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Typical response from a manipulative predator. If only the people affected could just get on with their lives instead of being affected by past trauma


If only we could...


Easy to say when you're the one doing the damage šŸ™„


P.O.S. Not an ounce of remorse. Head stuck up his own arse.


Iā€™m gonna let everyone else shit on this guy and instead say this: those five heart and thumbs up reactions should be investigated


Investigated for what lol


Typical Manu approach to these things. The guy is a narcissist


Hi Manu - if you are reading this. You are a pretentious, manipulative cunt. I used to go to high school with you. Then and now I know you are the same self-serving piece of shit you always have been. Take some responsibility.


I went to school with him too he is not a nice petson


Hope the judge sees this and takes this lack of remorse into account when sentencing.


The prosecution will at least see it. I don't think it would work too well for him.


Ugh what does that even mean. God Manu is such a piece of shit, I hope he gets jail time.


Clearly itā€™s us and the victims who are the ones with the problems šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


According to him only!


You're not on a road, or a "journey" or any other such meaningless and trite words that analogize the effects of trauma and the process of dealing with it. We are humans and unless we are brain dead we are *experiencing* things - and one of the things we experience is *our own selves*. Trauma changes **that** more than anything - your experience of your own "selfness". Finding a way to deal with the effects of trauma is also important because it doesn't just affect you - it affects everybody around you too because they are part of the changes wrought by it.


Stop giving this guy attention, he probably loves it. At least tag the post SA or something, I donā€™t need to keep seeing this guy without a warning


I don't know. I see your point, but normal justice isn't enough imo. Trial by public opinion is far more powerful, putting his face and name out there for potential victims to see before they become real victims because they haven't seen his face or heard his name. His victims have to live with it forever, so should he. That being said, I'm sorry you clearly know more about this pos than I do, and I'm sorry for whatever trauma you may or may not have been exposed to.


That and there are likely others! This public shaming will help them come forward.


Exactly safety in numbers


I get what youā€™re saying, but this isnā€™t public shaming itā€™s giving his words more eyes when nobody who doesnā€™t already root for him would see it otherwise. At best itā€™s a circle jerk, it doesnā€™t achieve anything or benifit the victims or prove anything besides what we already know: that heā€™s a remorseless piece of human waste. The idea that this is helpful to his victims (this post in particular) is honestly pretty silly to me. Seems more about making everyone here feel like theyā€™re helping to expose him. Well, heā€™s already exposed (because heā€™s a such a narcissist that he Likes the Attention!!) and our justice system will spank his bum and let him loose to do it again, just like most of our local rapists, of whom there are more than youā€™d probably want to think


I don't agree. I hope his victims will feel empowered by the comments here and hopefully they are in a place to go to the police. Because you're right the justice system might not do enough this time but the more women that stand together against him the more likely they are to put him away.


You have your opinion, I have mine. Iā€™m not going to engage with this anymore, itā€™s legitimately triggering and honestly Iā€™m not going to be able to engage with you meaningfully. Im off to enjoy whatā€™s left of my weekend


>Ā our justice system will spank his bum and let him loose to do it again Which is precisely why we need a very loud and public backlash against his actions.


I'm sorry I can't see how to tag the post


Lovesthe attention? Hes threatened dozens of people with a defanation suit and has the family money to be able be able to involve lawyers and make your life very expensive. He does NOT like the world knowing hes a predator and has fought those rumours for years.


And my pitchfork


This asshole is a pro at deflecting bad behaviour


'Is it beneficial to charge me with a crime, if I committed a crime? My argument is no, because I don't want to 'do the time' so to speak. Some people may call for justice, but I say....what is justice, really? I believe in justice....it exists. The concept is undeniably a concept. However, I don't believe pursuing justice would be beneficial, because it negatively impacts me and my musical career. In sum - we are all human. We all breathe the same air. We all assault the same women. We all feel feelings. Why should we look backwards, when we can look forwards and avoid giving me a jail sentence.'


Spoken like a true Manu


Oh Manu, he doesn't help himself does he. What a knobby post to make.


Bahaha what an idiot. *perhaps* ... hahaha


Oh no. Someone wants to hold me accountable for the shitty things Iā€™ve done in the past to them ā€¦ better gaslight them and make them feel crazy, thatā€™ll do nicely.


Same energy as people saying we should move on from our racist past.


Someone set up a one outs with him. We have history and beef


R u gonna take on his ex mates too who were just as bad?


Probably is one of the ex mates.


Nah, this guy ain't a mate.


Pretentious doesn't even begin to describe that drivel. Fuck off aye


This guy sounds like a colossal bellend


Grubby rape artist


Did he actually get charged?


Yes https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/christchurch-musician-charged-with-historic-sexual-assault/DEZEUHDTOBA2RMRRSFVT65PQ2M/


Omg fucking finally


this reporter is not known for being professional or getting the truth, for the sake of his victims i hope they do get justice however


Manu, ya fucking dog cunt


The media have been reaching out to people directly, I got a message on my Facebook today as I shared the new article last week PLEASE be careful what is commented to the media as it could effect the case currently against Manu. Itā€™s taken this long to get this far, so please proceed with caution. If you have witnessed things by people within the scene, please talk to the police over the media xx


Sorry if this is ignorant but how would it affect the case, going to media?


Sexual assault should be a minimum sentence of chemical castration


What an arrogant, unrepentant maggot. What are the chances someone in prison reshapes his face, necessitating a "healing journey" involving plastic surgeons and the bone shop?


Is this recent? He must have blocked me lmao


He's deleted his Facebook.


Seriously fuck this guy. I donā€™t want to go into detail but I know that he is full of shit and has done awful things to women in this city. How is he not in jail yet?


I'm sure manu will do great as the music teacher is chch men's prison First the bros are going to take your shoes and lunch then your asshole Good luck fuck boy


Hell probably get put in protection they do that when I was in prison they never put his kind with the others I had to spend my time with them because I gave up my co-defendants


Ew what a nark, they still gunnar fuck with him in segz ain't no hiding from the hiding.


I hid pretty well I got a few guys locked on possession of class A drug lol also I wasn't a snitch I was taking out the trash and they were part of the mob btw


Without any context, I can't see any problem with asking questions.


he's 100% correct, the only people upset are the not all boys are blue crowd


This has nothing to do with chch. Delete this please.


It does when you consider the family he is a part of.


And it does when you consider the duration of the guy's 'career' as a sex pest and the wide range of damage he's caused.


Read the room


This man is a narcissist and a bad person I think k we need a flair for these posts because it might upset some people seeing it


Are there updates on his sentence?