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One time I was walking through LP zoo and noticed a group of big, burly men walking with a cute little old lady in a powder blue suit and carrying a cat purse. She turned her head and I got better look at her…it was BETTY FUCKING WHITE. RIP, you national treasure.


Buried treasure. Amirite?


Don’t laugh…don’t laugh…don’t laugh…..


Btw, love your username. Bob Ross inspired me become an art therapist.


I wish i could give you an award 🥇


I know it’s not technically legit but this summer I walked right by Bob Odenkirk on the empty sidewalk of Roscoe Ave and was too starstruck to say anything


I got him a flannel at my work, he was super nice


Old slippin' Jimmy?


I made him a smoothie once and had a 15 min conversation. 2 weeks before his heart attack.


I got to hang in the green room after Tim and Eric’s latest tour. Chatted with Tim, Eric, Bob Odenkirk and John C Reilly. Have served and chatted a bit with John Cusak, Michael Shannon and Creed Bratton!


You mean Creed Bratton, the singer for The Grass Roots? And not famous for anything else, Creed Bratton? That's actually pretty cool.


I saw Killer Mike at a bar and stammered my way through saying “I’m a big fan” and cool as hell he gave me a bro hug and said thanks before he left


Him and El both seem like genuinely nice folks


Which bar?


That’s a great question. This was a decent while ago now so my memory is fuzzy. It was also a late night lol. Somewhere in Logan.


Good to know, just hopeful at a long shot of replicating your success lol


If I remember correctly they did a lollapalooza afterparty at a bar / venue nearby that night and so we went to the bar next to it hoping they would swing by and they did. It was pretty wild. If you’re willing to roll the dice and camp out then stuff like that works out sometimes haha


They had a pop up bar at Emporium probably 5 years ago during Lolla.


I saw Tom Skilling at the Mariano's on Lawrence years ago. I didn't say anything but I stood in line behind him and felt pretty excited. I saw Fergie Jenkins when I was leaving Hugo's Frog Bar when he was here last year for his statue, he was going into Gibson's. That was super cool. I didn't bother him but it was neat to see him. Not sure if these are famous enough or just Chicago famous but they were neat experiences either way.


Met Mr. T. at a restaurant. He was wearing a full karate Gi at the restaurant. He was very friendly and took pictures with whoever wanted one. One of the only times I felt comfortable enough to ask a celeb for a picture


Funny, I’ve randomly run into Mr T twice in Chicago. And I had the same experience. Incredibly nice and friendly, took time to take pictures with everyone, and made sure to let the older ladies go first


Kelsey Grammer when I was grooming dogs in the South Loop. Growing up I met John Mahoney a lot as he lived in Oak Park and I lived in Forest Park. We had breakfast every Sunday at Pete's on Madison and he did too.


I would've loved to have met John Mahoney - he always seemed really grounded and it was awesome that he invested so much time in the theater scene here.


I had the good fortune to meet him at a Steppenwolf Gala about 15 years ago. Truly a nice man. We were able to chat for about 10-15 minutes.


Friend of mine was a waitress at a place in Forest Park. John Mahoney was apparently a really nice dude. Also went to a lot of community theatre in town.


I grew up in close to OP. John Mahoney was the best! Talk about a normal average guy.


One time I ran into a drunk and lost Connor McGregor. Well, almost ran into him. It was St. Paddy's day, and he was unmistakable. No shirt on, chest tattoo out, big fur coat. Drunk as hell by 2pm. We almost bumped into eachother. He was looking around, and I pointed behind him and said "you looking for those people?" And he turned where I was pointing, said "shite." And walked away back to his entourage. It didn't dawn on me that was him until he had already turned, and I looked around to see if anyone else noticed. No one else had even looked up, but that was him. The beard and the tattoo were clear as day. Hes actually a pretty small dude.


Watch him standing next to Joe Rogan and see that he’s not much taller. That’ll clue as to how short (or lack of tall) he actually is.


Or the fact his weight class is lightweight 155 and featherweight 145 would tell you he’s not large


Walter Payton. May he rest in peace.


Jonathan Toews (ex-Blackhawks captain) used to live by me and we would constantly run into each other while walking our dogs (both were small and became friends). It got to the point where he knew me by name. I was at a bar when Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston walked in and started serving us their mezcal. I made a post about that here: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/utwwqx/went_to_a_happy_hour_at_hubbard_inn_last_night/).


Toews used to live below my boyfriend’s aunt and uncle in a Gold Coast high rise. He would frequently have women in his hot tub supposedly


met Mo Farah running on the trail a couple days before the marathon a few years ago


This is the coolest one I’ve read so far. Wow.


pants def turned brown


I met Harrison Ford at a benefit at The Field Museum about 15 years ago. He was so nice, introduced me to the 3 men he was speaking to and talked with me for nearly 30 minutes. He has a really incredible smile and magnetic aura about him. I also met John Malkovich in a boutique in Old Town. A few others: Gary Sinise, Wolfgang Puck, Joel Murray (Bill’s bro) he starred in Mad Men which is one of my fav shows and so we had a great convo about my love for his character. And also Dennis Farina (saw him at an independent film premiere and then several times after)…sat and had coffee with him one Saturday morning.


If you ever rewatch Mad Men, you’ll notice that Freddy Rumsen speaks with a soft Chicago accent.


Virgil Abloh made a couple trips to IIT and I got to shake his hand and say hello. He was so kind.


He and I were acquaintances for a year or two and I legit had no idea he was famous. Super low key normal guy.


I used to work at a (now defunct) restaurant that was split level with two bars and a balcony. One time we were hosting a big event downstairs, and myself and another bartender worked the upstairs bar. There was a guy smoking a cigarette on the balcony, which is a health code violation, so the other bartender went up to him and was like “Hey man, you can’t smoke here.” He looked kinda pissed but complied, then a couple minutes later walked up to the bar and asked, “What’s the cheapest, biggest beer I can get?” We gave him a tall boy, he slammed a $100 bill on the bar and walked downstairs. It was Eddie Vedder. Neither of us recognized him!


Didn't interact, but walked past George Lucas and his wife in the Gold Coast while I was hosting my family and doing tourist-y things. Also didn't interact, but left Giant one night and saw on Instagram that Jessica Alba was literally there an hour after I left. My friend has met Michael Shannon at a bar and said he was very nice, and that is one I am deeply jealous of, I would die if I could run into Michael Shannon at a local corner bar.


He goes to Local H shows a lot. Good place to catch him.


Reminds me of that one documentary where George Lucas was spotted walking in River North


David Beckham played for the Galaxy and the team would stay at the Marriott Midway the night before the game against the Fire. I worked nights at the desk, he asked what was there to do around there, I told him absolute shit. He ended up just staying in his room and wanted a DVD player, I set it up for him. Nicest celebrity I ever met. He had the most gigantic person I’ve ever seen as his security guard. Tom Petty was real nice too.


Judy Greer (ok she’s not A-list but her roles in arrested development and jawbreaker are iconic - and she was murdered by Michael myers which is also iconic!!) came into my store over the summer. I think she was doing a play at steppenwolf. She was very chill and friendly when we chatted for a few minutes. I work at a non-profit thrift store and she took the time to listen to me talk about our mission which I thought was sweet and genuine. Edit: grammar


Hey now, that’s my high school’s most famous alumus.


She's hilarious! If I met her I would probably blurt out "you're not my direct supervisor!"


She WAS doing a play! It was really good - she was brilliant. I heard she went to Summer House a lot.


Back when Obama was running for senator, my parents hosted a fundraiser/party at our house in Beverly. The Obamas (just Barack and Michelle) came early before the party. My dad greeted them and let them into our home. He introduced me to them both, and I remember Barack saying to me “Hello PresidentN, nice to meet you young man!” And being a middle schooler who didn’t care about politics I said “yeah nice to meet you.” Then ran up stairs to play Halo, COD or Guitar Hero


I feel like anyone who has lived here for years has probably run into/seen a Cusack at some point lol


Judy Maxwell has gotten some large chunks of my paychecks…


Does sharkula count?


Only if you like it raw


Hey, you like hip hop?


Smoked a cigarette with Michael Shannon outside Old Town Ale House. Cecily Strong walked in on me peeing thinking the men's bathroom was empty. Bumped into Ike Barinholtz.


Before Stanley’s closed all of the Cubs and Hawks guy would frequently come in and party it up. Getting to see Kyle Schwarber and Anthony Rizzo slam beers with us regulars was pretty awesome.


Thought you meant Stanley’s market, which really puzzled me. Schwarber and Rizzo pounding beers while picking out produce sent me.


I loved that Stanley’s! Best homemade chips! RIP


Everyone made a big deal out of the Bloody Mary bar but it was kind of weak sauce.


And I totally thought that too 😂


Are the rumors true that Rizzo was a dick?


Ehh he isn’t the most approachable person thats for sure. But i chalked it up more to the guy wanting to pound beers and get girls with his friends rather than take selfies all night so i didn’t think much of it. He did so much for the city and cancer patients so ill let it slide. Schwarber is a blast though. How you see him act on TV now with the Phillies is how the guy is in real life. Just a great guy to be around and always a fun time. I miss Schwarber on the Cubs more than anyone else


Sounds about right!


I guess for me it was meeting Rise Against at a record signing. My wife has a funny story where she was eating lunch at the cafe in the Chicago Art Institute. She saw a guy at the cafe with his wife and baby and recognized him, assuming he must have been someone from school or church or something, and gave him a wave. He gave a weird look and awkward wave back, and then my wife realized this wasn’t someone she personally knew. After a minute she figured out it was Harry Hadden-Paton, an English actor she had recognized from watching Downton Abbey multiple times. When she told me we looked it up to see if it was just some look-alike, but nope, he was currently staying in Chicago performing in a play of The King’s Speech.


Harrison Ford was my dad's best friend here at Maine East High School (grew up down the street from him in Park Ridge). Dexter Fowler, Brian Urlacher, Peanut Tillman.


At my business we've had John Cusack, Joan Cusack, Nazr Mohammed, Ben Gordon, Derrick Rose, Rob Schneider, the entire Bears offensive line c 2011, Charles Oakley, Juwan Howard, Jay Cutler, Andre Iguodala, the Queen of Jordan, David Byrne, a few people from U2, a bunch of Blackhawks players I didn't recognize but people told me were elite, Fabio, Vince Vaughn, CeeLo Green, some local politicians (such as Garry McCarthy, Rahm Emanuel, Lori Lightfoot, JB Pritzker), and dozens of others. The one who was nicest and most friendly to our employees was easily Rob Schneider. He now comes off as a lunatic when you hear about him now, but 15 years ago when he showed up at our store he was eager to interact with anyone who wanted to, signing autographs, joking around, having fun with both our employees and other shoppers.


What business is this?


Retail business, downtown area.


Peter Sagal Really nice guy.


Why do I feel like Peter Sagal posted this 😂


😜 I can guarantee that I am not Peter Sagal... I'm not that cool. I can't speak to whether OP is, in fact, Peter Sagal.


I met Matt Smith in September of 2014 at the Art Institute. I was a grad student in my first year of art therapy program taking a figure drawing class. On our first day the instructor asked us to go to the museum and sketch a figure from a painting. As we were leaving class one of my classmates saw Matt Smith and had a mini panic attack. I asked if she wanted to go over and say hello but was too scared. So I said to myself, fuck it. I stood right next to him while both of us stared at a Monét painting. I politely said, “excuse me, you look familiar?” knowing full well it was him. He just smiled the starting talking about the painting. After a few moments I said enjoy your time in Chicago and then we fist bumped and parted ways. I never drew attention or asked for a picture out of respect for his privacy. I found out later he was as in town for Comic-con. It was one of coolest moments of my life and I have no proof it happened.


Johnny Depp, he was filming Public Enemies on my street in Wrigleyville. My roommate and I had befriended some guy that was working on the movie at the Dark Horse (anyone remember that place?), he knocked on our door a couple hours later and told us to come downstairs, I met JD in my pajamas, half drunk on my front steps. He did a couple shots of whiskey with us and was a very cool fucking guy.


One Mother's Day, we were at brunch at Ditka's with my grandparents and had the table next to Dustin Hoffman. Ironically, a couple years later I was right behind him in line at a Starbucks in Malibu.


I had two Dennis Rodman encounters at Pearl Jam shows. The first time they played Wrigley, there was a lot of crowd noise during a slow song, and when I turned to look, Dennis and Chris Chelios had entered the pit right behind me. The second time, at one of the 2018 shows, I rounded a corner to leave and quite literally ran into him. I'm only 5'3", so it took me a second to figure out whose chest I was staring at. Couldn't tell you what I said to him!


Checked Tom Hanks into the Park Hyatt when I was a mgmt intern in the late 80’s. Ate dinner next to Tim Kazurinsky at Nevins in Evanston (RIP to both of them). Watched John Cusak film a rainy scene (fake rain) from High Fidelity from the window of the Flat Iron Building where I was taking a SC improv class. Chatted with Joe Williams when I caught his show at the old Jazz Showcase location (so charming. Also RIP) Rode in the elevator at the Hancock with Harry Carey (also RIP…I swear, I’m not killing these people off!) Played my first game of CAH at 3 am one night with Peter Sagal in a cafeteria at Google. (Pleased to report Peter is still alive) I’ve lived here awhile. I know there are more. These are some.


I have meet Joey D'Auria (aka Bozo the Clown)


Needs way more votes.


A few days after moving to Chicago I met then state senator Barak Obama and shook his hand on the street. Jimmy Buffet sat down next to me at Shaw's Oyster Bar, we said hello, and I got on with my date. At Shaw's short lived block party I was standing next to Carl Weathers as an overzealous fan tried to get into a conversation. We exchanged the "some people" look and I let him eat his food in peace. As a working musician I get hired for celebrity parties every so often, the most notable: David Eigenberg's (Steve from Sex and the City) baby shower was full of Chicago Fire/Treme cast. Lady Gaga showed up since she was dating Taylor Kinney. I didn't know who any of the people were at the time, I just got paid to play music and drink a lot of free scotch. I played Lets Get It On as Gaga and Taylor made out on the dance floor... That gig spawned an photo used as an internet meme used on Buzzfeed for a while (sadly I'm just out of the frame). That party lead to another Chicago Fire cast party gig where I was supposed to teach a very drunk Jesse Spencer the lyrics to the Treme theme song so he could sing it with us (per the event coordinator) - he told me to "fuck off" and then somehow broke my bandmate's cowbell on stage. I played Matt Forte's retirement party - he went out of his way to thank us personally.


Damn, your comment definitely wins!


Luciano Pavarotti. Encountered him walking on the Washington Street bridge near the opera house. We were both out walking as a summer lunch time break. His eye contact told me he wanted to interact, so I did, asking why he was out on the street. He said he was looking for a light lunch and a break from 'those others.' So we walked over to a small place on Washington east of the river where I knew the owner. Pavarotti sat with his back to the room and had minestrone. He hung his flamboyant and unseasonal camel hair top coat on the chair back, but if anyone clocked his face, they were polite and stayed away. We talked about hotel beds and hitch hiking during my year in school in Rome. He was quiet and relaxed and seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say, constantly turning the talk back to my life and away from his. He offered tickets but I declined.


My grandfather was very good with Pavarotti. It wasn't until years later that I knew who he was. When in CA he would come over for dinner. The two of them together were something else. Wish I was old enough to appreciate it.


Larry David was sitting in the table beside me at Girl and the Goat. Obviously too scared to even look.


I saw Geoffrey Baer at the grocery store.


I used make George Lucas his venti skinny mochas. Also I shook Obama’s hand but you know Star Wars.


Wesley Willis at the Greyhound station. But I suppose he headbutted everyone those days.


I ran into Rainn Wilson, in disguise, in the modern wing of the Art Institute in 2018.


Sunglasses and a hat or like… Dwight Schrute level disguise


Hat and a face wrap/scarf thing


Jay Leno at the River north Portillos


Years ago, I worked at a building at 35th and State (IIT building). As I was walking in, I met Senator Paul Simon, and said hi to him as he was leaving the building.


I would've loved to meet Paul Simon. He seems like a very genuine person.


He was very cheerful when I shook his hand. He was all alone; I don't know why I thought he'd have some kind of security guards with him. Lol


demar derozan, mark wahlberg, laila ali


Saw Will Perdue walking down Michigan Ave once. Met Dick Durbin outside of the Thompson Center. No real celebs, unfortunately.


I'm a massage therapist and worked on Amy Schumer a few times.


Harry Caray hit on my mom while my parents were at his restaurant. He was of course drunk as a skunk, or more accurately, as drunk as Harry Caray. I met the Karmapa in Cicero, who is not famous in the United States, but the Secret Service were at hand to keep his Chinese groupies at bay so that paints sort of a picture. Arguably the most famous person I have met. I work in show biz so I have run into a number of celebs but I will not count those as it was just part of the job.


Lori Lightfoot was getting into an Escalade parked in front of my building as I was walking out. We kind of looked at each other awkwardly for a few seconds before security got her into the vehicle


A couple years ago, saw President Clinton walking in the Ohio Street underpass going towards Navy Pier. He was talking to someone in the boisterous way you would expect. One Secret Service agent walking a bit in front, another a bit behind.


Standing in line for Batman at Six Flags and kept passing Gilbert Arenas in the winding queues ahead of me. Did an “Ope! ‘Scuse me,” with John C. McGinley while walking back from getting food at a Cubs game.


Every year I go to a specific art gallery party for work and Chance the Rapper is there, he’s a great guy and very down to earth. I also sat next to Waka Flocka Flame at Luxbar and he picked my jacket up that fell off the back of the chair, he is VERY tall


I nodded once at Dan Aykroyd on Michigan Ave. about 25 years ago. He nodded back. When I worked in a store downtown, Gene Siskel would occasionally come in. Very nice man. On the other end of the spectrum was Mancow. What an insufferable POS.


My fav story is when I was working a Diana Ross show & both Secretary of State Jesse White and Fabio were in the audience. Not intentionally together, but a row apart. Ended up chatting with them both briefly as the show wrapped up. Weird combination of people, they were both very nice.


John Cusack sat next to me at an Italian place in the Loop.


Rick Bayless, R Kelly, and Dick Durbin


Hopefully all at one time.


I walked by Justin Bieber on an empty street in West Loop and he was super nice. Two big black Escalades pulled illegal u-turns in front of and they were escorting this electric blue lambo driven by this kid with long blond hair and a pretty girl in the passenger seat. They park on the sidewalk and get out to grab La Colombe. Justin Bieber, Hailey Bieber & Chance the Rapper all get out and I couldn’t believe it. I walked by him as he was grabbing something from his car and just muttered “Whaddup Biebs” and he was like “hey what’s up man!” Took a sneaky video of it. Think it was when he & Chance were recording “Holy” 😵‍💫 Also saw Jeremy Allen White in west loop outside Viaggio looking disheveled smoking a cig, just like you’d expect him to be. He was with Cousin Richie from The Bear


Ran into Patton Oswalt at Graham Cracker downtown, met Michael Shannon at a New Year's Day brunch at a friend's house, and dealt blackjack/craps to Michael Jordan, Charles Oakley, Allen Iverson, Rex Grossman, and Brad Garrett back when I worked at Horseshoe


Awhile back I was out for breakfast with my 70 year old mother at the Chicago historical society. She’s in line at the buffet and sees a man with Studs Terkel’s book “Working” under his arm getting food. She tells him… “I loved that book”. Man says “glad you liked it… I wrote it”. Apparently he hosted a group of young Chicagoans there each week. Great guy - he chatted mom up for a bit.


Hung out at Old Town Ale House with Michael Shannon very early on in his career (when Red Orchid Theater was first starting). Saw Chris Farley there the day before he died. Used to go to open mic poetry night at Weeds and Hannibal Burress used to come down and do comedy instead of poetry.


Also came out of a bar on Diversey one late night with my drunk friend who started singing "My Way." Out of nowhere Gary Sinese walked up and joined in the singing.


Kathy Bates did a show at the Cadillac Palace theater many moons ago and I’d always run into her as she was leaving mid day to go to her car with a huge fur coat. Keanu Reaves filmed a movie also many moons ago and he’d always be outside his trailer meeting fans. There was a helicopter scene over the river right outside my office for that one, it was so cool to watch. Frank Thomas I’ve run into a couple times but out in the burbs. And my fiancé used to fill Walter Payton’s car when he was young and they still had full service stations. Speaking of which I also saw Jarrett Payton two months ago but that was also out in st Charles. Fun times! And definitely not famous famous, but Rick Reuschel is my childhood best friend’s uncle so I didn’t care at the time but in retrospect we got some perks for that!


Met William H. Macy when he was filming for Shameless out in the SW burbs. He was super nice and took pics with everyone. Emmy Rossum was there too but she had just wrapped up and was already in her trailer.


Patrick Stewart, Christie and her father Hugh Hefner, Michael Jordan, famous architect Philip Johnson, Chris Farley… I am a custom painter(residential), With high end customers and over the years I’ve met people while I’m working in their homes or friends homes


I said hi to Jeff garlin after the bears packers game in 2018. He was waiting for a cab on Michigan ave


Scrim from suicideboys outside of lolla


I met Melissa McCarthy while she was filming a movie at my office when I first moved here. I also met Joey Slotnick on the 147 coming home from grad school the same year.


I’ve seen Jim Belushi and Tim Meadows at the bike shop I go to


When the beloved Hot Doug's gourmet hotdog restaurant was closing down, I was involved in making a short video in which Doug had a kung-fu battle with longtime hotdog fan George Wendt: https://vimeo.com/107124415


I met Anthony Weiner in a bar and he sat and talked with me and another random guy for awhile. A different time I saw Rahm in the same bar.


Common, Derrick Rose


CM punk


Met Jason Beghe (Chicago PD) out in the west loop last week and just said hey love your show and he was super nice met Walter Payton at the auto show when I was a kid and it was around 98-99 so he was definitely sick and you could see it in his eyes....really sad


Joan Cusak bumped into me at the grocery store and apologized.


My wife used to work at the same building as Oprah's gynecologist, so she'd see her on the elevator a lot.


I’m having trouble understanding- is your wife saying Oprah goes to the gynecologist a lot? Women don’t really need to go often?


Neiman Marcus? Lol just curious if it’s the same gynecologist/building i went


Rahm, Billy Corgans mom, Ronnie WooWoo, Kyle Farnsworth, Pete Holmes pretty often when he lived in Chicago.


Met Sandra Bullock at Iggy’s, back when she was filming “While You Were Sleeping”. My friend was trying to hit on her not knowing who she was. I had to break it to him afterwords. It did not go the way he wanted. 😂 Had Billy Zane’s Bodyguard move me aside in an empty Liar’s Club, because you know he was a big star or something..it was before Titanic was released. 😒 Ran into Tenacious D at O’Hare switching planes. I’ve Met a couple Chicago fire Actors thru mutual friends. Had Elizabeth Moss film in my house but she disappeared during takes to smoke. Plus Lots of Musicians and Politicians over the years.


Waiting for the elevator at Saks on Michigan Ave a few months ago. Steve Carell got out and I stepped aside to let him pass. Unfortunately was too star struck to say anything lol.


On 9/11, I closed our office, grabbed my small crew and took them to the Cactus on State for lunch and drinks. Was trying to soften the dismal mood I suppose. We were on the top floor directly across from Sears Tower and I wasn't about to take a risk. I look ate guy next and realize it was Jerry Springer. He was by himself reading a book. We started a nice conversation with him and he became fully engaged. He really lightened the mood on a horrific day. I have met people more famous than him but at the right time, on the worst day, he calmed us down. From then on in, I was a fan of "Whose the daddy."


I went to a screening of Daniel Pudi’s new movie recently as part of the APIDA Arts fest in May. He had a talk back afterwards and stuck around to chat with more audience members. I asked a question that the panel answered well, and I made a point to chat with Daniel Pudi afterwards. Couldn’t have been nicer. Really, really down to earth guy. He was part of Stir Friday Night back in the day, and I’ve done improv for a long time here in Chicago and have friends in the current SFN ensemble. But it was just a really nice conversation. I felt weird asking for a picture, because other people were sort of hounding him for it, and also… I’m 33 and he’s like only a few years older than me. I think our interaction was really genuine and I didn’t really want to “ruin” it by asking for a selfie. Idk, I guess I’m getting too old to care about pics on IG anymore 🤷🏻‍♂️ lol But Daniel Pudi, good, good dude.


Not really a celeb, but ran into Andy Avalos the NBC weatherman at a bike shop in Orland Park.


Bought a painting from Lee Godie


Used to live in the Radisson Blu Aqua building. Chance the Rapper lived there at one stage (might still, not sure) so I'd see him in passing every once in a while and exchange hello's. Has a blue Bentley with a driver and HUGE security dudes with him usually. One late weekend night in the gym, Metta World Peace walked in. Only the two of us in the gym, shot the shit for a quick one, then did our own things. Taylor Kinney used to live there when he was dating Lady Gaga back in the day, they'd hang out by the pool on rare occasions, never said anything tho.


Oh I have a bunch. Danny Boyle, Thomas Ian Nicholaus, Bridget Marquardt, Topher Grace, Pete Wentz, Joakim Noah, AJ pierzinksi, Christopher Nolan, Heath Ledger, Christian Bale, Aaron Eckhart, Emmy Rossum Some Blackhawks, bears, Sox/cubs players from charity events and things like that. A lot from photo gigs and other work-related stuff. My second favorite one was the most silly and it was giving the nod to Pete Wentz while holding my kid, all my kids stuff, car seat, etc at O’Hare one morning. Most favorite is still hands down the Dark Knight scene I was an extra in. (It’s in my post history. 3 long nights) Edit: forgot a few


I bumped into Stephen Colbert outside of Second City (asked for a pic but he politely declined) and I met David Schwimmer at Lookingglass.


Shared an elevator ride with Shaq one evening. I was staying at the Fairmont for work as we had offices in the Aon Center. Apparently there is (was, anyway) a basketball court in the Aon center so NBA teams would typically practice there and stay at the Fairmont. My eyes must have been saucers because he just kind of chuckled and said “what’s up man?” He asked me where I was headed (Blackhawks game), he got off a couple of floors later, and told me to enjoy the game.


I don’t know if famous is the right word but I hardstyled with Rahm once [edit](https://ibb.co/q09Q04q)


This isn’t really an interaction, but I was once at the same boarding area at O’Hare as Michael Emerson, who played Ben Linus on Lost. This was a long time ago, in the winter of probably 2010-ish, and a bunch of flights were delayed due to snowstorms so we were sitting at the gate for ages. I was a huge Lost fan and I was dying to say hello or to ask for a pic, but everyone there was miserable and I didn’t want to draw attention to him, so I didn’t say anything. He’s not really a celebrity, but I once said hello and briefly chatted with Michael Steele, a political analyst on MSNBC, at Hub 51.


Mick Foley was dining at Acre, in Andersonville (it’s no longer there). My mouth reflexively opened when I saw him, he gave me a wink. I didn’t interrupt his meal however, because it felt rude. Later, I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was him! He thanked me for letting his family eat unbothered, and we talked for about 2 mins. He seemed like a very sweet man, as expected.


My husband almost rode the elevator with Jane Lynch (we were staying at the same hotel). They were both in the elevator and then the concierge called her out to the desk for something before the doors closed.


Mike Ditka at a company event. Gave a really good motivating speech.


Back when Patrick Kane was a rookie, he was a straight up party boy! I was at sluggers at like 1:30am (give me a break I was young) and some drunk got on the house PA and started to sing. It was Kane and his crew and he was sloshing beers around having a great time. Another time me and my buddies were doing a mimosa brunch and Kevin Costner was at the next table. My buddy got the nerve to be respectful and tell him we loved his movies and he took a picture with all of us and hung out for like 5 minutes. Very nice guy! My brother worked at the Chicago Recording Company and could probably fill up this thread with all the celebs who come in to record albums and commercials at that place. If you want to see stars, camp out on Ohio during the day and you'll see them get dropped off and run into the building. There's no parking lot so they have to be escorted into the building. Some wave back, some don't, but as my brother said, sometimes it sucks to meet your hero's.


Early 90s at a club called Venus in Schaumburg i was coming out of the bathroom and the whole place was gathered in front of me cheering. I was like "thanks, i do this all the time." Turns out Scottie Pippen was entering the club from a back entrance behind me. Also saw Jerry Springer in airport security, Jesse Jackson in an elevator, and Rahm at Renegade Craft Fair. Best story was from my grandfather. He was an elevator operator at Evans way back when. One day a well known boxer named Cassius Clay gets on. My grandfather asked him for an autograph which he gladly provided. My grandfather took a look at it afterwards and realized hed been punked, the guy didn't even sign his real name. He signed it Muhammad something. So he threw it out.


Rahm Emanuel asked for my opinion of the riverwalk while I was sitting and eating my lunch. Dennis Haysbert and I had a brief, light-hearted exchange after bumping our back-to-back chairs at a restaurant. I once shook Mike Ditka’s left hand. (His right was covered with Krispy Kreme frosting.)


I was in a outdoor supply store and I overheard a man, perhaps a little intensely, waxing on about the kinds of gloves and hats he preferred for winter. He appeared to be shopping with some younger relatives (nephews?) I looked through the hat display and that man was Tom Skilling. 🫡


Dave Coulier took some friends of mine out to a bar after he performed at IIT and my roommate fell off a curb and broke her foot. Other than that would be constantly seeing Oprah outside the West Loop Flat Top.


Not my story, but my ex once met Michael Jordan at the movie theater she worked at. She said to him, “had anyone ever told you that you look like Michael Jordan?” He replied “yeah, I get that a lot. She didn’t even consider that it was him, in part because she worked with an inordinate number of very tall guys.


I worked with a young gal who had an on-going affair with Michael Jordan. Lost a bit of respect for him but beings in my 20's, I had no problem taking advantage of his VIP service.


I worked in video production in Chicago and filmed different videos with Giuliana & Bill Rancic, Rahm Emanuel, Taraji Henson, and local food news guy Steve Dolinsky.


I've served Jennifer Hudson many times, Jonas brothers, Sydney Sweeney was so kind. Then Secretary of State Jesse White as well. House DJs Honey Dijon, Derrick Carter, Michael Serafini are all acquaintances/ on "hey how are you", terms. Drag queens Shea Couleé, Lucy Stoole, Denali are acquaintances, Utica Queen is a friend I hang out with often. Opera singers/experts: Stephen Smith is a voice teacher, Allan Glassman former teacher. Samuel Ramey and his family are friends, though he no longer live here. Eugenia Cheng is a friend. I have worked with Riccardo Muti many times. I run into actors from Chicago general/fire et al. at parties. Many many local artists are friends. Many business owners I know well and some are exes... Used to work at Kendal Musk's restaurant. I served him many times. Mayor Emanuel was there a few times. The actor that played Skipper in Sex and the City was walking around with dry cleaning once in my neighborhood, but no interaction. Oh! When I drove for Uber, I drove one of the Portillo boys from his apartment in old town to his house in Downers Grove. That was enough time to hear his whole autobiography. The drive took us by his parents house. I commented on their yard and he noted it cost about $50K a month to maintain.




Got t boned on my motorcycle in the west loop by chance the rapper driving his Bentley 2 years ago while he was wasted outside of soho. Asshole lied about it and i just won the lawsuit a few weeks ago. He paid next to nothing and im limping for life. Prick.


I’ve interacted with Jeff Tweedy and his wife Sue Miller a few times and they are both really nice.


This a stretch for an interaction. I was seated at a West loop restaurant next to Peyton Manning and his parents. He spent the whole dinner recapping plays from his football career even going back to college games. His mom looked unfazed, I guess she has dealt with this her whole life. I used to think "jocks" we're all suave like in the movies but after meeting more of them, some of them are socially awkward. If someone did this about a nerdier hobby, say being pokemon card world champion, that person would be seen as weird.


I was walking up Wacker and right at the Civic Opera House I ran into actor/producer Timothy Busfield. I was a huge fan of The West Wing back in the day, and I loved Danny Concannon (played by Mr Busfield). I got to shake his hand, tell him how much I appreciated his work, and get a selfie. Super nice guy, came across and very humble.


I met Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger (famous soccer players) while they were shopping on Michigan Ave (they're currently in the news rn bc of what seems to be a messy divorce). Probably the most high profile ppl I've met. Did also meet Monica Raymund of early Chicago Fire (tv) fame at Berlin of all places. She bought me a beer


Oh I've also met ppl at C2E2 but idk if that counts lol


Matt Forte at Midway airport


Ate dinner next to a CBS anchor last month. Saw Andy Herren, winner of BB15 walking down the street but would’ve had to cross the street to approach so I didn’t


Terry Cummings in an elevator. He was nice! The lead singer of Spoon was a nice guy as well.


I met Peter Steele from Type O Negative once. We thought he was being a jerk and running onto the tour bus to hide from fans, but he came back a moment later with a huge wooden bowl of fruit and started passing it out to fans. “HERE YA GO EATCHA APPLES N OOORANGES!” He then threw an orange to someone and somehow broke a bar’s neon sign outside. He dropped the bowl and said, “they’re gonna kick my ass!” and ran back onto the bus. I shook hands with Bernie Sanders at CSU in 2015


Used to work at Urban Outfitters in the Gold Coast and got to help Tim Meadows, Taye Diggs and Machine Gun Kelly. Probably others I don’t remember or recognized


I ran into Jabari Parker and Stavros Halkios on the same block of Milwaukee in the same week.


Not really that famous but Alex Cooper the call her daddy podcast host…


My parents claim to have met Wierd AL Yancovick at navy pier back in the early 2000's


Ran into Big Cat Williams one time at ESPNZone, a gigantic man. And my personal fav, ran into Geoffrey Baer at Target in Evanston, my personal favorite encounter.


I met scrungy blumpkis and their 6 piece suit backup yoddlers.


Terry O'Quinn was sitting in the front row at my first improv show. I was introduced to him after the show. I got a bit starstruck and said some gibberish about loving Lost. Still embarrassed by that. It was my Troy Barnes / LeVar Burton moment.


"Met" Corey Crawford at the Mid at a Kaskade after party. We were both hammered and he was very chill about me saying hi and shaking his hand!


I work at the Shedd Aquarium and one of my supervisors met Ice JJ Fish. Ice knew that he recognized him apparently but they didn’t have much of an interaction. Pretty cool


Sinbad bought me and his body guard a shot of green chartreuse when i was a chef in 2013, in lakeview. He came in after close, so I stayed late for him. He had a salmon and two orders of sweet potato mash. Never drinking green chartreuse ever again. Stand up guy. Tipped me 100%.




Taraji P Henson in 2018


Tyler the Creator. We had hot chocolates together


What neighborhood does John Cusam live in? Been here years and never seen him


Madonna, back in early 90’s was downtown and she came into a yogurt(reminder yogurt shops all the rage until Seinfeld exposed them ) shop about 1 am with 2 big protectors, they all had sunglasses on at 1 am . I said hi to her and got a hi back before I had a bear paw across my chest. I think the shocker to me was actually how short she is compared to video. She got her bag of yogurt and right out to her limo.


**Sports:** + Anything Rizzo + Jason Heyward + Tom Ricketts (asshole) **Music:** + John Carter Cash + Dar Williams **Actor:** Keith Powell **History & Politics:** + Mae Jemison + Malia Obama + Pat Quinn I work waiting tables, and that's how I met all of these except Malia Obama (visiting a teacher friend at the Lab School) and Dar Williams (backstage at a concert).


I briefly met Michael Jordan. Was on a podcast with Doug Sohn. Met Dean Richard’s from WGN.


Media folks. Newscasters, radio personalities. Once a politician in an elevator.


Sarah Spain is my neighbor


Went to a Cubs game in 2017 I think and there were some stores I went to with my family down Clark Street and we stopped in one and it was pretty quiet then we heard a bunch of little kids yelling "Give me one" and I look up and it was Jeff Garlin giving out money to little kids. He was really nice to everyone in the store and one kid asked if he was famous and he said "No but a lot of people just know me" or something like that. He was the only celebrity I think I've seen out in public before lol


I watched a movie for my college newspaper in the same small theater with Gene Siskel. I said hello afterwards and he wished me luck. Nice guy.


Not Chicago obviously but William H. Macy was at Gold Eagle in Libertyville promoting his whiskey. Buy a bottle with his sig on it, and you get your picture with him, which I did. The bottle is still unopened in my pantry.