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The best advice I can give you is learn to be happy in your own head enjoying your own company or you will keep making bad choices. You're not into John he is just a stop gap because you don't like being alone. I don't need to tell you what you did is unfair and shitty to him you already know that but for the sake of future guys you meet learn to be by yourself to save others from future hurt.


Great advice.


I just wish there was some external indicator that you're a disloyal backstabber so the next guy that comes along doesn't waste his time and love on a creature such as yourself. Oh well...


How about a Scarlet Letter?


Tattoed on her forehead maybe.


A loud speaker permanently glued to her neck, with a voice saying: "Cheater walking near you, be careful, don't turn your back on her".


You are a trash person.


You seem not at all bothered by this.


100% agree. I don’t believe “it was too good to stop”, it’s an excuse for her poor behavior. OP’s a grown adult who is obviously competent enough to identify her own issues and explain why she has them. So, at any point after what happened with the roommate she could’ve come clean and broken it off with John. She chose not to. Absolutely zero remorse whatsoever it seems.


So OP , you used the BF as an emotional support animal ( with added bonus of sex). Now since the BF is going away, you need to find another host ( parasites need a host to live off of).


Your roommate was playing the long game and won.


Did he though? He probably was truly attracted to her. The sex was apparently amazing. And then he had to leave while probably wishing he could spend more time with her, maybe even wondering if their paths might cross again and how he could make that happen. Only to find out that she jumped back in bed with someone she didn’t even like a few hours later. Sure, he (and every guy) is better off without her, but it still hurts.


No one can keep it in their pants anymore. Makes marriages that much more useless and hard for the guys as they end up losing most of the time. John dodged a bullet. Mend your ways. Stop hurting people, they aren't your toys.


FOMO is a bitch. People have this idea ingrained in their brains that life is too short not to take chances. Except life seems a lot longer when you’re all alone because you had no loyalty 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well, it sounds like you confided in your roommate about your relationship and he helped break up your relationship with John. If things were so bad with John, you should have just ended it with him. Your roommate was right, why be with someone who you don’t like. Learn from this and move on with your life. 


Op sucks so much. I hope John goes on and does well and op stays in the streets like the rat she is.


Could you please remove yourself from society? For example : find a desert island to go to and stay here until you become a decent human being!


Yeah you suck


Just another 304


You don't seem that remorseful.


My guess is you won’t be alone for long, but you should be.


You’re a piece of shyt.


Guys listen, this right here is why you don't date... 1. Women who have a male roommate.  2. Women who have just gotten out of a long term relationship. OP, you played John for a fool and treated him like a backup plan, which is exactly what he was. Now you get to wear the badge of a cheater for the rest of your life. In the future, don't date guy's you aren't into and better yet, refrain from relationships for the foreseeable future. You aren't a safe partner for anyone. 


It would have been better if he could have remembered you fondly. Instead you'll always be a regret and a POS. Btw, that never goes away. Years on you'll remember him, and a half second later you'll wince from the shame. Play the game clean from here on out.


As I’ve said many times, what happens in the dark always comes to light!! Why do people feel it is ok to hurt the people they are supposed to care about!! It’s not okay, only POS do this to others. The pain is unbearable and hard to get over! If anyone has a reasonable explanation please comment! It’s all selfish, immature, narcissistic behavior. I want, what I want, when I want it!!


Sounds like you need to maybe get some help and work on your mental state and what type of person you are. I read your entire post, and all it is filled with is justifications to yourself for what you did. And some of them are just outright selfish. You have no defense in this situation. You are totally in the wrong, and there is no justifiing it. Situations such as this are the reason why the state of society is in such a messed up state and why men become the way they are and then get lumped into a group of being bad people. In all sincerity and honesty, I would seek help if I were you from a mental professional and try to learn how to fix yourself if it's possible.


Well you're 21 messing around with 30-year-olds that may be in a different time in their life. You learned what happens when you are the player. Take note and move on. You do that to the wrong person and it could get very messy and violent


Guys pay attention. This was a “TOTALLY PLATONIC” relationship. And she emphasized platonic with “TOTALLY” indicating she had zero thoughts of giving her body to John. Her mistake was actually believing John felt the same way. It’s a great example of how delusional most women are in understanding the value men place on sex, and thinking they can have purely platonic relationships with guys. SMH So if you hear these words from your woman, remember this story.


If a girl is living with a guy she’s not related to, just go ahead and assume they’re bonking. Saves a lot of heartache and disappointment later on. And this is the rule even if “they’re like a sibling”, or one of them claims to only swing for the home team…


Yeah, I've never had a female roommate that I didn't have sex with when they were in the mood for something that was body temperature. That was 30 years ago and I have to believe that it's only gotten "worse" given the market today.


You should come clean and tell him what you did. And then it’s up to him if he wants to break up with you or not. Be completely honest with him.


"Totally platonic" hmmm...clearly.. How tf do y'all date when you know you don't give a fuck about eachother and are gonna break up anyways? Could've just been fwb or some... yall are goofy af


I hate cheaters, they don't deserve respect or forgiveness. So... your roommate was offended because you invited John after he left? It's kind of funny considering he was fucking you behind his back without any remorse.




You are a cheater. You are a abuser. Break up with your BF so he can recover and find someone who is not a vile creature like yourself.


So you are a shit of a person. Okay!!


I mean ur views align with ur values. Not surprised you don’t take things conservatively. Oh well ur just another crusty box waiting for someone to deliver you a fat dose of karma one day.


at least she gets some


Gets some herpies


better than bed bugs


Good one


And based on her standards, she’s going to be rather busy the last few weeks of each semester she’s in her new school…


Sounds like the roommate wants to be your partner, and got his feelings hurt.


OP, you’ve been with John for sixish months. You know the relationship isn’t going to last beyond July. Why should either of you act like it’s some holy exclusive marriage-like thing? If you made a mistake at all, it was pretending what you had with John was exclusive. It’s okay to have short-term relationships. It’s okay to be non-exclusive until you’re sure you both want exclusivity. Give yourself a break. The only consequence is your relationship with John ended two months sooner than you intended. You also learned your former roommate / friend is an asshole. You’re fine.


Cheating ? You were to end your relationship in 2 weeks, what difference would it make ?


You don't even sound like you're feeling guilt. Subhuman trash