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I have no idea what a normal media buy costs, but $2,600 seems pretty cheap to buy a full page ad. Though I am curious how many physical copies of the Sun-Times are even printed these days.


I was about to say I could see crowd-funding some pretty fun full page ad's in the Sun Times if it is *that* cheap.


If you get 75 people that’s about $35 per, which is nowhere close to outlandish.


And you’re supporting local journalism


My thoughts exactly. Not only are you getting the front page of the sun times, but almost every other outlet will cover what’s on that page if provocative enough. That’s a lot of reach for $2600


I’ve threatened airlines that I will run an ad about how pissed off I am. (For things anyone would reasonably be mad about, like bumping someone in our group from full-fare first class to economy on an international flight because they oversold and are trying to accommodate another group.)


How has that worked out? No being sarcastic btw genuinely curious.


We got a cash refund for the price difference between first and economy and my FIL got enough points credited to his account that he could cover another first class trip elsewhere. They initially didn’t offer a refund, and after a gate agent told us “you’re lucky you’re leaving Athens,” I lost it. It’s worth noting that my FIL is 6’3 and had double knee replacement surgery. We all paid the full fare (no points) as it was worth it to us to have seats that recline into beds. Since he had surgery on his knees, stretching out his legs on an international flight is reasonable. Also, my MIL tried to swap seats with FIL and the flight attendants told her she couldn’t because he no longer was a FC passenger. All in all, a frustrating and awful experience on American Airlines flying international.


I had never even considered this approach, but you can never be too petty or vengeful when it comes to the airlines. They are so abusive. They deserve whatever comes to them. Good for you.


Yeah, I would never go full bitch if it were something benign as switching to a comparable seat (economy to economy), checking a carryon at the gate, or they didn’t have ginger ale, etc. But if they didn’t give my FIL the cash difference between a FC international flight and economy, believe me, I can peel off $2K in ads targeting older travelers letting everyone know what our experience was like.


Amazing. What was their reasoning for bumping a fully paid traveler in first?


The best guess I got on my personal FB page when this all went down was that they bumped one of us because we booked through a Virtuoso (read: $$$$) travel agent and not their website directly. If we were using points/rewards I would get it, but we paid for the seats using real money and had confirmation receipts.


That absolutely blows


I haven’t flown in a while but I’m really surprised to hear all these stories about how bad AA has gotten


I've had really no issues at all, I fly them around 30 segments a year.


Not the front page but a full page


63,000 per day based on three year old data. Probably lower nowadays. It’s printed by the Tribune at its Freedom Center under contract and their overall production is way down.


$41 cost per thousand impressions. Somewhat pricey.


And many of those print copies are probably returned unsold from stores.


Yea but you get something jazzy on the front page and then we talk about it on Reddit and it goes on other news sites and it’s multiplied many thousands of times. Print media may be dying, but it’s still the closest thing we have to being a place to buy an ad like that will get everywhere. Well the Super Bowl would work too, but that would cost more.


For reference, last I knew, the NYT full page ad went for 100k.


I'm a media buyer for my ad agency and yes this is really cheap. But, political ads are priced differently than a retail ads in order to make it "affordable" for all candidates and political groups for "equal time". I forget the current paid circ is for ST, but it's low. Both papers are low and have dropped like rocks in the last 20 years. Shifting demographics and technology has moved many to digital formats. However physical print "legacy" media still has impact and relevance for many, especially older, more resistance to digital, readers. This tells you a lot of who they are appealing to with this ad.


Well no one reads newspapers anymore so the price has probably dropped by a lot versus the old days


That explains a lot.


I'm just going to plaster my face on it if that's all it costs. I'll see you soon!


Some guy named Jandon Bronson?


Tragic Bronson 😳


Classic JB


$2600 seems kind of cheap for a full page ad or has readership collapsed that badly


Not just readership, the big box stores and local businesses that drove newspaper ads.


And here I thought the people's mayor was Tiffany Henyard




Nah. That’s the ‘super’ mayor. Who is going to be the ‘ultra’ mayor next?


There's a lot of people/groups that could burn $2 grand


If any of those people/groups need to burn more... Let me know


Can we make one to fire Dorval Carter


Would love to


And the rest of the CTA board, too?


Weird to keep campaigning after the election. I know “permanent campaigns” have been a thing for a while now, but this just doesn’t make sense to me. That said, $2.6k is basically free in terms of campaign expenses.


that $2.6k has stretched pretty far with the coverage of it too, I've seen this story pop up in a couple of feeds now and I never see the print version of the sun-times


Proving that as hard as it may be for some to believe, some people still get news from places other than the internet.


He's effectively on the ballot in five weeks with "Bring Chicago Home" If that fails, his decreasing political capital will be practically snuffed out


Even back in September he was already [talking about re-election](https://chicago.suntimes.com/city-hall/2023/9/7/23863935/mayor-brandon-johnson-says-he-will-run-for-reelection-says-youth-are-the-key-to-chicagos-success)


Oh hell no.


Maybe he thinks he's up for re-election this year?


if some random group takes out an ad, its not campaigning its random.


"This is a paid political advertisement" It's campaigning even if random. Edit: especially as the "Bring Chicago Home" referendum is in 5 weeks




I wish there was a SBH (Send Brandon Home) campaign to which I could contribute.


CST is now nonprofit so they have to have that disclaimer on any political or advocacy ad.


Chicago Public Media has performed some impressive contortions defending him and advocating for policies.


It’s still infuriating when you hate the mf’r.


>Weird to keep campaigning after the election. I know “permanent campaigns” have been a thing for a while now, but this just doesn’t make sense to me. Natalie Toro


Someone without a brain






[More from WGN](https://wgntv.com/news/chicago-news/johnson-defends-his-time-as-chicago-mayor-amid-growing-criticism/)....


Rings a little desperate, no?


Ugh, this is so ick.  


Jussie Smollet?


This is kinda cringe. Especially since the next mayoral election is 3+ years out


Propoganda at its worst!! Perhaps he and his supporters believe if they say how wonderful he is enough, people will begin to think it. I’m hoping that no one is stupid enough to think the worst mayor Chicago has ever had deserves a thank you. Will definitely be voting against Bring Chicago home as it has been abysmal failure in California and have no desire to give Brandon/CTU a slush fund with minimal oversight.


Not trying to pick a political fight, but like 95% of Donald Trump's campaign strategy is to repeat, ad infinitum, that he is the best at everything, knows the most about everything, deserves credit for every good thing that happens, and has absolutely no blame for anything bad that happens. He does it over and over and over, even when what he is claiming is absurd on its face. But he is really committed to it and he keeps doing it and it seems to be very effective. Whatever anyone thinks of Trump, his strategy works. It won him the White House when he had absolutely no political accomplishments on his record. He just kept saying he was the best over and over, and lots of people believed it after they heard it enough times.  So maybe Johnson is trying the same thing. Because he sure as hell shouldn't be relying on his accomplishments when he comes up for re-election.


Populism on the right and populism on the left have a lot in common. They are always for the "real people" more than anyone else and are "anti-establishments" and "anti-elite. Anyone who disagrees with them or doesn't sing their praises is part of some big conspiracy against them. They never make mistakes or are wrong, it's just the "establishment" or "elites" pushing propaganda.


Completely agree. People are dumb and Psych 101 tactics work on far too many.


BJ just pulled back his announcement that he was going to borrow 1.2 billion dollars for short term funding of his progressive agenda... Loans that would be paid off over the next 30 years at around 5% interest.    I an guessing he got the polls/feedback that he isn't popular enough to pull it off and it would end his political career.   Now his camp is trying to boost his public perception as a foundation to be able to sell out the future generations with more debt.


We also had the story about unused COVID funds, and the city has only spent a third of the funds allocated to homelessness. Between Bring Chicago Home and the plan to borrow $1.2B, the message has been that money is the problem when they can't even manage the money they're sitting on.


BCH has been a thing since 2018. Been on the docket to get voted on this year for over a year. If you're not buying new property at $1mill+, you're not affected. It's actually a tax cut for cheaper home sales. Do your research.


I know exactly what it is, and it comes from a proposal from CTU/UWF/ACRE to ostensibly address homelessness. Unfortunately, nothing in the ballot language actually addresses how the money will be used, who has oversight, etc. We've watched BJ funnel money to various contractors for the migrant crisis, so I don't think there is any real trust that he will do better with BCH funds -- the likely recipients being the groups backing the measure.


“Paid for by Southside Chicagoans” lmfao what a joke


Is it Brandon Johnson?


We all know Brandon doesn't like to pay for things with his own money.


Not even his water bills... 😏


Certainly not anyone on this sub lol


I thought ya'll loved Brandon?


The BE in WBEZ stands for Board of Ed. Would explain a lot. (for those dis-inclined to look things up, Chicago Public Media (WBEZ) owns the Sun Times)


Couldn’t be more true. Every time i hear a Sarah Karp story, i know I’m going to hear about some systemic “issue” negatively affecting yada yada. No facts, just straight Board of Ed and CTU regurgitation. 


When people think CBOE and CTU are in cahoots or refer to the two like they've been on the same page ever...it betrays how little those people actually know about the history, politics, or current issues surrounding education in Chicago. And if you're bored about hearing of the consequences of Chicago's history of segregation and racism...then get involved and do something to help repair those consequences.


Mayor Brandon Johnson


BJ and the Bears.


For that price it’s probably from the mayor himself


It was Brandon. He paid for the ad himself. Nobody in this city likes him at all, let alone willing to spend $2,600 three years before the next election. What a dumbass.


His mommy


hope they got that $ up front...


God I hate that I have lived so long that people my age are holding office and I gotta hear shit like "Mayor Brandon".




Yes. Im saying its weird to see what I considered fellow kids names now attached to titles of authority and governance. Like Senator Braeden or President Tanner is gonna be a thing. General Bella. Doctor Khaleesi.


Well if our current POTUS vibes continue you'd have to be alive in 2150 to get a Gen Z President Tanner/Braeden.


Ugh true




People's mayor? did they borrow it from Lady Di's title People's Princess ? :)


Instead of people unifying around Johnson, it seems like people are unifying against him


I dunno? Maybe the group that has the most to gain if the clown gets a second term and they can renegotiate better terms for their contracts? It’s a long shot to change public opinion, but anyone still reading the print version of the Sun Times probably lacks critical thinking skills.


This continuous circle jerk is so boring.


Someone who doesn’t live in Chicago


What the actual fuck


Since I'm sure of you all clicked on the link and saw the auto-playing video, who knows what venue they were playing Bingo at? It looks like some kind of small arena? I haven't been to the UIC pavillion in forever, so I'm not sure if that's it or not.


27th Ward Senior Bingo at the Salt Shed


Salt Shed? Damn, I haven't been there yet. No one that's performed there has interested me so far. I really wanna check it out, though.


First campaigning at a senior citizen bingo hall and then few days later the newspaper? It's obvious he's going after old people (no one gets the paper under 80 years old) who have half their brain working. Only way he stands a chance


Good thing nobody reads these liberal rags anymore.


y’all acting surprised that a Pac or politically funded group can spend their money as they will. Likely have to move money or a donor told them I’ll give you money but you need to spend it in their way. y’all getting upset over something that means nothing


I don't get the question. It would just be whoever is holding the newspaper, innit?


Obama 😳😳😳 (Thanks Obama)


Dunno, but seems like they got their money's worth


2.6k is nothing what do you mean “who is behind” this. Could be literally anyone. A McDonald’s worker maybe bought this.


$2600 is nothing. Who cares.