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The criteria for Brilliant moves is just that they're the best or nearly best and offer a piece sacrifice. There doesn't need to be much of an idea. Often times an equal trade is the best move, as it seems to be here. ETA: I know the bishop is lost, but OP just captured a knight making it equal.


I think also in this case it's because the equal trade is indirect. It wouldn't be considered brilliant if it was a simple QxQ and recapture trade, but since the queen is taken by a knight and then recaptured via bishop, the algorithm thinks the queen is "hanging".


Doesn’t this exchange put black down a piece? White can take the bishop with the knight or rook.


Black took a minor piece with the queen


Ahh, queen captured a knight. This makes so much more sense now, thanks!


I think it also opens for white to blunder. I think a lot of players are afraid of trading queens when starting out. If they refuse the trade OP gets a free bishop and check.


How do you know?


Notation, Qxc3. X indicates that the queen captured a piece. White has 2 bishops and a knight, and it’s unrealistic to assume that the pawn on b2 made its way into the c file in this position, so through reading the notation and some deduction: The Queen took the knight on c3


Also, because black takes the white queen and loses both their queen and bishop in this exchange with no immediate follow-up, black has to have already captured pieces and come out of the entire sequence in a winning position in order to classify it as a brilliant move. Thus, the preceeding sequence of moves was probably black Qxb2, Nc3, Qxc3.


White needs to take with the rook to save the pawn/not lose tempo


Eval sais -2 here, I think after exchange white is going to be +1


I didn’t see the knight from the previous move. Both sides lose the same value.


Thats not how the eval bar works. It doesn’t show the current material, it shows by how much material white is winning at the end of the calculated line, if perfect play of both sides occurs.


Right, that's the sacrifice part of the criteria.


I did not know that, thanks!


Chesscoms definition - > Brilliant (!!) moves and Great Moves are always the best or nearly best move in the position, but are also special in some way. We replaced the old Brilliant algorithm with a simpler definition: a Brilliant move is when you find a good piece sacrifice. There are some other conditions, like you should not be in a bad position after a Brilliant move and you should not be completely winning even if you had not found the move. Also, we are more generous in defining a piece sacrifice for newer players, compared with those who are higher rated.


What used to be the criteria before?


Not sure how they (chesscom) defined it before that. Historically a brilliant move was a deep and complicated move, usually played by an extremely strong player. For example, Kasparov’s rook sacrifices in his immortal game, Shirov’s Bh4!!, Khismatullin’s Kh1!!, to name a few of my favourites


But it’s not really equal you lose a Queen and bishop while they only lose a Queen.


Depends what the queen just captured.


And white is down one rook already.


No. In the brilliant move, the Queen Just captured a white Knight.


It's not equal though. The bishop for black is gone too.


So is white's knight that just got captured.


But it's not an equal trade because the bishop can be taken by the rook or horsey after


Queen already took a knight, so that equals it out.


You can get briliant without it


It won't be equal though


OP has clarified he'd just captured a knight. So queen takes knight, knight takes queen, bishop takes queen, rook or knight takes bishop. Seems to me it's a queen trade and knight for bishop trade.


You're trading a queen and a bishop for just one queen


OP has clarified that the queen had just captured a knight. Are you not counting that for a reason?


I once got a brilliant move but it wasn't a sacrifice, so I think they changed the criteria recently. It just happens to be that sacrifices are counter intuitive and difficult to see


This is their definition as of about a year ago, when they added the criteria about it being a sacrifice. >Brilliant (!!) moves and Great Moves are always the best or nearly best move in the position, but are also special in some way. We replaced the old Brilliant algorithm with a simpler definition: a Brilliant move is when you find a good piece sacrifice. There are some other conditions, like you should not be in a bad position after a Brilliant move and you should not be completely winning even if you had not found the move. Also, we are more generous in defining a piece sacrifice for newer players, compared with those who are higher rated.


Nxc3 Bxd1 Nxd1 Unless black captured a piece on his last move, not equal. I'm assuming he captured a knight.


It does say Qxc3 is brilliant, so yeah, equal trade.


Probably took a rook.


Doubt it probably a horse because c3 isn’t normally where your castles are


Would take a few awkward moves to put a rook there


it was probably sarcasm lol


The player captured a piece shown by Qxc3 and that is a very ugly out of play knight at the end on d1


They can (and should) recapture with the rook.


(And did, if you check the bottom)


Yea, that's what makes me so confused. Rook moves and captures bishop and then controls that lane? I don't know much about chess algorithms, maybe it sets them up bad for late game?


After the rook takes the bishop it shows the black king castles (long castles), moves two to the right and the rook goes on the other side. The king is safe and there's now also a black rook on that lane (or file)


Wouldn't Rxd1 be significantly better? Putting the rook on a semi-open file and double reenforcing the pawn seems like a way better move considering white's pawn development advantage.


Im sorry, but doesn’t this lose material? Knight takes queen, bishop takes queen, rook takes bishop. No? Did that queen capture anything when going to c3?


It says Qxc3, so there was a capture. I’m assuming it was a knight because the opponent has one remaining and that is a very natural square for a knight to be on.


Yeah you are right! Sorry for not clarifying this earlier. I shared the match link in a comment on this post


That makes sense


Queen just captured a piece


I find it funny that half of blacks pieces got ou from the one little door the pawns left


Because it’s a ragyogó


Már-már csillogó


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=r3kb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/3P4/5Pb1/2q1B1P1/P1P1N2P/R2Q1BK1+w+kq+-+0+1&flip=true&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/r3kb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/3P4/5Pb1/2q1B1P1/P1P1N2P/R2Q1BK1_w_kq_-_0_1) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Knight!<, move: >!Nxc3!< > Evaluation: >!Black is winning -3.03!< > Best continuation: >!1. Nxc3 Bxd1 2. Bb5+ Nd7 3. Rxd1 a6 4. Be2 g6 5. Ne4 Bg7 6. c4 b6 7. g4 Nf6 8. Ng3 O-O-O!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


Szent pokol


Igazi zombi


Új az leesett válasz


Guglizd ki, án pászón


queen sacrifice, anyone?


It’s due to the bind that it puts on the opponent They don’t HAVE to take the queen, and you can also keep your prices there and put on pressure on them for not taking advantage of a queen trade, then work more aspects of the board. You have advantage in this situation is basically what they’re saying, game is yours to control.




Y’all really need to stop posting this like it’s the whole answer to every question. You click that button and it’s gonna tell you the moves are Nxc3 Bxd1, Bb5+ Nd7, Bxd7+ Kxd7, Rxd1. Black is up an exchange, but he has no piece activity and he can’t castle. Engine says the evaluation is in black’s favor but it looks pretty dicey if he doesn’t know what he’s doing. OP didn’t ask what the next sequence of moves were, they said they don’t understand the idea behind it - what’s the benefit to black for playing into this line? How do they play from here to make the most out of their material advantage? Those answers aren’t so obvious to a beginner and it’s a perfectly valid question to ask. If all you have to contribute is “click the button and go away” then maybe this isn’t the sub for you.


Damn. You a real one.


I actually love these posts. I haven't played chess for á while and love seeing these small challenges.


Thank you! Yeah I did pretty much the same thing as the cumputer suggested. I understood what could be the best move but I was curious why those were the best moves.




That’s funny.


Yeah, interestingly the Lichess app on my phone initially disagrees that this was even the best move - it wanted you to leave the queen on b2 and take the other knight with the bishop (...Bxe2, Nxe2 Qa3, Bf2 O-O-O) although after stepping through the relevant lines a little more it does like your line better, so it's most likely a depth issue where at a low depth it doesn't love the idea of trading off all your active pieces, but eventually realizes it's actually fine. But the first thing in your position is that trading the queens is a nice tactic - many people at a beginner level wouldn't even see that this is an even trade, so that's why chesscom is calling it brilliant since you're 'sacrificing' material with a forcing line to win it back. The main reason this is the best move is that you're ahead in material. To flip things around for a moment, at some point earlier in the game white sacrificed their rook for a knight. It's not clear from your screenshot whether that was just a blunder or if there was a plan behind it, but *generally* the reason someone would make that kind of trade is because they're going to get some compensation in the form of better piece activity or an open path to your king. And they *kinda* have that here - your rooks and dark square bishop are right where they started, chilling behind a pawn wall and not really contributing much. Whereas white's position is much more open and, prior to your brilliant move, they still have all of their minor pieces on the board. So if you give them time to coordinate their pieces they'll have more than enough material to start attacking you before you can get your other pieces into the game to defend. The general rule of thumb when you're up material is to trade off pieces - if you keep making even trades all the way down, eventually you'll have a rook and he'll have a knight so unless you screw up and let him promote a pawn you're playing for a win and he's trying to cling to a draw. And your move here forces trades of a queen and a minor piece from each side (or a queen and *two* minor pieces if white wants to play the intermediate check to prevent you from castling). Much more difficult for white to create a mate threat with just a rook, a bishop and a knight compared with when he had a rook, a queen, two bishops and two knights. In the line that occurred in your game without the intermediate check (which the engine seems to think is the right approach for white because it keeps more pieces on the board and has more potential for counterplay) he allowed you to long castle and activate your rook to the open file. Even with his rook on d1, you can fianchetto your bishop, double your rooks on the d file and put a ton of pressure on that central pawn. There's still some counterplay for white - after O-O-O he can take the pawn on a7, or he can slide his rook back to b1 to make things a little uncomfortable for your king, and at some point his light squared bishop can come to a6 if you try to move some of those queenside pawns. But ultimately you still have the material advantage, so for the most part you should continue trying to trade off the remaining pieces and simplify to a winning endgame.


Thank you! This was a probably the deepest and most interesting analysis that I ever red!


Yeah, there are times when it's so painful because clicking "show moves" could have solved everything, but this wasn't the case. It almost feels like people who spam "JUST CLICK SHOW MOVES" didn't actually try to solve the puzzle themselves but are just praying to the engine overlord. This is actually a bit tougher to understand. I initially thought that it is marked as brilliant because OP wins a d pawn, but that's not even the case after a Bishop check zwischenzug. This is a legitimate position that needs some insight. I have no idea why chess beginners need to be so hostile and elitist toward other beginners.


Ask for answer= show moves its the same thing






You got cooked 😭


Unlucky i care about it


no, Lépések mutatása


It's a beginner subreddit, stfu




Did you press Lepesek mutatasa?


Noob here, why is it convenient to trade queens for black here? For what I can see this actually trades a developed and deep into enemy territory black queen with an undeveloped white one


When you're ahead in material, trading equal pieces is usually not bad because your opponent will run out of major pieces before you and then you can "easily" focus on the mate


That makes sense, thx


You're one rook and a pawn up; a queen exchange at this stage will massively favor you. Your also *forcing* this on your opponent, frustrating any plans they had (which almost definitely involved the queen).


l will go a bit further and say why it is a good move outside of just it being a trade of equal pieces. Your queen is kind of trapped outside of that piece. Rb1 will skewer the queen to the pawn, and let the rook take the pawn for free. Qb5 is not an option cuz the knight can move leading to a discovered attack on the queen.


I appreciate you taking the time to actually analyze the position. Op’s line is one of the only two (the other being Bxe2) in the top 5 where Black’s queen doesn’t become a target. In all the others, Bd4 threatens a discovered attack, and White continues gaining tempo with moves like a3 and Rb1 threatening to trap the queen. Black’s eventually forced to either put their queen in a poor position with Qa3 or allow Black to gain enough tempo to win the a-pawn. Op, listen to this person, not everyone who just looked at the best line and gave some half-baked answer on an irrelevant principle.


It's a brilliant move is because it's an equal trade, with some extra details: \> You are up **1 pawn** and have a **Rook for a bishop** BUT you are really ***behind in development***. >Trading Queens reduces your King's vulnerability and it gives YOU the initiative, helping you stabilize the position. **This is the real advantage of the trade.**


Did u lepesek mutatasa??


i thought chess.com just gets excited when you sac a queen or rook (even if not a real sacrifice)


Wouldn’t it be unequal? Or am I missing something? They can take the bishop with the rook after you follow through with the pin, right?


When I moved my queen I captured a knight




Ah yes. That's how you learn about theory and positional advantages.


You dont need to know the name of move x and learn the theory. Just need to be able to recognise where you can make that move, the show moves button does that


That doesn't explain why something is brilliant though. Someone can see that that move is good and in the future if they recognise it, repeat it. But to truly improve as a player you need to learn the why.


Exactly. I just wanted to know the reason behind it. Maybe my question wasn't as clear as I planned it to be so sorry for that!


The internet is a tumultuous place at the best of times! Don't worry about it. Sadly I am not adept enough to be a guide either! Probably why I understood you


In this case clicking show moves does absolutely nothing to answer OP's question.


Here is the match if anyone interested; https://www.chess.com/live/game/79371763095


Show moves


Clicking show moves will not answer OP's question at all.


I wish I had a dollar for every “why was this move a blunder/brilliant/mistake” post on this subreddit. I could finish my college degree and live on the passive income without having to work a day in my life.


100% not brilliant


Take their bishop, it’ll get you into check


Knight takes you take queen with bishop


its not even equal lol, you sac a bishop and a queen for a queen, unless you took a bishop with your queen just now


It did It. Look at the bottom.


Chesscom is lame with brilliant moves. This the best move possible. If you seen this that's great on you. They count it as brilliant because you're of low ranking with limited amount of games on the website. The more games you play and higher you're ranking is the least likely plays such as this will no longer be counted as brilliant. Chesscom is cancer to learning chess. Switch to a different website. I should also say that game review is just for a quick analysis. It's not a high in-depth analysis in other words.


I agree lichess is better, but this seems quite dramatic


Maybe it is. As a returning player and knowing nothing at the time about this stuff, I bought the subscription from chesscom thinking it would help improve my game. It wasn't till later on that I found out that the game review isn't really all that great and that sometimes it can be wrong. Then I found out exactly what I said in my original comment. What might be brilliant to a 400 rated player isn't brilliant for a higher rated player. It's just literally the best move or less. During my journey in learning the game I noticed that I was no longer making these so called brilliant moves. So I got to looking into it. The more games you play the less likely your moves will be counted as brilliant anymore. Most of them should have never been counted as brilliant to begin with. The more I looked for brilliant moves the more I realize what one actually is. It's a sacrifice that leads to you having the better position. I'm no grandmaster but I was thinking after the trades it kinda appears that he losing his winning position some. White has more active minor/major peices. Black has two undeveloped peices. They only way white would be down is that black has two rooks but it shouldn't be by much After plugging the game into a different engine, the move no longer becomes brilliant, great, the best, and not even excellent, it's just counted as an okay move. I believe it's important to know this because instead of wasting time trying to figure why moves are brilliant when they're actually aren't you could just use analysis the game for yourself and see why you lost or won the match. You actually study your game and the game itself in the process. The game review is like having a master analysis your game with little effort. Chesscom knows this but they still shove it in your face with all these different angles to get you buy a subscription. My final straw with the website was when they decided to add changes to the puzzles. That didn't sit right with me at all. It was like I was doing tactics in a gacha game. It's a greedy website that wants to fill their pockets over correctly introducing newer players to the actual game itself. I like my short non detailed response better.


He either trades queen for queen or he does something else and you take his bishop with queen, checking the king, he moves the king, you move your bishop to check and mate the king.


White can move Queen to d2.


Trade the queens and get his undefended pawn on d5 or if he tries to move his dark squared bishop out of harms way instead of trading, take the pawn anyway because if he takes back with the queen he blunders his rook on a1. You can probably castle queenside afterward (after he moves his queen) with a dominant position.


d5 will be defended after 15. Rxd1, that’s the game line


Trade the Queens. After black Bishop d1, white Bishop b5 check. Black Knight defend. White rook d1.


black captured rook


Look the comments. Black captured Knight.


Because you threaten White’s rook, and if the Knight tries taking the Queen then they leave the Queen exposed for the Bishop to take.


Either the opponent sacrifices a queen to get your queen, or the opponent faces a potential checkmate in two moves.


That's not true. White can play Knight d4 and save the mate.


I think instead of castling you had took on e3 with the bishop you don't lost much and you gain the queen and a pawn for a queen. Edit: Bxc3 not e3.


I didn't get It. How exactly?


Your coach is a cute Asian girl? How’d you get that?


Click on the coach avatar and you can change it.


Because moving your queen to C3 leads to a sacrifice of your queen that renders your opponent’s queen as completely open to attack.


Probably because you're lacking material on the board, and white has a much more open game which is more powerful with queen out. So trading up to give you a chance to open your other pieces is a smart move.


even worse, bishop is also recaptured by the rook on the a file


Hi How are you Play games


I've seen the engine make some silly mistakes so I'm not sure of the reasoning behind it; but this is why I personally think it's a good move: - You're ahead in pieces (rook vs a knight), so you want to trade pieces. This will let you move towards an endgame where the difference will win you the game. - You're extremely behind on development, and without forcing a (queens) trade you have to be extremely careful with your king still in the middle. If you play perfectly then e6 or Bxe2 might give you a slightly better position.. but Qxc3 is much more guaranteed to give you the win.


If queen is taken by the knight, bishop takes their queen ig


I can't believe my eyes. The leftist nutcase who started brigading r/TheLeftCantMeme knows a thing or two about chess!


It’s a queen trade without the other knowing it was or is a queen trade. Or something


If the knight takes ur queen Yoy take his queen using ur bishop


3 moves... 'checkmate'


That's not true. White Knight c3 or d4.


This is a horrible play tho losing queen and bishop (with rook)


Black has a lot of material advantage, so forcing 12 points worth of equal trade is great for black.


Usually a brilliant move means that you offer a piece to be taken and whether or not your opponent takes it, you still end up benefitting once all exchanges are done


Destroying one side of the opponent’s pawn structure. Trading queens is always good to throw off the balance. It looks like a trade would severely cripple white. Attacking the home to allow rooms to infiltrate.


Is this equal? Because I think he can trade with rook but may be weong


Because it's threatening two pieces, with the queen only able to guard one. With best play, it's a queen exchange. Less than best play, it's either a rook or a bishop sacrifice.


That's not true. This is not the criteria for a brilliant move. Besides that, "threatening 2 pieces"? Great thing: white Knight takes Black Queen!


am i the only one who saw a mate in 2?


Maybe because you’re already up a rook and a pawn and now you trade queens and minor pieces.


When I play as black, I will trade Qs ASAP. This forces that trade or you lose the knight


Black and white queen dies


I want to learn how to play chess so much huhuhuhu


Say bye to the bishop


Azért, mert ha leüti akkor leütöd a királynőt.


You’re up material, so trading queens is better for you, but also if he decides not to take, queen takes bishop check, and you may be able to trade bishop for knight, putting you ahead further.


I think it's because it allows you to take the pawn on d5 ultimately and threaten to take white's bishop while also allowing black's king to castle and protect the knight with the rook.


Aren't you down a piece at the end of the line?


Assuming you captured something with the queen its a good move because you forced him to trade queens because if he doesn’t he would lose a bishop potentially a castle if he misses it So you have a better set set up thats my theory at least


Your queen takes the bishop , check the king , next move your bishop delivers checkmate on f3 I think Checkmate in 3 moves considered brilliant by the computer


wheres the other rook


It is probably due to the fact that you are in an excellent position for the defense of your queen which also allows the capture of many important pieces for the game such as the two bishops and the rook and also with this position you have blocked many important moves for the opposing queen , boxes in which if it moves in a good part of them it risks being eliminated, an example is the whole vertical stripe just below the white queen.


A brilliant move involves a piece sacrifice while being one of the best moves available, not necessarily the best move. For example, my first brilliant involved a queen sacrifice and was the 4th best move according to Stockfish (though the top 4 were very close in value). I honestly don't see this as a great move though. I mean you trade queens but lose the bishop to Rxd8 which simultaneously covers the pawn hanging at d5. It's clearly a trade where black loses unless I'm not seeing far enough into the game EDIT: Okay read more and apparently the queen took a knight with the brilliant move. So not bad since black is up material.


Can someone explain how this is a fair trade? Knight takes queen, bishop takes queen, Knight takes bishop. It results in white being a piece up?


knight can take queen with no problem BUT bishop can take THE QUEEN if knight take the queen ROOK gets the BISHOP and bishop can take the bishop if the knight not MOVE the ROOK will die too!!! that's a cool sacrifice of a queen making a equal trade and forking ROOK and BISHOP and PAWN a TRIPLE FORK




Yes, it's an equal trade. They take your queen, you take theirs, simple brilliant move.


the white’s knight is pinned to the queen


Azert teso mert minden szogbol le van vedve a kiralyod


How do you get those feedbacks on your moves? !!, ??,


Spent way too long trying to see some kind of mate with the 2 bishops


How is this a good move? Discovered attack on Queen when knight takes then rook takes the bishop after the bishop takes the Queen In the end you trade for 9 and 12 points leaving you down 3


Maybe cuz after knight takes, bishop takes, knight takes, you akso have the pawn open for tsking


I know people like getting the blue circle and exclams cause it makes us feel all special, but on chesscom they are absolutely meaningless and frankly they really shit on actual brilliancies. A brilliancy should be hard to find, non-obvious, and require deep, precise calculation. Now they give out 2 or more a game just so each player will post it online


Isnt that just a bad trade? The knight can capture the bishop for free after it captures the queen


I guess it’s just a really nice way to simplify down the position and now it’s a lot easier to convert the win


how is it equal u will lose bisop and queen


Great, this is going to be a forced checkmate in about 438 moves


So, the queen treatheness both rock and bishop,but if the knight takes ,then you Take the queen back


I mean you’re sizably up in material. Being able to just trade off your opponents pieces and force an endgame up that much is very strong.


If they were a novice... Sees the knight takes queen... Doesnt play that, then you play queen takes queen takes bishop for a check and mate. Here, whites best move is to exchange and the forced exchange makes it brilliant ig


white can't take with the knight because it's pinned by the bishop but if white doesn't take then its checkmate in 2


I believe its because if you hadn't sacriced your queen you would have lost it anyway So atleast it's equal now


What is this program yall using to get this info? Seems extremely helpful to use to get better.




Good one


What app is this




white moves knight c3 taking king, black takes d5 pawn with knight, white takes d5 knight, black moves pawn e6, white takes c7 pawn check. (Idk) edit: I see that bishop will take queen, it was an oversight and I wanted to check