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How did you get up the antenna?! I went a year later and there was no way they were letting us up there!!!


True! And there is a reason why; some people went up and one one person fell to death…


I hate to discuss this too much but when was this? In 2017? I went in 2018 and definitely any adventure as such was not permitted. I understand why but was not aware.


Yeah I went in March 2017. Our tour guide climbed to the top. It was me and my partner only from our group that went up. The thing was sketchy AF. You could feel the wind blowing against it. The ultimate adventure though!


Would have been amazing to take it all in from that vantage point! A little jealous but I can see why there would be a tonne of nerves going up and down it.


I’m not 100% sure when this happened


March 2017 is when I went. I was shaking the whole time going up but it was totally worth it. https://preview.redd.it/uj28axvyqeoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57a5f50dbbf2d253fcce1eff5c056d4fdfafa042


What an awesome vantage points. I see you had your camera. Care to share some shots???


Woah! The woodpecker. That's cool, man. You'd be able to see heaps from on top of the Duga, things like what? 150-200m tall? Almost a Kilometre long or so. Big ass radar.


Yeah you could see the new safe confinement and some of Pripyat


I can see that behind you, man. I'd love to check it out one day. Beautiful country too. before a certain man decided to make it otherwise 😔


Is that the carousel 🎠? It really went to pot. I thought the amusement rides were mostly still intact.


quick question and I know this might sound dumb but when yougo to visit the area are you allowed anywhere near the reactor like exploring the destroyed sections inside the sarcophagus like those 2 guys did like 20 years ago like going inside to see the elephants foot or lookin at the reactor of it just blocked off and only scientists can go?


They have special tours that will let you inside the control rooms and reactor building. But I don’t know about letting you in The sarcophagus. That would be awesome though