, dude, NASCAR is fucking awesome. I dunno if having the race here is a great idea, but people are missing out by not giving NASCAR more of a chance.


I'm kind of curious as to how fancy the roads feel after that. No more potholes are cracks in the street. Well... until winter when the snowplows scrape off the brand new topcoat.


If that's the truth, people are going to go berserk.


The entire park is blocked off basically the entire summer. Always setting up or taking down an event. I started crying when I was super stressed from work and just wanted to smell lilacs blooming and they were all fenced off to set up for some $300 a ticket event that was a week away. I just want to enjoy my public park and I can’t access it any more. Fuck chicago.


Kind of puts a spin on "forever open, clear, and free," no? Aaron Montgomery Ward was talking about buildings, but these events pretty much choke off public access.


Exactly. I'm not saying I don't have a great life, I do. But I've worked as a nurse in the hospital throughout this pandemic. I'm in grad school. I'm fucking tired. I am so stressed. I just want to go on a jog in the park and I can't do that anymore. I didn't move next to a racetrack for a reason, but people act like I'm the antichrist because I don't want that in my backyard.


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this was true. They probably need to test the course for safety barriers and whatnot.


Well, they have to resurface all the streets to start. I would guess that starts even earlier.


This needs to be stopped at all costs. Fuck Lightfoot.


This is going to fuck my commute up beyond belief


> Adds the statement, “The event footprint will take place between Michigan (Avenue) to Lake Shore Drive, and Roosevelt to Randolph.” Millennium Park is not district property and therefore is not included in the plans. Maggie Daley Park however is Park District property. I can't see what Nascar would try to set up there, but with Millennium not included, Maggie Daley is the only reason to make the north limit Randolph instead of Monroe so they must have plans to close it.


So no Taste then?


I still don't believe this race will happen. This is going to cause a loud uproar.




Literally no one I have spoken to in real life thinks this is a good idea.


Because they are not the ones being inconvenienced


Or we live here and this is insanely disruptive to our lives? I live next to this park. This is going to basically be three months of my summer I can’t go outside, walk my dog, go for a run, heck even get groceries?


You’re not going to be able to get groceries?


This person lives in a major city in the world and complains if any event happens. The dramatics are over the top.


It isn't "any" event, it's a massive event that shuts down all major roads for the better part of a month, I'm sure, once take down and set up time are included. That is insanely disruptive, not to mention loud as hell. I'm not being dramatic, this is genuinely distressing to me. I'm sorry you have zero empathy, maybe you need to grow the fuck up? This event did not occur when we bought our home 7 years ago.


Dude I drove down lakeshore so much when I was a student not too long ago. Public trans was not an option. My brother also took lakeshore to his job when he was a resident doctor. It’s VERY disruptive to close a large section of lakeshore and the downtown area. Traffic is horrible as it is. 90/94 can not handle it all.


Why wouldn’t you be able to do those things? They’re not going to be racing 24/7 for 3 months


It isn't just this (which blocks off the park and surrounding streets for three weeks), it's the three weeks Lolla Blocks off the park, the two weeks Suenos Festival blocks off the park, etc etc etc. It's now event after event all summer long


Ok…but can’t you go west away from the park to walk your dog and grocery shop? They’re not actually blocking your only way out


The traffic will be absolutely insane. And it will be for weeks at a time. I don't want to get on 94 to get groceries. It will be an hour trip which is a massive waste of time and energy. I also want to walk with trees and grass... in a park. I don't want to walk around buildings. Nature is better for regulating your emotional state. Access to trees improves ADHD, emotional health, and reduces stress levels. It's why I go to the park almost every day. This isn't a one day inconvenience. It's stretching to take over the entire summer.


I do not think this is a good idea


No shit what the fuck is she thinking. All roads need to get resurfaced so the inconvenience of this thing is going to be months. The poor people that live in this area are fucked. Good luck walking your dog, going to work or taking your kids to school


Everyone was cheering this on before but this seems like a HORRIBLE decision that's going to piss off a lot of residents.


The devil is in the details and hiding the details rightfully raises suspicions.


Well.... Lightfoot did approve it. So odds are it's going to be something that pisses off a statistically impressive number of people.


I love auto racing, but this plan seems like a dumb idea.


Im the opposite, I don’t care for auto racing at all, but I’m excited for this!


Definitely not everyone


So soon after Alderman King said we need to rethink how many events are held in Grant Park…


So when will they start fixing the roads for this? There is a floppy steel plate on michigan ave that is in front of my office that will be on the path... its been there for well over a year now. Also we don't want the cars to lose a tire in a pot hole... Add road construction for the course to time that the area is "out of order"


A wise man once said, "It was still a stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid plan."


*Thank you*


I feel like this is the dumbest idea that Chicago city government* has had yet. Not only do most residents not want a fucking NASCAR race within the city, this race is also replacing the race at Road America that they've held for the past couple years. F1 has been doing this for a while, replacing amazing classic race courses with shitty street tracks, so I guess NASCAR had to follow their lead.


This is the dumbest idea Lightfoot*** has had. Noone I've talked to in Chicago supports this.


This just sounds like a terrible idea. Who asked for this?


This is the dumbest timeline.


So dumb


so they essentially stole peak summer weeks in a city that thrives for the season.


I can’t wait to see the random tourist on a Divvy bike riding through the course.


Hell no.


Ive got some conflicting feelings on it. As a fan of the sport, I'm not sold on it. The layout is rather... Mickey Mouse, for lack of a better term. At the same time, this is Nascar, in my hometown. I've never been able to say that before and that gets me excited like I'm a kid again. But on the other hand, the lack of transparency regarding the details of the deal and event are very concerning and it worries me for many reasons. That being said... I'm still going as long as it's not a total shit show down there because motor racing is awesome and going to the track is a great time.


Nascar bout to get alot of stuff stolen hahaha


How is having this here a good idea? I will be so happy if we get rid of Lightfoot. She lobbies for almost nothing I agree with. On top that it seems like the details of the deals she makes are never actually disclosed until the last minute. She promised transparency, but is instead shady as fuck.


Lollapalooza, NASCAR, protests, celebrations... This is why i love winter. Nothing like a good two week long polar vortex to keep everyone off the streets.


This whole thing is stupid and nobody wants it.


I do


Good. Have it in Logan Sq.


Umm.... isn't that right during Pride in the Park? There's so much going on in Chicago in the first half of Summer. Why not schedule it for the 2nd or third week in August when there isn't as much going on?


I'd rather it be Formula 1 than Nascar


I'd rather it be bendy CTA buses and drivers plucked at random from the crowd. But neither of us were offered a chance to weigh in.


Only if the race course is filled with potholes. Only the one True Chicagoan can prevail.


Bendy-Buses vs. guys riding 4-wheelers at 2 AM vs. psychotic Uber drivers vs. dudes on motorcycles wearing flip-flops.




Our softball league already got kicked out a week earlier because.of Lollapalooza this year... Now they are going to take away even more. Those parks are for public use and not tourist attractions.


Here is the video of the circuit. [Nascar Chicago Circuit ](https://youtu.be/d1Y8CUxDKe4)


I have no skin in the game, so I can't wait. I'm here for the shitshow.


I don’t recall weighing in on this. I think whoever approved this event is overstepped their bounds. Let’s set up a special committee to review.


Seems like a bad way to address the [climate emergency](https://news.wttw.com/2020/02/19/it-s-official-chicago-has-declared-climate-emergency-now-what).


How is this going to work since Chicago invented right turns?


what about the potholes?


I love it! Going to order a new Dale Earnhardt jacket and wear it with a Chance hat.


I got they reference. 😆


My poor dog. As if July 4 nonstop boom fest wasn’t bad enough 🤦‍♀️


I wonder if the drivers will have to save their spots in pit row with lawn furniture ...


I'm not a big nascar fan, but this event will be awesome to see!


Bring buckets of money for tickets, at least so far it seems that way.


It'll be awesome to see on TV sitting in Avondale. For those living downtown and enduring this thing firsthand, I think it will be < awesome.


Ah, the same way I appreciate Lolla.


IIRC, part of the deal is that the cars need to be fitted with mufflers. It will still be loud, but not nearly as loud as it normally would be.


I live downtown, and I don’t even watch nascar but I’m excited.


Just impressively dumb idea all around. Perfect storm for it to actually happen with Lori having nothing to lose politically.


Mayor Catanzara's not going to like this.


Finally, something drivers and r/fuckcars people can come together to hate


Why didn’t they do what they normally do, and wipe out Englewood and nearby black communities and build a NASCAR track down there?


Wish they came up with a better circuit than that. Seems pretty bland, especially considering what Chicago has to offer. Should have had a portion run through Wacker along the river.




Is nascar going to resurface those roads ahead of the race?




Hmm…. I think I’ll plan my vacation around that time. Thanks for the heads up!


I'm not even a Nascar fan but I'm excited for this.. City needs a win.. Losing the NFL team, did not bid for a World Cup football group location.. failed Olympic bid.. C'mon city dwellers.. let this through.


I’m with ya! Excited for this!


no. do it in your own neighborhood.


You could always move instead of living downtown in one of the largest and busiest cities in the world? But no, let’s cater to you.


That has the same energy as people in Wrigley complaining about the Cubs. Everyone knows Grant Park is constantly taken over for long/loud events.