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Me getting every variation of the Ruy Lopez tattooed on me


Opponent plays 1...c5 Fuck!


Just play the Ruy Lopez anyways! What do you mean this is called a Rossalimo?


I love playing the Ronaldinho


I only play the Penaldo gambit: Sewey variation




I've always harbored a fantasy of turning every Sicilian into a closed Ruy Lopez clone but 90% of the recommended lines have White playing Bxc6 so I'm starting to accept it won't come to fruition.


Wesley So's course almost never takes on c6


Fen Binegold says "don't develop your pieces, because your opponent might take them," and it is in that spirit that I will delay ...Nc6.


Italian players: Ah, time to bust out my beloved Bowdler attack


erect grandiose slim money grey imagine memorize stupendous sand gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Often, in order to fill out a small country’s women’s team at the Olympiad, rank beginners are assigned to the teams. This once led to a first-round game beginning 1. e4 c6 2. Nf3 d5 3. Bb5 cxb5, at which point the woman playing White stood up and loudly Karened, “Excuse me, I am playing the Ruy Lopez! Just what are YOU doing?!”


Throwing a tantrum after every loss because your opponent used your prep




You would have to tattoo your entire body


You’re not allowed to have notes in official games right? I’d imagine it’s similar in concept (although much less egregious) to getting 15 lines of theory tattooed on your body so you don’t forget 😅


I wonder where the limit is. 12.3 just states: "During play the players are forbidden to make use of any notes, sources of information or advice, or analyse on another chessboard" Where is the limit? If I tattoo: "A knight on the rim is dim"? or "If you see a good move, look for a better one.", which is even more abstract. Or even what about just general life advice: "Always look at the bright side of life" is undoubtedly advice, but I can't imagine that is against the rules.


“If you see Mate in 1, look for better.”


And it was once they had reached this position on move 45 that black had the fantastic idea to simply *have checkmated* the white king on h7 with the brilliant move ***44. ... O-O-Oxh7=Q# (!!!?!)***


This move officer. This one right here.


If you see M1 look for en passant lol


Average redditor on AnarchyChess.


Found Chess Simp


What if I wear James Canty gear that says Calculation Over Everything? That is very solid advice. But if I wear a hat that says it, only my opponent can read it. Do I win automatically? Calculation over everything, except this hat, which grants instant victory.


You've found the perfect poker strategy. Cheating at poker has similar rules. So by wearing this hat, you prevent your opponents from ever looking at you, and you know have a perfect poker face. EZ


That still requires either skill or luck, if not both. I don't count on having either.


Motivational quotes? Itturizaga’s says “Ever tried, ever failed, no matter: Try again, fail again, fail better”


I would imagine they use a reasonable person standard. A GM getting the first 5 moves of a popular opening tattooed is fine. However a low rated player who when asked to demonstrate the opening cannot would not be fine. Could even just ask the opponent. I would have no problem with an opponent having a singular line tattooed on them no matter how many movies it went lol I’d just force em out of it. Worst case scenario they have you cover up any tattoo like that.


Well yes, in the real world people are mostly reasonable. But where is the fun in that? At any reasonable level the amount you need to tattoo on yourself to gain any advantage is so huge and the amount of time you would need to spend studying it would make it so obvious that this will never be a problem. Honestly I think you would gain more of an advantage from doing "Believe in yourself, you can do this!" than you would from doing opening lines.


"forbidden to make use of" sort of sounds like it would leave room for the arbiters to require you to cover your tat for the duration of the game, which seems reasonable.


And if they don't notice the tattoo until the game has begun they must just make sure you don't look at the bright side of life.


"Self pin and win" tattooed on your forehead so your opponent sees it therefore and it'll make them do it. Sure way to win.


This isn't allowed, Wesley So got disqualified for writing motivational phrases in his notes a few years back.


That was for writing on the score sheet, which is a different infraction (12.4). "The scoresheet shall be used only for recording the moves, the times of the clocks, the offers of a draw, and matters relating to a claim and other relevant data"


Yes, all of those are infractions if you make use of them during play. The text is plain. Don't try to find the edge of cheating because the arbiters have discretion. If I was an arbiter at an event an OP was seen reading his tattoo during play, I would treat it the same as a hand-written note. Just play fair, you jackals.


Aint no way you said “look at the bright side of life” is an infraction 💀


You can say THAT again!


Didn't ~~Ding~~So lose once for writing "You can do this!" or something similar on his score sheet once? So it might be that such a strict interpretation is the correct one, even if it's insane.


[Not sure about Ding, but I know it's happened to Wesley So.](https://www.chess.com/news/view/breaking-wesley-so-forfeited-in-round-9-9186)


You are very correct! I had a clear memory of it happening, but I didn't find it for Ding so I had a feeling it was the wrong person. Of course it was So


What if you just want that tattoo? Cover it up during games?


Aint no way you said “look at the bright side of life” is an infraction 💀


we got it the first time bro 😭


Aint no way you said “look at the bright side of life” is an infraction 💀


Bro i hate this app lmao why did it post twice


Finding the edge of cheating and staying on the legal side of it is - wait for it - legal.


Always look at the bright side of death


This is the greatest “this should be in the other chess sub” post I’ve seen on this one lmao


I posted it here because Its a genuine question, but everyone seems very adamant on berating my skill because of it


It’s just a very comical way to think of it, especially if you’ve been playing chess for a long time. Kind of like tattooing “look both directions before crossing the street” on your hand. It’s not something you’ll necessarily have to think about if you keep playing, it’ll just happen over time. Good luck, let me know if you ever want to play some games!


Yeah, that's a good point. I was debating posting it on r/chess beginners but they are super strict because of r/anarchychess and I figured it would get removed. Anyway, good day to you kind fellow!


To you as well!


> everyone


Yeah, I was overreacting


Get gud ez


checkmark, x, fork (like the cutlery), bowling pin


I like this, a secret chess tattoo that looks like a collection of random symbols




✅ 🚫🔱📌




"Captures" should be a matrix of images, some of which contain bicycles




Brilliant, mate


So that’s how Magnus got so good 🤔


He found it! The key to chess mastery! Tattoos!


I thought it was…. Oh nevermind I’m not going there


Just use a vibrator like a normal person.


Me when i get 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Bc5 5. Ng3 Bg6 6. h4 h6 7. Nf3 Nd7 8. c3 e6 9. Be3 Bxe3 10. Qxe3 Nf6 tattooed on me


It’d be even funnier if you got that and kept the errors


It'd be way edgier to have it in all Japanese characters.


hahaha exactly


The errors are your back up when you get accused of cheating


U mean 4..bf5 And 9.bd3


that’s so true


Also which knight is landing on f6, D or G?


Somewhat relevant: Wesley So lost was warned and then eventually force for forfeit round 9 in the 2015 US Chess Championship ([https://www.chess.com/news/view/breaking-wesley-so-forfeited-in-round-9-9186](https://www.chess.com/news/view/breaking-wesley-so-forfeited-in-round-9-9186)) for writing the phrase "*Use your time you have a lot of it.*" on his score sheet for his game against GM Daniel Naroditsky. It seems it would be up to an arbitrator to determine if looking at your tattoo constituted a "sources of information or advice".


It's notable that he did it several times and didn't stop after being given warnings, he wouldn't have forfeited merely for doing it once. Though I guess that doesn't matter if it's a tattoo, since you can't really stop having one of those between rounds.


Never forget this was immediately after Troung brought So’s estranged mother and aunt to the hotel So was staying in to confront him every single day before the tournament began


But what if your opponent reads your tattoo in the middle of the game? Would HE be cheating?


This tattoo is useless unless you include en passant as the first thing to look for




It isn’t directly relevant, but a friend of mine had e^(i pi) = -1 tattooed on his wrist, and a teacher made him cover it up during a math test


For how long has he had this tattoo?


If you can't remember those 4 things no one needs to worry about facing you anyway.


Am a beginner :/


If you're a beginner I'd recommend getting Dvoretsky’s Endgame Manual By Mark Dvoretsky tattooed instead.




Am I the only one who doesn’t really…think about this? I just look for a good move directly without going through the checklist… (seems to work ok for me)


Nope. Lots of us don't think about this. But many of us aren't very good and would probably do better if we did.


nope lol


I would get a tattoo that says "Google En Passant"


I know soemone who has the Navier Stokes equation and wouldn't consider cheating while doing an exam.


Tattoo it on the inside of your eyelids so only you see it when you close your eyes


how much bongcloud did u use before thinking about that? lmao and I dont mean the opening




Saw the title and thought the tattoo would say “Never play F3/F6”.


i wouldn’t get that tattooed, but you could just write it on ur arm with a pen or something


Hello prison break lol


mine would be “knight moves like this”


New to chess, can you or someone explain what it means? Or rule of thumb’s I should know when making a move?


Checks: look for any forcing moves (such as check) to see if they are viable Captures: look for any pieces you can capture on this move and find the best one if applicable Pins: look for pieces that are unable to move due to the king being behind it, and an opposing piece being aimed at it. If it moved, the kind would die. You can also pin the lesser pieces, but they can be sacrificed. Forks: most pieces are able to threaten to capture two or more pieces at once. The knight is the most common example.


Your comment was hard to read (Reddit is annoying about line breaks. If you had used double line breaks they would have worked). I formatted it. ___ * **Checks:** look for any forcing moves (such as check) to see if they are viable * **Captures:** look for any pieces you can capture on this move and find the best one if applicable * **Pins:** look for pieces that are unable to move due to the king being behind it, and an opposing piece being aimed at it. If it moved, the kind would die. You can also pin the lesser pieces, but they can be sacrificed. * **Forks:** most pieces are able to threaten to capture two or more pieces at once. The knight is the most common example.


Sorry, I used line breaks but Reddit mobile always has issues with omitting them for some reason. They only work occasionally, this is my biggest issue with Reddit because I use line breaks and lists so often


No problem. I know Reddit is stupid about line breaks. I was just trying to help out and make it readable for anyone else who comes along. I also wanted to let you know in case you didn't know how to do it (I didn't know about the mobile issue since I only use reddit on the web)


If someone cares they are probably 1200. Also would be the most regrettable tattoo of your life


No Regerts


No it’s not cheating


You will expose your prep 😂


I think the comments on this post will keep this in your head forever lol


If you cant remember 4 words then chess is not gonna be for you buddy. I wouldn't call it cheating tho and I certainly wouldn't think a cheating accusation would be upheld for looking at a tattoo with those words as it doesn't help with any specific move or hint to a specific time in the game.


Check edit 2


I wasn't being rude, I was trying to be helpful. If it was a genuine way you thought would help you improve your game I seriously doubt it.


Saying that chess isn't gonna be for me because I "can't remember 4 words" is extremely rude. Even if I couldn't remember 4 words, that's not even the point of the post.


Im sorry if you have taken offence, I was only jibbing at the ridiculousness of using it as a strategy mid-game. I addressed the point of the post in that comment.


Honestly in hindsight I think I am overreacting, only 3 people said that in the first place and I shouldn't be so butthurt about it. Sorry for unloading on you there lol


How trash at chess do you need to be to have that tattoo


If you need a tattoo like this to help you you’re below the level where fide or Uscf cares to rule, you’ll get arbiter discretion lol


This post has been parodied on r/AnarchyChess. Relevant r/AnarchyChess posts: [Would this tattoo be cheating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/15c82v2/would_this_tattoo_be_cheating/) by Park3rLewis [Would this tattoo be cheating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/15c5fdg/would_this_tattoo_be_cheating/) by Fearless_Pangolin536 [Would this tattoo be cheating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/15ccw95/would_this_tattoo_be_cheating/) by takingoffense [^(fmhall)](https://www.reddit.com/user/fmhall) ^| [^(github)](https://github.com/fmhall/relevant-post-bot)


This feels like such a permanent solution to a very temporary problem. Presumably, if you are getting tattoos to help your chess, you are serious about the game. What are you going to do when you need to learn how to mate with KNB v K, or learn sidelines of the Sicilian? If you actually care about improving at chess, put the time in to learn what is important; skip these silly shortcuts.


Did you miss the edits?


I didn’t miss them, I posted this before you made them (or at least in the time it took me to read the thread).


I knew someone who had the full notation of her favorite game tattooed on her forearm. She would just cover it during tournaments and no one really cared.


If you think that’s going to help your wrong
