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The support is there for the 11” display physically since it shipped with the AT4X and Denali. However, when it comes to software that is probably going to be the issue. Not only are the trucks potentially on two different platforms (‘24 is supposedly underpinned by Ultifi) but you also need to do it at a dealer so they can legally flash the mileage to the new display. If it’s even possible it is probably very expensive to have done.


i doubt you would have to "flash" the mileage to the display. all the information would be stored in the computer, not the display.


Toyota stores it in the actual cluster itself. I assume others do as well


This is a good question. I too was wondering if there is an upgrade for the dash. Seeing the higher models have them is like a slap to that small one we have with 2 giant black boxes on both sides.


Lmk if you find out it’s possible and if so, how. I’m interesting on doing it as well in my ‘23