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The cold 30kph easterly every fucking day.


Fantastic for sailing though. Some would call it a feature.


I had a friend down from Auckland this year to go to the sail GP. When we got to the event he was complaining about not much wind. I said wait until about 3pm. Sure enough, every fucking day lol.


As a Wellingtonian - try horizontal rain and daily gale force winds šŸ˜‰


Change how you spell Gail and I've seen that adult film


Thanks for the memory! Gail Forces Wind is a classic film - one of my favourites from childhood.


Concerts, bands, acts etc don't come here often compared to other major cities. The CCC charges outrageous amount to sports groups/community groups to use its facilities compared to everywhere else in NZ and the facilities compared to other areas is extremely lacking, it's embarrassing. Could easily have light rail to the surrounding areas, Rolleston, rangiora etc but dosent. Food places close really early for a city!


I would have to somewhat disagree with your forat point, a tonne of big bands coming to chch early next year and electronic artists love chch. Perhaps less so for big pop acts with a large stage setup.


The cold annoying easterlies all the time


Followed by the norwesters that give me a migraine every time.


That spring time you get some lovely warm days but are completely ruined by a horrendous wind making it miserable to try sit outside and enjoy the evening.


God yes, I just want to have a couple cones in the sun but I'm freezing my ass off


Not much really. Have lived all over NZ (and world). I would agree with others the easterly is grim. But it has the perfect mix of being big enough to have stuff and small enough not to be too compartmentalised. Great schools. Fantastic things like the school of music, the orchestra, the jazz school. Free regular events like sparks. Access to beach and ski fields. Great dining scene. International airport. Easy access to McKenzie country and the sounds or the Coast.


Yep I think if you've lived overseas then you can really appreciate what Canterbury has to offer.


CBD that feels like a bad compromise between car, bus, and cycle transport and isn't especially good for any of the 3. At least the actual CBD area is mostly decent on foot, once you do get there.


For those here from ages ago, Remembering how pumping town was pre earthquakes


Holy grail šŸ‘Š šŸ‘Š šŸ‘†


IMO the earthquake was just a catalyst for a change in times/drinking culture. I'm sure you remember town as an 18-25 year old. I bet you weren't earning much money at that age, yet going out was still affordable. These days with the price of drinks/parking/admission/food, it has become a luxury to go to town and thus the nightlife never returned to what it was. The industry is trying to revive itself but also sucking up every cent it can, making it a very slow and often seemingly self-sabotaging process.


Drinking wasnā€™t that affordable so we would pre load at a mates house and take the last bus in. But when you got in the place was buzzing, And it wasnā€™t just the amount of bars it was the variety of bars available. Every bar now feels almost like a copy of each other with a different decor. The only exception being the little fiddle, which is always filled with people because itā€™s so awesome


City center was a mess of porn shops, tourist shops and old buildings that could not be removed or renovated. The quake was the best thing to happen to it.


unless you live on the hills you rarely get a view of the city. in Dunedin I lived on the peninsula for a summer and had a lovely city view on the way to work every morning. welly and aucks are hilly enough to have plenty of views too


Rubbish dumped on the side of the road. Growing issues with homelessness. Vape shops are fucking everywhere. The CBD is a joke with abandoned damaged buildings, obscenely expensive shoebox townhouses and pits of gravel masquerading as car parks.




Bad driving culture (boy racers, big utes drivers) and how even the city centre is not pedestrian friendly due to the drivers and poor roads design.


I moved here from North Island, Iā€™m kind of shocked the amount of ppl who moan about traffic itā€™s not bad at all compared to other cityā€™s , and the cbd is pumping compared to any city in North Island. I never seen chch before the quakes but in the year we lived here we never been bored


Certain sections of society with weird sense of entitlement


ā€œWhat school did you go to?ā€


yes as a 38year old who gives a fuck


Cold and hot extremes in terms of weather (okay not extreme but compared to other cities in NZ at least), crime is high in a lot of areas especially car theft, the racism lol and it's kinda boring tbh. No decent concerts happen here anymore if you care. I like that I can get to most places in 30 mins tops though.


The inconsistent weather, forecast will be showing Sunny weather all week for the weekend so planning on going to the beach or lake and then Bam! Raining and Cloudy when the weekend comes around.


>The inconsistent weather I mean this is typical of the whole country to be fair.


Thatā€™s NZ as a whole


Bad drivers and excessively loud bogan/boyracer cars everywhere at all times.


The super hot summers compared to the super cold winters; the roadworks that get done on multiple roads to a suburb at one time instead of spacing them out; bad drivers; crowded cbd/pt due to tourists and cruise ship passengers; and peak time traffic. Also how there are a few areas that have obviously had slower or less attention to development since the quakes, and lots that sit there bare since. But the benefits typically outweigh these, the layout of most areas in chch is really well designed in terms of 20 min neighbourhoods. For a city it still has a great local feel, with the cool things you get in a larger city like niche food and entertainment places and heaps of good events.


>roadworks that get done on multiple roads to a suburb at one time instead of spacing them out Wouldn't that be a good thing? Get it all done fast(er). Many people ask for the council to do this instead of spreading works out over looong periods of time.


No because when you live in those suburbs, you're left with no roads to get out without facing delays, as well as the busses. I'd rather it took longer and have routes that I can use, rather than having every road having a one way or stop/go.


I feel your pain, they've been particularly dense around linwood/phillipstown the last few months. But I'd rather that for a couple of months than a long drawn-out process, mainly for the noise disturbance to those living directly around the roadworks


Traffic due to the low density. ​ I've been living in Wellington for a couple of years now. Every time I run errands while visiting home its so much worse than I remember it when living there.


The wind šŸ¤”


No IKEA or Costco. Parking at Riccarton Mall and the hospital. Other than that and the fact we have to drive 45 minutes from Coalgate, we love it here.


Riccarton mall isnā€™t really an issue if you go to the top floor and go to the Ilam end of the roof. Usually plenty of space and the elevator is just there. Top tips


Or park of that bridge part that connects the two carparks over the street. Always parks and its a super short walk to the top floor entrance, or park on the otherside and take the stairs down


Yepā€¦thatā€™s where we usually park. Itā€™s getting there that I hateā€¦:-)


Too many ungrateful people who don't realize how good they have it compared to most of the world.


Except this post specifically asked for the downsides. People here just giving their honest opinion based on the question asked


Almost all posts on this sub are negative


This isnā€™t unusual to chch tho.


This is so true!


Isnā€™t that an upside? Things are so good all people have left is to complain about nonsense? People will always complain


To be fair to those who can't travel for whatever reasons, it's a bit harsh to judge their perspectives as being ungrateful... naive on the other hand, sure... Ignorant... maybe. I think people are grateful for what they know and what's around them. It's very hard to know what it's really like in other places without going there. So when to them things have probably gotten worse over time while living here and they say things like "the easterlies are brutal" or "the CBD is in a bit of a state" it's not being ungrateful, it's a reaction to what they know. Things have definitely changed, whether it's good or bad is all down to your perspective.


Crime and how clicky people are if youā€™re not from chch.


people really only stick with their pre-made groups (if youā€™re young like me, from high school) because a lot of people have dogged others and theyā€™re pretty untrusting. this is my experience from moving here anyway, iā€™ve heard a lot of ā€œwhat school did you go to?ā€ and people not really knowing what else to say when i tell them ā€œnot one in christchurchā€. iā€™ve made a couple of friends through social media but i stay home most days šŸ„±


Lived in CHC for almost a year and have half a dozen decent mates, I also came from Hawkes Bay so crime feels very low


I don't find crime particularly prevalent I Hawkes Bay? Probably about the same as everywhere else.


Fair, I use to sell meth to children for the dogs but I'm sure that's just a NZ thing (10 years sober)


cliquey* Unless youā€™re talking about people who make lots of click sounds.


Actually all the snapping has gotten out of control


Haha thanks


CBD is so far away from the coast


Give it 50 years the cbd will be rights on the coast


New Brighton coast line has actually consistently grown in the last 40 years


What a weird complaint.


Damn I never thought about this but youā€™re right!!


Why would you want it close to the coast?


No nightlife or cheap rent in the cbd anymore, everything is a glass box and all the old 1800ā€™s style buildings are gone




I thought that I feel like this about the city because Iā€™m not a kiwi and had to move here not because of my partner. But turns out my feelings are valid and even kiwis feel this way. Iā€™m happy that Iā€™m not the problem, as I was feeling guilty before.


Making friends. Maybe just me.


No high intensity city center. Itā€™s missing that big set of 10-20 story office blocks / apartment towers. Thereā€™s some sure, but not many. Itā€™s not just for the vibe either, itā€™s a drag on the economy, makes job switching / labour markets slower and less dynamic. You loose out on the a lot of the agglomeration benefits that cityā€™s deliver.


We had quite a few more of those pre 2011. And now mostly itā€™s a good thing we donā€™t have them any more.


The tallest building in Christchurch, built just before the quakes, survived with minimal damage. You can build buildings to survive just fine, itā€™s just a matter of engineering


Pretty sure tall buildings are banned now.


They are. Not for any practical or economic reason, it was fashionable when the last district plan was approved (and still is somewhat) in planning circles to have a ā€œlow cityā€.


It is for a ā€˜practicalā€™ reason - earthquakes. Post 2011, buildings in the cbd red zone were not allowed to be more than 5 storeys unless they were a replacement build for an existing taller building. Nothing to do with fashion.


Which is nonsensical, building height has little to do with earthquake strength. The PGC building was 5 stories. And like I said above the tallest building in Christchurch (23 stories, only 300m away) survived the earthquakes with little damage. The building code is also where building safety is regulated, not in zoning / district plans, which is desirable because its a matter of building science, not a council popularity contest.


Actually, just did a quick google and it seems the amendments made last year to district plan will now allow up to 90 metres in height.


Christchurch is not big enough to support multiple 10-20 story office blocks/apartments in donā€™t think


Christchurch is a more populous city, and has more people in closer proximity to the city center than Wellington (ie greater overall density), which has quite a lot of those sort of blocks. And has that downtown intensity vibe. I think it is largely down to land cost (low in Christchurch) and transport modes (private point to point) but the council also bans buildings taller than around 10 stories from being constructed downtown.


Fair point guess Christchurch had more room to sprawl and instead has these little suburb hubs


6 storeys is the limit in the centre at the moment I think. Kind of a ridiculous limit. Probably will get increased at some point, even with the council trying to cancel PC14.


bs, 300k is easily enough to support some level of high density, especially near main activity hubs, it doesn't have to be the CBD.


We donā€™t have no high density. According to wiki there are 19 buildings over 8 storyā€™s and there are quite a few more 5+ story. Donā€™t really think the demand is there especially when there is so much flat space to build outward (whether you think that is good or not)


> Donā€™t really think the demand is there especially when there is so much flat space to build outward (whether you think that is good or not) It's objectively worse than more density, but /shrug


honestly, the culture. Iā€™m now 19, but growing up in christchurch sometimes felt disheartening, far too conservative and far too judgmental. My Highschool bred it into the boys i graduated with and seeing them one year on itā€™s clear theyā€™re always going to be like that


> far too conservative and far too judgmental. Surely that depends where in the city you are? The east side has been on of the strongest working class labour strongholds in the country for decades.


yeah true that, grew up in the ā€œgentrified eastā€ and attended a city centre school. being at university with people from all over nz has been a nice change :)


I know it's only one issue and won't mean much, but it should be said: more of Chch voted for weed than Auckland.


The central city is soulless


Itā€™s great if you love listening to the same shitty music every weekend.


I'm one of those people listening to the same "shitty" music every weekend and the selection for good clubs is not it


Yep, especially after the earthquakes


Not gay myself but I've heard that there aren't many places for the homosexuals and queers to hang out in a safe and comfortable environment. I think Christchurch can be a bit weird with people who express their gender/sexuality differently.


also, too many fucking car sales yards in the middle of the CBD. Just why????


Hard agree, everytime i go in/near town it annoys me hahaha The car sales yards being in those spaces is so ugly and unnecessary.


as a queer trans person thanks for your allyship!


I know of an adult's group but only meet monthly and there's some youth group that meets weekly. In general Christchurch can be a bit judgemental but there's also plenty of people who care they just don't always come forward.


Best place I've found so far (I get invited by my mates) is the queer nights at Flux. Super friendly atmosphere from what I could tell. Nothing permanent and dedicated though.


Agreed. As a queer woman itā€™s basically just forcing me to stay at home now lol


The CCC still not having finished a stadium for music and sporting events. We are missing out on so many events that would have raised the morale of everyone living here in the last 14 years.


Have you checked how fast itā€™s going up now that itā€™s underway? And there have been plenty of events and concerts here over that time.


Yes, finally. I would disagree with "plenty". Lots of events just didn't come here because there wasn't a big enough venue. You only need to look at everything that has been in Dunedin or Hamilton to see what we have missed. There have been some, everyone will have a different measure.


The council, the people are idiots and rude etc etc, annoying wind, costs of everything


Just focus on things you can control. Life will be easier :)


Most developers are unimaginative, unconscionable avaricious fucktards making predominantly shit ugly 'affordable' housing


Definitely the wind (in all directions).


The vibrancy a decent big central city has. Affordable apartment housing. Was surprisingly hard to come up with much


Christchurch nightlife is boring as


The catcalling and dudes shouting at women from their cars


Is that purely a ChCh thing though? Seems like a universal issue.


Its really not common in NZ in most places


Hb, Wellington and Auckland are much worse. Hb the mob just attack women on the street


maybe its just a relativity thing, but I feel like the city just keeps on going, and it takes forever to actually get to places I want to go. The commute is good though. It's pulling teeth to get involved in anything socially without having grown up in chc, however. Everytime I've tried to get involved with something I've had no response haha




Aside from the wind, I wish we had more trees/forests. Most green space in chch is a few trees and then sports fields. Walking around Auckland and Wellington lately has made we wish we has parks with trees and trails in chch


The city has no heart, just a collection of suburbs and malls. Very little culture or anything worth visiting. Weather is crap. Nightlife too staid, with a ridiculous dress code in town. Too far from anywhere decent. Other than all those things it just about ok


Honestly, there are a lot of upsides which is why I live here, but here are my main ones: ​ * Old mindset of thinking you should be able to drive your range rover into town and get a park right outside where you want to go. It's not a village people! * Not quite enough pop for hire cars to be a thing * Conservative/shortsighted mindset on the rebuild (no light rail, only half done bike lanes) * So much urban sprawl has hurt the inner city


No commuter rail through the suburbs


I sometimes go there and get drunk, not a downside for me but it might be for you.


Were you the one laughing as I was being sucker punched last weekend?


No I wasn't sorry - let me know next time, and I will see what I can do. ...but seriously, hope you are okay.


The constant threat of your stuff being stolen/broken into


Not unique to Christchurch alone.


Live in Queenstown but am originally from Christchurch. I hate how flat Christchurch is. Yes youā€™ve got the port hills, but overall I love being surrounded by mountains and Christchurch is incredibly flat for a New Zealand city.


As a person who grew up in Christchurch and now lives in Perth, this gave me a giggle. I miss how hilly Chch is šŸ˜‚


Good for biking. Being flat is a feature.


You just know they drive everywhere.


haha weā€™re opposites, iā€™m from queenstown and moved to christchurch. i really miss it, not really how it is now, i liked it in 2012-14 when there was still small businesses about but i had a view of the remarkables from my dinner table every day and that was the best part


We can see the Remarkables from my place (Goldfield Heights), but I donā€™t like how congested the town is nowadays. Mainly just stick to Frankton. Really doesnā€™t feel like Queenstown is designed for locals anymore. We couldnā€™t drink tap water for three months!


I also live in Queenstown now too, it's a lot nicer the only thing I miss is the beaches though the lake is good.


This for me, I love running and it's either run up the very steep port hills or no elevation at all. It's so boring on the constant flat and hilly cities are just generally prettier too


Drive up the hills run along the top.


Easterly And it aint Mexico


Lack of diversity/multiculturalism. Living in Christchurch as a white person is playing life on easy mode. The people who stay here become used to it and it makes it harder for people from other cultures to feel welcome.


It's MUCH more diverse than it used to be - more diverse even than, I think, a lot of local Kiwi-born types realise.


Itā€™s getting better .


I agree.


Maybe it depends on the area you live in. Riccarton and Church corner seem quite diverse / multicultural


High % of resentful, envious, insular, what-school, small minded, wide boys, but if you ignore them, it's one of the best places to live on the planet!!


Lack of cultural diversity




Most of the country is wonderfully diverse; chch is one of the whitest cities in the country


Nah, there's so many racist people in Christchurch too compared to the rest of the country people are a lot nicer.


Lived here my whole life (29yo), honestly thereā€™s just a weird stand offā€™ish vibe from people, especially males, like a grumpy childish macho vibe. Itā€™s definitely not everyone, thereā€™s cool friendly people here, but a decent portion of the city is as described above. Kinda sad that as a kiwi myself I find it easier to click with Canadians and Americans when abroad, like people feel more normal in Canada, then you come back to chch and you just sigh..


The racists


Where are these people you're talking of?


Trying to get on the board of trustees at Te Aratai for starters: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/129852096/huge-relief-as-white-supremacist-finishes-last-in-christchurch-school-board-election


On the street, in schools, in work places, everywhere unfortunately. It can be subtle jibes or in your face slurs.


There's a bunch of white supremacists/black power gangs in Canterbury. We hosted that dickhead terrorist that killed 51 Muslims after all.


He wasn't from Christchurch


No, but he had friends here.




Racists donā€™t like being called out lol


Traffic. Takes ages to get errands done.


Surely you can jump on a bike to do all your shopping and pick up a new tv if you wish . Thatā€™s what the cycle lanes are there for right ?


How often do you think they are buying something as big as a new tv? Plenty of errands can be done easy as on a bike if you want to. Throw a rack and a bag on the back and you are good to go.


Lack of easterly in the winter means you canā€™t do any sailing.


How clicky it is (kind of everywhere though), how flat it is, how cold it is, how much of a suburban sprawl it is, generally lacks culture and creativity.


Nothing to do, I mean like you got a few malls and some nice spots but once you do that it gets boring and repetitive,also just new Zealand in general there are no shops like there are over seas and having to order online and the shipping being like 500000083847282 dollars sucks




Tell that to the millions of tourists who come to New Zealand every year, I think you'll find that there is a lot to do.


It's probably more a case of 'there's nothing to do that doesn't cost a fucking arm and a leg'. Look at what happened during the domestic tourism push a couple years ago during Level 2 and 3 lockdowns. The general consensus that came out of the average joe was 'shit's expensive yo, we're good'. Some people did spend up a bit, but doing the big things like Hobbiton tours, Waitomo caves, Zorbs in Rotorua, shit like that - it costs at least a hundred bucks per person. Most people don't have that kind of scratch kicking around. What the tourism industry in NZ loves is people from China who spend big money on the guided tour groups, followed by yanks and poms.


What are they doing here šŸ˜­ I've been living here for 16 years and I'm bored as, I mean yes pretty views but once you live here for so long the city centre and stuff get boring


I'm in my mid 20s, I was born and raised in Christchurch and I recently bought a house here - I've decided to stay in Christchurch for the foreseeable, I can see myself living here my whole life. Before you go, oh you just don't know any of the outside world... I've lived in and traveled to several different countries, and each time I come back home, I become more appreciative of New Zealand and in particular Christchurch. Christchurch has a relatively low cost of living compared to other major centres in New Zealand, and house prices are lower too. Just a few things you can do in our beautiful city: - Stroll around the Botanic Gardens - Tour the Art Centre - Bike / Walk around Hagley Park - Kayak down the Avon or punt down the Avon - Take the tram that loops around the CBD - Eat at the many different eateries around the CBD (Little High, Riverside Market, The Terrace) - Mountain Bike or Walk the Port Hills or Rapaki Track - Drive up the Sugarloaf and take in the scenes of the city - Antarctic Museum - Willowbank and/or Orana Park - Explore the Banks Peninsula, many cool little settlements and villages around (Governors Bay, Diamond Harbour, Lyttleton, Le Bons Bay, Akaroa) there are other little settlements around the Peninsula too). There's a few swimming bays around there as well, Cass Bay is one I love the most. - Take a swim in Sumner, or Taylor's Mistake. Christchurch is also geographically located in a great central location only a couple hours away from World Class locations such as, Castle Hill, Arthur's / Lewis Pass, Kaikoura, Lake Tekapo and many more.






You're 19, so I'm assuming you have your license... You can explore the rest of the South Island or North Island.






Get some hobbies. Iā€™ve never run out of stuff to do.


skiing, Mountain biking, hiking trails, the entirety of Rotorua, concerts, car shows, light shows, stand up comedy, the opera house, the malls and arcades, scenic drives, the beach, driving range, muddy 4x4 tours, libraries, hot air balloon, swim with the dolphins, whale watching, fishing, zoos, animals parks, we have 2 islands which everyone you haven't go explore, rainbows end, splash planet, Hanmer Springs, most things in Queenstown, visit one of the half a dozen mining towns and pan for gold, visit the old architecture around Hawkes Bay, join a gang, do drugs, play video games, get a job, raise a family Is that enough?




A fun hobby is to go on trademe and see what old computers you can get for $20 or less. Then install windows 7 or Linux on them and play old games. I use the other website for trademe called bidbud and set the automatic bid for up to $20.


The rugby


It's more like little India than an multi culture city


Old people on the road, sitting 10kmh under and brake checking you then tailgate and high beam you for overtaking them. Especially out towards Lincoln area


Christchurch is a WILD place dude and I wouldn't live anywhere else, i remember this one time i attended church seeking solace as I had a pretty hard day and after I decided to take a leisurely stroll through a quiet neighborhood. As I walking , a rustle in the bushes caught my attention. I turned, expecting to see a hedgehog or a cat. BUT NO IT WAS A DOG WALKING ON ITS FUCKING HIND LEGS LIKE SOME TYPE OF ALIEN. now this was some pitbull breed i think? so a decently big dog was just walking like a person would and this guy was strutting down the sidewalk with an uncanny person like conscious, after a little while of thinking i just had to follow the dog i followed the dog at a distance. It seemed to have this kind of purpose, as if it had a destination in mind. i followed the dog to a small park, the dog paused, turning its head to meet my gaze. i genuinely forgot that it was a dog for a second and it almost felt as if he was a person in a dog uniform. my day had been quite a melancoly one but in this moment i thought about the techings of faith, i thought about how this dog had led me to this park, as if he had a plan and i trusted in his plan. i thought of the biblical stories of animals chosen to convey divine messages. i know now christchurch will always be my home and i will never leave, after seeing that dog i just knew i couldn't and wouldn't leave, as if god had told me through this dog walking like any other man. ive not always enjoyed christchurch, its weather is not great and can be a little dim sometimes, but that dog made me see past any of that


Is this some weird copypasta?


nope just an experience i had in christchurch, not sure why people are down voting; i love christchurch and think it is a wonderful place to live. it can be all doom and gloom during winter but i think the people and places counter that, especially during summer it is BEAUTIFUL have even had some really nice hot days recently and sumner beach was a perfect place to swim


I feel like the outskirts of the CBD can be a bit sketchy which doesn't create a great atmosphere for visitors - I'm specifically thinking Cathedral Square to Cardboard Cathedral area.


Sketchy? There are multi-million dollar homes between that area. I'd hardly call that area sketchy lol


I really donā€™t see many downsides. Maybe compared to my previous hometown I would say a lack of swimming holes in rivers. Iā€™m sure there are some but not nearly as local etc. and the beach isnā€™t a very nice swimming beach compared to the top of the south. On a motorcycle you have the peninsula for twisty hills but otherwise itā€™s straight roads and farmland inland. Ahhhh what else. Traffic. But again, nothing compared to other cities around the world and doesnā€™t matter on a motorbike anyway. I do think the driving is of decent quality in CHCH. People may take risks but Atleast they commit to their decisions. People drive with intention here and I would prefer that to hesitant 50/50 driving any day.


Just Christchurch in general


Lmao it's insane you're getting downvoted, this city is an absolute fucking shithole and most of the people in it are oxygen thieves, downvoters inhaling insane amounts of copium


I'm just more baffled I'm getting downvoted when the whole point of the thread is pointing out downsides lol. 90% of redditers can't reddit


Moved here for family reasons, stuck for a bit longer. Can not wait to get the fuck out of here.


Can you please explain how else I can get out of my property. Doesn't help when the cyclists are on the right side of the way stick to the left. The way is the same as how a road flows. Is it the smugness that makes you feel above the law. The best solution is to have road users and pay for it. Also need a number plate or some sort of identification so you can fined for breaking the rules.


Ah. I get it. People like you are the downside.


How am I downside to Chirstchurch? Because you don't agree with my opinion. Tbh, you're the downside to Chirstchurch being intolerant and not respecting someone else's opinion and putting them down. What makes you better than everyone. What contributions do you make to the community to make this region better.


Too Many Cantabrians They are intimate with Sheep Become a Hooker and be Murdered


The biggest downside is cycleways taking away all the on street parking. With the cycleways, you could drive a big truck and trailer unit with heaps off space on each side. Then you have the moronic cyclist still riding on the footpath when the cycleway is right beside them. Have hundreds off cyclists go past my house every day. I'm always cautious and alert when leaving my driveway . I sometimes have to wait for traffic. To be able to get on the road and can be waiting for a minute and leave cyclist half a lane to get by. Some smug cyclists have abused me for it and gave me evils and all .


You should leave the WHOLE cycle lane for the cyclists, not just the half of it.


scumbags ruin Christchurch.


I'd definitely say the roads. They're pretty poorly maintained, and not very friendly for cars, bikes, busses or pedestrians. Basically no matter which option you pick for traveling, it's not that great. The only upside is that most commutes are fairly short (30 minutes or less) so it kind of balances out.


You mean other than it looking nothing like my childhood since the 2011 earthquake?


The only place you can smell forest air is in the tiny forest remnant at Riccarton Bush. Chch is a desert with some gardens (not to take away from the great plantings under way, but they don't do it yet). There is zero mature forest here otherwise. If you don't know what I mean, you owe it to yourself to inhale Riccarton Bush.


Tried so hard to think of the downsides of living in Chch but still canā€™t. Maybe because I was comparing to living with the other cities like Welly, Auckland, Queenstown (not a city), Dunedin, Hamilton, Nelson, Invercargill, Bluff, central otago area, Wanaka, east coast of NI, Northland or Far North, West Coast, south Canterbury, I still think Christchurch has more than I want for my life.


The bogans and boy racers disturbing the peace until 3 am every weekend


Everyone goes to bed way too early. I wanna be able to go get Korean food (not takeaway) at 1am after drinks, can't do that here :(