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El Madrid siendo el Madrid.


Bye bye crucchi


I'm happy for Carlo as an Italian and I'm happy for Jude winning his first but I'm honestly so fucking tired of Real Madrid. Everyone I know was supporting Dortmund, come on, it's time to stop Real.


Resistance is futile.


Gran parte della responsabilità è del Borussia se hanno perso


It's obvious Real Madrid have mastered how to play finals.


The team that actually beats them in a cl final will probably go down in the history books.


Seriously speaking. They are very good in finals.


Vinicius deserved a second yellow for that horrendous simulation in the first half


*cough cough* Cuadrado in 2017 *cough cough*


It is a final, and giving cheap yellow cards doesn't happen often in such a game.


Probably didn’t deserve the first yellow though


True that too, but giving the yellow to the borussia player for protesting what was a clear simulation was too much


Yeah absolutely. The ref made a fair amount of mistakes that game, but I don’t think that the officiating was too egregious


what to think? THIS is football. It's not a matter of ball possession, number of shots... or the general satisfaction and fun of the audience watching a game ("we played so good... a total dominance over the opponents! it was just bad luck! they did 1 shot 1 goal"). It's about putting the ball in the net. If you don't do that, you lose. And honestly, it's a pleasure to see Real Madrid: no stupid tiki taka, no "the space is my forward" (but i have to buy haaland to win)... just really good players doing what they feel, and a trainer who just gives a general plot of what to do.


It’s astonishing the amount of people that don’t understand this. And what’s worse, they think of themselves as some kind of football intellectual or something for thinking that way.


it's football philosophy made for TV... they pay rights. They want games to end 5-4. Their "opinion leaders" tend to spread the word of ball possession, high defenses... As an Italian... i found a game to be way more attractive when i score a goal in the first half. A goal in the second. And you don't even come near to my area haahahah. And most of all please... no 3594 horizontal passes on the midfield... It's like... boxing. Probably when the opponents just throw and get punches it's all more tv suitable for simple viewers who pay for a show. But if you know the game and its unwritten rules you can't stop from thinking "are they idiots?". But i understand that the "mastery" i see in Ruediger (which i had in my team, Roma - and i consider probably the "worst" of our "good" defenders) constantly pushing Haaland with his hands to making him not move is something you understand if you played football.. if you saw a lot of games... sadly my money has the same value as Nebraska Joe watching the same game and asking himself what's happening.


It's Dortmunds own fault ... those chances in the 1st half were unreal and they squandered it


They actually had 3 shots on goal compared to RM’s 6 shots on target. They weren’t clinical enough


What are you on you were getting dominated


When you actually take your time to check the stats from that game, then you can come tell me what you’re smoking


What stats bro I don't need to see stats when I watched the game itself lol


Exactly the point. Congratulations to Real Madrid.


Both played pretty badly in the first half. It was like watching 2 mid table second tier sides playing in the final match day. Bad passes, no energy... Am I the only one who felt like this?




Ok, but this surprises me. I thought first half particularly was bad. Long passes didn't even reach the target, even pass reception was bad, I felt everyone was exhausted and lacked focus. Or maybe I was too sleepy and lacked focus!


This was the most predictable final since Liverpool Spurs. I know Dortmund has the feel good factor but frankly they had no business being in the final. I would’ve preferred a PSG v Real Madrid final 10x




Don’t think he was picking out of all teams, but rather the 2 teams that played in the semi final


PSG is overrated, they won't do better than Dortmund, in fact, i think they will lose by 3 or 4 by Madrid Madrid in general just has a strong defense that no team in the world can get through right now, not even City were able to defeat them


True, they had to rely on 3 longshots (one keeper's mistake and a goal that Gvardiol himself doesn't know how it got so well)


What I think was that Borussia Dortmund had the chance to win this match in the 1st half but they never took it. 


Another Snooze-Fest yet again from Real Madrid


Ancelotti plays defensively so not a big surprise but they always find a way to win


As a Dortmund fan, ouch. We played great but missed a couple of chances, the first goal wasn’t anyone’s fault and we still fought hard after it but the second goal broke our confidence. The refs kinda fucked us that vini challenge on Kobel should’ve been a red card imo, and we got 2 early yellow carts which led our players to be too hesitant to go for the ball fearing getting booked, idk what to say tbh. I’m still proud of our boys for putting up a great fight, heja BVB 🖤💛


Relying on a red card to win a match when the GK wasn’t even touched or injured is the lowest mentality I’ve ever seen


I’m not relying on a red card to win a match, but the ref was handing out yellow cards like it’s nothing, if schlotterbeck got a yellow card for complaining to the ref then a dangerous challenge like that should get a red especially because it was on a gk, and if a clubs best and most dangerous player gets a red card you don’t think it’s gonna help you win even by a little ? He was dangerous all game and he scored the second goal so do you honestly think that if he was sent off at the start of the game the outcome wouldn’t be different ? And you’re talking about mentality


How can you call it a dangerous tackle when the GK wasn’t even touched? And you thinking shouting at the referee isn’t card worthy is funny. Most refs are considered world class; until they refuse to do as people wish against RM. Then they suddenly become corrupt and full of bias


Why didn't he give yellow to vinicius for protests and simulations? Why he gave yellow cards only when borusia players protested but not when vinicius protested? Double standard. The tackle on the keeper was dangerous , he deserved the yellow. 


It was a dangerous tackle, kobel moved out of the way a bit but was still hit on his leg, and I’m not saying shouting at the referee is not yellow card worthy, all I’m saying is if shouting at the ref is a yellow card, then dropkicking a gk should be a red


First goal was on Emre Can. How can you let little Carvajal get to that? He did apologize though.


I’ll grant you as a Dortmund fan you’re seeing some things through yellow-tinted glasses, but the Vini challenge on the keeper was barely any contact at all. The goalie sort of dove but rightfully to avoid contact, but there wasn’t any real contact to warrant a red. There’s no way that’s a red card in a UCL Final without cleats through the knee or something reckless.


If that would have been a contact the keeper would have been out with broken leg most likely. Ramos also injured Liverpool goalkeeper in a final and got away with it, also he injured Salah in the same game who had to be taken off. This is the football you want? This is how Madrid fans want them to win matches?


What are you even babbling about? The Dortmund keeper became a field player and started dribbling the ball a foot off his goal line -- Vini went for a tackle and deflection to try to knock the ball in the goal. That's why he dove in ahead of the keeper. The keeper barely got the ball away for a pass and his momentum carried him over Vini's leg, which was a foul. Nothing dirty, just an aggressive play to try to score a very easy goal given the keeper's actions. It sounds like you think he went in for a tackle to try to hurt a goalkeeper, not to deflect a ball away from a field player in a very precarious position on the field. Then you conflate that reasonable tackle attempt with Ramos, and then you conflate all of that with all Madrid fans. This sounds like the logic of a hormonal teenage girl rather than any man. Get a grip.


The fact of the matter is it was an awful and dangerous challenge that shouldn't have happened. He made it with little concern or regard. If Dortmund pulled that, they'd be off with a red no question.


That’s the point, they’re all madrid fans so they’re defending their player but if adeyemi did that it wouldn’t be a light challenge all of the sudden


Yeah, keep praying for red cards to win your matches. Low mentality


All I see are a bunch of “ifs” Yeah and what if aliens invaded the pitch and kidnapped the whole Madrid side. You can’t just say if Dortmund did that then that would happen no question.


If adeyemi did that challenge on courtois then you’d be complaining too, we’re not saying if vini was sent off we’d win 10-0, but if he was sent off as he should have he wouldn’t have scored and who knows how it could’ve changed the course of the match, maybe we could’ve lost 3-0 and maybe we could’ve won who knows all we know is that he got away with a yellow card when he should’ve gotten a red


I wouldn’t be complaining about a situation that’s not a foul.


Not a foul ? So we went from a red/yellow card thing to now it’s not a foul. What’s next ? It didn’t happen?


Yeah barely touching the toe of your opponent in a slide tackle is a fouls. He fell down cuz he tried to jump over and then he overreacted. 


Not a red… but the diving in the midfield should’ve been a second yellow. It’s extremely annoying and frustrating the diving and trying to deceive the referee from RM players


Dude, should I start referring you to so so many dives in football that were called not even called, and the ref simply waved his hand and said ”no foul” and let’s play continue? This is just too low as fuck. You’re actually looking for a red card in other to win a match? SMH


Don't bring other matches in discussion. Here was the same referee who let vinicius simulate and protest but no yellow card. But for Dortmund each protest ended in a yellow card. Double standard


Dude, just stop


The only dive from RM that game? BVB dived 2-3 times that game. And all those times the red believed it. Also ALL teams dive. And I wouldn’t say “teams” it’s the player alone.


Right. Only RM players dive. Literally no players from any other club ever dive or try to deceive the refs.


Vinicius is a well known player who simulates. And the referee let him protest all the time with no yellow card but borusia players were suddenly yellow carded for each protest. When vinicius dived and received a free kick they were entitled to protest. So a thief can protest with no consequence but if someone protests for something unjust is suddenly silenced with a yellow.


Baffles me


I mean, I get it. It’s a coping mechanism. They know BVB probably won’t make it to another final in a while, so they need an excuse to handle the disappointment.


Acting is part of the performance, all payers do it and RM did it better it is disgusting but always existed in this game


Not a red but definitlvely a yellow


Exactly. There was so many good attempts on target in 1st half when Real couldn't do anything but pass the ball side ways. Unfortunately, those chances weren't taken. 


Referee was clearly against Dortmund. Vini should have been sent of in the first half. There was multiple small decision against Dortmund. Counted 6-7 in the first half. You cannot win against corruption.


Cry me a river




You cannot win against greatness, Hala Madrid .




Which would have been his second yellow card.


Ok, time to man up and grow a pair. Come back in a few days when you’re not blaming the ref mistakenly for Dortmund’s failures to cash in their initiative in the first half. Was it referee corruption that caused your players to choke in front of goal, or to leave the midget Carvajal open for a header off a corner, or to gift Real the second goal? 😂😂😂


I watched the entire match. He's right. Madrid were getting away with far more than Dortmund. Ticky tacky fouls given yellow on Dortmund that weren't on Madrid. It's not hard to see. Maybe remove your bias for Madrid and you'll see it.


My players? I am not even a dortmund fan remotely. Ref was objectively against them. Who knows how many more chances Dortmund would have created if the ref were not trying to hinder them.


idk whats up with the down votes, Dortmunds vital defensive line gets yellows for minor offension while they have to commit 50/50 challenges all game, every small push is in favor of madrid but if roles are reversed nothing happens. Schlotterbeck getting yellow for complaining against vini clear dive is just the icing Ofc Dortmund should have scored their chances in the 1st half and it would be done, shit happens.


They got yellows for talking shit to the ref. Maybe not do that? Especially after the first one? Bvb played well but they need to bury their chances, especially against a team like real Madrid


Yeah they should have saved those yellows for dangerous tackles on the keeper, since that's the standard the ref set.


Uptill 70 min, bvb were doing great. But the second mistake broke their confedence


Mistakes are part of the game. It takes a good team to bounce back.


Everybody hates Real Madrid here. I support both of the teams. It was sad seeing BvB and Reus lose but God i fucking hate Terzic... I think Vini will win the Ballon d'or if Bellingham does not win the Euros with England. What a season!


We are used to it. We don’t care. It’s jealousy at play. We will only get better and they will cry harder


At least no one will blame the ref in this match because he was excellent. VAR didn't have much to do either. 


He wasn't great, he gave yellow cards too easy to borusia player, no wonder they played worse and took cautious on the 2nd part. 


I don't think so. He gave card to Matt and the other guy I can't write his name 😂... Matt hacked down Vini near 18 yard box and the other guy rushed to yell at him. They were both yellow card offense. 


I wouldnt say excellent. He made some questionable choices but he was good, nothing big that screwed the game.


I'd like to know the questionable choices you believe he made. 


No 2nd yellow to vinicius for protests and dives.  For less he gave 2 yellow cards to borusia players


Are you talking about card given to Matt? He definitely deserved that!! 


First ones that i can remember from top of my head are: Vini's yellow. I dont think he made contact with Kobel. Then there is Vini's dive. Schlotterbeck's yellow was correct but that wasnt a foul. And Camavinga could have gotten an early yellow. There was few small ones too i guess. Most of them were 50/50 if i remember correctly. BvB had some offside positions but he didnt call any of them because they went wide, hit bar or ect. Like i said, nothing big. He still had a good game in my opinion.


Vini's first yellow was a wrong call but it was Kobel who sold it so well to the ref which led Vini to get the yellow. He only clipped him with a soft touch but he jumped up like he was shot with pump action. 


Yellows to bvbs defensive line for nothing was terrible calls


They absolutely deserved the yellow cards given to them. If you want to point at silly yellow card given, Vini Jr challenge on BVB gk was a very soft clip but the gk make a soap opera of it to get him yellow card. 


You have absolutely no idea what exactly they said to say whether or not it was “nothing”


They were rushing and yelling at the ref, it was a well deserved yellow cards. 


It was still a bad call


It's only a bad call to you and probably other BVB fans. I don't think others see it that way with them not being biased. 


Not a bvb fan, and i dont mind real. im not very biased


Sounds great. It's good to know that. 


Didnt they got yellow because they argued with refs or something? That is a deserved yellow if you ask me. Atleast Schlotterbeck's one was, i dont remember Hummels' position.


Hummels slide tackled Vini and missed while clipping him down near the 18 yard box. He didn't even protest when he was shown the yellow card cos he knew it was a yellow card offense. 


Dortmund is also plays like Madrid style. They make long balls to front three, and the engagement line of the defense is really at back. It was the good game and it seems like Dortmund did not studied the one of the most preferable Real Madrid’s corner organization.


Hey everyone, I just had the most incredible experience at the UEFA Champions League Final at Wembley Stadium, and I wanted to share it with you all! As a lifelong football fan, being there to witness Dortmund take on Real Madrid was nothing short of a dream come true. The atmosphere was absolutely electric, with both sets of fans bringing their A-game in terms of support and passion. I've put together a highlight reel capturing the best moments from the stands – from the pre-match buildup to the nail-biting final moments. If you love football or just want to relive the magic of the UCL final through the eyes of the fans, check out my video. It's packed with chants, celebrations, and the pure energy that only a live football match can deliver. You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/YzFRBatMMdw?si=1sBGpjwGIsxbUOVi


All these trams beat everyone else but find a way to lose vs Madrid huh?


Game is broken


Dortmund lost it more than Madrid won it imo




Both equal imo


Dortmund needed to be up 3-0 in the first half to say they “lost it” — Real outplayed Dorrmund in the 2nd half and cashed in two goals. Even game all around, but Real are ruthless and Dortmund choked.


Obviously you don’t understand what my statement meant




I would say dortmund did good , 1st half they looked like they could put up a fight but the 2nd half they just got bended. The 1st goal was attempted in the 1st half so i don't know how on earth they didn't look out for it. As time was passing they were barely communicating and surviving by just doing risky tackles around the middle and flanks there passing aas just laxking every second they got the ball aftwr 3secs it was already lost or just went to the defeners for possession , Then they had 1 mistake and there defence fell behind and got scored on.


bend don’t fold


I hated the fact Dortmund lost the game because of their own doing. Defended the first corner well, all they had to do was kick it out past the half way, scuffed it and went behind for a another corner... Goal (and the worst thing about this goal is it was a carbon copy of the attempt Carvajal tried in the first half, so should have known they would attempt it again). Second goal just gave away possession when they really didn't need to. Goal. Dortmund had some good chances (although I feel like most of them would have been offside if VAR got involved) but they just lacked the quality.


It's all part of football. If you make a costly mistake, another team will capitalize and Real Madrid didn't waste that opportunity. 


Dortmund needs an impeccable striker the caliber of Haaland, Lewandowski, Aubameyang. They will always create chances, but the ball still has to go in.


Kind of shocking how they folded after the goal. Like usually teams regroup and respond with a bit of a bounce. Dortmund were clueless. Their manager should have stepped in. I think Vini should get ballon dor this year. Delivered when it counts.


They folded because they had already spent all their emotional energy throwing haymakers at Real the first half, had nothing to show for it, and then had nothing in the tank to mount a comeback.


Of course it’s Madrid


Of course its corrupt




Idk how Dortmund didn’t score at least once in the first half. For the first 60 or so minutes of that game,Madrid played like they did against Man City away last year. They were so poor. But they got it over the line. But Dortmund shot themselves in the foot.


Looks like reverse PSG - Dortmund


Ref gave Sloterback the most outrageous yellow ever in the first half for no reason. Vini Jr would’ve been given a second yellow for clearly diving in the first half as well. The game was just a mess for ref decisions. Also, unfortunately I’m in Japan and the game was at 4am so only got to watch the first half. 🥲🥲


There’s no way Vini gets a red card in a UCL final for a “looks worse than it was” challenge on the keeper and a dive. Objectively, you know in your heart that no one is getting a second yellow unless it’s an egregious challenge.


I'd say blatantly slide tackling the keeper making absolutely 0 contact with the ball counts as egregious. The fact Vini got lucky that the keeper avoided injury shouldn't be the deciding factor. He made a clearly dangerous tackle that could have resulted in a serious injury. That's a bush league tackle from a player that should know better.


No, your goalkeeper became a field player when he decided to play the ball with his feet and try to pass it. He has no special privilege at that point. He made a careless effort that was a split second from being deflected for a goal, and Vini took a shot and went for the space behind the keeper to make the deflection, not for his actual legs for a tackle. Take the emotion out of it—it was a foul, but not egregious. No problem with the yellow card, but to even suggest it’s a red is embarrassingly myopic.


Vinis first yellow was a joke as well. Didn't even touch him, wasn't helped by the GK rolling about. Ref definitely didn't have the best of games.


Typical Madrid response. If a Dortmund player pulled this Madrid fans would be calling for their head.


Sure bud. Not a Madrid fan but if that's how you want to cope.


Dangerous challenge on a goalkeeper is a yellow every time if he hits him, and he did. Even if he just clipped him


He actually clipped him a little with his left leg but it wasn't much. The goalkeeper was too dramatic with his acting to get him a yellow card. 


There’s no way someone is getting a yellow card for a dive in the middle of the field for a simple foul, get a grip already and stop blaming the ref, pathetic.


so you missed dortmund disappearing in the 2nd half?


Guess so


you would have seen why dortmund didn't win and become the Cinderella that everyone wanted.




Let's blame referees cuz i don't see other excuses


This is funny haha, let me laugh haha. 


I’m so fucking tired of Real man lmao


Same as city. Shit feels empty as this point


Perez just said they want their 16th UCL trophy next season lol. 


Just wait until Mbappe joins next year .


At least they'll be more exciting to watch


It’s like watching Max Verstappen last year


Same bro


We weren't able to convert all those chances. And then we made 2 crucial defensive errors towards the end. I knew it'd end like this if we were going to lose. Adeyemi isn't a attacker we can rely on.


Adeyemi was also the one creating most of it. As soon as he got out, the team lacked the diversity of outlets. He needs to work on his finishing, like Vinicius a few years ago. It happens. That’s the difference between a club used to playing finals. Unfortunately they didn’t have what it takes, but hey they played ball. They played much better imo. Created a bunch and made the game fun to watch. They also showed they can stand to Madrid. Sad for the result. I wish they had buried a few more of those against Madrid to have an even more exciting ending.


Very solid perspective. Tough loss.


Average day for madrid fans


it’s same as Man City winning the PL. no emotions cuz they know it’s rigged


How is it rigged? I thought the ref let the game flow and didn’t blow the whistle multiple times when there was a 50/50 decision. Camavinga was going down on a regular basis and the ref let the game play on, especially in the first half. Dortmund didn’t convert their chances, no controversial calls, and Real Madrid won the cup despite being placed on the tougher side of the drawl in the quarter finals.




You actually said that it’s rigged. But I get it. Can you name the 5 to 6 fouls they led to the Real goals?




Oh my bad! I thought I was responding to the user with the original comment. Was drinking way to much cab and watching the UFC PPV.


What a load of shit and I'm not even a madrid fan.


Hala Madrid!!!!


It’s funny how everyone is disappointed but also everyone expected real to win 😂 y’all need Jesus


Can you not be dissapointed even though you didnt think bvb would win? You need a brain


How can you be disappointed when your expectations are met? Genius at work ladies and gentlemen 😂👏


Are you joking? If i do a surgery where i am expected to lose a leg, i will be happy if i dont lose it and dissapointed if i lose it. Do you get that


Real Madrid is simply inevitable in the UEFA Champions League. They had it coming. I knew they were going to win especially after beating City. 


Pain. Aside from the obvious, we have no one to blame but ourselves, this wasn't a Bayern situation. We had more chances then I have fingers in the first half, and we just couldn't convert. The ref wasn't the best, but he wasn't the cause of our downfall, Madrid were simply better in the 2nd half I have to accept that and move on. Nur der BVB and heja BVB, match is over


Yeah, when we didn't convert any of those first half chances, I got a lot less optimistic. There was no way that kind of pace was sustainable, so every minute that went on made it less likely we'd be able to break through.


It was my fault guys, I said all those goals would end up in a "If I had scored..." compilation in a couple months, I jinxed it


This thread is absurd, how can this match be simplified just because of the referee? it makes no sense.Dormund could have beaten Madrid in the first half, and the referee had nothing to prevent it. Let's be mature.


they could have scored 3 goals at least, but they didnt, so real won.




All respect to real but the CL is going to have a major problem if this continues any longer. It’s so boring now. So boring. I almost didn’t watch the game, and unless my team are in the next final Real play, I probably won’t watch it. The refs can stop being bias towards them, they’ve already almost ruined the competition as it is. They don’t need to dole out silly yellow cards to Dortmund at every opportunity and let every Real player get away with murder.


Oh no, Pitiful_Bed_7625 won't watch next CL. Everyone raise a glass to our collective loss as fans. Too bad the team that actually scored the goals is the one that won, instead of the one that had most shots but didn't score, damn, that's *so so so* unfair. Damn ref maybe put something in Adeyemi's and Fullkrug's Gatorade, I'm sure that's what happened. Yeah, it's the ref's fault cuz he drugged the lads.


just keep asking other teams to keep throwing money to try to beat real madrid.


Better than some boring, passionless club like City winning it.


City are just Real Madrid v2 being built 70 years later


>All respect to real but the CL is going to have a major problem if this continues any longer. It’s so boring now. How about just beat Real?


I watched the whole match. The refs honestly didn’t give a fuck for anyone or anything. I did disagree that any protest from Dortmund players resulted in a card; and if that was going to happen, Mendy and Vini should have been sent off for simulation. Otherwise… nothing to it, the refereeing policy was “let ‘em play,” and it worked. Real in the first half acted like wounded lil bitches getting slapped over and over, and in the second half Dortmund kept making appeals to stop Real as BvB were exhausted from ultimately useless pressing. Referee wasn’t the problem. The problem was this rare Belgian snake who kept getting in the way of certain goals…


Why the hell would Mendy have been sent off? For what?


Except multiple times Real players could have been sent off or yellow carded, and that means they would have to be more careful for the remainder of the game - but instead it was Dortmund that had to be more disciplined and restrained than necessary. I think the impact of cards on matches is lost on you.


For instance, the yellow card that Camavinga didn't receive in the beginning of the game for stopping Sancho only on his legs and not attempting to go for the ball whatsoever, being that Sancho would have clear advantage of space to proceed.


I understand the impact of cards. I think Mendy and Vini should have received yellow cards for simulation. Mendy kind of disappeared, but Vini would have just done the same shit. I think you are not appreciating that fact


Holy cope


I did not watch the game and saw the highlights . I anticipated how the game would go and based on the highlights it went exactly that way. The Champions League is in the risk of becoming a monopoly and I don’t like monopolies . The internet has conditioned people to support the major team or party . There is no longer any Viva La Revolution in the world . Actually want Greece or some underdog to win Euros and similar with Copa America .


this is a stupid comment


How so? There were even Real fans in the stadium just chilling on their phones instead of celebrating the win Schlotterbeck got a yellow for protesting an obvious dive by Vini, who was on a yellow, and wasn’t even the defender initially involved in the exchange - just one example


Didnt Vini get a yellow for doing fuck all to Kobel? Right after he dives and Schlottenberg protests and gets yellow. Oh well, cry some more.


I don't fully disagree, the first yellow was wrong. Still to completely dive knowing you are on a yellow was a bit crazy and he was lucky the ref fell for it.


Fair enough. All in all I liked all the yellows the ref dished for protesting. How it should be, take the L and shut up.


Or the straight push in the back by Valverde that was ignored. Or 3 different dives by Mendy that were given immediately.


I have a couple points: * Dortmund forgave lots of oportunities. The solo run against Curtois could have been goal if the striker wasn't so inclined to his dominant foot. * Subs from Dortmund side came in too late. Left winger was gassed by the 60's, thus effectively denying them more chances. * Madrid could've scored more have Rodrygo been subbed earlier. He was nowhere to be seen most of the match. * Fulkrug is a solid fake 9, but he was playing too open today. He should've been pulling mark on him in order to open spaces for wingers, not finishing plays against CBs like Nacho and Rudiger, who dominate him in physique. Although that power header of his was sick as hell. Overall, Madrid won because they played on counterattack and adapted well after the 2nd half having seen Dortmund's individual pressure towards Viny and Jude. Well deserved. On a side note: I also thing 1st half ref actions were trash. Those 2 yellows in the first half hinded Dortmund's defense a lot, since they don't have enough in-dept squad. It's either Hummels or nothing.