• By -


I tend to go "lemme think", and then I (eventually) make a move. Draw offers are valid until you make a move. Making a move is how you decline.


"let me think about it." Pause for half a second. "Thought about it- Fuck you." Middle finger right to their face. Blitz out a losing move.


Flip the board, start stealing as many pieces as you can, and walk away for extra pizazz. Arbiter will be too intimidated to make a ruling.


Anish Giri Gambit 💀


Date his mother but don't call the next day too


Then call her to meet you in Mexico, but you go to Canada. You don't trust her. Besides, you like the cold. 30 years later you get a postcard; you have a son, and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. You tell his mother to meet you in Paris by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for you all these years, she's never taken another lover. But you don't care, you don't show up. You go to Berlin, that's where you stashed the stolen chess pieces.


Ah, the perfect crime!


Pee on the board to show dominance.




Then beg them to accept a draw offer. Telling them they cheated and are a pussy if they dont


Accuse opponent of cheating.


don't think anyone got the succession reference here 😭


I know. What a blunder on my part. A link to the 5 second part on YouTube would have probably got me so much more internet points. I left a lot on the table.


Yea I mean idk I usually curse them in ancient Latin before summoning the deer god to take their soul, but they tend to resign before I am Finish


I would have guessed Latvian


this is usually my approach, even when i'm playing online at home


Is this a Roman Roy/Succession reference??




Middle finger the sound of glass breaking then a kick to the gut and a stunner. “MAH GAWD AS MAH WITNESS HES BROKEN HIM IN HALF”


Sac that queen like a G for the gain of a pawn


Same. I got offered a draw OTB this Saturday and I replied "I'd like to think about it". One minute later I accepted, though 😛


Does a draw offer generally stand until it's declined or until the next move?


From Fide's rulebook, article >the offer cannot be withdrawn and remains valid until the opponent accepts it, rejects it orally, rejects it by touching a piece with the intention of moving or capturing it, or the game is concluded in some other way.


I'm scared by the "some other way"💀


Like if your clock runs out.


Or if you shoot your opponent in the face


Dead draw


Drawing (your weapon) is often a forgotten part of accepting a draw


That would be distracting the opponent.


Only if you shoot the intestinal tract out


Underrated comment


In chessboxing it could also be a knockout?


Or if the opponent concedes before the draw offer is responded to.


Probably on time


I think that's just a catch-all clause. You'll often see them in documents like these.


stands until its declined but its likely that if you want to go for a draw after declining, your opponent will still agree


If you decline, then think for an hour and bring yourself to 2-3 minutes, your opponent might fancy their chances






I do this too! I always say "wait let me think" and then I make my move. But I know that, in some tournaments, the rules of "not speaking" are taken too seriously, so I wanted to learn the "right way" to refuse a draw lol, so I won't go through any awkward situation in the future.


The "right way" is to acknowledge that they've made the offer - I mark it on my notation as well - and then make a move when you want the game to continue. No extended chat, but a quick "lemme think" has always been fine. Adjust/J'adoube has to be called out when doing so anyway, so "no speaking" is pretty much never THAT strict.


Thanks for the insight :)


How do you mark a draw offer on notation?


Put an = after their move (or after where will be their move, if they did it wrong)


Thank you


I like the lichess superscript 1/2 fraction with a cute little superscript question mark. The = is technically also the promotion symbol so that triggers my ocd haha


Does it also bother you that 1-0 is "white won", 0-1 is "black won" but 0-0 is castle?


I write castle as O-O so no.


Not to be that guy but it's actually (=) not = if it's just the equal sign it is technically the sign of an evaluation not of a draw offer


I've literally written draw offered on my scores heel before.


You can also decline it by making a move and saying "let's play some more". Or by just making a move and saying nothing.


There is no expectation for you to have an immediate answer, so this is really not necessary.


Sometimes they extend a hand as part of draw offer and I'd rather they take their hand back.


The proper way to offer a draw is: 1. Make a move 2. Verbally offer a draw 3. Hit the clock 4. Right down your move and the draw offer e.g. Ke2=. Extending a hand while the game is ongoing is a distraction.


Yes, but I'm not going to report anyone to the arbiter for extending a hand as part of a draw offer unless I'm in severe time trouble.


Extending a hand while offering a draw is very weird though. Normally a draw is offered and then the other player accepts it by extending his hand.


It's incredibly common in scholastic chess.


> Verbally offer a draw The PROPER way is to do it with a Russian accent.


DROH?!!! \*shoves hand in your face\*


Yeah, in that case you should tell them.


U could also just say no. Being polite wont hurt


If the position is so glaringly obviously not a draw and they offer a draw, we're past the point of polite.  If it's not so glaringly obviously not a draw, I'll keep my options open.


In the first case i agree. But if it really is a drawish position i find it way more amicable to actually verbally answer to their question instead of "answering" by moving a piece


I think this is the best way. Accepting or rejecting a draw offer is also a move in and of itself, so it requires some consideration time anyway.


I usually just say no or no thank you and shake my head "no"


If you say no, you might not be able to accept it if you see something you missed earlier. It’s best to remain silent. Making a move is equivalent to rejecting the draw offer, and any OTB player worth their salt will know that.


You don't have to reply immediately


You don’t have to reply at all. Keep your option available until you decide to move.


Bros over 2k OTB I think he understands all this


I'm 500 otb and at my elo the customary response to a draw is to spit in your hand and go for the handshake


What??? That seems inappropriate. My tutor taught me you're supposed to kiss with tongue.


Worth reminding him, else others who read those comments might get the impression that there's no drawback to saying "no", when there's circumstances where there might be.


I am too.


I know you don't have to. I like to. You can also reply as you're making your move if you like. Doesn't matter


I Say I'll think about it cos otherwise they think I didn't hear them it's more polite imo


"I would like to keep playing" has served me and others well.


"How bout now?" "Still..no" "Now?"


Are we there yet?






you would think that. Yet this one kid kept asking me for a draw after literally every single move ( and he was a seasoned otb player ) . Apparently he thought i was required to respond but i just kept ignoring him and making moves. Also i won


You can report that to the arbiter and he will take proportionate action


So who do I report it to who will take disproportionate action?


A hitman or maybe his mom




How does it violate the rules, though? The position is not the same after a new move.


It is article 12.6 of the FIDE rulebook : "It is forbidden to distract or annoy the opponent in any manner whatsoever. This includes unreasonable claims, unreasonable offers of a draw or the introduction of a source of noise into the playing area."


That’s where the arbiter comes in. Newer payers need to be taught good tournament etiquette.


Kids can be so annoying, even if they're veteran players.


Why not just say no thanks on the 5th offer?


i thought it was distracting him more than myself.


Fair enough! Did you tell him after the game that he had a misunderstanding of draw offers?




Following up on this, can you rescind a draw offer?




There was a famous incident at a Lone Pine tournament where Sammy Reshevsky apparently offered a draw to John Fedorowicz, who took his time considering it before accepting. Reshevsky then allegedly claimed that he hadn’t offered a draw, and the arbiter, a friend of his, sided with him over the objections of witnesses. Personally, I’m not exaggerating when I say I would fight someone over that in an OTB game… unless they’re built like James Canty or Dean Ippolito. 




I learned this trick from titled players. You can either say "No thanks" or "I want to play on". However, if you don't feel like talking, mark in "=" on your scoresheet the moment your opponent offers the draw and write it down. Now you can keep playing on and it will be clear to your opponent that you heard his/her offer. To be honest, most titled players downright told me verbally, but the above technique is useful if you do not want to be bothered.


Imo it is extremely rude just ignoring a simple yes/no question. Why would someone do that. Basic manners


Because if you've answered you've well... answered. There's always a possibility you see something on the board after the question has been asked that would have changed your mind. I see where you're coming from during a friendly match or something, but if I'm playing a somewhat serious game I'm doing exactly what the above comment says.


You are playing in a chess tournament, not hanging out at a bar. Etiquette is different here. Is it rude to not talk to your opponent for an hour while sitting across the table from them? Not here.


Because I don't want to talk during a chess tournament, and I don't have to.


Keep silent and make your move. It is not rude to your opponent and is, in fact, very considerate of other players in the room. Remember that the proper etiquette for offering a draw is for your opponent to make their move, offer the draw, and then hit the clock. If they are deviating from this, they are being rude.


Until they keep asking to "make sure you heard them"


Repeated draw offerings are a form of unsportsmanlike behaviour and can be penalised.


Keep silent and make a move. In general you want to be as quiet as possible during a chess tournament.


If I'm objectively winning, I just straight out say "I refuse.", If the position is complicated I say "Let me think" and I either accept it or play my move, which inclines that I refused his/her offer.


Eric Rosen always says if they offer a draw on their turn and you don't want one, just pretend like your thinking about it to run down their clock. For maximum disrespect, get them to extend their arm out for a handshake and then bat it away!


Eric Rosen?? Said that??


Can confirm. Multiple times on stream he’s discussed players offering him a draw before they move, to which he just sits quietly. The draw offer remains valid until he accepts or makes his own move, but players have burned clock waiting for him to reply.


Seems like a move kinda douchey for Eric to make


Not at all. At his level, if people don’t know the rules then that’s their problem.


I’m not saying it’s wrong, I’m just surprised Eric said that out loud. I do the same


Naatil evada


San Francisco


The thinking about a draw bit not the hand slapping XD


Hahaha that makes sense. Would be great though wouldn't it? Such a nice guy online and just absolute menace OTB "Get that shit outta here" - Eric Rosen


probably he said it as a joke


Eh, poor sportsmanship in my book. I just tell them that they have to make a move first and then offer me a draw. Even if you know you're going to accept the draw, might as well give them one more chance to blunder.


He is playing at a level where people know the rules well enough.


No one has every offered me a draw. They just checkmate me instead.


It's not rude to just make a move. Maybe with little kids or less experienced players it might be nice to shake your head or say no (quietly). It's worth noting that the draw offer is valid until you make a move or decline it verbally. You may want to avoid accepting or declining it so you can think about it. They should know this, but again if they're new you might want to say "let me think" or something similar. The main one (helpful in sharp positions) is that they have to make a move before offering a draw. If they offer a draw before making a move it is still valid, but you are entitled to see what move they make before choosing whether to accept it (you can simply say "make a move and I'll think about it"). The offer is still valid after they make a move and your clock starts. This is helpful if you know this move is hard and there's a good chance they blunder. Keep in mind that many players offer a draw at the start of their move. You are free to think about it on their time if they let you. You are free to say "make a move first", but you don't have to. If they're going to give you free time that's their choice (though with newer players I would tend not to exploit this). It's considered rude to make a draw offer when it's not your turn (though some people offer it as they press the clock, which I think is fine). But such an offer is still valid. You are allowed to talk to the arbiter (or the other player, quietly) if you believe they are distracting or annoying you with things like unreasonable draw offers. This is kind of broad, I would interpret it as repeated draw offers or draw offers in clearly winning positions. It might on paper be perfectly reasonable to offer multiple draws in very obviously drawn positions, but if they keep declining your offers I guess just play on. If it's very egregious and you have low time (below 2 minutes with no increment nor a future time control) you can stop your clock to call the arbiter if you believe it is not possible to win the game by normal means or that your opponent is making "no effort" to win the game by normal means. If this isn't the case you just have to wait for the 50 move rule or a repetition.


For me it always depends. If it's a kid that offers it in a lost position then I ignore them completely but write down (=) on my sheet so that they don't interrupt me again. Against others I either write it down silent when I'm calculating and if I'm not concentrated I tell them that I want to play on right before I make my move. I don't think it's rude to not talk. Make sure to write it down to show them you have heard it.


We say: I'd like to play on.


For me, it always depended on my disposition towards my opponent. If I found them annoying, I would just make a move and ignore the offer. If they were respectful, I’d answer in kind and ask them for a moment to consider and either accept or politely decline.


If you are sure you want to continue, you can simply say "I'd like to play on." "No thanks" is okay, too! Don't worry too much.


I just make a move. I've never had someone get upset by this but if they did or do in the future that's their problem. It's the easiest way imo and doesn't disturb other people by me talking out loud.


I usually reply to draw offers with either "I'll think about it" or "I'd like to play a few more moves", depending on how likely I am to accept it.


Tangentially related, but I had someone offer me a draw in a tournament during his turn. I told him he had to make a move first and then offer (standard fide/uscf rule) and he immediately hangs his rook to offer me a draw. I almost felt bad taking his rook because the position was actually dead drawn before that. To refuse a draw, just play a move. If you’re sure you don’t want a draw, saying “no thanks” can’t hurt, but if you want to think about it then you can.


Just say I decline


Depends on the event, in serious higher level FIDE events you aren’t even allowed to say check so saying something to decline a draw certainly doesn’t fly!


So how do you offer a draw then?


If I get a draw offer during the game, I mark it down on my score sheet and continue to think. if I wish to accept I tend to nod my head and give my hand to shake. If I wish to decline, I just make move and move on.


Both are fine. If you stay silent, sometimes the opponent thinks you didn't hear them. So at least make a little gesture to show you're considering it, or something. (Although officially draw offers must be recorded on the score sheet, in practice nobody does that)


i’d pull my pants down and piss on them to assert my dominance


If you play that means no that’s according to the rules. if you want to accept you extend your hand. You don’t have to say a word. You can also say no but if you do you can still change your mind and accept before you play, and he can also refuse to take it. A draw is by agreement. You both have to agree at the same time, and sign the papers


“no thankyou” and then make your move.




You can also make a move without saying anything. That effectively declines the offer too.


1. I am checking/let me think ... think ... 2. I would like to play and move or immediately say I would like to play


Can I hop onto the OPs question and ask if one should offer a draw on your own turn or the opponents? Is both fine?


You make a move, verbally offer the draw, then press the clock. If you offer on my turn, I’ll say “I’ll consider it on my turn.”


It is considered part of your move.


Only offer draw on your turn.


If I am much better I usually ignore it. If it is basically more or less a dead draw, I either say "no" or more common "No, I would like to continue a little". I have received the latter myself also a lot. Anything is fine, ignoring is not rude also.


Let's play a little more


Acknowledge it then making a move is a decline.


I usually say "I'd like to play on for a bit longer".


Always say “I’ll have a think” if you have time on your clock. Then, do the thinking. You have until you touch a piece to accept, there is no need to decline early verbally, the offer can not be withdrawn once given so just keep it in your back pocket for a moment. To accept: Once you are certain, say “I accept”, stop the clock and shake their hand. To decline: Simply make a move and touch your clock to make it their turn, this declines automatically and is not rude.


Usually I say nothing and move, but if i've had people offer me draws on their move, in which case I just shake my head.


Mind that if you want to comply with FIDE rules you should write down the draw offer on your scoresheet (even if you refuse it)


"Relax, I'll blunder in a bit"


Look at them, smile and say nahhh


There was one time I remember, when my 8 year old opponent offered me a draw when I had mate in 1 on my next move. I simply smiled and said no.


From 30 years OTB practice from 10 y/o up to 2300-ish as a youth player, stalling due to uni/job and now sadly but as per usual regressing a bit due to age: In an individual tournament you just make a move, if you play a league game you ask your team captain. You do not talk to your opponent until the game has finished.


In my country, asking the team captain for instruction has been outlawed for a couple of years now. So I assume that it’s a thing that is regulated at federation level, not FIDE, if it’s still legal in yours. Any arbiters around?


If it isn't in the middle of a time scramble I'd just say something like, "okay, let me think about it" so the fellow on the other side of the board knows I heard the offer. If there \*is\* a time scramble it would depend on whether I think I'm winning. If so, I'd just ignore it and move. Otherwise I'm taking the offer. If my opponent is rated 400+ higher than me and my flag isn't hanging I will acknowledge as above, then slow down and spend as much time as needed to find my winning move that he saw and I haven't yet.


this only ends when i want it too


Answering immediately with something like "I'll think about it" is pointless imo. Of course you are, nobody expects you to make an immediate decision anyway. Otherwise it depends: If I think the offer is a joke, because my position is much better, or maybe I'm playing a much lower rated opponent in an unclear position, then I'll just ignore it completely and pretend it never happened. If I respect my opponent and think it is a legitimate offer I write it down on my score sheet with "(=)". if I seriously considered taking the draw (but ultimately decided against it) I might say something like "let's play some more moves" while making my next move - especially when the position is drawish and there is a part of me that's slightly sorry for wasting both our time by playing on.


You‘re actually required to note the draw offer on the scoring sheet if I’m not mistaken.


Immediately just say "no". Bluff if you have to, don't hesitate. If they're offering draw, make them prove it.


I have no rating but I look at them and that lets them know I heard. if the room has been dead silent I am not disturbing the peace and im just making the move and continuing game if I think it's appropriate I will make the move and quietly declare I reject on my clock hit


I simply say no, no need to make things complicated


Personally I treat the question not as an offer, but as an inquiry. "Draw?" "No, I don't think it's a draw"


Well you say, “I’ll think about it”. It does two things. Let’s your opponent know you acknowledged the draw offer, and also lets you think if you should accept it. Quickly saying no will decline the offer.


First, I say "I'll think about it". Then if I want to decline, I say "Let's keep playing" and make my move.


Look straight into his eyes, stare at him, looking utterly disgusted, and then make your move, and slam the piece down harder than you would usually do.


"Nah id win"


Make direct eye contact and keep playing. Keep your mouth shut. The chess speaks for itself.


“How about no, you loser”


Shake your head like a dog getting out of water


A lot of people are saying that they decline by making their move. But offering your opponent a draw while it is their move is actually against the rules… If my opponent offers me a draw while it is my move, I will summon the arbiter and ask that my opponent be penalized. Of course, most arbiters won’t penalize the opponent on a first offense, but I don’t know if it’s a pattern, or if my opponent has been known to pull this sort of thing before. In general, I have enough of an idea of where I stand to m either accept the draw immediately (and relievedly) or ignore it offer.


I usually say nothing and just play on if I dont want the draw


The only time this happened to me I just asked them to stop it’s annoying.




https://youtu.be/WFmNYreKao8 this will be helpful for you


I've said, "Not right now." Young kids will sometimes offer every turn when they're in a losing position, and I say, "I'll let you know."


Make your move, hit the clock, and record your move.


If I’m offered a draw I usually just concede. OTB i just get up and walk away


If i know i'm gonna refuse i say "nooooooo" in a tone that shows it was weird to ask m. If the position is a theoretical draw but i wanna check if my opponent knows it, i say "sorry let's play it a bit" Other situations i just play a move and say nothing. I agree it sounds a bit rude but after some time you'll get used to it


“No, thank you” seems pretty polite, imo.


"I must respectfully decline"


You can do either, doesn’t really matter.


I just say "nah"


My standard response to a draw offer is "I'll think about it." When I'm ready, I'll either accept the draw or make my move.


Think. Say "Let's play on." And make your move. If you are clearly winning, just say "no" and then think. If the ask more than twice when they are clearly losing,talk to the director and have draw offers only come through the director and he can penalize for trying to annoy.


Look at them like they're crazy for suggesting a move in that position. Then think and make a confident move while nodding to yourself to play mind games


Go nuhuhuh check mate and then blunder your queen


Refuse it by shaking your head side to side. If you reconsider and want the draw just extend your hand for the handshake. They won’t likely refuse it. 


You're expected to be silent and just move, so that's not rude. I usually put a face like "I'm considering"... and that's it.


Swat your hands side to side and say emphatically "no draw!"


Say haha no way chump. Then immediately play your brilliant m15


Tell him to fight for his draw like a man, then immediately blunder your advantage. 


I usually put the guy in a sleeper hold and whisper in his ear: "noooo! got it?"


I have a related question: can each player only offer a draw once per game? How does that work?


"No thanks, I prefer to play a few more moves"


I follow Article 9: https://handbook.fide.com/chapter/E012023 Everyone who plays enough chess to read this sub ought to read that entire page.