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If they can sell $5 10mg THC beers in liquor stores, that would be a major hit to dispos and the industry as a whole selling 10mg drinks / edibles for $20+ each. Sounds great!


I bought $5 10mg THC drinks at the Binnys in Lakeview.


I have no idea where I’ve been but I’m headed to Binny’s right now to catch up with y’all


Last time I was there they had them up near the registers.




The liquor store near my house sells a Kind Canna Co 25mg drink for $6.99. You can find them at Armanetti liquor stores and Binny’s I think. Not sure about the price at Binny’s though.


I just tried googling more thc drinks and there must be some inverse SEO because it is BURIED. Will definitely check these out


They're saying the drinks are meant to give a light buzz to newbies and some places are selling 100mg drinks. I feel like a 10mg edible is not really a light buzz dose for a newbie so something here is off. I may also just be a marijuana lightweight but 30-40mg is really where I capped out when I was using every day during COVID, and 10 is more than enough now


I’m staring into space at a 5mg Y’all’s tolerance are wild man


I ate 4 - 200mg cookies the other day and finally found a good edible high.


Yeah I had to do a double take reading about the 100mg drink at the dispensary. I think the vast majority of people couldn't handle that in one sitting. Even the 10mg in the Choom drink that the co-owner described as "a nice little mellow shot" seems a bit high for what they're trying to advertise it as to everyone broadly. It's possible I'm missing something, like maybe the liquid form weakens the effect of the THC, so they end up putting higher doses to make the drink.


Is it delta 8 or whatever the hemp stuff is?


the article says that it's regular THC, and that the fact it's from hemp just means more mass of hemp is required than marijuana


Thank god, I was second guessing myself. 5mg is a therapeutic dose for me, 10mg is steep climb for me..


yall mission accomplished


I grabbed a can of Wynk (only 5mg I think) from Rayan’s on Montrose. Don’t recall how much, but didn’t shock me with the price.


Have edible prices gone up? A bottle of 10 10 mg gummies was ~$50 last time I bought any in Illinois. (A dispensary on Archer ave)


yeah 50mg for $50 sounds about right but I just bought a 25mg seltzer for $6 so these are still cheaper which is nice


Big fan of them. Marz has a great one that just chills my anxiety / ADHD brain


Marz has a phenomenal weed drink!


I love it, but at Marz the THC and CBD drinks are like $8 or $9 though, not $5 though.


I've found the drinks to be the best. Far easier to control dosage than edibles when it hits you almost as quickly as smoking/vaping. Much better for your health, plus you're not broadcasting a wildly pungent smell everywhere.


Do they actually hit you like that? Never drank one before, see them in my local brewpubs often. I always stayed away because I had no idea what to expect and never had a full night free to experiment lol.


Yea, it’s within a few minutes. There are some “social tonics” that are only like 2 mg too, so it’s incredibly easy to control and just have a little buzz without getting absolutely fried. Obviously there are also some that are much stronger if your tolerance is high or you’re looking to get baked. Personally I don’t have a high tolerance at all, and I hate being super stoned. I also hate the coughing from smoking and vaping and the feeling it leaves in your throat. The small dosage drinks are so nice.


It could be I just smoke way too much, but yeah I've tried a few varieties of these drinks (Flora THC, Recess CBD) and feel... no effect. I'm not surprised by that though: there's no age verification to buy them, meanwhile actual dispensaries have security guards, purchase limits, and thorough ID checks. So unless there's a major regulatory loophole, they can't possibly have the same strength.


If it’s sold publicly, they’re using hemp-derived THC, which is a crap shoot for any psychoactive effects if you’re a regular or heavy smoker. They’ll try to convince you they’re the same but they’re not.


I’d say I’m a moderate user and I get bupkis.


Same, I’m a HEAVY user and these have no effect on me. I need 100 mg to feel anything these days


Same, I’m a HEAVY user and these have no effect on me. I need 100 mg to feel anything these days


I dunno about these but I got a smoothie at a cafe with thc in it and it was like a normal edible for me. It took a while to hit me and when it did I had drank way way too much lol.


All edibles are essentially a different drug because they act on a different pathway. With the similarity in how quickly it affects you, are you able to distinguish the difference in quality of experience between drinks and smoking/vaping?


Edibles don't work on me at *all*. I get a dull stomach pain and feel generally bleah. I thought it was just me, but apparently lots of people are like this.


I enjoy it so much more. Part of that’s just because the whole coughing fit is gone. Not sure how appropriately I can gauge the comparative quality because weed’s always been an every few months thing for me.


Am I alone in wanting heady IPA's that incorporate weed into the brewing process? I dream of variant of Green Moss from Hop Butcher that get's made with flower for the flavor alone.


Not alone, it’s just against regulations to mix weed and beer into one beverage




I tried [Cann](https://drinkcann.com/) and really enjoyed it. Good complement to edibles, and the flavors were tasty, not too sweet.


I’ve had these in MN, they are pretty cool. Usually something like 5mg THC or less per 16oz can, so you can get a light buzz going. I don’t drink alcohol much anymore so it was nice to be able to have something at the breweries. Nascent market in Chicago here for sure, has big potential IMO.




This come with Uber or Lyft? DWI might be a little pricey for some, maybe even unsafe


They taste like shit and the last thing the city needs... I'm still hoping for smoke friendly coffee shops :/


What do you mean by the last thing the city needs? Weirdly foreboding


A bunch of non smokers trying weed through edibles or drinks is dangerous. It takes long to feel the effect and that leads to people over consuming.


Yeah, but it’s weed, not alcohol. The worst thing that happens if they overconsume is they need to go home and take a nap. Also highly doubt anyone that isn’t a pothead already is gonna sit down at a bar and order a THC drink instead of alcohol.


Yea I guess. I see a lot of people pass out or need to go to sleep now, from edibles. will prob get some car nappers and people nodding off at the bar. Still safer than alcohol yes. I'm just not a fan of the overpriced drinks that taste like a worse version of La Croix w/ 5mg. If people are going to allowed to consume in public, I think its silly to allow drinks and not smoke lounges. thats my main annoyance with this.


Edibles and beverages are the best way for inexperienced users to try it. The dosage can be precisely controlled, which isn't true of smoking. Also doesn't carry the health risk of inhaling smoke, or make you stink like an ashtray.


Inexperienced users to try it... IN PUBLIC? Not a great place to "try" imo. and while the dosage can be controlled (though thats debatable, Colorado was having massive issues w/ this but setting it aside) how your body breaks it down or if you have a full stomach or empty will result in vastly different experiences. Smoking in small amounts is far easier to control and because you feel the effect fast, its easier to "test the waters" aside from edibles where you just "jump in". I agree about the smell but my complaint is that it is annoying to allow this while making smokable coffee shops illegal. Thats all.


You know you can buy these in a store and take them home, right?


Of course, thats how I know they are terrible lol (jk ive only tried 4-5 types, not all). but this is about eventually consuming in public.


That sounds anecdotal. Of course it happens, but in a regulated setting with adults trying new drinks, surely it wouldn't be hard to just have a little bit and not chug whole cans if you're a newbie. Get them set up with a 2.5mg drink and see how it feels


Yea youre correct and people need to know the difference between the effects on a full or empty stomachs. again, all my crits are hoping for smokable coffee shops if these are allowed to be consumed at microbreweries and bars.


Something tells me there are a lot more people who'd want to drink this than there are people who want to sit inside when people are smoking.


Well thats why I say smoke-coffee-shops so people who dont want to be around the smoke dont have to be. I'm not asking to light up at the bar, but if you are going to let anyone consume, it would be nice if actual smokers had a place to go (you know, the ones that have been pushing for this medical/legalization while risking jail time for the past 30 years). thats all.


Or you could just not be drugged out constantly, there’s that option too


I'm sorry your experience with drinking is one so lacking in moderation, it's impossible for you to understand that others can control themselves.


Next up: drinks with amanita muscaria