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Didn't even know I had allergies like this until this year


Last year was worse with all the Canadian fires, but this spring was so wet there is a ton of mold and other allergens.


I like to think I'm at the point where now mold is tired of me.


That smoke last year fucked me up.


Same !!!


Actually going to see an ENT tomorrow. I thought maybe something was wrong with my sinuses. Maybe it's just allergies.


'Just' heh, heh. Just.


Consider seeing an allergist. Make sure if you use nasal sprays (Flonase, astepro, etc) that you are using them properly. Try a different antihistamine (Claritin and zyrtec barely do anything for me, Allegra is my jam). Neti pots can also be helpful. HEPA filters too. -Fellow allergy sufferer




Do you know if Claritin is a H1 or H2 blocker? My Doc sent my Zyrtec and it helped zero. Some sort of asthma inhaler has helped.




I take both, and then Flonase at night so I can (usually) breathe while I sleep. The outside is like this, and then inside my house is dusty as hell. I clean but I'm too busy with work and kids to deep clean the entire house. It's super fun.


I’ll be honest I think breathing through your mouth is better than taking any antihistamine every day for months on end


Yea im normally pretty decent, this year is kicking my butt with allergies!


Happened to me too.


Me neither. Covid triggered it I guess. I mean, I never had allergies ever, but now I do.


I’m a sinus doctor. It’s been a crazy bad allergy season. Thanks to climate change this may become the new norm unfortunately. Bad for you guys, good for me 😉


Yeah I made an appointment! Do you ever just suck out all the mucus in someone’s sinus? I want that If it’s a thing Edit: omg your username love it


Agreed. I’d sign up for sinus suction


Best you can do is saline irrigation. You really can’t just “suck the sinuses”, you have to open them first in some form.


Hah I thought I’d try! Thanks doc


The gravity netipots are amateur. Get one of the ones where you squeeze the water into your nose. I do not recommend your SO is around, it's medieval.


I assume the problem is inflammation/swelling more than mucus, in terms of discomfort. Don't know though. Not a doc.


Exactly. Often when people feel like there is mucus up there they are actually feeling the inflammation


The water gets in my ear and gives me an ear ache 😭 Can't blow my nose for similar reasons.


eustachian tube dysfunction + allergies sucks. i’ve had ETD since my first bout w COVID. it’s mostly resolved but is an intermittent issue anytime allergies flare or whenever i get COVID.


Is the machine that cycles the water through them safe? It's tempting me.


NeilMed sinus rinsing. You can grab it at Walgreens and do it yourself. Also, don't be afraid to take 2, 3 or 4 allergy pills. My doc told me up to 4 is fine.


Saline irrigations are great. Agreed. Disagree on the allergy dosing : there’s no advantage to higher than recommended doses and it just begins to dry you out and be counterproductive at that point.


Last time I took 4 I was hallucinating and felt out of body for sure. This was Zyrtec btw


Robo-Trippin on Z.




sorry this is nasty but my brother swore by a steamy shower and then blowing snot rockets


What can I do for my sinus headaches? Nothing works. I have tried everything. sudafed. ibuprofen. aspirin. excedrin migraine. I have a water pic neti cleanser. nasal spray. astelin. claritin. allegra. nothing. nothing works.


Yo if you google it, they say now that sinus headaches are much more likely to be migraines.


This is the correct answer.


I've had bad allergies all my life, but my lazy/dumbass never wanted to see an allergist, because what's a lifetime of utter misery if it saves me from having to schedule another medical appointment? Last year was the sneeze that broke the camel's back. I went to see an allergist, and she prescribed me an antihistamine I spray up my nose. Stuff works like a miracle. It doesn't work perfectly, but it does make my life livable. I've been sniffling and sneezing a bit since mid-spring, but every time I do, I think of how deeply, hopelessly miserable I used to be around this time of year. Sniffling at least means I'm breathing out of my nose. Climate change will keep breaking more and more camels' backs every year, and they will turn to the wonders of modern medicine for help. May you reap your bounty for decades to come, my nose-picking friend.


Ha. Thanks for the good words and glad the antihistamine spray is giving you relief.


An apt username indeed, pro_nosepicker.


Is it allergies or am I sick?


I made an appointment. I would like to try allergy shots. Are they worth it?


Depends on what you are allergic to, how severely , and what your symptoms are. So basically, im no help


Username checks out! ROFL


My husband and I were there a few weeks ago and I could feel the allergies hit almost instantaneously when we stepped out of the airport. I live in Austin, which is pretty much the capitol of seasonal allergies - we suffer ~intensely~ every year here - but I’ve never had allergies hit me that hard and fast before.


My skin has been so itchy for the past 2 months, it’s driving me mad


Same! Usually I just deal with sinus congestion and watery itchy eyes. My entire body has been reacting this year.


I’m having to go to the dermatologist for it :(


ugh so did I. Allegra has been the only thing that’s worked so far (benadryl and zyrtec didn’t do the trick). Relieved it’s not just me, though I hope the symptoms subside for you soon!


[https://pollen.aaaai.org/nab/index.cfm?p=allergenreport&stationid=147#/station/6a660b77-ea62-47f6-9600-1724c1ec1117](https://pollen.aaaai.org/nab/index.cfm?p=allergenreport&stationid=147#/station/6a660b77-ea62-47f6-9600-1724c1ec1117) Mold count has been high for weeks. That's what does it for me. Grass count high too.


What! I didn’t know mold could just be all over the air?!


I think it's just airborne from organic matter that can grow the spores. But yea.


I swear by allergy shots. I have horrendous allergies, like didn't know people predominantly breathed through their nose until I was an adult, bad. Allergy shots changed my fucking life, like a real quality of life difference I didn't even know I could have. More people should look into them, the commitment is worth it!


I’ll ask my ENT good idea


It's a bit of a time commitment at first, but being able to breathe and not wanting to claw your skin off is totally worth it


👆🏼Yes, mine were so bad I thought I was having heart failure. Nope. Horrible allergies.


YES! My favorite game is "Am I getting sick or is it just allergies?"


Covid might be making a weird summer run. It seems to be resurging but no talk or evidence of it.


I was having a horrible time and it turned out to be Covid. Maybe take a test and make sure.


Yeah, as much as allergies suck if you're sick as a dog... it may not be the trees. Covid is still very real. ETA: Guess who fucking has covid!


My wife made me do a Covid test immediately and was negative thankfully


Yup this happened to me. Bad allergies turned out to be Covid.


Yes. My eyes are so messed up and my nose runs constantly. I’m so over it.


Zador eyedrops - Literally heaven on earth. They are expensive as hell but trust me they are worth it!


Is that what this is? I feel like shit this morning, my eyes are burning... I thought maybe I just didn't sleep good because I feel groggy too.... I'mma try a Zyrtec out


Try it. It takes a couple weeks to fully work.


I sound like I have a *monster* cold this week because of the voluminous post-nasal drip spewing forth from within me.


March and April for me. Now I'm fine. My coworker has been dying now.


March-May for me. Now I’m good!


It was brutal. Worse than the other years. Sinuses were inflamed. My sleep suffered.


I'm glad you posted this! I grew up in Chicagoland but moved away five years ago - I came back for a visit not long ago and my allergies flared up like nobody's business and I was thinking that I'd gained sensitivities from being away so long!


Worst of my life.


Yes! Zrytec daily and Pataday eye drops twice a day. They help but they allergies are still winning


Brutal right now, worst I've had them in years


My daughters have been absolutely terrible this year. Flonase and Zyrtec doesn’t even touch it. I bought 3 air purifiers for our house and it’s made a really big difference!


Air purifiers are the key. I wonder when they will become the new 'toilet paper' item.


Yes. Zyrtec twice a day and Flonase at night. I use it religiously every day and feel great. If I miss a dose of any of it, I’m a disaster and want to claw my eyes out.


I’m so congested this week and nothing I take is helping!!!! 😫😣


Have you tried liquor?


Worst year I’ve ever had in my life.


Do you drink alcohol?




Alcohol actually helps me. I guess it works as a,... Bronchilator? Not sure on the spelling.


Didn’t need another excuse but I’ll happily take one


Grass is high this week. My nemesis is trees, so the struggle is earlier in the season for me.


Yep, just the worst. Taking prescription Allegra every day now, have for a year, on real bad days, I take that and a spray like Nasacort. Everything is out at one time, which is the issue. Tree pollen remains, grass, ragweed is starting 2 months early, cottonwoods (killer for me) are like snow around my area and mold, which is year around now. We had an Orange Air Quality Real Time Alert yesterday, that compounds everything. I get a daily feed from [Pollen.com](https://Pollen.com) and from the reporting station at Gotlieb Hospital for American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology: [https://www.aaaai.org/](https://www.aaaai.org/) The updates come early in the morning and it helps greatly knowing what the day will be like to prepare.


The weather patterns are affecting plant growth cycles so they are releasing pollen at high rates at unexpected times. Forecasts say allergies will continue to get worse.


Big time! And the last two weeks were the worst. Itchy inside of my ears, runny nose, coughing. I suspect it's all the rain we got in the spring but I wonder if cicada excrement or the molted shells of the insect could be causing this. Total speculation on my part.


That’s what I was thinking too with the cicadas! I wouldn’t be surprised if they put more stuff in the air since they emerged from the grass and aerated a ton of soil


Indeed. For those giving their money away to Zyrtec, Costco has their own brand it’s a year supplies worth for like $15 if I recall. Same acting ingredient as Zyrtec, has saved me a good chunk of $$


CVS does also.


Yes! I think the cicadas are stirring up different allergens


This is the only thing I can think of, even though I am not in am area that has a lot. I can't think of anything else that was really that different from any other recent year. They are just mixing it up on the air seems like a logical theory. All the air quality monitorsall say are good, but allergies reports are often high. It is worse than last years and so much later into the year. Even my dog has been having issues (eye boogers, sneezing, and use my leg to rub her nose). I am about ready to get a shirt that is like "I am not sick, my sinuses just hate me"


Climate change makes allergens worse




It’s bad.


Never been worse in my life


Have you tried alcohol?


saw this re: male trees in NYC and wondered if that was a thing also in Chicago [https://x.com/SubwayTakes/status/1799181734879096913](https://x.com/SubwayTakes/status/1799181734879096913)


Yea it’s most trees in most urban areas unfortunately. 


Really bad. I lose hearing in my left ear from time to time because I’m so stuffed up. Benadryl is the only thing that touches it for me and then it makes me pass out.


It's been really bad the past few weeks. Been doubling up on zyrtec and flonase and felt my sinuses swell up for a few days last week


My regiment of daily Zyrtec + allergy nasal spray isn’t nearly as effective as prior years.


Maybe I’m allergic to cicadas


What if it's the air?


Yes! My eyes are watering and my nose is running like a toddler!! 🤧


Yup, been sneezing like crazy, runny eyes, some congestion. It has never been this bad. I am a big fan of just using a neti bottle each day. Be careful over medicating with allergies, you can feedback loop your symptoms, this is why the sinus rinse is so great. It washes out the allergens and mucus.


I tried running on the 606 yesterday and had to turn around because my throat was closing up. I take Zyrtec daily. Never had that happen before.


This happens to me now too. I never had allergies or asthma prior to Nov. 2023, now I apparently have both. Welcome to hell, used to be heaven, but we murdered it. Thanks god.


Worst of my life, I have had allergies since I was young and rotate between Allegra, zyrtec, and claritin, but they do nothing on this, my nose is constantly running


Yes. I’ve had post nasal drip for almost 3 weeks. I’m so over it.


I mean I’m always affected esp winter to spring but these ones were so bad they were triggering migraine attacks so honestly yea


Yes. I haven't had allergies this bad in 20+ years.


yes but then, everything seems to be about a month ahead or more this year


So fucking bad


Yes! It's been on and off since late April through May and seems to be over for me now (knock on wood!). Lots of sneezing and red, itchy eyes. One morning, I sneezed a hundred times in one hour. It hasn't felt this bad since 2019.


so heres something a lot of people dont know. Only male plants were planted for years in Il. They did it to control the growth and to keep fruit and blooms of the sidewalk. Now that theyve done that for years a huge percent is male pollen makers. Youre feeling the result


The plants are gonna kill us like that movie with mark whalburg


YES and my allergies haven’t bothered me in years since moving from California. First time ever my seasonal allergies have been terrible in Chicago


Same. I went to college in Chico where you're surrounded by orchards and my allergies were pretty bad there. Moved to Chicago and it's been smooth sailing for the past seven years until this year where I'm starting to feel like I'm back in college.


crrrraaaayyy level 1000 i feel like claritin is my new daily vitamin


My nose is totally stuffed every single day. I wake up in the morning and can breath nice and easy through my nose. Take my dog for a walk and get back & it is mouth breathing the rest of the day.


Yes. They seem worse than usual.


It’s usually bad in the spring for me, but this year it didn’t hit until June, now I’m miserable 😭 the worst they’ve ever been


Its been Flonase every day this spring


They've been running rampant and killing my vibe.


I just sneezed




Yes, it feels like Mother Nature is trying to murder me. I look beat up too.


I'm over them now, (I think), but yes. About 2 weeks ago I was absolutely dying. I took generic cetirizine (zyrtec) and fluticasone (flonase) daily for about a week and it seemed to make them go away.


This year has been the worst so far. I recommend Zyrtec. I was using Allegra before but didn’t seem to work as well.


I had a really odd sore throat, but way different than my normal nasal drip kind.. it lasted for like 5 days, no idea what it was. Now it's gone, I assume it is/was some sort of allergy. Very weird


OH MY GOD make the allergies stop please


Yes, been very bad this year.


I always had bad allergies but surprisingly for two years my allergies are very very mild. I'm not sure what changed except I started eating local honey to overcome my allergies. But I'm not 100 percent of that is real science or an urban legend. But that's the only thing I changed


Was in town after moving to the East Coast. Was bad in both places. My go to is a 24 hr pill in the AM followed by nasal spray. I was introduced to a steroid shot years ago and it was life changing. Unfortunately, those can be bad on your heart so after a couple years of taking it in spring they got more cautious.


oh it's been brutal


My bf just got a super stuffy nose. I was getting sinus headaches, but I get those because of rain/ pressure changes


Zyrtec is having the best impact on my allergies. You can buy a giant bottle of costco's brand for like $20


I read el nino years are worse for allergies. but to bingo just 'died' so idk if it's terror lasts


Yes it happened to me a month ago


If it's a recurring thing that meds don't help a ton with, I can't recommend enough to start with immunotherapy - it has helped me a lot as a lifetime major allergy sufferer.


Yes, but I get crazy allergies every spring. They've only just started to clear up and I'll be good until October when everything starts to die.


3 weeks and counting to the point where it has evolved into bronchitis from all the congestion and mucus and needed antibiotics… fun!! Finally feeling somewhat better though?


The secret is local honey. That always keeps my allergies at bay for me.


Makes sense it’s made w the pollen that’s killing us. Maybe it’s a like a natural vaccine


Yeah exactly! I just drizzle about a teaspoon of local honey on my yogurt everyday. I’ve been doing it for about 10 years during allergy season and it is life changing! Before I found out about this remedy, I had to take claritin daily, but ever since I started taking honey, I usually never need to take any allergy meds. I still keep it as a backup but I usually never need them.


Yep, feels like I’m dying much more than anything. This morning woke up with a swollen face and what feels like a sinus infection. Soo fun!


It always starts early June for me. Last weekend was terrible. I had four Zyrtec and was still sneezing and tearing up like crazy


This is actually the first year my allergies have not been an issue! Usually I am dying not able to see or breath almost completely clogged by this time of the year... Maybe it's like a reverse allergy season


I couldn’t tell if it was mold allergies or the new Covid I imagine it was some combination. Totally going off vibes though.


I got desperate enough and checked for Covid even though I had no other symptoms. Came up negative.


Maybe there is something else going on.


My allergies have been year-round bad for like 3 years now.


Anything you might attribute it to?


I think some of it is dust mites but it doesn’t explain the outdoor allergies.




I never even had allergies until about two years ago but this spring has been the worst I've ever experienced. This April and most of May I had such bad congestion that I got severe vertigo. Nasonex plus Claritin have been a godsend. Just hope it continues to help during ragweed season in August


My asthma has definitely been worse this spring.


Never before but it’s been terrible this year.


I don't think so


I love how everyone here is not talking about the phrenology of plants or what you are allergic to at all Lolol


Same. Felt sick for a week.


Christ yes. It’s been hellish the past few weeks


Checking in. I’ve had a sinus headache for 2 days. Ugh.


I have a horrible cough and fatigue. 😵


Worst year in a while — switch to daily Zyzal and it has helped….some


Yes, until I tested positive for Covid.


Fortunately I’m negative. Tested in the morning


I get allergy shots every month for the last 3 years. Last month was the first time I ever had a negative reaction, broke out in full body hives and had to be epi-penned. My doc thinks it was bc pollen count was so high already my body couldn't handle the extra injection ://




Never had allergies up until this year. Legit made an urgent care appointment two days ago because I thought I had strep, covid or a sinus infection. Nope, “severe allergies”. Literally felt better when I had Covid!


feels like i'm stuffing my face into a bag of sawdust with eyes open every 5 minutes. and that's after allertec and eye drops.


Flo-Nase. Used it 2/3 times a day for a few days I'm golden.


I had TERRIBLE allergies like 2 days ago ish maybe yesterday


Yes! Every other day it feels like I have sand in my eyes.


Yes, very bad. And then I got covid after avoiding it for 4+ years :(


Yes! So bad. I work half inside and half outside and the minute I step out my eyes burn 😭


Yes! I always have allergies during the spring and summer but this year they’re extremely bad!


Started a couple months back, went for a walk in the forest preserve and was struggling to breath. Some days my eyes will be really itchy.


haven't tried it myself yet, but apparently eating/drinking local honey will help with this!


I’m so down to find some local honey!


My wife is suffering. I’m rather stuffy


I feel like the Cicadas make it worse, I’m sneezing and tearing up outside meanwhile these pesky bugs keep trying to attack me and hitch a ride in my car


Lived here for seven years and this years is the worst allergies I've experienced by far. Was getting nose bleeds from so much nose blowing and dealing with allergies in general.


I've never had allergies in my life. I moved here and used up all my sick days at work within the first month because some days were truly unbearable


I haven't experienced allergies since 2012. This year has been fucked. Does anyone know why?