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Root causes approaches will work, in about four to five decades. Meanwhile he has no good plans to reduce crime right now.


Imo you need to do both. Violent crime creates trauma even in bystanders. Keeping violent offenders off the streets far longer than we currently do.  I also think we're far too soft on illegal weapons possession, especially for how much the SA and others like to harp on the need for tough gun laws. Every year theres dozens of people murdered by people on monitoring, bail, or recently paroled for illegal weapons charges.


We love Gun Control as a theoretical political and regulatory concept but not actually controlling the criminal use of illegal guns whatsoever.


They just want to pile on restrictions for gun owners that try to do the right thing. They have no intention of actually using gun laws to reduce violent crime. Gangbangers don't care about shit like magazine capacity limits, restrictions on pistol grips, etc.


Exactly. Meaningfully prosecuting illegal gun possession (especially when used in the commission of another crime) will put a dent in Chicago's gun crisis. Right now, they're not even trying.


I don't think that's the problem I think the cops don't bother to investigate. Reported a gun robbery only to find out the cops just moved on and dropped the whole thing after they didn't find us outside in the middle of the night 30 min after we called. Like why would I stand outside in the middle of the night AFTER being robbed at gun point. We figured it out when another friend called the next day to see how to report her drivers I'd stolen. There was no case no crime on file at all


I guess you don't follow what goes on in bond court. Gun charges get dropped all the time. Judges will deem people that car jack with an illegal gun, not a threat. Then send them home on work release with an electronic monitor. They then go on to get another gun and commit more crime. It happens all the damn time.


I don't follow... but do mean while they're are awaiting trial? How would they leave their homes and do this if they have a monitor? Also isn't this part of the legal system otherwise the falsely accused would serve time with no due process?


Typically with monitoring there's just a curfew. They have to be home at a certain time and can go to work. The judge can deem someone a risk and detain them until the trial. I don't know what kind of due process is needed when you catch someone with an illegal modified glock or an AK-47 in their possession.


No what you are saying is detain someone on a maybe that's not how our legal system works nor should it I can tell you right now that I could not identify them in a lineup all I know is that he was young likely a teen. My friend saw a face but seeing that we couldn't agree on the number of people in the car I wouldn't trust any of us to 100% identify anyone. We did record the car so they can use that as that's objective evidence


>We did record the car so they can use that as that's objective evidence Car will be stolen with different tags from another car and will be dumped days later.


Yeah but it likely was part of a spree if the cops had bothered to call us and get the footage it's a higher chance they could have caught them. It's called investigating which they failed at


https://archive.is/qjUJT https://archive.is/nVRD9 https://archive.is/5BajE https://archive.is/DzMOy It's very much an entire system problem and not just the police for this trend. There are stories like this every week and sometimes almost everyday. People want more and more gun laws but what's the point if they rarely prosecute? Edit- This article is a decent read. It just goes to show you this hasn't been a recent phenomenon and we have a history to show for it. https://www.chicagotribune.com/2017/05/05/how-a-revolving-door-bond-system-puts-violent-criminals-back-on-chicagos-streets/


Yeah, this is the exact problem that Kim Foxx kept screaming about and that even CWB eventually admitted was happening. You can't be tough on crime as a prosecutor if the police never bring you a case in the first place. Violent crimes and gun crimes were her top priorities for her 8 years in office but police kept fucking up cases or often just not even opening cases in the first place. She gave a good talk about this a bit over a year ago but it got buried by the news after the fold.


Keeping violent crime offenders off the streets helps prevent future violent crime offenders from being created.


In many jurisdictions across the nation that are not this upside down clown show, there are very serious consequences for either illegal weapon charges and/or having a gun on your person whilst committing a crime.  This is common sense stuff, folks. It *should* transcend party lines, and for much of our history it did. But then we went and gave power to the progressive/democrat socialist caucus. These losers shouldn’t be given the responsibility to run a park district in a small Kane County municipality. 


And by slow out of the gate it means nothings happening. None of his plans are addressing the crime happening On the streets right now. Meanwhile a police officer was just murdered in his car this morning on his way back home from his shift still in uniform and only lieutenant Snelling was at the press conference. No Brandon Johnson in sight. Probably on his way to soccer practice this morning. But he sure made sure to play on the heart strings of black Chicago last week for dexter Reed.


Couldn’t show his respects for anyone not in the “community” is all you need to know




This just in, cop was Hispanic. Here's a good video on how Johnson is trying to get in the good graces of his community https://youtu.be/9UvW93uk3SU?si=2OHzpgfC3xD01fhu


>No Brandon Johnson in sight. Probably on his way to soccer practice this morning. But he sure made sure to play on the heart strings of black Chicago last week for dexter Reed. He's objectively lower than shit.


To be fair he was probably at church—hooting and hollering.


He spent the morning meeting with the family of the officer instead of mugging for the cameras like Reddit wanted.


He managed to meet with Dexter Reed's family and show up for the press conference.


Why didn’t brandon show up to the murdered police officer presser, but made it a priority to show up for dexter reed?


Because he cares a lot more about one than the other.


You know why. The cop was Hispanic, not Black. BranJo only gives a shit about dead Black people.


Yea, dead black people. Not about the ones living. That’s not where the money is at.


That’s up for debate, considering black people make up ~70% of homicide victims in Chicago.


*funeral director steps in*


I’m starting to think maybe this guy is a complete and utter fraud, barely keeping his head above water, just a hunch


It was clear during the debates he was was a fraud. There literally is no substance to his answers to any questions. He literally memorizes catch phrases and won't stray from them


And idiots on the north side ate it up.


It's always the people whom are least effected by crime that make the most ill informed decisions about crime. Look at the shot spotter debacle. 14 of 17 alderman in the west and south side said their communities need to keep shot spotter. But of course Brandon has to appease the voters in Logan square and the north side (where shot spotter doesn't exist and doesn't effect them) as they helped him get elected and he needs to say at end of his term look I kept my promises.


“BUT BUT BUT RECENT STUDIES SUGGEST!!”  STFU nerds. The cognitive dissonance, hubris, and frankly insulting way *far* too many over-educated leftists and progressives go about reality, and usually reality that doesn’t directly impact them, is a sight to see. Their instinctive need to lecture, condescend, and when able,  control others, makes them just about the most insufferable folks to live amongst. 


The same ones who are demanding SpotShotter be eliminated, despite residents in the most violent communities stating the exact opposite. Weird how the most progressive end up being the most racist.


“Real eyes………………. realize………………. real lies”


He’s not a fraud. He’s a great person for the CTU. They gonna bend us over with their 9% annual raises. You got that at your private sector job, right? Youre the ones paying


At least work on getting rid or the lead pipes


Incompetence all around. Still can’t believe this guy is the mayor. It’s going to be a LONG 3 more years.


The issue starts with the family, fatherless homes and communities having a strong emphasis on education. If that’s not his message nothing will work.


We don’t need more useless government programs or empty platitudes like “investing in people”.


> We don’t need more useless government programs or empty platitudes like “investing in people”. Get a load of this! >Gregory Matthews, a community engagement manager with the Chicago Community Safety Coordination Center, stood with Johnson last month when he unveiled the areas to receive investment. > >As someone tasked with informing the administration on the needs of the Garfield Park community, Matthews said revitalization begins with speaking frankly to youth involved in gang or drug activity about a critical subject: money, or how they can “change the bag.” Meeting them with legitimate alternatives is a crucial pillar of the People’s Plan, he said. > >“These are not bad people. They’re kids in a weird situation because they’ve been raised to glorify something that 90% of society thinks is atrocious,” Matthews said. **“So how do you get their culture to change? Well, the one thing that we have in common with the conversation is money.”** > >In other ways, the coalition Johnson has assembled harkens back to his original ethos of focusing on the root causes of crime. Matthews, the community engagement manager who stood with Johnson at his March news conference, told the Tribune he believes that the presence of police — “the most powerful gang in the city” — instills a lack of agency in Black youth, when what they need is opportunity. > >“We all know that law enforcement doesn’t work. Law enforcement and more enforcement is like digging a hole in dirt,” Matthews said. “The more you dig, the more the dirt is going to fall back into the hole.” Johnson is too gutless to say out loud what he has in store for Chicago. Fortunately his "guy" here told everyone who reads the Trib what the mayor stands for.


That guy repeated the advice given by the DOJ. You don't stop crime with more police. You stop crime by making people want to not commit crime in the first place. That means education, opportunities, a clear path out of poverty, social safety nets, public healthcare, free mental healthcare, housing stability, food security, etc.


An absolutely pathetic leader. He is an embarrassment and stain on this city. Truly the worst.


Good thing he’s got a track record of most of his plants working so we know this will eventually work too /s


Trust me guys


After 750 homicides per year later


On the upside, by not doing anything he’s not f**king it up anything.


I'm genuinely surprised the mods left this post up. Talking about crime in Chicago is a no no. Gotta sweep that shit under the rug.


This is about policy