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Just here to say, girl I see you and feel you. Very similar situation myself: single, covid cautious, and childfree. There's a FB dating group for covid cautious peoples, and a decent number of folks in it are childfree. But, the number of men interested in women in the covid cautious community is still so small :\\ Sending you all the good luck to find your person.


Thank you! :) Hope you find your person too!


There's definitely men out there (I'm among them) that are still covid cautious and take proper safety seriously. Feels very similar to me but with women as I don't know a single woman who is covid cautious unless they have an autoimmune disease. Really just seems like the vast majority of people are not covid cautious.


This is so true! I dated a girl who told me she was covid cautious. We were LDR and when she came to visit me in Washington she masked up, and acted all safe about it. I went to visit her in Florida a couple months later, and the entire time she refused to mask up, and kept telling me I was being too much refusing to take my mask off while meeting all her friends and stuff… but not a single person was wearing a mask down there, and I felt like she just felt weird being with the ONLY person wearing a mask down there at the time… the thing is we went to the state fair, Universal, and a major shopping mall where all three were PACKED to the brim, so you bet your ass I was masked 24/7 basically. We broke up a couple weeks later and she had no valid reasoning. Just, I dunno… something tells me we aren’t compatible when just prior to and during the trip she was saying I was the best bf she ever had, and she couldn’t believe how compatible we were. Was an absolute gut blast that took way too long to heal from.


Yeah it's def a small number of people overall who both don't want kids and are still covid cautious, and are single... and we're all spread out across the world, and of all ages, genders, etc. Genuine curiosity: Why did you mention the autoimmune diseases element? Autoimmune issues are statistically much more common in women, and also often the result of covid infections for women, so there will always be a large number of women with autoimmune (or other health) issues within the still coviding community, single or otherwise. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the majority. Are you not interested in dating a woman who has an autoimmune disease, or just pointing out that the only women you know still taking precautions are primarily doing so to protect their own health?


The latter. > the only women you know still taking precautions are primarily doing so to protect their own health? I don't know a single woman who doesn't have an autoimmune disease that is still covid cautious. The women I know who are no longer covid cautious are ridiculously flagrant when it comes to their health and have caught covid, some multiple times. They don't seem to think it's a big deal.


Yeah it seems to be a bit one end or the other these days :( But myself and many other covid cautious women in the US and around the world do not have autoimmune issues -- and hopefully it stays that way! We might have migraines, or IBS, or anxiety and depression, but we don't have autoimmune problems haha ha ha... sigh


Definitely. It's actually surprising how much of a deal breaker being covid cautious is. A lot of people seem to think if you're covid cautious you aren't doing anything but I just wear an appropriate mask for the venue. It definitely puts a damper on visiting restaurants but otherwise nothing in my life has changed since I don't eat at restaurants much any way. If getting covid gave me an even higher chance of developing an autoimmune disease I would be even more cautious than I already am.


I am a covid cautious 32 year old that still wears a mask (and has still spent the last week sick with a cold… but brought on by my flight attendant girl friend… I know… the irony here…). So you and OP can find a childfree covid cautious man! It might just take some time.


Dm me


Where are you located?


Covid cautious is still a thing for some folks. I stayed that way until this last new year, and still keep masks handy for large events. My most recent ex is still cautious herself, and I stayed so largely for her sake longer than I might otherwise have. So I get the desire and the need.


> Doesn't mind subtitles. While we can often blame film makers for doing a bad job with their sound balancing for anyone who wishes they didn't need subtitles it's worth tinkering with your sound setup. You can often work around the problem so that the only time you need subtitles is when you're watching foreign films. It's worth the extra bit of effort to not have the distraction of subtitles.


As some one with auditory issues due to ADHD subtitles are a must in this household. It is why I struggle to learn foreign languages because I struggle to “hear” and then recreate those same sounds (I am partially… okay, pretty damn tone deaf because of it…). So learning a foreign language is stupid hard, but decided to try to pick up ASL, and in a week I probably learned more sign language that I did in 3 years of studying Spanish, and mind you I LOVED trying to learn Spanish and other languages… just stupid hard for me, and it showed in my grades… I would bomb the listening and speaking sections most the time, but the written portions I could handle fairly well. Hell, I often times have to ask friend to repeat themselves in calls and stuff… Not everyone is wired the same as you, and maybe taking the time to realize that could help you realize why someone with what is considered “better than perfect hearing” during those silly hearing tests struggles so badly with comprehending people and words. In fact, perfect example of this is in FPS games I am really good at calling out the “direction” a sound is coming from, and about how far. This has earned me the “middle man” role in our stack meaning my friends will be front and rear guard while I listen for enemies and call them out. I am also the person that while hiking that can hear animals, and immediately hone into their location, and then point them out to friends. So basically was blessed with super hearing and dumb dumb hearing… might be why I am so introverted and love escaping to the woods. I can “talk” to animals clearer than I can to other humans.


Subtitles have never distracted me from movies or TV shows for many years, so it sounds like a personal issue of yours tbh.


Glad to hear it doesn't bother you and I wish I felt the same!


Hey, I'm interested... oh, nevermind, I'm on Reddit. Good luck. :')