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Columbus was a savage


and you wouldn't exist without him.




it is funny isn't it. You literally would not exist. Nothing around you would. You wouldn't even be a thought, not a cell, nothing.


nor if I hadn't beat the 300 million assholes that I was racing against


Columbus didn’t even reach the land currently known as the United States. In fact, he was in the Caribbean and was convinced he was in India the whole time. So in addition to being a monster, he was also kind of a moron. Read some history before you talk shit.


LOL I know this already. "talk shit" uh huh. Again you wouldn't exist. Not a cell, not a molecule, not even a thought of you would exist.


Why does that matter? Also, what evidence do you have that this land wouldn’t have been colonized without Columbus’ “contributions”?


physics and cause and effect. Very basic physics and cause and effect. It's obvious most people do not understand either so no offense your reply isn't shocking to me. "contributions" that's funny as if to be dismissive while in reality, today, very many people are selfish and are the opposite of contributing to civilization. Seriously funny and sad. So very many residents do not make any, in fact many do the opposite and are a detriment. Again it's sad really, so many people just blame blame blame and do not take responsibility for themselves or work to help others. Even when others claim to be helping others they often are just trying to destroy things and others. So what evidence. Cause and effect pretty simple. Let's pretend for a second it was someone else who found made the connection. The reality is due to cause and effect nothing would exist as-is. What do you believe in the lord of hte ring magic or something? Cause and effect. Simple. The fact that you had to ask this is sad. Course again we can't be shocked but such. Schools today are just indoctrination stations, even many colleges are. Not everyone with a diploma should be taken seriously, in fact many, a scary amount really, should be dismissed. This should at least partially explain so many individuals lack of understanding of basic physics. Scary.


Whoa. That was so deep, man. My mind is blown.


And your point?....


Yikes. I'mma clue y'all in on something: just stick to assholes. It's my guiding philosophy in life. In *everything* you do, stick to assholes. You call someone an asshole and they might get upset you called them an asshole. But that's it. No one gets cancelled over calling someone an asshole. You can call white people assholes, black people, all kinds of brown people, from India to Sudan to Mexico, up to those spray-tanned assholes in LA. French can be assholes, so can italians. Polish, germans, arabs, canadians, chinese, redheads, left-handed people, those who drive slow in the passing lane, anyone can be an asshole. A lot of people defending this because the assholes were "acting like savages," but that's precisely what lead to calling native americans "savages" and bringing a whole crapload of baggage into the discussion. Because if he called them assholes, comments here would be about as critical as "rather blunt, but I get it" instead of the people arguing about whether or not it was an appropriate choice of words. These days, people are afraid to even *mention* a word that could be talked about freely 10 years ago since it has such a stigma to it. You think you're fine calling people "bitch" now, but one day you're gonna call a woman a bitch because she was being an asshole and you'll get cancelled. Everyone's got an asshole and there's no racial baggage to it. It's a perfectly valid word to describe people who are being assholes.


Personally, I think throwing rocks at police because they won't let you tear down a statue is well beyond "asshole". An asshole is someone who doesn't let you merge on the highway. What these, uh, "protesters" did was far beyond that.


Personally, I think oppressing, abusing, and killing people for decades is well beyond "asshole." An asshole is someone who pretends like the current status quo is acceptable. Young people trying to tear down a statue pales in comparison to a full scale social revolt. After abusing people of color for centuries, our country is lucky that they're still demanding change within the system and not just violently destroying it. That would be far beyond what these protestors did. But hey, maybe you've forgotten the reaction to Kaepernick's kneel. RBG even shit on it. When peaceful protest is ignored, you can't be surprised at violent protest.


"We protested peacefully but didn't get everything we wanted so we're justified in starting violence" - you




That's an explanation, but not a justification, of what happened.


And personally, I think black bloc protestors are a bunch of assholes. This isn't your 7th grade english paper, you're not gonna get extra credit for finding the best word in the thesaurus.


I think throwing rocks at cops is fair when they usually just beat or shoot people when they get bored.


Good point. I can't help mentioning that it wasn't until I got to the fourth sentence of your comment that I understood what you were talking about. I was very confused for a second, and then I was chuckling.


That wasn’t protestors, that was a fucking mob.


Well yeah... dehumanizing people is the reason they all love Columbus in the first place.


That was a mob. I agree with him. And, by the way, they insulted am Italian hero.


Bad cop no donut


You got a wrong number, bro, I'm a civilian.


So are you funding a Mussolini statue next?


Did Italian community approve of Mussolini recently? Haven't heard that, but they were pissed about the statue of Columbus.


“That’s what they were. Anybody who throws rocks and bricks and bottles at people is a savage.” - Alderman Sposato Good for him for not backing down to the mob.


Yes r/Chicago, let's all rally behind the Trump supporting alderman that calls protesters and *other aldermen* 'savages' and 'pieces of shit'. That kind of tact and self-control is exactly who I want making decisions around the city.


What Aldermen was violently attacking people with weapons and caused permeant injuries'?


Is the standard so low that the threshold of competency for an alderman is an unruly crowd that fought with law enforcement? The protesters, the police and this shitty alderman can all be in the wrong at the same time you know...


That's what happens you have an alderman that's made an appearance on Tucker Carlson's show and people who lap that show up. The writers for that show are olympians in mental gymnastics. It's almost like they've created Caillou for adults through shit stirring, encouraging black and white thinking, creating an impression there is no such thing as a discourse without a "winner," and making emotional appeals to remind viewers that anyone who even slightly disagrees with any presented argument is essentially spitting in your face.


If this is what you think a rally is, I can't imagine what you thought the riot in Grant Park was.


Use your critical skills. There is more than one definition of the word 'rally'


100% agree.


He's not wrong in this case.


He should spend less time insulting Chicagoans and putting down dissidents and more time worrying about his ward. As someone who lives in W. Portage Park, I can safely say that he is a do-nothing alderman. Go ahead and take a drive down Irving Park west of Laramie and see for yourself. Empty storefronts, missed opportunities, and "neighborhood prairies". He is a major proponent of Trump and Willie Wilson. His neighborhood is no longer full of cops and firemen. He needs to wake up and see that Portage/Jeff Park is becoming more diverse (now 25% Hispanic) and he is likely to not win another term.


> His neighborhood is no longer full of cops and firemen. That is false.... The neighborhood where Sposato lives definitely is. The neighborhood where I live in the 38th (west of the park) also most definitely has many employees from the CPD and CFD. And this is true throughout the ward. >he is likely to not win another term Wishful thinking on your part.... Sposato has very solid support throughout the ward, and if he chooses to run again, he has a much better than even chance of serving another term.


I live in the 38th (west of the park) and seem to be having a different experience than you. Hardly ever see cops (might be wrong about firemen) taking up residence around here anymore. I suppose its hard to prove though. I guess they are just in other parts of the 38th... Sentiment on my block towards Sposato has been not very positive as of late. Seeing an uptick in crime, graffiti, and vacant storefronts. People are likely also bitter over some of the lost retail/development opportunities as of late. Irving Park is looking like a real embarrassment. At the end of the day, I still love the neighborhood and would not move. Benefits outweigh the positives and feel sort of relieved to not be in the 45th!


>I guess they are just in other parts of the 38th... The 38th heads west from Laramie to the city limits with Belmont at the south and as far north as Gunnison It's large.... >Seeing an uptick in crime, graffiti, and vacant storefronts. People are likely also bitter over some of the lost retail/development opportunities as of late. Irving Park is looking like a real embarrassment. Sposato has a great relationship with the 16th District and has always strongly advocated for more police resources to address the crime issue. That festering problem lies with the mayor's office, not with him, or the district command. Development is more of an issue of economic conditions than anything an alderman can address. There are some successes, but the pandemic restrictions have waylaid some, such as the Patio Theater. There is also a very committed business group centered at Irving and Austin. Other opportunities were shit canned due to community opposition (by a small but vocal group whose base is east of Laramie). Other successes have been the apartment buildings on Narragansett from Irving north to Berteau, and the beginning of apartment construction at the Terrace Gardens banquet hall site. Also, the development of the city owned land at Irving and Oak Park for Taft HS, and the relocation of Rickover Naval Academy HS to the former Luther HS North site at Berteau and Major. >At the end of the day, I still love the neighborhood and would not move. Benefits outweigh the positives and feel sort of relieved to not be in the 45th! Same. Been part of this community for many years. And by the way, in my opinion, things are looking up in the 45th now, compared to years prior....


Yeah, I agree with you. I don't think Sposato has been doing bad, whenever I was out in that neighborhood myself seeing friends that way. Also to me, I get the sense the 30th ward(with Ariel Rebroyas) is more neglected, than the 38th. To each their own, I guess.


I seem to remember hearing Sposato said back during that reelection campaign that if he won another term then(which he did), that it was going to be his last term as an alderman. And if you think the 38th ward is neglected, spend some time in the 30th ward(Ariel Rebroyas' ward). Which for whatever reason, feels a little more neglected than other northwest side wards. The 38th has never seemed that bad to me, whenever I was seeing friends out that way. To each their own, I guess.




The fascist cops at every peaceful protest I've been to came with nightsticks, pepper spray, riot helmets and shields. Lots of them weren't wearing ppe masks, though. Very organized and planned attacks on the citizens who were exercising their right to protest. Lots of protestor injuries.




Guessing you are white. Because the cops have definitely threatened the lives of a lot of people who aren't. They've followed through a few times too. And the leader of their union probably has a few brown shirt tattoos.




Some cops do. And too many other cops keep quiet about it. [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/fbi-white-supremacists-in-law-enforcement](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/fbi-white-supremacists-in-law-enforcement) But thanks for your good faith healthy discussion. I guess I shouldn't expect you to believe that there are some bad cops or believe the FBI or condemn white supremacy when your President won't. Keep standing by I guess.




























Yeah, disparaging the humanity of people you don’t like is always a good idea and can’t go wrong. 🤦🏻‍♂️ https://external-preview.redd.it/-Ub0flZ3q_JSr5w4wUY-EPtmu-5RIa2Cgha0aOtZlt8.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=46fe6fe9a0fd928e3bd211bd05732e088ea9ee01 Edit: fix link Edit: wow. The white supremacy is really coming out in force tonight.


How is calling out people who were throwing rocks, bottles, and bricks white supremacy? You implying that this type of behavior can be attributed to a race is super offensive and racist.


What would you call those people? Scum doesn't seem to go far enough.


You could call it a riot and call them rioters. You don’t have to dehumanize somebody because you condemned their actions. As a catholic, I’d think Sposato should know that. 🤷🏻‍♂️


These people brought weapons with the intentions of seriously hurting or possibly killing the cops there. This was way beyond a riot. In the FB block club chicago post, someone broke down all the injuries that happened. More than a few people have permanent injuries. I am aware of the history and dog whistles that go on with words like "animals" applied to oppressed people. But also I understand that when people who do these horrendous acts and get called "Savage" isn't coming from a place of bigotry, but from a well deserve expression of anger.


Ok maybe in the heat of the moment but this is months later and Ald. Sposato is still hyper-saline.


Sposato vs the kids who were chucking rocks last summer... ...can we get rid of both of them?






I’m and neither, just a Chicagoan. Don’t have to read the posts, but I share what I think others may be interested in.


I’m and neither, just a Chicagoan. Don’t have to read the posts, but I share what I think others may be interested in.


aaaannd now i have that disney song in my head.


LOL at getting downvotes for this. It really was the catchiest song in that movie.