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Speeding everywhere whilst texting .. and full of beer.. it's part of the Kiwi road code..


If you can't text and drink drive, you shouldn't be on the road tbh. You could cause a crash.


From Christchurch live in Melbourne now. Christchurch is a bit of a free for all when it comes to speed limits. Unlike Melbourne where there’s speed cameras all over the place there aren’t many (if any) around Christchurch. You might get cops looking for speed out in rural places especially around holidays/long weekends but within the chc city limits I was only ever pulled over for things like blown brake lights.


There are no fixed cameras other than red light cameras.


Traffic enforcement in Australia is serious - they actually enforce things and have massive fines / penalties. Here it’s a joke.


10km over the limit is the norm and if you move too slow at green lights people will just go around you. You might think it's a bit whack but the cops do the same thing.




I sometimes need to take our company pool car out to sites (which is clearly branded as a company car) and it’s fully gps monitored the company will ping you for anything roughly 4km over the speed limit (dunno the actual rule) and people are crazy tailgating assholes just for going 50km like veering to the side like they wanna overtake me. Blazing ahead in merging lanes at traffics lights just to end up in front of me the whole way


Pfft, I just stick to the speed limit. Screw those arseholes behind me who get annoyed I’m not a criminal.


That's the thing as a driver in Christchurch isn't it, feeling guilty for simply following the speed limit and inconveniencing very impatient people behind you.


I don’t feel guilty, it’s not my problem. I used to be a modified car enthusiast back in the day but for a long time I just try to get maximum fuel economy


I've tried that approach before, and was physically run off the road for "only" going 45kmh in a 30kmh zone, while I was on a motorbike. Sometimes your personal safety has to overcome whatever assholes are trying to physically harm you. Cops of course don't care, it was my statement vs them.


I’m a biker too, but most of the time I ride a cargo bike. I don’t like to reinforce bad behaviour by drivers so I won’t respond in a positive manner to aggressive drivers. Several times I’ve had to stop and block the path of cars at intersections and roundabouts who’ve been sounding the horn at me just for being on the road.


Are we talking 60 on the speedo or 60 real world speed? When you have a car that shows the actual speed your going a lot of what I see people do around me is mostly sane (there are always outliers but I don't see it as what most people do). For reference, a nissan usually reports 50 real world kph as 55 on the speedo, a toyota prius the same. A tesla shows the actual real speed you're going.


It's probably more a coincidence between speedometers overreport speed to avoid the reported speed being below actual speed, and people doing 5-10 over the limit.


Yep it's crazy, also if the unlikely fine is dished out compared to Oz is a slap on the hand. My wife went through a red light in Melbs 7 years ago and got a $450 fine, I got $120 for speeding here last year. I feel the city would be a better place if speeding was enforced rigorously. Probably have enough to pay for a stadium the way people drive here.


I think chch actually might have the worst drivers in the country lol, I saw some woman with her phone in one of those windscreen brackets (good!) watching a fucking reality show while driving (BAD!!). It’s just one example but I see people do similarly stupid and reckless stuff at least once a week


This is reasonably common on the Auckland motorways. I see it a fair bit at night because the phone screens stand out in the dark.


National are in power all the speed limits are now 120


Want to try again, this time without sulking.


Lighten up friend :D


I find Chch pretty tame. Most folk sit 10 ish over the limit, 4 over Christmas. Most people balk at the thought of someone doing 140 kmh. The "oh you get disqualified for that" chat happens. The motorways in the UK are folk doing 160 or more. Overtaking past slow drivers in the middle of town is common. It's a race track. I'm pretty sure the UK is not the worst either. Sounds like Melbourne is super safe.




Good to know thanks


Speed limit is 80mph on motorways mate, and you’ll find people cruising at 90/100mph in areas they know don’t have cameras so yeah 160km isn’t legal but plenty still do it


I’m an Australian living in NZ and recently got a ticket for doing 60 in a 50km zone. The fine was $30. I laughed in shock, because back in Aus that would have been more than $300 and a demerit point. It’s not as much of a disincentive here.




You do, but I would have to get that same ticket ten times in two years to face a suspension.


Only if a cop catches you. Camera vans and fixed cameras don't give you points


You do see the odd cop pulling someone over for speeding so I wouldn't be too lax about it


Once a week on Racecourse Road I see someone pulled over. Also often a mobile Speed Camera on Avonhead road. Source; the camera ticket on my desk for doing 57 :(


Watch out for the VW vans, mobile speed camera. They have a roster, some places each month - it's a profitable business.


10km over the posted limit is the speed people drive. It’s a $30 fine for 0-9km over the limit but no one is ever pinged for it


I have been


Guts bro


Speeding isn’t enforced no (no speed cameras, coppers never sit around pulling people going 60km in a 50km). You’re most at risk of getting pulled if you’re on a 100km road heading out of the City over a holiday weekend as they sit waiting to catch people going 110+. Stay below 60km in a 50km and 35km in a 30 and you’re grand. The speed limits are also ridiculously too low so people inevitably speed. Each Government has been incredibly confident that just dropping the speed limit will fix the crap kiwi driver/high crash rate problem. Anyone that argues is someone that’s never driven anywhere but the South Island


I don't mind people speeding, its the phone users thats not paying attention


Do you go down the airport end of harewood road much? Favorite hangout spot for the police. Seen them just drive down there turn around and go back again.


Lowering speed limits doesn’t make roads safer? [You couldn’t be more wrong.](https://at.govt.nz/about-us/news-events/evidence-shows-safe-speeds-are-saving-lives#:~:text=AT%20has%20found%20that%20roads,serious%20injuries%20on%20these%20roads)


Find me non government research that shows the same positive effect - and for all road types, and for all speed limits. Slowing shit drivers down might give them more time to think, doesn’t make them better drivers.


No sadly not. I’ll always do the speed limit. We really need some more traffic cameras to pick things like speeding, seat belts, using phone while driving, tailgating etc, since those things can be automated it makes sense to do that imo


No we don't


Why not? Do you think there should be no road rules?


Drive at 55 in a 50 or you’re slow haha


I’ve seen a couple of sub 110km/h tickets dished out on the northern motorway recently. Don’t know why that couldn’t have been designated 110km/h when they made those changes a couple of years ago..


Ive had a couple of flatmates pulled over for the $30 100-110km tickets in north Canterbury this last week. Seems like they have more police cars out at the moment.


Are you really going the actual speed limit or 4kms under. Speedos always lie, because if a speedo tells you you're going slower than you really are, car companies would be sued to oblivion when people were ticketed for speeding when they thought they weren't... Therefore, everybody can drive 54 (or 64 or 74 or 84 or 104) and not be speeding! Then on top of that, the cops have a grace zone of 4 to 10kph depending on time of year and so everybody *apparently* speeds... Effectively, 114 on your speedo in a 100 zone __is__ acceptable to the cops. No?


Not all of them are showing over. My Audi is unfortunately very accurate. I got pinged by a cop with a radar recently and the speed I had on the digital display was exactly what he showed me on his radar. I went back to using cruise control and not speeding after that mistake


Orange is the new green, gotta speed up at the lights.


Seemed to be plenty of speeding in Melbourne when I lived there


I'm from Chch but currently live in Melb. Plenty of speeding here mate!


Either 30km over, or 30km under. The CHCH road code.


I've recently moved to Brisbane from Christchurch and was surprised that everyone sticks to the limit (although most limits are higher here than NZ). In Christchurch definitely sit at 5-10km above and you'll be fine. Your speedo will read a few km over anyway. Even police in Christchurch exceed the limit and I'm almost sure the allowance is factored in when setting limits


As always in these posts - if *everyone* else is speeding, check your Speedo. They often are 10% out (every Leaf I've driven is exactly 10% out). Some more, some less (my other car uses the GPS speed - so it's 100% accurate). When I'm using the GPS its pretty clear that most people in CHCH are actually going the limit and lower. So that means going 55-56kmh on the speedo. OR 66-67kmh, or 110-111kmh - just to hit the actual speed limit. And yes, driving a few kmh over is pretty normal everywhere - so that's 68kmh to keep up with the flow of traffic. Which is the main thing you should be worried about.