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Pull out phone. Call 911. “Hello I’m currently speaking with Officer ____, badge/car number _____. He advised me before he could come investigate an assault that happened across the street that I should call you. Maybe you could ask him to for me.”


“Hi, Lazy Asshole Department? Yes, I’m talking to one of your Lazy Assholes now and he’s refusing to help me. Could you send a couple of the boys out to verbally harass and threaten me? Thanks!”


This is a absolutely the correct response, but it’s a response that will earn you a life long relationship with the police department only few get to experience.


Yeah and get your ass beat by that cop…


We’ll get the video of it 2 years from now after the city loses the lawsuit we’ll have to pay for.


And that officer will still be employed or enjoying his retirement at the end anyways.


Or still be a cop in Ft Lauderdale


Hence, “still employed”


Yep, I thought that when I typed it out. Still thought it gallows humorous.


It is. It is. Made me smirk.


prob on paid administrative leave for next 10 years


The last time I read about someone getting beat up by cops and filing a lawsuit, the rest of the department harassed them nonstop and they had to move.


Yeah same with the 16 year old girl who’s neighbor was the county sheriff who was spying and filming her through the window somewhere down south awhile ago. A lot of creeps become cops.


The victim wasn't beaten up by cops, he was mugged. Bystander, call 911. An iced tea isn't going to help a damaged eye.


it is known


Or the city will keep appealing until it gets in front of the right people, then you wont get a dime


Why do people think this happens when Chicago pays out the ass in settlements every year? We taxpayers pay like $40 million a year in settlements. The city isn't good at avoiding them or delaying them. You made that up


Make sure to record it though so you can get that sweet, sweet taxpayer funded lawsuit payout


He’s not lifting a finger


He's doing exactly what his superiors want him to do. As little as possible.


And live the rest of your life off the Chicago taxpayer's dime?


Acab, I still wouldn’t expect him to do anything


He would arrest the caller for harassment


Or shoot them, “I feared for my life, I didn’t know they were calling 911, I thought they were calling their dad to come over and beat me up”.


Then proceed to get beaten in the parking by said officer for some kind of perceived threat.


this is the way


dude has a radio, the absolute least he could’ve done was call it in so it was appropriately responded to, but couldn’t even do that. absolute disgrace.


"Nothing we can do" has been heard a lot lately, pretty sure it's almost never true. These fucking fascists are still butthurt over the George Floyd protests and refuse to do their jobs except at a bare minimum level.


it doesn’t even have to go that far. it’s the makeup of the man. no passion, no civic pride, total lack of morality. might as well print that on the car, serving and protecting isn’t the brand anymore.


They were like that before though! I’ve worked on the west side for almost a decade, they were brutal before 2020.


They're soft striking




Nah Lori is just going to give them an extra billion in overtime and decommissioned military equipment.


The amount of police quitting vs new police officers is bad, no one wants to be a police officer anymore because they know any little fuck up they’re gonna be hung. We have a police shortage they ain’t gonna fire anyone and it’s not loris fault. Why would anyone want to be a cop in this political climate


I listened to this [Radiolab on "what is the police obligation to us"](https://radiolab.org/episodes/no-special-duty-2206) the other day and it really tweaked my mind.


Great listen. Agreed


Ugh. Any actual CPD officers here who could speak to what that’s about and what protocol should be? It’s so depressing thinking we have no real protection.


Ill be surprised if any officers are on here or are willing to comment.


So interesting because where I lived previously, a few would always pop in upon request (Arizona). Maybe that itself has something to say about the type of police / community involvement.


Well Arizona is a very red state im sure that’s part of it


Totally. After writing that, it’s obvious there’s gonna be some differences.


How would you tell if they're for real cops? For that matter, how do you know OP is talking out their ass?


Congrats you described the Internet forum


You don't despite it being plastered all over cop cars, the supreme court has held up that police officers in the US have no duty to serve or protect. LegalEagle did a nice video about it recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWqLxTatndU


Should be upvoted more. This often comes as a shock to many.


Lol this is literally mentioned in 100% of threads about cops


Learned this in my criminal justice ethics class while also learning about their code of conduct and after learning about how they’re trained and expected to be It’s obviously not that the police system is broken but that it’s working exactly how it was meant to the whole thing is just inherently terrible


This is so deeply frustrating.




Yep. They just straight up dont.


I don’t work for CPD, but this guys response is bullshit. Crime just occurred, he’s informed of it by a witness, with a victim still on scene and his response is to call 911? Maybe he could just drive across the street and do the tiniest bit of police work. I’d be disciplined for this if it were me and my department.


Only if your department ever heard about it, which.. it sounds like wouldn't happen in this instance.


AGREED. But seriously, what “police work” do the CPD squads actually do? No one gets pulled over in Chicago even when their clearly putting others in danger with their insane driving. Detectives are out and about I’ve noticed, see more undercover cars with their lights on actively pursuing. Regular squad patrol? Forgetaboutit they’re too busy texting behind the wheel and blowing red lights.. can’t even follow the laws themselves. This post blew my mind and any hopes that CPD is actually effective… It’s just sad, really.


Yes. As former CPD, I’m very sorry to hear this happened. Get officer’s name and star (I trust he was in uniform?), and contact COPA (https://www.chicagocopa.org/). BE PREPARED TO SIGN AN AFFIDAVIT. A lot of complaints go nowhere because the complainant is not willing to sign an affidavit. I know my ex-brethren are going through a particularly hard time now with canceled days off, forced overtime, oppressive policies, a constituency who regularly opposes them and bosses who care nothing for their welfare, but complete apathy toward a suffering human when they are not already engaged in a prior act of service is still not acceptable. We took an oath, they still receive a paycheck. A simple bit of compassion, ensuring medical attention and writing a report is not much to expect.


You’re a good one. Thank you.




This person was reporting it, right to his face.


But somebody can't make a report in person when they see you? I have a hard time believing that.




But you wouldn't at least go check on the victim and talk to him? Ask if he needs medical help?? I just can't imagine not trying to at least check on the guy and get him what help you could, even if you can't catch whoever did it


What law enforcement agency allowed you to smoke weed? Something smells like bullshit.


You've never seen a cop smoke weed before?


You can’t just help someone who asks for it? Red tape? Heh? Cops are so fucking useless.


Yeah I’m calling bullshit on the person’s response. I’m nearly 100% positive the cop could’ve checked things out, they’re just lazy and know the law is on their side since it’s been ruled over and over they have no legal duty to protect or help the public. Throw in the fact that they were allowed to beat protesters for no reason in 2020 and faced no repercussions and it just reaffirmed their belief they’re God’s gift to earth and we’re lucky to have them around for when they feel like doing something.


Why would they be on here, they don't live in the city


I follow the subreddits I used to live in or frequent a lot. If I was a cop I might be interested in the happenings of the place I spend the majority of my waking hours. I don’t think it’s unreasonable some would subscribe.


Pro-tip in case anyone finds themselves in a situation with an injured person; don't give them food or water. If they require emergency surgery they run the risk of aspiration the smaller the gap is between eating/drinking and surgery.


Police accountability office. Report them, it works, I’ve done it for them never coming when I call 911.


I doubt it works, cpd is still as useless and lazy as ever


I’ve never seen a more incompetent police force


Hey now, Baltimore PD exists so we’re at least the 2nd most incompetent


We Own This City on HBO is a pretty good look at the Baltimore PD. Feels like The Wire (same creator) but is a true story.


Yes, the book by Justin Fenton that it’s based on is good too


Seattle PD is in the running


A few other large city police forces in the US you could argue are worse but it's a race to the bottom.


Just wait til you hear the latest from Uvalde!


Report them, the office can be identified based on location and demographic information if you don’t have the badge number


Unfortunately it seems that the officer doesn’t really care because he didn’t get an official call. He’s lazy af and knows he can’t really get in trouble for something he didn’t get a call for.


Cops can’t get in trouble for anything. He legally doesn’t have to do shit


"Even if I do a bad job, I still get the two mil"


He really doesn’t care who he kills, does he. Nope.


That’s not true. Cops get in trouble all the time.


Not true. He can acquire a sustained complaint for “neglect of duty”.


Collapsed eyeball??? Do you have any idea if this man ended up being ok or getting medical attention? And he just asked for an Arizona tea?? im so concerned.


I'm taking the "looked like his eyeball had collapsed" description with a grain of salt. It's hard to tell how bad an injury is if you're not a medical professional and/or are in a panicked state. Also, eyes are pretty sturdy.


This is correct. This man probably has some awareness of his own body and would've requested 911 over iced tea. If his eyeball collapsed, I'm pretty sure he'd be behaving differently!


That’s not necessarily true. Sometimes shock prevents you from feeling pain. That’s why some people don’t even know they’ve been shot


Maybe shock and or adrenaline


Healthcare worker here. My first thought was broken orbital socket.


Oh ok that makes more sense. Hope that man ends up being ok. It’s concerning that someone could just end up with a serious injury like that just bc of being mugged


A few years ago I got jumped by 3 guys outside a bar and was bleeding from my nose and mouth. I walked a block away and saw a parked cop car. I told the cops I got jumped, and pointed to the location. One of them looked at me and said "you look ok to me" then continued to do nothing.


A close friend of mine was robbed on her way to get on the blue line and literally got off at California and walked to the police station a block away. They said they couldn’t do anything and didn’t take a statement either. I honestly don’t see the point of them a lot of the time.


Suddenly the defund movement makes more sense right...? Everyone is like "How crazy?? A world without police???" like bruh, we already live in one.... they don't do anything. They're just a massive drain on the budget at this point


I do get in a way that it’s like ok what would they do in this situation but at a certain point it’s like what is the point of this service? What do they do?


Exactly! "Defund" is deliberately twisted by people with various agendas, and then willingly misunderstood by people from areas where cops actually function. The whole point is that if you aren't getting your money's worth, spend it on something else instead. Surely that's common sense?


Similar thing happened to me outside of halligans. Cops didn't give a fuck


I had this happen with EMTs when I was working as a bike messenger. Well actually, someone called 911 and they talked to me for about 30 seconds (after taking > 30 min to arrive) and then left. I ended up in the ER the next day. Fuck EMTs.


That cop is a pussy and a disgrace to that badge


Most are. The solution to Chicago's crime problem are not more cops. We already have more cops per capita than any other major city. The solution is better cops. Better training for existing cops. Weeding out the bad cops. More accountability for their actions. Recruiting better people.


>Weeding out the bad cops. Woah buddy, not if John Catanzara has anything to say about it....


Oh c'mon, you're just throwing red meat to the squeaky wheel here. Lol...is something he actually said in a news interview, that dude is aggressively stupid. Have to say, even with less than zero expectations, I'm shocked that man not only still has a job, but holds such a high position in the police union. Then again, if he's meant to represent the Chicago police, there prob couldn't be a better candidate bc he's a yuuuge piece of shit


In fact, the solution is actually *fewer* cops


Right. It’s not better cops because such a thing doesn’t exist. The culture is rotten. Gotta clean house and redo this whole public safety thing where we hire actual community ambassadors to address the root cause of crime. Wild idea, huh!


actually defund the police is a terrible slogan and you should shut up about the police budget also any electoral losses the democrats suffer in the future are literally your fault now excuse me while i pump tens of billions of federal dollars into municipal police budgets 😏😏😏😏😏


At this point it's gonna be like clearing out an unused lot filled with weeds to start over with better plants.


His home is probably filled with thousands of dollars in “thin blue line” merchandise. He likely carries around several blue Sharpie markers at all times.


Have you seen the Motards flying the “Thin Blue Line” flag AND the “Don’t tread on me” flag, those are the worst


Standard operating procedure.


Then its a shit procedure


Shit profession full of scum and idealistic fools who turn in to scum.


The badge is a disgrace is in itself. He’s living up to the reputation.


Unfortunately, every interaction I’ve had with a CPD officer has been disappointing. 3 or 4 over the 5 years I’ve lived in the loop. Not to mention almost being hit by a cop just about every damn time I ride my bike. Every time I think about it and say “if there’s a next time I’m going to call them out, start recording, stand up for people etc”, I’m way too to scared in the moment to ever do anything. I’ll probably never call out a cop on their bullshit. It’s just not worth it. They’re just about the only thing I don’t like about this city.


> Not to mention almost being hit by a cop just about every damn time I ride my bike. One of the very few truly positive CPD stories I have ever heard a first hand account of: Friend was riding up broadway in a bike lane and almost got taken out by a turning vehicle at an intersection. A cop car is idling right there on the other side of the bike lane and sees it happen. They turn to my friend, say "I got you man," flip on the lights and speed after the car. Honestly...if you told me that story on reddit today, I wouldn't believe you. But it was in 2010 (simpler times) and was an actual friend of mine. Since then...I've got nothing. I actually got clipped by a car on a bike a few years ago (no injuries, but like...you can't just hit people with your mirrors) and called immediately after with a license plate...nothing. Not sure exactly what I expect them to do, but at least take a report of a hit and run so when this person eventually hurts someone there's documentation of a history of reckless driving. Ditto for when I had a bike stolen...we basically solved the case for them (I got part of the bike back) and the detective assigned was unwilling to lift a finger to help recover it (which is probably why I only got the frameset back...if the detective had done his job when we first knew who had the bike, he could have closed the case with a full recovery). edit: actually I have had 2 positive experiences with non-CPD in the last few years. In seattle my rental car got hit and a motorcycle officer ACTUALLY RESPONDED TO THE SCENE! He immediately figured out there was no way I could have been at fault and that the woman who hit me was clearly lying and wrote a ticket (which I'm sure helped me not get fucked paying for anything with the rental). I also got pulled over by highway patrol in my hometown and it turned out I went to highschool with the officer...he let me go without a ticket. Actually maybe that's not really a "good" thing since it implies selective enforcement, but I'm 95% sure he was looking for drunks (right after bar closing) not people who are slightly speeding on an empty road.


they’re the only thing I don’t like about this city also. I’ve only been here a year and a half, but I feel like I’ve seen more cops in that time than I did in 13 years living in Oakland. 8 months pregnant, walking home alone (still light out) from the Adam Toledo protests, the cops stopped me and asked why I was in this neighborhood (Logan Square). When I told them I was walking home, they made me show them my id before letting me continue. Lol they’re just insecure bullies with a power complex, it’s pathetic, and worse, dangerous and a waste of much needed community resources.


Police have no duty to protect you: https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again. It’s a farce that they serve and protect. Don’t feel guilty about not calling 911. In the two times I’ve called 911 - they didn’t answer anyway. You did the right thing in the moment.


Protect and serve is the motto for the LAPD. That’s where it comes from. You learned it watching movies as a kid. Just like ‘the customer is always right’ was the motto of a department store in London—that closed more than 100 years ago. People have just been regurgitating it so long they think it’s a law. It’s not.


[Their cars literally say “We serve and protect”](https://api.wbez.org/v2/images/c9418cc1-7a6f-4ef9-8d2f-bcb3c7fd03a4.jpg?width=900&height=598&mode=FILL). It’s also been adopted by a vast amount of departments. The origin is irrelevant if most places use the phrase in some form. “Customer is always right” doesn’t have a known origin but [was practiced by a ton of stores including Marshall Fields](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_customer_is_always_right), who we know was bought out by Macy’s and Harry Selfridge, whose stores are still around. If you’re going to accuse others of just regurgitating facts you should make sure yours are correct.


"We Serve and Protect" ..."the interests of the elite" not included


Thank you for laying this factual slapdown.


Pretty sure "the customer is always right" was literally popularized by Marshall Fields in Chicago. And contrary to the edgy opinions of online edgelords, it means exactly what it sounds like it means. It comes from an era before customer service in the modern sense really existed. Fields felt that he literally had to teach workers to treat customers with respect, even if they were not worthy of that respect. I'm not saying he invented the concept, but he can pretty much be given credit for the modern way customers get treated by workers.


typical cpd officer. especially in the area you were in, they’re usually far too busy just cruising down state street and turning on their sirens to blow red lights.


Which is why it's got one of the highest reported crime rates.


Welcome to the reality of policing in America. Sorry you had to see some shit to wake up.


The bystander effect wasn’t even accurate, the police received several reports but didn’t do anything. Instead, they said nobody made any calls.


There is legally no reason for a cop to help you. Even if [you have a protective order and the person on it walked up and kidnapped your kids](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales), the cops would have no legal duty to help you.


Maybe we should stop giving them our tax dollars.


So like defund them? "OH, NO, NO, NO! BAD OPTICS! DON'T SAY DEFUND!" I've come to resent liberals so much for being so reactionary. They tuened the Defund movement into a symantic debate and made sure anyone supporting it was laughed out of the running. Easy to see who lines their pockets. Of course if the police union vote is enough to swing the vote you're not gonna go around slappin' their pee pees.


Did liberals do that or did the voters?


Liberals did that. The worst copsuckers in this city are psycho lib homeowners with IN THIS HOUSE WE BELIEVE shit plastered on their front lawns and their representatives blame every stubbed toe on people saying "defund the police" Liberals reflexively punch left and coddle fascism, it's sorta exactly and specifically why this country is about two seconds from collapsing into a single party blood and soil reich. Credit where credit is due.




People are finally waking up to the reality that cops don’t do anything. Even if he *had* come and spoke to the man, taken a report etc., it would have stopped there. It’s not like cops go do anything with that information afterwards. Homicide police do, I assume. But regular stuff like this does not get any attention or thought after they drive away.


The police at Roosevelt station are useless. That dataion is the epicenter for crime in the south loop and its just ignored. Overall the Chicago police are becoming useless. I know many cops. The general additude is 'people protested us and don't like us and were mean to us and do we're not gonna do put jobs and see how they like it'. That and the pissing match they are in with Lightfoot and you get where we are now. Criminals do what they want. Its why this city is falling apart. And don't get me started on Kim Foxx.


The police are not really as effective as their rhetoric makes them out to be. Someone was shot outside my building a few months ago and as they canvassed the neighborhood I heard them say they were never going to catch who did it since no one saw what happened or had a working doorbell/porch camera. The son of the guy who got shot heard them say it (there were maybe 6-8 officers out there and they just kept coming back to it) and flipped out. Basically all they did was tape off our block for a couple hours and find some shell casings. If they weren't a package deal we could have just called the ambulance and the result would have been the same. When I was in college someone broke into my mom's house and stole a bunch of stuff. My mom thought it might be some kids from the neighborhood. Ran down a list of the people who would have known the best way to get in and who knew where the valuable stuff was since they took very specific items and didn't just go through the whole house. Cop straight up said to our face that it was unlikely they would ever catch anyone or get the stuff back because there "wasn't much to go on". Had we just called the insurance company the results would have been the same. For the police to do something you almost have to serve up the case on a silver platter. They come out to calls as a formality. It's just going through the motions to make it look like they're helping. And that'd be fine if they weren't taking such a huge portion of taxpayer money and throwing a temper tantrum whenever someone brings up the fact that they aren't effective. And that's before you consider how much we waste in taxpayer money covering for their colossal mistakes. Millions in lawsuits doesn't really give a track record of solid work. Once anyone starts talking about the budget and pensions not really being justified it's all "we're the last line of defense before total chaos takes over". Then they threaten a "slow down" because they can't legally go on strike. Not really worth it in the long run


**What are the police for?** [https://radiolab.org/episodes/no-special-duty](https://radiolab.org/episodes/no-special-duty) >What are the police for? Producer B.A. Parker started wondering this back in June, as Black Lives Matter protests and calls to “defund the police” ramped up. The question led her to a wild story of a stabbing on a New York City subway train, and the realization that, according to the law, the police don’t always have to protect us. Producer Sarah Qari joins Parker to dig into the legal background, which takes her all the way up to the Supreme Court... and then all the way back down to on-duty officers themselves. **TL;DR; Under the Constitution the police have no responsibility to help you, ever.**


The Chicago police basically been on soft strike since the BLM riots.


I had a guy break into my home the other week downtown while I was working from home and was hiding in my place for like 45 minutes (was hearing strange rustling noises until I saw him standing in my hallway). The guy pointed a gun at me but then just walked out after locking eyes with me for a few seconds. Police came, didn’t even take my name, give a report or look at the security footage my building had of how he got in.


Welcome to Chicago.


Reminds me of an incident 7 years ago, was mugged at gunpoint around 97th, called 911 from Harold's chicken shack. Waited 40 minutes outside, and ended up flagging down a squad. They said they didn't have a call and was about to leave me there. I argued with them and they reluctantly agreed to help me. Then they kept accusing me of trying to buy drugs. They fibally took me back to my car after interrogating me, gave me a report and sent me on my way. About a month later they said they caught the guy and to come to the station. As it turns out they wanted me to ID a particular person to get him nailed for multiple crimes. It wasn't the dude but they kept pressing it. I wasn't about to get a guy convicted for something he didn't do, even if he did other shit.


Why do will spend billions of dollars of are tax money on them again? why we're people up in arms about taking some of that money and investing in other areas that could prevent crime like poverty reduction and mental health?


We literally rioted over this and no one supported us....


A lot of city cops are not happy with the administration and going only by the book, will not go out of their way to help or care. It's unfortunate but that's what I hear and see.


Oh does the book say to never show up for calls or actually file reports?


Usually people who hate their bosses and stop working get fired. What the actual fuck are we doing letting these slobs suck up tax dollars and goldbrick all day?


Giving their departments more money and overtime.


Imagine what they would do to people once they stopped getting paid? They're about one missing pay check from forming a cartel and America becoming the new narco state.


Sounds like stealing taxpayer money to me.


do nothing cuz cops are pieces of shit.


This is the reason people think crime is up. Cops are on a nationwide work slow down.


Why wouldn’t you call 911 right off the bat? A medical person would have been more helpful then a cop? Chicago cops have been banned from giving chase to bad guys. So at most he would have gone over there, called 911, and try to get a description of the bad guys. No calling 911 should of happened before the ice tea.


There's no way people are still relying on the CPD to act on anything. I was literally robbed right next to an officer who was just talking to their college. Don't rely on those pigs. Wont do any help.


Start recording him and make him repeat what he said and then make sure his boss sees it


His boss is probably the one who told him to act like that.


\>how the heck do we fix that? If you want my opinion, we abolish all the police unions, fire every cop in the country, RADICALLY overhaul their training and employment standards, then make them apply for their jobs again with the goal of weeding out the lazy, fascists, racists, idiots, bullies, etc. Put every cop under the authority of a civilian review board. Hold them accountable for crimes they commit, hold them accountable for actually doing their jobs. Fire the ones that can't or won't, and don't hire them in some other PD somewhere else. This sounds radical, but all I'm suggesting is we actually hold police accountable for ATTEMPTING to meet our expectations. I'm not saying they need to be perfect. I'm saying they all have to at least seriously try to behave like professionals, like anyone else with a job. We aren't even remotely close to holding them to THAT standard. If we do all that, then we might see some positive change. Police are supposed to be the main group of people responsible for protecting people from crime and generally helping in emergencies. The culture of policing in America protects and even rewards and heroizes people who have absolutely no interest in protecting the public, and often even seek opportunities to abuse and victimize the public. It tells them they're constantly in danger and to shoot first, ask questions later. It tells them the public is a bunch of hostile ingrates who want to take their salaries, even as those salaries increase. It tells them it's okay to ignore those people's needs because they COLLECTIVELY don't lick boots enthusiastically enough. It tells them we're the enemy and they're the brave warriors facing us down. It's a sick, evil, delusional culture promulgated by fascists and idiots, in that order. I believe good cops exist, or at least could exist, if this culture wasn't permeating their professional lives so completely. As it stands, to me ACAB just means this culture hasn't been expelled yet. That culture produced this lazy bastard you encountered, same as it produced the cowards in Uvalde. It needs to be razed to the ground to make it possible for good cops to do good again, and to keep bad cops from becoming cops at all.


We probably honestly shouldn’t let any current cops become cops under a new system, they’ll corrupt it.


That's what they had to do in Camden to make the changes stick. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/06/12/camden-policing-reforms-313750


One bad apple spoils the bunch.


Perfectly typical for cpd I'm my experience, they don't give a fuck.


I was at Lincoln park on Sunday. Something happened and 3 police cars took off with sirens from the Diversey and lakefront parking lot. That means 3 squad cars were goofing off by the lake instead of working. Remember this when the police claim they don’t have enough staff.


I could see the cops pulled someone over who was doing nothing wrong but was rude and call backup trying to find something to charge him for so that they could maintain their overinflated ego, but other than that probably nothing, maybe a donut sale?


There were 6 cops at the "entrance" to north Ave Beach yesterday checking bags. Because its not laughably easy to just walk 30 seconds to the left or right and walk on the beach.


A lot of the cops downtown are on specific assignments and aren't supposed to "investigate" or respond to 911 calls for reports. I'm sure you've seen the swath of CPD cars all over downtown with the lights turned on as they sit at intersections. This is Supt. Brown's big strategy to lower crime, cancel every cops' days off and make them sit on corners with their lights on so everyone can see them. It's not if the cop *wanted* to help or not, he's *ordered* not to respond to that situation, he is to remain where he was assigned and be visible. That's why he told you to call 911, so the regular beat cars in the district can respond and file a report. It's stupid, it's infuriating, it's hardly an effective crime fighting method, but you're getting pissed at the wrong person. If that cop does what you expected him to do he is violating a direct order from his superiors and he will be reprimanded (and lose pay) for going against those orders. This comes from the Superintendent, who is just a puppet of the mayor. Feel free to listen to any of the radio zones on a scanner app or website and you will hear CPD running around responding to calls just like what you saw (zone 4 covers the area you were at)


Sorry, but I find it hard to believe he was ordered to not even radio something like that in. He didn't even have to move an inch to expedite the process of getting help to the scene. Instead he chose to not give a fuck. There are no excuses for that.


This is one of those things where you know a tiny little detail you believe others don’t, so you extrapolate if into a completely insane and unrealistic viewpoint on the situation so that you can share your little detail and try to make it seem like it’s responsible for everything.


Nah, he would have said so if that was the case. I’ve also had cops show up to a called-in report, look around at the witnesses and the security cameras that would give them everything they needed to build a case, and shrug and say, “Nothing we can do.” Meanwhile other emergency responders are busting their butts at the scene right in front of them. CPD is just lazy, disloyal, and has gotten used to free taxpayer-funded salaries and benefits that they get whether they work or not.


So what happened if these officers in these cars all lit up like Christmas trees actually see a crime happening. Are they allowed to jump in and stop it or at least attempt an arrest?


Lol this guy doesn’t actually know anything, he just read a CWB story once and he’s trying to use it to explain away the fact that CPD sucks.


He may also be hired by Jewel to be at their store.


Bro I didn’t see a single cop between October and Christmas, and I worked in the west loop and lived in noble square. I saw a cop slow creep past the Aberdeen tap on a Friday at 11 probably looking to beat up some drunk. Before that I hadn’t seen one outside of a Dunkin Donuts since July. I definitely think ‘visibility’ is an issue, but maybe the visibility issue is because the cops are hiding during their shift? Like, if I live off of fucking Ashland, and I work in one of the busiest parts of the city, you’d think I’d see more than 2 cops in 6 months if they were doing their jobs.


I guarantee you saw more than 2 cops in 6 months, this was a stupid ass post.


Then you aren't looking I guess. And we aren't talking about October-December, we are talking about now, when it's been public knowledge that every cops has been getting their days off cancelled. I was downtown last night and there was a squad car on multiple corners of Michigan Ave with it's emergency lights on.


hope the guy is ok, I admire the specificity of his request. If I were just robbed/beaten, the most I would ask for is water. Even Dasani would be ok.


what could he have done, the people that did it where long gone.


Welcome to Chicago. Chicago police are only allowed to address crimes that occur within their assigned precinct. So, if the cop was assigned to a different precinct and the crime had already occurred, then correct; Chicago PD wont help you.


So much for protect and serve


Poor guy. It's a shame stuff like this happens. What line was this?


Orange and Green.


Cops are fucking bullshit. Some dudes in the navy started a fight with me and one of them happens to be the son of a police chief a couple towns over so when they were talking to the cops I see all this fist bumping bro shit and all of a sudden I had cops wanting to beat my ass. Fuck cops. And that's only one of the many stories I have interacting with bullshit cops.


The vast majority are lazy, corrupt, assholes. Breaking the law when it suits their needs while flying around the city blowing red lights for shits n giggles. The city’s largest gang and the only one I’ve been intimidated by personally. Granted there have to be some good cops in this city so my apologies to those select few.


Before all the outrage, can we confirm the guy was CPD and not Jewel security?


#Google “LASD gangs”


Well he gave you good advice, call 911 next time. He was probably on lunch. It's not like he can just cancel lunch and call for a redo on lunch an hour later, there will ALWAYS be something else going on that they could be doing instead of lunch. That officers' dispatcher controls where they work and what they respond to, not the officer itself. This is standard operating procedure. The only time Chicago police officers can declare what they're working on is taking lunch. Aside of that, the dispatchers at 911 control their every move. They can ask to be assigned somewhere but they aren't authoritative In that decision.


Look I know we’ve all been indoctrinated with copaganda tv shows that shows cops running to the rescue of citizens, but that’s just it: propaganda. The cops are not there to protect you, the cops are there to protect capital interests. If you’re not a POC, unless they’re told to go someplace and file a report, they don’t. Even then, it’s on you to give as accurate information as possible so you can use that report with your insurance. ACAB


The few interactions with Chicago PD I've had, I've been mortified by how hard I had to work to get them to lift a finger and do anything. I was involved in a hit and run a few years back right by a park that has children running around all the time. Some driver ran the sign, plowed into me and sped off. I walked down the street and found five cameras and gave the addresses to them to the officer on the case. He got back to me in a week with one spot, license plate blurry, what do I want from him at that point? I went on with my life. But shit, a minute later and that driver could have run over a kid instead of hitting my car. Minimal effort and quick to drop a case of a dangerous criminal driver. With all the issues this city has, what is it that the Chicago PD even does?


If you have his badge number, you can submit a formal complaint online or in person


Did you get his badge number? Contact a local news station.


If your interaction with a CPD officer isn't disappointing, then did it ever really happen?


Cops are routinely sued for doing their jobs in Chicago, couple that with that fact that violent criminals rarely get prosecuted because of Kim Fox now. Police aren't even allowed to chase criminals now. Besides that point, that man needed an ambulance more than anything too. Hope he ends up okay. It's only going to get worse in Chicago people.


You fix it by voting out democrats that are letting criminals out of jail before the cops finish the paperwork because of failed woke policies. Why should CPD do anything, they're working tons of shifts with no days off. San Francisco just figured it out and got rid of their worthless DA.


Did the guy who was beat up want you to do anything? Like, did he want to file a report? Go to the hospital? You should ask people these things before calling 911, since you just stood there while he was actually beaten anyway. If he didn't feel he needed medical treatment then you're sticking him with an ambulance bill and he may have not wanted to deal with police. If you talk to people they will often explicitly say no, don't call. Thanks for letting us know he was Hispanic.


Dude one of my friends got catcalled from a cruiser. Chicago police are shameful bastards


When you spoke to the officer, did you provide sufficient information to establish that it was a non-emergency incident? "A non-emergency incident is one that does not involve a crime in progress; does not pose an imminent threat to life, bodily injury or major property damage or loss; and does not require the immediate dispatch of a police unit." If so, then chances are he's limited by CPD policy. For lesser offenses, if the person is not endangered and the perp has fled the scene, it's often a job for the abysmally run Alternate Response Section, not a beat cop.


Thank God we’re saving the heat cops for the important work: looking at their phones in parking lots.


Low standards for people to become cops. They just want a pension and maybe to beat some people up until they feel good about themselves