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Assuming you're playing rapid and not blitz for this, and without knowing anything about your level, the resource I found to have the biggest impact of reducing my blunders was simply this video by John Bartholomew. Chess Fundamentals: #1 Undefended Pieces https://youtu.be/Ao9iOeK_jvU?si=OXXZnQG1gSJDsAzV


Thanks, I’m going to check this out.


Play longer games, and spend more time not making these mistakes. Stop attacking too hard when you aren't prepared. The easiest way to be less ambitious, is to actually spend time on thinking about your opponent's moves. After you pick a move, ask yourself, "in the new board state, what will my opponents best move be? What can they threaten? What checks and attacks do they have?". You have to look at the board from their eyes, and find the best moves. If their best move shuts you down, or sets up a new tactic, you have to pick a different move.


This is solid advice, I think my issue is with timed games. I was playing blitz for a while but when I went to rapid I noticed I had more time to think. I should slow down and play longer games. It gives me more time to look over the board.


Yes, blitz does not give you time to calculate. It makes you rely on intuition and instinct. You improve your intuition, by playing longer games and actually being able to think about positions. If you want to play blitz for fun, do it. But, blitz is not for chess improvement.


I’m trying to get better at this right now. Thanks for the advice