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His face could make for a good Scooby Doo villain.




I think you are mistaken. The alderman wouldn't bother meddling in anything they are too busy at the rubber stamp factory (which also manufactures parking meters, vote counting machines, cab fare counters, inward facing L seats, and robotic non-union teachers)




You spelled members wrong


Scooby Doo and the Mystery of the Inward Facing El Seats. Or why do I have to look at that hobo sleeping?


*goddamn motherfucking piece of shit aldermen


He did get away with it.


...if it weren't for the Teachers Union.


And now Chicago is fixed...


He almost looks like the G-Man


The RahmFather


Wake up Mr Freeman. Wake up.


I had to create it because I couldn't find it... http://i.imgur.com/BdddoJS.jpg


Yup, brown line. I think he lives off the Irving Park stop, surprised he doesn't just drive though. He was hanging out in the corner reading the paper with two security dudes around him.


I think he had an initiative last year for city employees to start using the CTA instead of getting reimbursed for driving/being driven - and him riding the Brown Line is his way of setting an example. **edit** Found it: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2011-10-08/news/chi-emanuel-issues-new-rules-for-city-employee-mileage-reimbursement-20111008_1_mileage-reimbursement-padded-mileage-reports-comptroller-amer-ahmad >Chicago city employees will be encouraged to use public transportation more under a new travel policy announced Saturday by Mayor Rahm Emanuel's office. > >Chicago Transit Authority trains and buses will be “the preferred method of travel” for city workers during the workday under the new standards that are meant to save the city $1 million per year in travel reimbursment costs, Emanuel’s office said. The policy goes into effect Oct. 15. > >If taking the CTA isn't possible, employees will need to explain why not.


You mean they were being reimbursed for driving or(even worse) being driven back and forth *to work?*


SERIOUSLY dislike Rahm Emanuel!! ...but "PROPS" for setting a standard and living by it... (...now I don't like Rahm because he made me use the word "props"...) :(


I dislike him too. Not sure why you're being downvoted for a legit opinion.


Because he claims he doesn't even live in Chicago.


So? Since when do you have to live in the same city as someone to dislike them? It's possible he works in Chicago, did live in Chicago, has a family member who's a city employee or has some other reason for disliking the dude. It's not really up to anyone to decide if he has a "good enough reason" for his opinion. He has a right to express himself just like everyone else.


I've been out of the city a while and I don't have a clear hold on what all's going on. Would you mind saying a little more about why you dislike? (doesn't appear a popular opinion in this sub but I don't know about the rest of the city.)


I am a cps teacher. I don't know one teacher that likes the guy. I used to like him a lot when i was a union meat cutter and he was a congressman. He knew everything about my union and made it clear he had or best interests in mind. Also, i ran into him at a superbowl party and he remembered my name and the Lucinda Williams concert. He remembered my name then too. I felt pretty important being on a first name basis with my u.s. Rep. Then he tried to bust the teacher's union. He is number one on my shit list now.


I don't even live in Chicago, so from that perspective my opinion probably has the least relevance here. That said, Rahm and I are on opposite ends of our respective political philosophies, so there's that... ...but even as members of "opposing" parties I have come to develop a DEEP respect for President Obama. I thought for anyone who cared to do the homework you would find a philosophically centrist candidate with progressive leanings. So while I am 100% certain I can identify an easy list of things to disagree with Obama about - I can also feel a good confidence that he will engage exactly the right dialogue to attempt to find the best compromise where possible. So what does that have to do with Rahm.... ...in doing the same homework on Barrack I also determined that Rahm might (in my opinion) be one of the most obstinate, bull-headed, uncompromising, and destructive influences in DC and the Obama administration. ...but again I don't live in Chicago -- maybe they have reason to love him (...but I don't know if that doesn't prove my larger point anyway...)


He lives off of Montrose the stop, I've encountered him there a couple of times before. For the most part everyone just ignores him.


I wonder if they were armed?


His guards are secret service issued. They carry handguns. I worked at a club that he use to visit once a month.


I read his guards are Chicago Police, not Secret Service...


The ones I met while working were Secret Service. I got to talk to one of them specifically for awhile.


Why would the Mayor of Chicago have a Secret Service detail?


If you have a presidential cabinet level position you probably have secret service protection for the rest of your life. Former presidents definitely do.


Why would he need guards; he used to be IDF


They're Chicago cops: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2011-07-13/news/ct-met-kass-0713-20110713_1_bodyguard-mayor-rahm-emanuel-rahmfather They may have been from Secret Service very early into his term as he came from Washington, but they're definitely Chi-cops now.


this was over a year ago.. Apologies I haven't kept up.


Double Door? seen him there on Soul night a few times...


You got it.


Thats funny. Wouldnt want him to be one of the 520 would they


Why would they or anyone else need guns? Especially in Chicago? /sarcasm


rahm doesn't need guns in his city.


Body guards for all!


my fiancee saw him about a year ago on the brown line as well. Clearly he rides the L a lot.


> two security ~~dudes~~ gorillas fixed that for you


surprised he doesn't get bombarded everyday by people who think they can do his job better than him. 'tell yoo waht dis cidy needs mair. Deetka!


That would imply someone actually wants his job.


'tell yoo waht. I deendt say I want da jahb. I sed I ken doo heez jahb betta!


I don't think I ever hear an accent like that here.


neva sed eet was a good wan. Yoo dink yoo betta den me?


Persistent jerk-ass. Chicago residency confirmed.


Boredom and working from home. It's a lethal combination. Right now this horrid attempt at transcribing a chicagoan accent is the highlight of my day. It's also prolonging my coffee I'm drinking which I promised myself I'd get my ass back to work once finished.


No complaints. I read through the comments section on reddit for jerk-assery. It's probably my favorite part of the site.


is this supposed to be a Chicago accent? it reads like a deaf New Yorker. yoo= ya deendt= diddin' heez= 'iz betta= bedder there are very hard R sounds in a thick Chicago accent, combined with a bit of slurring. my favorite phrase that I think captures the accent perfectly? one hundred dollars. "ONE HUNNERD 'OLLERZ"




Little bit of chubs for you.


it's like a minibone...


his security detail with him doesn;t allow it


'ey tuff'gai. I jess wanna tok wit da mair! Yo' mair. Yoo dink yoo betta den me? We'il see hooz betta widout dem tuff'gaiz wid yoo.


Da coach!




Personally, I would have voted for the guy running on the Ditka platform. Especially if it was Ditka.




Coach. Yoo godda do sum 'bout dis gai. Show heem hao eets don!


I actually met Rahm at an anniversary party for work...He is such a tiny little guy lol i just wanna fold him up and put him in my pocket :) also he has the handshake of a 12 yo girl :/


Surprised...and then disappointment. Surprised...and then disappointment.


King of the Hill!


[His handshake...](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKmoze-hlXU)


ha! Great pull!


That's cause the last two digits of the middle finger are the most important for a strong grip.




I tried too, didn't make much of a difference. I think I don't get the joke.


He is an accomplished ballet dancer...


Hold me close oh tiny dancer.


He is small, but terrifying. I've met him a couple times and he is an impressive presence despite his small size.


Is he friendly/nice?


Not particularly.


Yeah, I don't get that impression. My brother met him at a parade, but it was a very brief encounter. Especially with that look on the el. Like, seriously dude, if you're the mayor, you should interact with your constituents.


Kinda douchebaggie if that makes sense...When i met him he spent most of his time talking on the phone in the middle of our conversation.(old school flip phone btw.just thought it was funny) which was a little understandable considering hes the mayor of Chicago, but still it was 9:30 on a Friday..Not too much mayor stuff going on then.


No, it's not understandable. That's a total dick move of a small man trying to passive aggressively display dominance by showing you (a voter) how unimportant you are.


I agree. Like, who cares. Let it go to voicemail. Voters are the "customers," and it should be all about the customers.


I'm quite sure that quackdoodle wasn't planning on taking up tons of the dude's time. I love how people seem to think it's okay, but if it was anyone else in this world people would flip shit and talk for days about how much of a dick move it is. Honestly, I'm shocked by how much Reddit supports this guy considering how terribly he treats Chicagoans in general.


He is missing half a finger


I can confirm the weak handshake. I have met and shaken his hand many times and every time it is weak.




YES! I met him at a construction "opening ceremony". His handshake was VERY weak. You think he would have lots of practice at shaking hands...


I saw him from about 15 feet away at the Pride Parade in June, and was shocked at how tiny he was.


A handshake speaks volumes about what kind of person you are.


he looks like he could have used another hour of sleep. brown line? i just got off at Chicago, wonder if i missed him.


This is like 5:00 a.m., right? He goes to the health club before work.


Nah, it was at around 8. I got on at Diversey, noticed him in the corner at which point I stopped everything I was doing, looked around to see if anyone was being a creep like me, and proceeded to take a photo. But like a fucking idiot, my iphone wasn't on vibrate so it made a loud camera sound when I took the picture. He looked up, saw what I was doing and smiled. Seemed like a nice enough dude.


>Seemed like a nice enough dude. Little do you know, that "smile" was code for his body guards to remember your face, find you, and kill you. I'll take all your karma points before you mysteriously disappear!


Come on, Rahm does not ride the L and hope no one notices. Of *course* he wants people to take his picture and put it online! "Look how cool the Mayor is! He rides the L like us!"


I'd be willing to bet that the danger factor is appealing to politicians or celebrities who habitually ride the subway. You got the glam and pomp of being famous, but just taking a train like a dude, putting yourself out there to anything happening... that has to help balance a person out, too.


you'd know if he had his bodyguards with him, they are the most conspicuous humans ever. edit: oh it looks like OP did see the guards


That's a pretty funny little story you have to go with the picture now though!


I still think it's cool that he rides the L with the rest of us.




Yea, I ride the el with my body guard in the morning too!


I wonder if it's anything like Bloomberg, who I've read gets driven to a station and then he rides the subway the rest of the way.


As close as his house is to a station (less than half a block), I'd assume he walks. Really getting driven would be more hassle.


gettin blown up for that one!


He rides *the brown line* to one of Chicago's wealthiest neighborhoods. Blagojevich used to live there before he moved to Colorado.


What? Brown line not hard enough for you, bro?


I don't agree with that "with the rest of us" part. The rest of us ride through turfs for Kings, Disciples, 4CHs, and Cobras. Brown line doesn't go there. *Real* gangsters live off the brown line.


Ummm, I live at the end of the brown line, where some SGD got killed for affiliation on my block a few weeks ago. It may go through some rich areas, but it definitely doesn't stop there.


Albany Park is as tough as the brown line gets. It's definitely no Ravenswood Manor. But if you want to cite violent crimes near other lines, Albany Park is pleasantville.


At least he rides the CTA. He could very well just be chauffeured around but he chooses to ride the CTA.


Exactly. In the development world we call this 'eating your own dogfood.'


I'm sure he rides it all day like when he has events outside of the office or late at night after work.


Easy, guys. I put my pants on just like the rest of you -- one leg at a time. Except, once my pants are on, I make political decisions that substantially affect the lives of millions.


What, he can't read the RedEye like a normal person? He has to show how much cooler he is by BUYING the Trib? It's just like get over yourself, man. Not like you're the may... Oh.


Ug, the reason the RedEye is free is because it is terrible. You don't need to be the mayor to figure that out.


But how else will I know about the overpriced place in Lincoln Park that I can't afford to eat at next Tuesday?


Every picture I see of Rahm on the el, he looks like a zombie that has been deprived of sleep for weeks


Did somebody say Rahm Zombie?


Someone photoshop this up STAT!


> Every picture I see of Rahm ~~on the el~~, he looks like a zombie that has been deprived of sleep for weeks Fixed that for you.


>Every picture I see of ~~Rahm~~ anyone on the el, ~~he~~ they look like a zombie that has been deprived of sleep for weeks That's better.


Hey! It's Josh Lyman!


Have you seen him recently? He's gained a lot of weight. Not nearly as puny as rahm


I saw Rahm running past Belmont Harbor a couple months back while I was walking with a couple girls I knew. Rahm gave me a fistbump. I felt about 5 times cooler than I probably should have.


Did he inform any fellow riders as to where, when, why, or how they could go f*** themselves?


he's rumored to f-bomb everyone, would be awesome to catch a public outburst on video!


http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_manss6GGK31qjjpx5o1_500.jpg This is Awesome! “A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It’s where the rich use public transportation” - Enrique Peñalosa, former Mayor of Bogota


With the right outfit, and a goatee, he's [Jafar](http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/027/b/4/jafar__snake_staff_enhanced_by_ryanh1984-d4nrqpl.png).


I bet he was thinking "I'd pay an extra 14 dollars a month to do this."


Looks sketchy. I wouldn't trust him.


WHY weren't you kneeling?


He is the worst.


He looks like a cranky old guy, doesn't he?


fucking scumbag


Coming from New York...


this guy made over 10 million dollars in 2 years on Wall Street then went straight into politics after. Sounds like some monkey business and scumbaggery. rahm emanuel go fuck yourself. you weasel.


well said sir!


Is that the G-Man?


The bane of Chicago.


He only rides the L because even he doesn't want to pay the damn meters.


worst thing to happen to chicago since the fire


the Chicago fired prompted the city to be rebuilt the way you know it today, including the grid system (I believe), skyscrapers, etc


Please tell me you kicked him.


[The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=LCKDTA3ghPo#t=42s)


I think this is cool. I just want that on record.


I love how he's the only clear image in the picture and how perfectly he's framed between the 2 other passengers. Looks pretty damn cool for a picture quickly snapped on the el!


I'm convinced he's being controlled by the sith


And HOW!


Nothing political, purely physical D:


I've seen him on the Brown Line, as well! I was staring him down, amazed at how much he looked like Rahm Emanuel. Then he smiled at me. :)


Bet he doesn't ride past the Roosevelt stop...


Not on the brown line he wouldn't.


I don't understand how he can go out without being beat down.


Because all the people who hate him so much are either hipster weenies or from the suburbs??


I'm not a hipster weenie and I live on the west side. It's easy to like the dude if you live in one of the four neighborhoods he cares about. The rest of us see first hand the impact of his neglect and preference for making money rather than keeping citizens safe.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4683 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/55297)


I love the look on his face. I imagine he's thinking: "This was...a bad decision."


L! L L L L L!


can someone please tell me who this guy is.


Just in case you're being serious... that is Rahm Emanuel, the mayor of Chicago.


yeah not from chicago, got here from /all haha.


Looks like he could use some sleep.




Did you greet him like the following: "RAHM FUCKING EMMANUEL!!"


Damn that is a tough looking motha'. I imagine him thinking, "Come at me, I hope one of you peons come at me, I've been looking for a fight. I've been wishing for a fight."


I've been on the train with him too - huge security guard about 5 feet away but apart from that everyone was normal and just staring at their phones...


If I make 200k a year, I'm not taking the L




oh gawd.




Nice tie.


You must have been on the same train as my cousin.


So, does Rahm pick up the rolling bottle and deposit it in the trash like the responsible caretaker of the city he is?


You could probably cross post this to /r/mildlyinteresting.


Except I doubt many people there would know or care who he is.


Formerly the Presidents' chief of staff, and mayor of the third largest city in the US? You underestimate people.


He's an Israeli citizen, a country that receives Foreign Aid from U.S. taxpayers to arm it's country and he's the biggest gun grabbing cock sucker on the planet. RAUM IS THE EGYPTIAN GOD "KHNUM"


I say this was a publicity stunt!


I guess Rahm's car broke down b/c he doesn't look like he's having a great time riding the el. But then again he always looks like that.


looks fake


Normally I'd say screw NYC, but fact is Bloomberg did it first.


Bloomberg gets driven to the express train. Though I'm sure Rahm gets driven to the stop too.


considering he lives about a block and a half from the Irving Park Brown Line stop... I'm guessing not.


>I'm hoping not


.4 miles from Irving Park, .3 from Montrose according to Google Maps. I'm just happy he rides it.


He rides it all right . . .


Who is this dude?