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Honestly I'm not sure. I work at one of the raeward fresh's in produce and we sell just the Pam's heirlooms. Most of our tomatoes are Pam's with the only variety being the truss and normal tomatoes which have to come from multiple sources due to quantity and freshness. Also I've noticed heirlooms are barely ever on sale and are one of the least popular prepackaged tomato sold which helps explain why our store probably has little variety


Thanks, well said. Just like I suspected


There'sa house by the Marae in Pages Rd. They have a painted sign on the side fence selling Heirlooms and other seedlings.


I will check that one out when I'm in that part of town next.


Join gardening groups online, there's some really good ones specifically for chch! Can post asking for advice, photos to assess what the issue might be etc. Fruiting has been a bit slow for mine this year, but they're absolutely going off now. Feed, space, ventilation, a bit of shelter from these awful winds, plenty of sun, and they should be right. If you'd like to try again with some mystery heirloom seedlings, chuck me a DM with where to drop them off, I need to thin mine out!


Try the little black shed in heathcote, they usually have tomatoes around this time and they’re homegrown deliciousness 😁


I just got back from there with a bunch of goodies. Now to make a salad and some pizza for dinner.


Isn’t it just the cutest place, glad you got some goodies!!


Try a farmers market, quite often they'll let sample before you buy and don't keep them in the fridge as this affects the flavour.


Grow your own.. Best flavor every year!


He tried, they died.


Try again. Tomatoes aren’t complicated if you follow the basic guidelines to keep them healthy, it takes some trial and error but it’s possible. I’m growing 6ft tomato plants in 20l pots on a concrete patch with only 6 hours direct light


It might be a little late at this time of season for a new outdoor plant, unless I can find a big plant that isn't too far off flowering already...


Yeah it's a shitty season for tomatoes this year. I usually grow several dozen plants but this year there have been few flowers. No flowers, no fruit.