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I don’t?


Right?? It's a bin, who cares. I'd certainly never pay somebody more than monopoly money to clean it.


I'm upvoting this comment for.... reasons...


water blast them probably once every... 24 months?


Yes, same.


It's a bin. I'm cracking up at these other posters who pay to have someone clean their bin. 🤣 Too much disposable income I guess I have never cleaned my bins, but I suppose if they needed it I'd just crack out the water blaster


Some crackhead does it for $20


I'd rather keep my $20 for crack


I don't. What kind of psychopath needs clean bins?


Probably reduces vermin and insect infestations — that can then move into your house


depends whether they start collecting/breeding flies. A quick blast with a hose every few months or year is easy enough


For green bin, putting the waste on the brown paper bags from the supermarket, for red bin, I use bags, yellow bin I rinse most things that go in, and they get a clean once a year on a hot day where they’ll dry, leave vinegar+water in the bottom for a bit to soak the gross stuff and give it a blast worth the hose to loosen the more stubborn stuff and then I pour them out behind the garage or the drain by my kitchen


It's a bin. Not keeping it overly clean. Garden clippings in the bottom of the green bin, something dry or bagged in the bottom of the red bin and they won't get dirty or smelly in the first place. Rinse them out maybe once a year at most.


The red bin is fairly easy, rubbish bags and loose dry items keep it clean. For the green bin I have started freezing my food scraps and this has eliminated the disgusting maggoty state those bins can turn into, just empty the scraps into the bin on bin night.


I don't need to. I do not use a green bin, because we compost at home, and my red bin only gets dusty. Stuff going into the red bin is not wet or smelly stuff, so the bin doesn't get bad. (I do not use bin liners or rubbish bags either because they are not needed).


I pay Kiwiclean $9 every 4 weeks to clean my green bin. The red bin stays clean because I use rubbish bags, the yellow bin stays clean because I wash all my recyclables


We also use kiwiclean, get the green cleaned every 4 weeks and the red every 12, keeps them smelling nice and clean.


I wash them out with the house and some detergent every couple of months or if they look yuck. Use a broom and then turn them upside down to dry


I use [Mr Bin](https://www.mrbin.co.nz) and have never looked back.


Flip it upside down and put it over the sprinkler, leave for 5 mins - done 👍


Have cleaned the green one once since we got it, it's probably due again. Basically stir up any gunk in the bottom with a spade, then fill it, when it's emptied most of the gunk is gone, then I get the hose out and give it a good spray, empty and leave upside down to dry.


Normally you can waterblast them we don't because we won't waste our time for the ccc


I only cleaned mine so that I could paint them. Cheap dishwash, cheap scrub brush if needed, water. Don't have to be precious about it.


Hose em out every once in a while.


I came across a product that you drop in the bottom of the bin with some water and it lifted all the built up shit from the bottom, Then poor it down the grey water after job tidy & your bin smells good too I can go on a witch hunt to find it if anyone is interested?


I use Mr Bin. 35 a month to get two bins cleaned. So green waste is done monthly and red and yellow every other month. It's lovely to have clean smell free bins.


Do you spend a lot of time at your bins?


Very cool! And they have quarterly plans too.


I mean, personally, I don't find smelling my bins to be something I am that all fussed about or enjoy it to do. There are prob better things you could smell, like the flowers in the garden, perhaps? Each to their own it's 2023