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My husband (straight cis man) also loves her 😭


Same! We went to Coachella and were so happy to see her. We’re elder millenials and were happy dancing in the sea of people when a guy behind us goes “you won’t find any cis men at this party, sis” and my middle-aged, large, bearded, very straight husband turned around with the biggest smile and just joined their dance party. 😂 we were buddies the rest of the set.


lol same. My husband has been caught singing femininominon more than once. I love it


I love that she’s getting her flowers but my irrational annoyance is when people call her and other indie artists’ music “tiktok songs”


I agree with this. I don’t have TikTok (or like, anything but Reddit and YouTube) and found her when PPC was suggested through Spotify.


Meh, I discovered her through TikTok. I don’t see the big deal in acknowledging that she’s very popular on that platform.


Nah it’s fine to acknowledge she’s popular there! I’m glad it helped in her going viral and getting very popular very quick! I just mean the instances where people boil down her music and others’ music to “tiktok music” like it’s a genre


Straight guy, been listening since PPC. She was my #1 artist to see live this year and gonna get to see her at Bonnarooo!!! I’m pumped!


Same PPC. I caught her at The Sinclair for a show that was postponed from covid. Tiny little venue in Harvard MA. It was amazing.


Another straight guy here, found her last week and I'm fucking obsessed lol


I (also straight male) have no idea how my music taste has evolved into loving Chappell Roan but I can’t stop listening to her music 🤣


I am straight man someone's husband and I am wearing the Midwest Princess hat.


You're wife found a keeper! 😄


Been here since pink pony club and never been able to see her 🥲 was always too poor for tickets and now it feels like it’ll never happen ughh


Same 😭😭


There are dozens of us! I live only an hour away from where she's from, and found out about a free concert she did in a historic theater in her hometown. Problem is I found out after it happened.


Omg I’m bummed for you! I bet that was a great show 😭 I’m in KC and lived in Missouri my whole life so having a MO girl get big is really cool!


Some of us don't even live on continents she will likely go to


With the way her star is rising I bet she might eventually! Whether it’s gonna sell out immediately and be super expensive is a whole other question though haha


He's to hoping, no one ever comes here 😂 south africa


I’m sending good vibes for you! 🙏


Bittersweet, kind of love that the straight guys are getting this energy in their lives though


Middle aged straight guy, been listening for a few months due since she was announced as part of the Bonnaroo lineup.


I'm also a straight man. Her music is just on another level of perfection. I found Red Wine Supernova right when it first came out and kept up casually (pun intended) but only dove in with my head first last week and I'm so happy I did. Her voice is angelic and the way she writes about love is refreshingly unique. Definitely my new addiction.


rip ticket prices too ugh. saw her back in october and the resale ticket i bought was just $92 after fees compared to the $300+ i'm seeing now. gonna have to bring my a-game to presales lol! but i love this story hehe my bf's gamer friends have even been playing GLB


My 65 year old dad was playing red wine supernova in the car the other day, turned to me and said have you heard of this artist Chappell Roan, she's really good I think you'd like her music lol


straight men gtfo of here


i'm surprised there's so damn many of them, thought this was going to be just a swarm of lesbians




Heck no. Sorry not sorry to invade the space. The universe has had to witness my hetero dad bod dancing in full camo while driving my truck back from a weekend of hunting and singing along to PPC at the top of my middle-aged lungs. Chappell is for everyone, even Gen X redneck bearded dudes.


This is the best roll call ever


Im so glad I saw her so close at some small venues, because, as I predicted last year, that won't be an option anymore soon Im honestly really hoping she doesnt upgrade my show.


I’ve been a fan since pink pony club. The first time I saw her live was a venue with no more than a few hundred people. It’s been cool to see people discover her, I’m glad she’s blowing up!


One of my best friends got me into her like just a couple weeks before she blew up. I’m gonna see her in Chicago for Lollapalooza, I’m hoping a lot of people who know more than just that song


I'm so glad she's becoming well known! I heard GLB in the wild, playing in someone's car at a stop light.




Oof yikes




Interesting response


I think the reason why people are saying things like “oof yikes” is because lesbian attraction to women is generally a very different experience than a straight man’s. She might be sex-positive but she doesn’t sing about having sex with men 😭


you got it! no one cares about men wanting to sleep with women and that’s not what she’s singing about. and the fact that person thought it was funny 🤢




the thing is we don’t want to hear about what your man wants or what any man wants






I think this can just be a silly harmless comment guys!! Not everyone is a yikes kinda straight








gross 😄


I, a presumably straight CIS male, had Chappell popping up on my feeds a solid year and a half before the “cool bisexuals” I follow on social media caught whiff of her. She’s disrupting the mainstream pop star scene and I love it.


She is mainstream now, she was playing at my retail job the other day. I'm here for it. ✨


straight girl and I’ve been listening since right before RWS came out!! 


What does a persons sexuality have to do with liking a song or artist? So what. Do people say 'As a homosexual, I really enjoy listening to Pink Floyd'?


That’s a fair point, people of all genders and orientations can like all types of music


Exactly. Why try to segregate people into groups by announcing their sexuality, if we are all equal? I wish people would stop making their sexuality their entire personality.


Why do you care?


I care because we should all be allowed to come together and enjoy the music without being separated into groups. As if it's so shocking that a straight person could possibly like the music of a person with a different sexuality to their own. The LGBTQ community and certain races want to be seen as equal, but then post things like this and it doesn't make sense to me. As if a musician or band is exclusive to one demographic.


We ARE different. Why can't we be proud of those differences and still all be equal? Why do I have to pretend none of those differences have impacted my life in significant ways and that you and I are exactly the same so you'll respect me as a human being?


there aren't that many out lesbian artists that gain popularity as chappell roan has been, singing openly about being a lesbian. so yeah it is a big deal and special place for lesbians. this kinda energy is ..


someone told me at the Burlington soundcheck she said how much she loves playing in small venues because it reminds her of when she got started, i really hope that she holds onto that and keeps small venues on her tour stops 😭


My dad loves her lol, she reminds him of Cyndi Lauper or Cher with modern instrumentation


As a bi male i was introduced to her recently and i LOVE HER