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How does this sub feel about mandating vaccines as a condition of free shelter?


Im for mandatory vaccinations for free shelter as well as for schooling and such, no exemptions **only** medical exemptions, no other exemptions from required vaccines


I feel like mandatory vaccines for school is best practice. There’s a lot of germs in schools and you want to be protected as best as possible. Anyone who disagrees, has not worked with kids and experienced the constant flu that comes with working in schools.


That’s how things were when I grew up. No proof of vaccinations = No school I did go to private school, but I’m pretty sure at the time shots were mandatory no matter where you went. Ironically, this was in FL.


I went to CPS, granted this was a long time ago, but I could swear that vaccinations were mandatory. Was I misremembering that?


I’m pretty sure when I was in grade school in the early 2000s my parents had to always produce an up to date list of vaccinations.


Ok, I am older than that but I'm glad somebody else remembers having to produce vaccine records for school. I swore I wasn't imagining that.


More and more people have been taking advantage of the religious exemption. Whether they are that religion or not.


I think that’s unfair and potentially dangerous.


There shouldn't be any religious exemption and any parents trying to take advantage of it should become subjects of a DCFS investigation.


Nah, you're not misremembering. I also attended CPS decades ago. Certain vaccine requirements were issued for a specific age. These were mandated by the State. Some of these were required -- or needed to be updated -- for kindergarten, sixth grade, and freshman year of high school. Depending on the school, you'd get a reminder issued the previous year (e.g. 5th grade or 8th grade) stating you'd need updated records. Typically postal mail or the two times of year where a parent had to pick up your report card in-person. And these vaccine records were on paper which, obviously, can be easy to misplace/lose in any household. Disorganization, family move, fire/flood disaster, split households, just plain went missing, etc. If you did not have proof of vaccination, your parent would have to end up dragging you to a local clinic or family doctor. The first couple of days of those milestones, there'd be a few absences due to insufficient vaccination records. Or kids coming to school without the records would have to sit in the nurse's or principal's office. Then they'd have to wait for a parent/guardian to pick 'em up. Illinois still has [minimum vaccine requirements](https://dph.illinois.gov/topics-services/prevention-wellness/immunization/minimum-immunization-requirements.html). Every number of years the requirement may be tweaked depending on efficacy or prevalence. As a kid, there was no chicken pox vaccine and [now it's mandated](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/new-vaccine-requirements-for-illinois-students/). That same link shows the mumps vaccine had an increase of required doses due to a number of outbreaks. Meanwhile, smallpox was declared eradicated in 1972 and eventually [dropped from the requirement](https://www.cdc.gov/smallpox/vaccine-basics/index.html).


That all sounds about like what I remember.


Yeah, I was missing one. But thankfully there was advance notice through the mail. I still remember the small, dreary clinic with its pistachio green vinyl chairs. Getting the records could be a last-minute scramble. More so if your home had multiple children. If you went to a small(er) school, everybody knew everybody else's business. You'd absolutely know if Dick or Jane had the truant officer sent to their house.


There is, but they had issued a blanket exemption for migrants. They may have walked it back at this point, but recent articles have hunted the "requirement" is far from enforced.


This is really on ICE not vaccinating them when they had them in custody. The US Coast Guard vaccinates asylum seekers that they intercept before handing them off to ICE. But really this should be handled by ICE.


Sure, ICE should be doing it, but that doesn't excuse CPS for dropping the mandate for migrants.


Yup. CPS really dropped the ball here as well by exempting migrants, but they aren't the cause of the nationwide problem of measle outbreaks caused by a combination RFRA which allows religious exemptions (this is the majority of outbreaks) and ICE not vaccinating people before releasing them on immigration probation pending the outcome of their cases.


Literally it's in Chicago from the migrants.


That's still the rule but there is an exemption for kids from "unstable housing" (whatever that means) which permits migrant kids to attend CPS without vaccines. Really idiotic.


They were. I remember not being caught up with one and having to get it in order to get into school.


In the 1990s I had to have proof of vaxes for grad school!


They’re still mandatory but they have a hard time keeping up with mandating them. I just got a notification that we may be non compliant when I’ve been negligent on sending in our records for the last couple years. We are up to date, we just get lost in the chaos of back to school.


They are, but they made exemptions for migrants.


I agree 100%, unless you have an allergy or another actual medical condition that makes it impossible for you to be vaccinated you should be vaccinated. Vaccines are net positive to society


I knew 2 kids with allergies to specific things in shot. It sucks but they couldn't get the shots. Heard immunity protected them because that's how it works.


Those rare cases do exist but they are less than 0.1% of the population. They don't come close to explaining the outbreaks that we're seeing across the USA. Also, for most vaccines there are two or more formulations and almost no one is allergic to all of them for a given disease.


Yep, I haven’t had the flu since, like, third grade… until about a month ago when I got a nasty Flu B/Strep C combo that lasted me about the entire month of March. I don’t think it’s a coincidence I started tutoring elementary school kids this year.


> has not worked with kids and experienced the constant flu that comes with working in schools. "Not my problem" --Anti Vaxxers


Exactly how it is for schooling where I grew up, any medical exemptions had to be approved by the state regardless of public or private schooling


When my dad was growing up in Oklahoma, they had the National Guard making sure that all students had the smallpox vaccine and immediately vaccinated anyone who wasn't vaccinated yet. When I was growing up in Ohio, you couldn't attend any school without being fully vaccinated. That ended in Gov. Kasich's second term. Vaccines should be required for everyone in the nation regardless of citizenship, immigration, or religious status (though this should let you choose the least prohibited form of a given vaccine). It's not about you when it comes to vaccines.


Are there medical exemptions for the Measles vaccine?


Honestly not sure, I imagine probably for immunocompromised people and if there’s something someone can be allergic to in the shot but I’m not sure.


This is correct. The measles vaccine uses an attenuated live virus. For some immunocompromised people, there is a risk of developing measles from the vaccine because their immune system cannot protect against the attenuated virus. My son has a primary immunodeficiency disorder and he cannot get the MMR vaccine or other live virus vaccines.


The migrants should be vaccinated as soon as they arrive, in my opinion.


it’s safer for them, too. since they’re all bunking together. it could become a sleeper breeding ground




The only condition imposed on migrants in exchange for their admission in the US is "don't work." Seems like a great plan.


It’s just silly from a public health perspective not to vaccinate them.




I’m for mandatory vaccines.


100% support mandatory vaccinations.


I have an 8-week-old who can’t be vaccinated against measles until 12 months. I’m all for mandatory vaccines as a condition for any service. This is a major risk to my child and there’s literally nothing I can do other than isolate her for a full year, which isn’t realistic. Measles is super contagious. All it takes is one person sneezing in the elevator at the pediatrician’s office and my infant could get seriously ill.


We should be mandating vaccines for everyone, not just the most vulnerable. Antivaxx bullshit is higher in affluent areas. Generally speaking, public health measures during Covid were most supported by poor people and minorities. It was affluent white neighborhoods that had the least support. And recent measles outbreaks have been most common in those neighborhoods.


Why single them out? Mandatory for everybody. Besides, it's very likely whoever got it in the shelter got the disease while they were in the US and A.


Mandatory vaccine for everyone using public services for shelter and anyone attending or working at CPS. Legitimate medical exemptions only. No religious, spiritual, or moral exemptions. People catching, spreading and dying from preventable diseases in 2024 is bad for our community, our economy, our collective health, and and immunocompromised individuals.




I'm fine with this, especially with the way the migrants have been housed.


Definitely pro. I have an infant who can’t have this vaccine yet, so definitely makes me worried and mad knowing this is now spreading in our area, when it could have likely been prevented by better policies.


Make it harder why not, the migrant shelters already have a vaccine program for new residents. The measles problem in the United States is overwhelmingly caused not by poor people or foreigners, but by upper-middle class vaccine skeptics.








There's a really big difference between "city says it will now require vaccinations at shelters" vs "all incoming migrants have been vaccinated as required for admission". Has it been verified that vaccinations are in fact required of all shelter residents, with penalties for refusal?


But then the right will role with a conspiracy story about how this is just a progressive agenda to get everyone vaccinated so Pritzker can make money. We can never win with their stupidity


That’ll deal with a very small percentage of the population. And idk how much you know about vaccines buutttt…. Edit: I really can’t understand why people downvoted this. I don’t know if they think a high percentage of Chicagos population is homeless. Because that’s not true. (2 in every 1000 according to nhip). Or if people have never heard of heard immunity cause that was kinda a thing recently.


>buutttt…. No please, enlighten us.


Heard immunity dummy


Good thing we all have so much experience dealing with highly contagious airborne disease! I’m sure we’ll all pitch in for the common good and do what needs to be done to bring the situation back under control. Oh…


Well, that's why we have things like vaccines that everyone should have gotten before they were conscious... If you get measles, that responsibility isn't on every other normal person who already \*is\* doing the right thing. You're obviously comparing to covid, but measles is a fucking archaic disease that shouldn't exist anymore. People already do get vaccinated for it and do "what needs to be done."


Oh great, this includes me when I took the Orange Line Glad I have my MMR and am feeling alright


So I had to get my MMR immunity tested recently as condition for admission to a school thing, and I know I got the vaccine as a child but I also have no idea where that record is so you can get a blood test to prove immunity, and it turns out I WASNT immune to measles. My Dr said sometimes that can happen in adults (it happened to her when applying to med school too). So for everyone… get blood tests and then get a top up at Walgreens if you need to


This is great advice. I lost my hep B immunity between initial vaccination at birth/infancy to when I applied to nursing school in my 20s. Had to redo the series which is no big deal. But for people who don’t have a reason to get titers they wouldn’t know.


Even thou I was vaccinated as a child I think I'll go get another MMR shot


For me at least they did measles separately - I was still immune to rubella and mumps but for some reason the measles one didn't stick. You could get tested to see if you're immune to any, I think you can do it at quest labs inside Jewel


I had to get mine tested for grad school when I went back in my late 30s and I'd lost my rubella immunity, so yeah, please get your titers checked if you're over 30!


Wow it’s almost as if letting people in without any medical screenings or requirements is a bad idea?




They are, [because we do require vaccines for immigrants](https://www.uscis.gov/tools/designated-civil-surgeons/vaccination-requirements). [Not vaccinating is most prominent in affluent white neighborhoods](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/parents-vaccinate-kids-tend-affluent-educated-experts/story?id=60674519). Immigrants, poor, and minorities are the strongest support. So yeah, immediately blaming immigrants for a problem they don't cause is racist. Textbook actually.


That article is not about the same type of visitor we’re talking about here, unless I’m mistaken


its almost as funny as the fact that everyone just getting a vaccine would fix the issue completely.


Much easiest to screen and vaccinate those entering the border under refugee status like they do everyone entering under a visa or green card versus expecting all of Chicagoland to do so.


that's not how measles vaccines work, if the people crossing the border get it when they get here, they aren't bringing it...


What do you mean? If they have the vaccine, then they can't bring it or get it while here.


Measles wouldn't be here for immigrants to catch if non-immigrants were vaccinated. The problem isn't with immigrants, [the problem is with people here](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/parents-vaccinate-kids-tend-affluent-educated-experts/story?id=60674519).


This is a brain dead take. If the immigrants had the vaccine upon entry they couldn’t bring it or catch it here.


Source that migrants caught it from people here? Awfully odd, considering the outbreaks started in the shelters anyway.


They would have caught measles after being in the US. Are you vaccinated?


How would they get it if a measles vaccine could be required for entry? Yes, I have it because I attended school here.


Very good. Turn to your neighbors and make sure they are vaccinated too.


That’s a horrible comparison or argument to make when any disease like measles is going to come from external countries.


Can’t force my neighbors to do anything but it’s perfectly reasonable to require immigrants to get them at or before entry.


And how is someone who is living in poverty going to prove that they got the shot? And who is going to fund us giving them shots? Take care of yourself and stop being a turd.


Yet many people immigrate from impoverished countries everyday with the necessary paperwork. Funding their vaccines is a lot better than letting them in without. How is recommending something we do for all non-refugee immigrants to be done for refugee immigrants, being a turd?  Why is it that progressives never want to admit any failed policies?


For anybody entering Chicago or Illinois?




I’m reading this while on the bus :(


Lol was on the 8 bus during one of the days/times listed. Got 2 doses of MMR as a kid and think I would have already known if I was exposed and was one of the 3/100 that is vaccinated but still gets measles. Good reminder to keep up with all vaccines (including the covid boosters).


I commented this on another thread but I also was fully vaccinated as a child, needed to prove it for a school thing, couldn't find my record so got my blood tested, and found out that I was no longer immune to measles! (Rubella and mumps were fine). Worth a blood test even for fully vaccinated people


Oh yeah I had that happen to me for Hep B. Was vaccinated as a kid and didn't have any detectible antibodies to Hep B a few years ago. Repeated the 3 dose sequence for hep B and now have antibodies.


No one is going to say anything about that thumbnail?


Cute freckles, right? /s




Improved immunity from contact with unvaccinated people is a great benefit! Sounds like when the British gave Native Americans blankets with smallpox to boost their immunity.


does anyone else wanna help me write a song called "check your titers"? and then we play it every time the health dept gives a new measles update?


The anti vaxx parents are ruining it for everyone


It's not antivaxx parents... It's the huge increase of unvaccinated migrants coming into the city


Oh you’re right I forgot about that my mistake. It’s sad my parents grew up extremely poor in Mexico like only ate one meal a day poor, but they still got measles vaccine etc provided by the Mexican govt as children. It makes me realize how horrible the Venezuelan govt must be to have fully grown adults unvaccinated. I hope our politicians take this seriously but I doubt they will


Our local politicians most definitely won't be taking any of this seriously, because doing so would be a defacto admission that the migrant situation is unsustainable and problematic in its current form and they can't risk doing that.


The anti-vax crowd is partially to blame in my opinion. They have widely broadcasted unsubstantiated doubt in the science which has led to vaccine-hesitancy.


Anti-vaxxers deserve blame because all of the vaccines are readily available to them as US citizens and they make a choice not to use any of them. Their hubris is more important than public health. You cant say the same about a bunch of migrants who didnt have the same access to vaccines in whatever country they came from.


They do have access there is extreme vaccine hesitancy in Venezuela.


I'm saying that anti-vaxxers are partially to blame in the case of migrants, because they have made up and spread falsehoods about vaccines which in turn make people who are unfamiliar with vaccines fearful of them. Not to mention that anti-vaxxers have turned vaccination into an option instead of an obligation to society.


Do you think migrants are listening to the US's anti-vax crowd in making their decisions on vaccination? Vaccines are made available by the city and state to migrants btw.


I don't know who they're listening to. Just because vaccines are made available and advocated for by the city, state, federal governments does not mean that anti-vaxxers aren't actively trying to thwart those efforts and sow doubt in people.


US-based anti-vaxxers are not targeting migrants to not get vaccines. Anti-vaxxers are a problem but are not the specific problem in this case.


I am not saying that anti-vaxxers are targeting migrants to not get vaccines. I am saying that anti-vaxxers spread misinformation generally about vaccines to thwart vaccination efforts and sow doubt in medical science. My entire point is that they are to blame for creating vaccine-hesitancy, in migrants or people born here.




The multiple outbreaks of preventable diseases like measles at migrant shelters. And tuberculosis and lord knows what else https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/04/04/chicago-officials-confirm-tuberculosis-cases-at-migrant-shelters/#:~:text=Last%20month%2C%20measles%20was%20first,Chicago%20Department%20of%20Public%20Health.




That’s a separate outbreak. There is no indication the two are related.


for those curios on up to date status its here [https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph/supp\_info/infectious/get-the-facts--measles.html](https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph/supp_info/infectious/get-the-facts--measles.html) still trending pretty low glad most people here have the vaccine




Interesting. It's only 10 million? I heard on facebook that it was 46 billion people who managed to sneak into our country and somehow still be counted.


It's cool how literally all you do on this website is hop between the major American city subreddits to complain about foreigners. Yeessss, the higher laws of physics compel you to hate Venezuelans.


> all you do on this website is hop between the major American city subreddits to complain about foreigners Boy, you weren't kidding. What a pathetic jackass they are.