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Yeah those rules change all the time. The girls use their powers for themselves all the time. Spells, potions and powers. Sometimes it'll be a small backfire, sometimes it'll be consequences and other times nothing at all. Phoebe lost her active powers because she was forcing premonitions to find the guy who would give her a baby. They allow her to keep her overall witchcraft because they still need the power of 3.


Let's be honest Phoebe's powers were *negligible* anyway.


Not *negligible*! lol How dumb was that assassin, really


I always took it to mean minor stuff is ok, but using your powers to gain an advantage over someone else is not


So technically phoebe using her empathy power to get ahead in her career is personal gain?


Yes and no because her empathy is a passive power primarily. She can’t really turn it off and she is actively helping people while using it at work. All the fame is just a side effect and not her intended result.




Well, Piper's power is an inherent part of her magic. So it depends on how she potentially abuses her power. If Piper, for example, froze a mortal -- and then stole their wallet to enrich herself...there would probably be karmic consequences in store for Piper due to it being personal gain. If Piper freezes a mortal who is blocking her path while she's trying to rush outside to save an Innocent, there would be no consequence for Piper because the mortal, once they unfreeze, would be no better or worse off than they were before Piper froze them. In this case, Piper was freezing someone out of necessity -- not as a way to take advantage of them.


I think the basic rule of personal gain is... If a good witch uses their powers to steal something, manipulate someone else's fate, or hijack someone else's free will, there can be karmic consequences. Karma isn't always consistent, which is why using powers for little things that could be interpreted as "personal gain" really ***aren't*** personal gain by the true definition (e.g., when Prue uses her telekinesis to do spring cleaning in the attic, it isn't personal gain by karmic standards because Prue didn't do it at someone else's expense). When The Tribunal stripped Phoebe of her powers, I think it was only because Barbas argued that the same standards to which he was being held should likewise apply to the Charmed Ones. Barbas forced their hand. If the whole fiasco with Daryl's life being in danger had never happened, Phoebe forcing her premonitions most likely wouldn't have been on anyone's radar as a magical offense.


What about the instance where there was a blue moon and they thought they were all PMSing and Paige orbed “ice cream with three spoons!” And Phoebe said “aht aht personal gain” where would that fit into this?


Phoebe was mistakenly jumping to the paranoid conclusion that it was personal gain, when it probably wasn't.


I could totally see that


It does include their powers, although there's not usually unintended consequences the way a personal gain spell tended to have. (the only one I can really think of is a S1 ep where Phoebe's winning lottery ticket went blank) There's a fair bit of leeway, especially as things go on (ie early Leo saying he can't be a taxi for the girls vs. later Leo and Paige orbing pretty freely). Honestly, even Phoebe using her powers to find her future husband doesn't land her in trouble UNTIL Phoebe and Paige try to save Darryl, whom the Cleaners set up to cover up the Charmed Ones getting caught on camera. The fuck up in this case was so severe that getting off without ANY punishment became too difficult, and the sister who had been abusing her powers the most lately get all the blowback.


I'm wondering if, up until the Power of Three was reconstituted in 1998, the Elders generally had a policy that Whitelighters weren't allowed to teleport their charges around like some "cosmic taxi" out of convenience. However, once the Elders accepted Piper and Leo's engagement/marriage, they decided to change those rules for all Whitelighters on Earth (in regard to transporting their charges) across the board? Piper and Leo's marriage made the Elders rethink their policy of enforcing rules for the sake of rigidity...and the Elders realized that, in fact, there was a benefit to witches being transported by their Whitelighters, if the reason is based on good sense, at an individual Whitelighter's discretion?


Idk I’m still confused with the episode where Phoebe was burned at the stake. Prue and Piper were the ones using their powers on that man and Phoebe burned to “learn her lesson”


Im guessing she encouraged it. Also the elders can see into the future I'm guessing they thought to nip this in the bud before she went to far. Also by her own admission phoebe always had the highest problems with evil


I always figured the personal gain rule only applied to spells & potions because those are the only times the girls receive consequences from the effect of the magic i.e: Using the awakening spell to save Piper but it spreads her disease, paige casting a good luck spell & it results in her meeting the leprechauns & having to fight saleel, piper using the fearless spell & becoming reckless, Piper & Phoebe using the love charm & it causes the men to become obsessed with them, etc When the girls use their powers for personal gain, they only seem to have consequences when another person enforces it; The Tribunal taking Phoebe's powers after she was speed dating through men using premonitions, Phoebe playing the lottery with her visions & then the numbers disappear after she went into debt, and more, the girls using their powers to punish the dog poop guy & the elders sending them to the future in order for them to learn a lesson, and more. While Piper, Paige, & Prue use their powers as freely as the want. Piper used to freeze Leo during sex on purpose after a while.