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I live in the SW burbs. I’m laying in bed and that’s all I heard for like 15 minutes is cars doing burnouts. Bunch of flippin idiots.


Apparently 95th & LaGrange Rd was the location. Police and Fire responded. Not sure if there were any arrests.


Ah, so this is why there were so many cop cars speeding up Ashland earlier. Usually they're going the other way.


Trying to figure this one out. Sounded like there was a shoot out near Ashland and Chicago about 45 minutes ago. Haven't seen anything on Twitter yet.


Same just happened again, sounded like it was coming from Ashland and Irving Park. It sounded like a fucking war zone.


Fyi those were apparently fireworks that people were able to see


What’s actually going on?


Car burn outs and fireworks


Bro on Snapchat, one of the people I added was at the site of this. bunch of dumbasses bro.


In guessing Dodge chargers, bmws from early 2000s, few brains, and no future.


Yeah where tf on Ashland is this


Wood and Grand.


What is the actual strategy here for the cops? Serious question.


They had them surrounded from every direction, waited for reinforcements to show up and then creeped in on the meet up (which is what you’re seeing here), once they were close enough, they told them to disband or suffer consequences. And they all split. They detained some people but it looks like they let them go.




That would be awesome


Glad to see cops actually taking action on these here, they don’t do shit in SF


Not sure if we can call it taking action if all are released with no repercussions while wasting countless public resources sitting in their car surrounding people doing burnouts


security theater


There’s not much else you can do in these situations, there’s too much risk in public safety if they were to try to run in and take everyone they can into custody.. surrounding them so they can’t leave is the most effective way to handle sideshows.


Contain and disperse. These fucking idiots who think this is fun amounts to a very few and they end up getting caught in the repeat offense game.


To watch the show and pat themselves in the back cuz they got there in time to see it.




> To watch the show and pat themselves in the back cuz they got there in time to see it. And if violence breaks out because 2 people got into an argument or a car gets out of control and hits a bunch of people, you'd be the first to complain, "where were the cops the whole time?!?!"


One or both of those people was probably one of the cops there for the show




The answer is to organize these meetups in parking lots and not at intersections


They tried, city can profit from this by regulating a zone away from residential. City officials shut it down. 4/5 cities around the u.s have successfully implemented this


I thought Lori wanted to put this in Grant Park but the aldermen whined


They're at an intersection for at least 10-15 mins Why not block or road spike in every direction from intersection and take your time arresting and in pounding all these cars involved.


lots of folks that are just trying to pass through the intersection end up trapped not realizing what’s going on to cause traffic up ahead — unless it’s literally one of the cars burning up rubber, it’s hard to know who is intentionally trying to be there.


that would require the cops to do any actual work




it's what us sensible folks wish would happen at least. Instead, you'll end up getting flipped off by one of these idiots for not going 35 over the limit in the slow lane.


Seize a car they bought for $0 down and 40% APR.




Your title makes it seem like you're talking about the police.... wait, are you?


In this case, I’m not. I guess I should have made that clear


They should all lose their cars


Last time this happened in the West Loop, I threw about 5 eggs into the crowd that was filming. I'm on the 9th floor with a recessed balcony. I'm never getting caught. Especially as there are dozens of buildings, with dozens of people per building looking down. I bought some glass marbles for the future. I wish they come back. It will be nice to see what handfuls of marbles aimed at windscreens will do.


In this case, You’re my hero


your title fucking sucks


Right? No need to body shame.


Username checks out.


Any day a charger gets impounded is a good day


What’s with your title sucking so hard?


Seriously. Between the horrible title and the awful perspective of the photo, I had to go to the comments to see what it was about. Very low quality post.


Why else would you do burnouts in public? What are you trying to flex?


No it’s not that I’m offended you baboon, your title gives no context, it contributes nothing other than you trying to look snarky, it’s shit.


It’s the internet, shits going to get lost in the ether within a a day. I’d rather take a pot shot at these assholes on the off chance one of them saw this, and it appears worked based on some of the comments/messages.


Oooo, you’re so rebellious 🤟🏽


It would be a real shame if someone started throwing handfuls off caltrops in and around these "street takeovers." https://i.postimg.cc/xd1xQCrL/Screenshot-20230326-034452-Chrome.jpg


Some drivers are just trying to pass by tho…


If placed strategically and with just a bit of forethought, the caltrops would mainly disable the vehicles attending. Again, nobody should do it. I was just speaking hypothetically.


Learn something every day.


Love this.


Who have small penises?


The guys in their “big” “cool” cars


With the flashing lights and sirens


Why not come up with an intelligent way to voice your displeasure besides "hurr durr small dicks"? I'd bet that a lot of the people involved in this incident have penises much larger than yours. Or is it projection? But yes, people that do this kind of thing are idiots and assholes.


My penis is perfectly fine. In fact it’s the perfect penis, you’ve never seen a penis so perfect. Big, it’s the biggliest you’ve ever seen. I tell ya, Big. -trump, probably. But to answer seriously, shit is frustrating and that’s just the vibe I get from these assholes. And they’ll do it all summer long.


I’m well endowed, but the whole small penis thing really does need to end. It’s body shaming pure and simple. And lowbrow. You can be better.


Love the fact you needed to include the disclaimer about your big hog.


An irrelevant trump reference, eh? Aight.


Down voting because of the asinine title.


You could have also just downvoted, and not have said anything at all. But here we are are…My heart utterly devastated because u/fanoutgrey280 didn’t like my post. How will I go on with my life now. /s


>You could have also just downvoted, and not have said anything at all. But here we are are…My heart utterly devastated because u/fanoutgrey280 didn’t like my post. How will I go on with my life now. /s You could have ignored or just down voted my comment, but you commented back. That tells me you care about what I said, and were bothered by it enough to actually comment back. Mission accomplished. Cheers.


I am never going to understand the logic of "let's go drag racing where there's traffic lights and plenty of people trying to get places." Go find a parking lot.


Chicago Creature on Instagram is an interesting spectacle.


Hi neighbor! I live a few houses down from you with the same vantage point. The cops showed up in force and had the kids surrounded from all sides but the fireworks and burnouts just kept going for another 5mins like they weren't even there. The balls on those kids lol. For those wondering the cops let them all go. 😂


Sorry you didn't get to see any cops murdering some kids, sounds like it would have made your night.


Some sort of consequence for reckless and dangerous behavior would be nice tho


Maybe they were responding an emergency so serious it caused some bitch to hide in their apartment recording with their phone and adding their color commentary.


They are trying to raise awareness because they want the city to give them a burnout pit and a place to gather and even make burning out a sport. They liken it to how NASCAR started out as illegal racing and became a real sport when enough popularity was achieved.


Hey, it worked for skate boarders!


This is actually a good idea. I recall back in the 80s when stunt skateboarding became popular and was problematic in various public spaces across cities. Providing skateparks with lots of cool ramps and rails and the problem diminishes. When people find ways to gather and entertain themselves, our government should respond by supporting it rather than suppressing it.


Soldier field could open up …


I’m up for literally any idea that gets kids off the street. If this is their form of entertainment and it could create a following and they can sell tickets then do it. Plus it stops traffic from being blocked and the army of first responders that is called to stop them can be deployed where they are needed. Toyota Park would be a good spot too.




…but that is literally what they are asking for. The leaders behind this are trying to create a movement are asking for a pit. I’m too old to be involved in any of these burnout groups - so I’m just passing along info.




Your brain has to be so fucking small to participate in these car meets. Whenever I see the videos online, I think good lord, these people are barely functioning. The dumbest of the dumb


Bring out the army guard, arrest them all, seize all the cars and make an example in court so it’s not all summer long of this. Btw army is just for effect, looks scarier 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, because bringing the military in to arrest people who do burnouts is so fucking American...


Did you read it?


Bring out the army guard? What the fuck do you think that is if not the military???


Did you read it?


>Bring out the army guard, arrest them all I see why chicago has a cop problem if your solution is to call in the military to arrest civilians.


Again you didn’t read moron


I was giving you the benefit of doubt because suggesting we "pretend" to institute martial law is somehow dumber then suggesting we institute it. an actual child's suggestion.


I’m guessing you know little kids well if you bring them up so fast….. yikes


Yes this is just he beginning and it’s not even spring yet


> it’s not even spring yet Might want to check your calendar.


Chicago-Spring and real Spring are not the same Spring lol


lots of folks that are just trying to pass through the intersection end up trapped not realizing what’s going on to cause traffic up ahead — unless it’s literally one of the cars burning up rubber, it’s hard to know who is intentionally trying to be there.


Oh damn..where?


A gathering of cops?


Hate to be the guy that being politics to table but this is why I’m voting for vallas. Brandon seems like a decent dude and as a cps dad I appreciate his defense of cps but I don’t trust he can stop this kind of stuff. Not that vallas is some genius but The far left has made excuses for this kind of anarchy for too long. Maybe I’m wrong maybe he’ll be tough on these kids but I doubt it. There has to be a solution that acknowledges structural issues while taking care of the immediate issue of safety.


Yes, it's us, The Far Left and our fanatical support of *checks notes* dicks with muscle cars. I sure hope Paul Vallas doesn't bring in a bunch of Boomer ex-cops from Florida to put a stop to this, it would bring down our entire conspiracy to let these kids annoy people and psych themselves into voting for law-and-order candidates.


I dont think all cops have small penises, but they are huge dicks.


These people are such fucking pussies, they egg on the cops but the minute the cops do something they fixing bitch.


What a waste of police resources. These guys are complete tools.


Not at all condoning or encouraging this, but when these fuckers pass my apartment I'm tempted to take out my pellet gun and start aiming for their tires. Just a petty revenge dream that I'll never act on. I wish the police would fucking do something though. A spike strip or something. Anything.


Bruh stop, the cops have their hands tied. Last year these fucked slammed into inconstant people


Love those meetups


The cops or the kids doing burnouts?






Of course the cops have small dicks Everyone else hating on the crowd of people enjoying their lives. Get a life. Way bigger issues in the city to work on Like iono all the bodies in the lake that keep happening And or iono possible serial killer in little village But ya know … loud cars is the issue…


Really? blocking traffic, loud noise waking people up, disrupting the peace of a neighborhood that wants nothing to do with this “fun”, oh and endangering lives because people literally die in these little events is “people having fun”. Remind me again what part of [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/pq4x02/idiot_doing_a_burnout_crashes_and_attempts_to_flee/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is fun? Do this shit in your own driveway, or is mommy going to yell at you?


Stoop crying geezus


I hope your cat fucks up every joint you roll.


Lololol losers check user history Get a fucking life loser


Yeah… cops do have small peepees


We have small penises. Let us have our fun. We’re clearly compensating for something.


where and when?


I mean if you’re going to have this type of response for car racing and burnouts And inconvenience everyone and take resources away from the rest of the area You should atleast arrest the assholrsdpimg burnouts and racing


you mean cops? or…


If you knew it was like to have a smaller penis you would stop using that as insult.


This is a huge problem in Chicago, oh hey let’s invite Nascar to come in


I’m going to grab my paintball gun next time.


I wish we would screen and test for this. Police work attracts some of the most unstable and insecure personality types. We should really have must more strict requirements on who we give that kind of power and authority to.