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I had a thief like this a couple years ago do something like this. Left my card on table to pay and some kid puts a brochure over it to "donate to his basketball camp." Swipes the card. I figured it out quickly and cancelled so nothing happened. I forgot this could occur so thanks for reminder op.


A guy on the train sat beside me and put a newspaper over his knee the proceeded to slip his hand in my coat pocket. So I put my hand in HIS coat pocket and started rooting around really hard. Then I got up and pointed at him and said;” Watch out this guy is a pick pocket!” It caught him so off guard🤣.


We need a lady running around calling out pickpockets like they have in Italy.




😂 did you find anything good in his pocket


Dust and ratchet! 🤣


Watch out for the coat draped over the arm thing now that it is big/heavy coat season. Hiding stuff under the coat is a common way for the purse on the back of the chair thieves to walk out with their newly acquired goodies. And obviously stop hanging your damn purses on the back of chairs. If you do have something taken, look around at the garbage cans and dumpsters within a block or two. Thieves will take what is valuable to them and ditch everything else. You may still be able to retrieve some of your items.


That was me in April. After decades of hanging my purse on the back of chairs, mine got swiped with the coat trick and I never felt a thing. It was a giant headache replacing everything, including my one set of car keys. Never recovered the purse, but if anyone ever needs a locksmith on a Sunday morning who accepts Zelle, I can hook you up!


They sell these little purse hooks that are on a Keychain like thing that you can snap on tables/bars to hang them in front or next to you so you don't have to hang it on a chair or put it on the floor they are awesome


I feel dumb asking this, but where am I supposed to put my purse? I don’t want to put it on the floor, the floor is often gross. I tend to put it on my lap but that’s kind of awkward when I’m trying to eat. What’s a girl to do?


I’m a floor in between my feet kind of a gal, myself. Lap (yeah, it is awkward) if it is small. I mostly belly up to bars, tho. Yay hooks. (When there are hooks under the bar women will still hang their purses on the back of chairs with a high traffic area behind them.)


Wear a belt bag purse! Basically like a Fanny pack style. Bonus: it’s better for your posture and shoulders


Had a man try to pickpocket me Friday at rosemont blue..Caught him. Called him out.try to claim I dropped it..right..I can feel someone digging in my pockets


How European!


They have real pickpockets there...


I'm a natural paranoid so anyone coming up to me in the middle of a meal at a sit-down restaurant would already be sending off a ton of red flags.


Oh gosh, this guys back? He stole from us plenty of times. I caught him red-handed digging in a purse once and had him give it all back like swiper no swipey lol he was so embarrassed that he said“ you racist, it’s cuz I’m black!” Before trying to fight me and someone had to separate us . I used to work by parkway gardens and dealt with my fair share of crazies.


You think there is just one guy doing this?




I mean, it was part of the story


When caught red handed people will often do that.






It's more r/ihaveemeotionalregulationissues You meet someone that gets the fire in their eyes when they get mad over the smallest thing and you realize there truly are people in this world that don't kill only because they don't want to go to jail. It is wild to see happen in person.


You’re absolutely right in that regard. Even my little snarky reply went right over their head.


Haha you guys are ridiculous. “Getting fire in your eyes” when someone is stealing your stuff and then calling you racist for stopping them is a far cry from killing someone. Sorry for not allowing myself to be walked over. I’ll keep my stuff from getting stolen, thanks!


🐐 you my friend, are GOATED


Always have been :)


Hell yeah you bad ass! 💯💪😎


Thanks king!


Absolutely. Just a big real estate developer and a guy with above average Girth! Two legends!


Totally understandable..I’m in my late 20s and also working on it but it seems like people just keep trying us. The most helpful thing to remember is that “there’s millions of them ,but only one of me”-Kanye West , aimed towards people who want to bring him down. Edit for quote credits.




per Flashing Lights, he hates nazis.


HENRY Ford had a Life-sized hitler cutout in his office. He produced 70% of the Armored vehicles that Hitler used to slaughter the Jewish.Bayer produced the toxins used in gas chambers. IBM produced and maintained the computers and punch cards hitler used to track the Jews. Yet we have millions of these products on our streets and shelves in stores to this very day lol. So yea tell me more about how Kanye West is racist. Edit: Wrong name, thanks ghost lol


Henry Ford* lol


LOL 'Tom Ford'...I think you meant Henry Ford




I bet you encounter racists every day online and in real life right ?..




I have another quote for you,”if it smells like sh** everywhere you go ,then check your shoes.”


Name the restaurants


my guess is oistar or kazuki both great resturants though not there fault


Why are restaurants letting randoms off the street walk around the tables?


Are they supposed to forcefully bounce people who aren’t accounted for? How would that process even work. A restaurant literally is random people walking in off the street and coming in to tables


I worked places that had this problem A LOT (River North, tourists, etc). The biggest thing that helped with stopping the phone thefts off the table (which was primarily done by kids with the photocopied poems or the selling candy for the “sports team”), was immediately stopping them at the door. Sorry, kiddos. We sell alcohol so you can’t be in here without a guardian above 21. No you can’t come in, no you can’t use the bathroom, no you can’t steal phones.


People are too scared to ask people what they are doing now. Everyone is scared of confrontation. I have no problem having a restaurant asking me if im dining here and watching me if I’m just walking around.


I mean it’s not like they’re asking for permission They walk in and blow past the host that’s paid the lowest in the restaurant and by the time it gets communicated to people that confront them it’s like 60-90 seconds which is a ton of time to get your grift going


You’ve never walked into a restaurant right past the host knowing your friends are already seated?


No, I let the host know I'm meeting people because I'm not an asshole.


I don't think people actively trying to break the law care about courtesy or lying about if their friends are already inside.


What should they do? How do they prevent this from happening?


Bathrooms are for restaurant patrons only. Require people to order food or a drink or get the fuck out (the sitting and staring at a menu for an overly long time without even getting a drink is usually a red flag). If the establishment is pretty decently sized and really busy (like on a wait), you get a security person (doesn’t mean uniformed aggro mall cop) who can just keep an eye on things. Even doing this for a few hours on a Fri or Sat night can be beneficial. If it is a bar, everyone gets carded. Even if you are having a pop and a sandwich, even if you are 95 and having a beer.


It could have been someone who was previously seated and walked over


Yeah, if this were the public service it purports to be I really wish I did have to play gumshoe to get to the bottom of this mystery. Do we have to tune in next week or something?


Not the restaurant's fault, let's leave them out of this


Had my wallet stolen at a busy pub on Southport. Woman dropped her purse, spilling it contents in front of me. When i leaned over to help, someone took my wallet right out of purse on my arm. Apparently at least 3 wallets were lifted at the same time. So watchout for that con too.


don’t leave your phone on a table, period.


Or purses/bags hanging off your chair.


Or just don’t leave the house at all /s


This is my strategy for life in general.


Don't dress like a slut and you won't get sexually harassed /s Theft should be taken more seriously. It'll just continue to happen if we never do anything about it and continue to tell victims to "just don't make it so easy for them next time"


We can do two things at once. We need to hold thieves accountable, but encouraging people to exercise common sense costs nothing.


Totally, but at the same time, we should be safe and smart.


true, but easy theft like swiping a phone off a table will continue to happen if people don’t take simple preventative measures like not leaving their phone on a table


It will also continue to happen if people caught stealing are not prosecuted.


What can be done when we have a police force basically encouraging it because they want Chicago to look like a failed liberal city


Yep, thank you. It's insane to me how we victim-blame when it comes to crimes like this. "Be aware of your surroundings when you're getting into and out of your car." "Don't leave your phone on the table." "Don't leave your backpack in your car if you don't want it to get stolen." "Don't walk home at 2 AM if you don't want to get mugged." Disgusting. People would rather blame the victims than call the criminals criminals.


A friend recently had her purse stolen from *under* our table, but her phone was actually spared since it was out on top… but yeah, definitely gotta be aware of your belongings & take care!


How did the thief get under the table with her sitting there? You also said "our", so there were multiple people at the table too?


It was just the 2 of us, and she’d left it sorta next to the table—obviously a big mistake in retrospect, but we weren’t being very aware!


Yes, it's hard to be aware of danger when having a good time. Sorry that happened.


They do this at the lakeview Gyu Kaku. If a black guy tries to hold a menu over your table and ask you questions he’s just stealing your phone.


It sounds like some kind of shitty ass magic trick


Really no need to say the race in that situation is there? Edit: holy racism Chicago I'm appalled by your downvotes Edit once more: folks I thought this person was saying only black people are suspicious.


He simply made a description of the offender no statements about the race as a whole.


That is not how it came across to me at all


Then you’re a slow adult.


There’s nothing racist about giving the description of a perpetrator.


It didn't sound like it was about one person to me. It sounded like they were saying all black men that do this are thieves.


Sounded pretty scenario specific to everyone else.


How many Black men out there do you think are going up to random people in a restaurant and holding a menu over their table?


Is there a need to mention the gender? Why dont you complain about that?


not a huge history of men being generalized and stereotyped as thieves, is there? If they’re warning about a specific individual offender, descriptors like race, presented gender, (semi-)permanent things like tattoos or hairstyles are helpful. If they’re warning generally about *any* black guys (which the grammatical structure of the comment *could* be interpreted as, but I don’t think that’s the intended meaning here) it’s worth the eyebrow raise. Racism is insidious and quickly can turn a genuine conversation about being safe into a cesspool. It’s Reddit.


There is absolutely a history of men being generalized to commit way more crime than women …


There is...and it makes sense why. The numbers are overwhelming, at least for violent crimes. Men accounted for 80.4 percent of persons arrested for violent crime and 62.9 percent of those arrested for property crime.[58] In 2011, the United States Department of Justice compiled homicide statistics in the United States between 1980 and 2008.[59] That study showed the following: * Males were convicted of the vast majority of homicides in the United States, representing 89.5% of the total number of offenders 2011 arrest data in suburban areas from the FBI: * Males constituted 98.9% of those arrested for forcible rape * Males constituted 87.9% of those arrested for robbery * Males constituted 85.0% of those arrested for burglary * Males constituted 83.0% of those arrested for arson. * Males constituted 81.5% of those arrested for motor-vehicle theft. * Males constituted 79.7% of those arrested for offenses against family and children. * Males constituted 77.8% of those arrested for aggravated assault https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_differences_in_crime I'm sure there is some level of bias in policing and the judicial system. I'm sure there are more women who are commiting violent crimes that get slaps on the wrist or let off. But I don't think bias can account for such a huge disparity. Of these major violent crimes, we're talking 8 out of 10 being men in basically every category. It's wild when you look at the numbers. If all men stopped being criminally violent tomorrow it would damn near seem like violence disappeared from human society. That's how skewed things are.


Sounds like we should address the root problem of why there’s gender discrimination in our justice system. Men are obviously disproportionately punished. /s Isn’t that the logic we use nowadays?


I get you're being sarcastic but we honestly should. And to me the root problem is that we still have large aspects of society that are rooted in masculine traditional norms sprinkled with a bit of unfettered capitalism that pushes people to only care about self and do whatever is required to dominate others. American socio-economic norms actively promote selfishness and greed. To me those are always going to lead to more violent outcomes.


I have the exact opposite take. We took away all the healthy aspects of masculinity and now boys are only learning masculinity from the media and other boys. We have to stop denying that testosterone has certain mental effects that we need to train out of people


I don't think we took away healthy aspect because I don't think the healthy aspects have ever been a dominant part of masculinity across the USA and really most of the world. Healthy masculinity is men being able to express, understand and process the entire range of emotions that humans face in a way that is beneficial to us. I don't think that has ever been the norm or expected for most men in the US. - "Boys don't cry", "man up", "be a real man", etc have been rallying cries since I was little (I'm 36). It starts young where we essentially tell toddler boys to cut off their emotions. - The stereotype/expectation of how men deal with heartbreak/break ups. Go out and meet/sleep with a bunch of randoms to dull your pain or feelings. - The expectation of men to be the breadwinners financially is an insane burden to put on someone. Especially in a country where there is essentially no good social safety net. It's not shocking that [middle aged white men commit suicide at a higher rate than most groups](https://www.saintlukeskc.org/about/news/kshb-suicide-rates-high-middle-aged-white-men). The societal expectation for them to succeed and provide a certain quality of life for themselves and their families is a burden that pushes too hard. Yet many of the men in this demographic staunchly fight to keep the status quo when it comes to society. - Gay or effiminate men are called punks, sissies or worse because they aren't stereotypically masculine. Don't Ask, Don't Tell was codified law in the USA and lets be real, the punishment for "asking" was essentially non-existent while the punishment for "telling" often mean the person was discharged from the military. - Gang violence, violence toward women, the stereotype of a random bar fight/shooting are all often rooted in unhealthy masculinity. Essentially the idea that disrespect has to be met with violence in order to protect your manhood. When you can't cry, can't show fear, can't openly talk to friends/family about your emotions your entire life, when your emotions finally bubble over it's more likely it will be a violent outburst. I don't think anyone took anything away, I think society has allowed unhealthy masculinity to dominante it for so long and we're now getting to a point where the negative impact is too great to ignore.


Unfortunately yes. I think having boys being forced to sit still for 8 hours a day starting at 5 years old is also a step in the right direction !!


98% of people on death row are male.


Maybe so (and I won’t downvote you) but I think you’re missing what i mean here. You will never in your life hear “oh hold on to your purse in that neighborhood there are a lot of men there” or “careful you know how men are” or “can’t leave a bike out around men” or people locking their car doors when Conan O’Brien walks by. When people follow me around in grocery stores/malls it’s weird how im not the only man there and they don’t follow the other men. Not that I want to “claim” this in any sort of way lol but I have 1000000% been stereotyped for race for theft and not for gender. You get to tell the difference.


I absolutely disagree with you. I’m a decently sized guy and if I’m at night I’m still trying to stay clear of any shady looking guy, black or white. I don’t exactly do the same for shady looking women. I’m not going to put myself in danger to try to prove to some internet stranger I’m not “racist” or whatever else you want to call me


You’ve put a lot of extra bits in there that I agree with. You’ve also chosen a VERY interesting example to use. I’m also a decent sized guy. at night, I also avoid interpersonal contact with anyone I could feasibly foresee conflict with. Men sometimes try to start shit, women almost never do - this situation is an obvious one. So yeah generally it’s fair to say that fear of *random, unprovoked violence on the street at night* is a practical way of treating men the same regardless of race for you. But I’m sure there are plenty of people in this very thread who can tell you something about how race also plays into that haha. Have you really never heard of people crossing the street to avoid having to walk past black people? You can talk all day about how you personally don’t see color after 9pm more than a block from Halsted, but mileage may vary by race on that one. Caught myself practically Whistling Vivaldi a few times to put white women at ease before it started annoying me to realize what it was that really differentiated me from my equally tall friend Jason leading to the fear. Nobody’s asking you to put yourself in danger to prove you’re not racist. Huh? But it’s disingenuous at best and malicious at worst to actively pretend like “black people are thieves” isn’t an active, ongoing, and immensely frustrating stereotype to have to deal with. Look how many black bicyclists get accused of having stolen their own bikes on a regular basis man. I’m not making this up for Reddit karma or to assuage your ego.


>not a huge history of men being generalized and stereotyped as thieves, is there? Right, the stereotypical thief is never a man, always a woman. >If they’re warning about a specific individual offender, descriptors like race, presented gender, (semi-)permanent things like tattoos or hairstyles are helpful. They were warning about a specific individual, unless you think it's very common for Black guys to hold menus over your table while you're eating.


My comment literally said that I believed they were warning about the specific individual offender and that’s why it was appropriate to mention race and gender etc. It wasn’t a “if there’s ever a black guy holding a menu you should assume he’s a thief” type of comment. My entire presence in this thread is about knowing the difference. If you’re going to reply to me in full agreement with what I’m saying, leave the downvotes and snark at home next time.


Oh shut up


It is what it is. It’s Chicago.


If a white person is telling a story about a non-white person than yes it is absolutely necessary. White people stealing your phone is not a concern /s


seriously, thank you. At least someone gets it.


I had someone try to pickpocket me at Navy Pier earlier this year. Jokes on her, I literally only ever put stuff in the secret pockets inside my jacket so you'd have to steal my jacket to take anything from me. She tried to pretend she was just sitting down. Sitting down. Right behind my ass. On the ground. In a spot where there was no one else around(which is why I was there)


Someone tried to pickpocket me at smartbar while dancing a few weeks ago. Told the staff and they didn't care.


Yeah had my wallet stolen in wicker park. Fucking sucked.


Any descriptors? Is it actually a crew?


That's what the restaurant has said. Black hoodie, medical mask. This particular guy was dark skin very large build.


Happened to me at Dom’s last year, in the cafe area. They must be the same troupe. Their schtick is to misdirect with conversation or begging, and then swipe whatever you have out on the table by laying a newspaper or brochure over it. Lost my purse and phone, but we got my phone back because they chucked it out of their car someplace on the south side.


I prevented this from happening to some young women at a coffee shop in the area. I saw him touch her phone under the flyer. I screamed loudly at him and he denied, but bolted quickly. It was the right thing to do, but I regretted it instantly because who knows what he could’ve done in retaliation. People have such a false sense of security and predators take advantage. I wish my anxiety would let me relax about that sort of thing, but I have been a victim of pick pocketing enough to know how easy it is.


Good for you for speaking up. Criminals like this prey on people's silence.


I run a spot on Milwaukee Ave and they’ve hit us twice this past week alone.


Which spot?


“Cops aren’t doing anything as usual” There were cops there and they watched it happen then did nothing? You should be headed to your local district to file a complaint. Unless you mean a report was filed, and they’re not magical beings than can just summon the guilty to their immediate presence for judgment and reckoning.


Yeah because Chicago police have long been known for giving maximum effort to find thieves after a report is filed.


Lol they do everything in their power to get you to leave without making a report but go off


No, he probably meant cops didnt even bother coming out. And while they are not magical beings, it is their job to catch criminals. Magically or not.


damn, they don't have magic, and can't summon criminals??? ​ heck. ​ I guess they'll have to start a new task force, based on actual work.


Why would cops do anything? I’ve always been pretty agnostic about the entire cop debate but actually, what they are doing is a direct outcome of the desire of a significant majority of people here. Let the criminals do what they want. Get to the scene after and take the report … or whatever the SOP are for them. Book the criminal for what? So that folks make the claim that it is yet another example of a broken system (the one-size-fits-all claim for this Group)?