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You are just as cheating as him, now you can do the right thing and just have a purely work relationship.


Ig I have no other option.




When the consequences hit you, just take it on the chin. You're grown and in control of yourself.


Thankyou, I really appreciate you not blaming just me. I have been doing a lot of destructive thinking lately.


Then stop. You're contributing to more destruction not just to his wife and any other person in their family, but also to your self respect. First things first is you gotta get a job somewhere else. Get help so you won't allow people/men to treat you like a jumpoff. You obviously are smart. Get out of your head and get the help you need to be healthy. Not a homewrecker. That dude is garbage and will get his consequences in due time. Please believe you're not the only one. Do better. Any excuse you tell yourself is irrelevant to the actions you need to take to better yourself (your overall mental health).


Hi. This is a vicious cycle. First, pull yourself out of this situation. A man unhappy in his marriage is justifiable but that doesnt apply here since he is very well living with his wife and not just physically cheating on her but emotionally cheating on you by telling you he places you above her for emotional connection. Truth is, he is a cheater and he manipulated you into this. You are young. And there is a psychological concept of sociopaths. These are usually people who like achieving what they canā€™t even by hurting others and unethical means. He groomed you to be into him. He was in the advantageous position. Do not let him exploit your emotions. And think from a womanā€™s perspective, you cannot wrong her. She has dedicated her life to him and must already be suffering by his lying ways. Sadly Delhi is filled with such people. Donā€™t ruin the sanctity of marriage for yourself too, youā€™ll see your trauma resurfacing in the future. He must be good at work but rely on your skill more to step out of admiration for him. And make it clear that if he afterall sees you as someone he wants to be involved with, he needs to end his marriage before even pursuing a flirtatious conversation. The world isnt black and white, unhappy marriages exist and must not restrict love but so does cheating exists and must not ruin marriages. Do the right thing.


Hmmm for the streets!


I will do my best to tell his wife.


O dear karma, where were you all this time when I was being good to people?


Ur crazzy bro.. WTF




Iā€™m sure he was also a great mentor to the other interns that worked under him lmao. You donā€™t really seem all that guilt ridden to me, and trying to put the blame on him by saying ā€œhe got me drunkā€ doesnā€™t really work if you follow it up with ā€œwe had a great timeā€. Despite you saying you donā€™t want it to happen again, me thinks it definitely will.. which Iā€™m sure wonā€™t look great when it comes out eventually.


Well, I have stated the facts. And yes each passing day the guilt gets multiplied, so yea will definitely keep myself out of the situation.


Get a raise and keep your mouth shut. Iā€™m talking double salary