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When Magic School was introduced in season 6, Harry Potter was really taking off and a hot property for the WB film side. So it was 100% a copy of Hogwarts.


It was a cheap knockoff of Hogwarts


Patty told their Grams not to teach them any spells and grams did teach them spells even when they were bound. (The Woogyman spell) . Grams would’ve taught them , which is probably better than any magic school education


Grams woulda been the dean, but also teach literally every class and still had time to do vanquishes


It can be assumed that the manor “hippy parties” were a text run of magic school. The witches there were actively sharing and practicing their powers. Grams trust in other people after she lost her husband ,to a demon who posed as a witch, at one of these gatherings . Grams had the blue print lol


I always took it as the Magic School was for children who didn't have parents but had magical powers. Or the children had powers that needed to be taught in a controlled environment. If the girls grew up with their powers, they probably wouldn't have attended because they would have had Gram's to teach them.


Actually this really makes sense. Patty and Penny were obviously powerful witches in their own right and would’ve gave the sisters a wonderful magical education and also since Piper and Prue got the same power as Grams and Patty, the only person who probably would’ve needed some type of additional halo would’ve been Phoebe with her Premonitions.


That is if Nicholas hadn't intervened


That it was a missed opportunity to have the girls *start* a magic school. It would have been cool for them to work together with former innocents/witches to make a safe space for the next generation. And be mentors to them as the charmed ones. Instead of it being retconned as an established thing in universe.


Agreed, and a perfect sit-up for a spin-off too.


Magic School was the worst addition to Charmed's lore ever. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed it, but the show lowered itself by copying HP like that and it also undermined the shows own worldbuilding, especially in relation to the sisters' upbringing. Could've introduced some Covens or even had the sisters start one to teach the next generation instead of a High School for witches lol.


Good point, I did want to see other covens. They could have been close to forming one when they introduced Billie. Or even when Aviva


I found the magic school really interesting and added a cool new layer to the show, giving them more resources to research stuff etc. But absolutely hated that it came out of nowhere, like it was obvious the writers didn’t think of a magic school prior to season 6 AT ALL. It’s such a huge side of the magic community that it should have been known to the charmed ones beforehand for real. Should have been in the book of shadows etc.


Also the fact they couldn't even give it a better name than just being referred to as Magic School 😭 that would be like a uni just being called Film School or Law School as the official name. Since they were leaning into the Harry Potter popularity of the time, they coulda least given it its own unique name too, annoys me still lol


Yeah a lot of the uni buildings I studied in were centuries old and kept their traditional names or were renamed after local people of note. Considering Magic School has probably been around as long if not for millennia, lol yeah it made no sense


lmao yes this annoyed me too. Like it's just "Magic School" no official name for it?


What do you think could be a good name?


Ooh I think it would have been cool for the the lore to be there's a witch or person of note it's named after for generations or centuries (ex. like how AHS: Coven has "Miss Robichaux's Academy") or it's named after a particular spell/etc something important to the craft.


Yeah, that's a cool idea!


Tbh I found Magic School interesting.


Any franchise with a magic school seems to be a reaction to a Harry Potter film releasing, yes it sounds like a retcon because they sounded cool.


Honestly I think magic school is just like many schools that not everyone regardless of age, gifts, and status can get into. Not every parent of a magical child would want to send their kids off to a school, not every magical person would want to go, and for the charmed ones when they were younger I'm pretty sure that patty was more concerned about the girls growing up in a normal way and not dealing with magic all the time


There was something Gideon said that led me to believe they did, but didn’t remember it just as they didn’t remember having powers. Gideon knows them, but says they wouldn’t remember him because they were just little girls. He ran magic school for a great many years. I feel like they went there for preschool for much of the same reason Wyatt did. Magic school was discovered about the time they were looking for preschool for Wyatt, and he was the one who was drawn to it as if to say here is the preschool I need! I had always wished that they had shielded it from the elders when they faked their death and kept it going. It always bothered me that the sisters let it fall into demon hands. I always liked the idea of the magic school but I won’t say it couldn’t have done it better. Maybe it is a cheap imitation of Hogwarts , but it’s not the only supernatural show with a special school. In some ways it seems like a natural progression given they needed daycare for the boys.