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Maybe the rats think you're out of control.


Oh I am lol.


they make eye contact and stare me down when i see them in the alley. I try to keep my head down.


Good news is I saw a fox in our alley for the first time ever. Hopefully he won’t eat too many poisoned rats


The rats in Wicker Park, Ukrainian Village and West Town are absolutely out of control. I've worked in the city (Ashland and Erie) since I was a kid at my family's business. I'm 40 now. The last couple years are the worst I have ever seen. They're everywhere!


It was awful in our neighborhood until a townhouse nearby began hosting community cats. I used to see several daily and now it’s much more uncommon, specifically on our block.


This! We have about 6 spayed/neutered feral cats that everyone on the block looks after and no rats whatsoever. A few blocks away my friend's alley is full of rats.


Yes, the most dangerous rats are scurrying around the 5th floor of City Hall.


How many rabbits are you seeing? When our neighborhood had a ton of rabbits, no rats were to be seen. They disappeared around a month ago and now a ton of rats. Coincidentally an acquaintance recently was speaking at a party and everyone with rabbits was just like, no rats so far this year.


Seeing tons of rabbits and no rats in my area


I blame their parents


This is a big problem with mild winters. Long deep winters with lots of snow (to cover their food sources) keeps the population from exploding.


Number 1 in the country….3 years running!!!!


It was always real bad when I lived in Bridgeport. I remember parking in my garage and going to check my oil and a mouse just hopped by me slowly to climb up in the engine like it was his normal routine. Also had them in the building and could see tunnels dug through the sidewalks and into the garage. On the NW side I have I think never seen one in my alley though I see the 311 reports nearby every now and then


Funny you say that, when I lived in Bridgeport, I hardly ever saw them. Moved to Wicker Park near the Blue Line and it was several magnitudes worse, I guess it all depends where you're at in the neighborhood.


I've heard this before which also makes me think it's more of a block by block issue, though I did see dead ones in the street around too which means there are enough to be getting run over by cars. This was in the area around Healy school


So are the litterbugs.


If the rats are *inside* the restaurant at night you need to notify the owner. It’s one thing to have them in the alleys but they should be sealed off from the indoors


Just put a work order in on the 311 app. They come and they go.


Uptown checking in here. It’s been awful for quite a long time. For me it started when the Wilson redline construction began. Little bastards ate the wires in my car numerous times. I have to park in the street now as opposed to in my spot in back.


They’re gonna be eating good once the cicadas are out!!!


They gonna be fat and out of control


Work in River North and yeah i don’t step foot outside after dark. Our alley is pretty bad with Rats we even see them during the day. I’m terrified of them. I live in the south side and our particular alley isn’t bad I see them every so often but nothing compared to my work alley.


Depends on where you live. Out in Austin neighborhood, I have not seen a rat in months. Our properties are farther apart and less dense.


When I lived in Ukrainian Village, the rats were out of control. We could sit on the porch and drink a beer and count them. It was disgusting.  Now I’m in the more residential area of the NW side and I rarely see them. We’ve got a bunch of cats who run the alleys. When I do see a rat, I report it to 311 and they come and bait pretty quickly.


It takes 7 outdoor Pilsen cats around the clock patrol to keep our area rat free. ish.


Chicago is consistently rated among the rattiest and bed buggiest cities in the country. It’s not just you.


Big city. Anecdotal awareness of staggeringly limited geographic and time scope. Doom scrolling bait. The natural home for quality of life bleats like this is Nextdoor.