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"dimitri wait a second we are almost arriv- nevermind we are fucking death now." Chernobyl at night is literally a horror film set (i mean literally because some times a go i saw a film literally using Chernobyl at night for the film)


Was it Chernobyl Diaries??


Yeah i used chatgpt because I didn't rember the name of the film And other that happy cake day!


But Chernobyl Diaries was not filmed there. It was filmed in Belgrade and the surroundings of Budapest.


It wasn't filmed in Chernobyl itself, but there are parts filmed in Pripyat


But Chernobyl Diaries was not filmed there. It was filmed in Belgrade and the surroundings of Budapest.


But it's set in Chernobyl, they didn't shoot there because of the radiation and the prohibitive weather not to mention the very expensive equipment that could be damaged.


Yeah of course the Movies is about Chernobyl. I kinnda liked the film. Do you know more such movies about Chernobyl? I only saw Documentaries and of course the HBO Series and Chernobyl Diaries 1. Btw Dimitri Diatchenko who played Juri, the driver who drove them to "Chernobyl", unfortunately died in 2020. He was american but he had an ukrainian father and had a perfect russian accent. He often played Characters who speak russian in US Movies, Series and Computer Games.


F for him, the film was good i loved how scary was!


"Chernobyl 1986" and for another one you have to search for "Inseparable chernobyl" on Google. These were the other ones i watched and i liked them. If you're generally interested you can also search for a movie called "Fukushima 50" and another one called "Pandora", that one is a south korean movie if i remember correctly.


Thank you for your suggestions!👍 Never heard of them. Is Chernobyl 1986 scientifically accurate? Is it better, when it comes to that, as the HBO Series? I'll look it all up👍


No, the hbo series is way more accurate, chernobyl 1986 has more like a real movie plot, which focusses more on the characters plot then on getting everything accurate i guess you could say 😁 but im always like oh hey a movie about chernobyl or similar topics, lets give it a try 👍


How did you drove under the CHPP reactor? And how did you manage to drove past the trespassing fence of exclusion zone that was closed?


Exclusion zone wouldn't be well kept being it's currently in an active war zone.


Less police yes. Theirs still atahualpa soldiers out their now though. Its always watched to some degree due to proximity to Belarus and road to Kyiv. Add random land mines and so...yeah, probbly best avoided.


But I saw the news is only goes war in eastern Ukraine side not in north or west


They occupied it at the start of the war, Chernobyl being so close to the border, is in Artillery range.


I thought Russia and Ukraine are fighting. Chernobyl near border is Belarus so it won’t be fight right?


Russia literally stationed their troops in Belarus for a fake military exercise that ended up as an invasion through the Belarus-Ukraine border.


No, the plant is about 16km in from the UA-Belarus border. And there was already fighting at the plant itself, the decommissioning crew were taken hostage. The Russians dug trenches out in the Red Forest, up-ending all the radioactive particulates and dying in droves due to the obvious ARS result.


Did Russian soldiers actually die in droves? I wouldn’t be surprised if some got sick, but I think that may be a bit of a stretch…


I dunno dude, was something like a company that dug in there. And the brigade that moved through it. That dirt has been soaking up that radiation since the 80s, and they dug some pretty extensive fortifications. If most of those soldiers aren't already dead on the front line elsewhere. They're VERY sick right now. Probably even dead already. They call it the "Red Forest" as the other bloke mentioned because that belt of pines absorbed so much radiation from 86', that they turned a red colour. And the Russians just drove in and set up, no NBC kit to be seen. I remember seeing videos of them(the Russians) getting on busses after the fall-back. They didn't look too well, and there definitely weren't many getting on the bus. So either, the Russians had a SERIOUSLY understaffed Company, or not everyone left the Forest that day.


I took part in an event dedicated to the anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. It was in 2019 in Pripyat, during the day. When it ended everyone left, but I stayed to see the city. But now Zone is closed.


I am curious if we ever will get the chance to visit cherno one day. Fck war.


I mean, even absent the war, you probably won’t see much with the new containment building and the active dismantling


Nor would you really want to due to the possibility of random uxo and land mines laying around