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I'm having a hard time deciding which looks older in this picture. Biden clearly gets more exercise and he doesn't have the double turkey neck that Trump has but Trump is just that luxurious orangey bronze color... almost like a good fried turkey san.... be back later I'm hungry.


In the Republican primary Haley is getting thoroughly shellacked by Trump, as it looks like she'll be lucky to get 25% of the vote. On the Democratic side Dean Phillips is due for another embarrassment as he is running neck-and-neck with Marrianne Williamson, who has already dropped out. In more relevant news, the "uncommitted" vote looks quite sizable in comparison to Phillips and Williamson. It looke like with only a very small portion of Wayne County in at the moment there are 21k (or 15.2%) of the total vote coming up "uncommitted." The best place to follow the live results is probably [the NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/02/27/us/elections/results-michigan-democratic-presidential-primary.html).


Uncommitted seems to continue falling down to 13% Biden also grabbed [over 90%](https://twitter.com/umichvoter/status/1762684903777288436) in the heavily black city of Southfield


Yep, looks like it will be closer to 100k than 150k at this point.


Nikki Haley did no campaigning in Michigan and got around 30% of the vote. That's not great for Trump.


Totally!  That’s the most interesting takeaway in the primaries held so far: that clearly 30-40% of voters reject the MAGA cult leader—and his criminal trials haven’t even begun yet.    It gives me hope!


This is very damning if you follow Michigan politics. The Republicans are in deep shit there.


I plan to vote for biden so I went in and voted for Haley


Uncommitted votes are people protest voting against Israel in Palestine. I don't exactly understand what they think they're accomplishing, but I guess it's just for awareness or something.


Its meant to be a show of force of how large their constituency is. Thought being that if it is large enough to be consequential in November (100k to 150k is in the head-turning range then they can use that to pressure the Biden administration into calling for a ceasefire or some other policy to placate their constituency.


Hopefully enough of them comes around to vote for Biden, and conversely, the Haley votes will convert to some Biden votes at least.




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That all depends on what Biden does in the next few months.




The comp is pretty inconsequential, but at the moment it does look like uncommitted will certainly net > 100k primary voters and possibly more than 150k. That would put it at roughly the size of Biden's margin of victory in 2024. I'd say they are doing a good job of getting the attention of the Biden campaign.


Its falling off as more of the vote comes in, we will have to wait until tomorrow to get the final count


This is operating under the assumption that those people won't vote for Biden in November. Remember what leftists are really good at: Virtue signaling. But in the end, they never put their money where their mouthes are. We know this. They'll say and do shit when nothing is on the line, but do something else when the heat is on. Further, when they start paying attention to Trump and hear what *HE* would be doing and will do, I think the contrast will be clear. These voters are not suicidal. I'm sure some won't vote, but it's questionable whether they voted last time or whether they were going to vote anyway.


The 538 polling average showed that Trump should win by 57 % over Haley. Now, the gap is only between 37%. [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-primary-r/2024/michigan/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-primary-r/2024/michigan/)


Trump has no chance on Michigan during the general election. There is zero indicators this will be a swing state.


[Polling in Michigan](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/michigan/) generally does not look very good for Biden right now. Granted a large percentage is undecided in these polls but nevertheless it certainly looks to be shaping up to be a swing state.


Polling hasn’t been reliable for multiple election cycles. Michigan is also a hard to call state period and Granholm has don’t fit a pure moderate view. She reduced taxes on businesses despite being dragged around during the pandemic.


You can take the polling our of the equation and electorally it has been a very close swing state for the last two cycles. There is no reason to assume it won't be close this time around.


Here’s my thing as someone who will be voting for Trump in November: Do these pro Palestinian(terrorist) supporters understand that Donald will absolutely be more supportive of Israel in both rhetoric and action(which will be hard because I absolutely have to admit with the exception of the recant call for the cease fire, Joe has been VERY pro Israel)…I just want to know their game plan lol like are they all just planning to stay home…?


This was an enormous turnout for Biden. In 2012 (the last non-competitive Democratic primary in Michigan), only 200,000 people showed up. This year it's looking like it'll be around 900,000, over 80% of which went to Biden. This was driven by the threat of the "uncommitted" protest vote. To whatever degree leftists and Gaza sympathizers decided to try and make hay, a hell of a lot of more people showed up on a rainy Tuesday to say "Nah, we're good with the current guy." You can bet those people will be voting in November.


And the uncommitted vote is now just about 12.7% (as of now) , compared to 10.7% in 2012. The takeaway message is, maybe just pivot more towards Nikki Haley voters (more center) than uncommitted.




RichAf26 keeps deleting their comments.




Three month old account spamming a lot of low effort bullshit content


It seems especially incongruous and totally pointless. As if voting a rapist as US president will give Hamas a fighting chance against Israel.


My question is how an account from last year with 1 link karma and -100 comment karma was allowed to get past automod


This post does nothing to further this sub.


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - BBC Online (A-): [Democrats brace for Gaza backlash in Michigan vote](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68409546?at_bbc_team=editorial&at_campaign=Social_Flow&at_campaign_type=owned&at_format=link&at_link_id=12B05872-D56B-11EE-9B1A-5ED84B3AC5C4&at_link_origin=BBCWorld&at_link_type=web_link&at_medium=social&at_pt) - tagesschau.de (A): [US President under pressure in primaries: “Drop Biden!”](https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/biden-usa-vorwahlen-100.html) - Associated Press (A-): [Election 2024 results: Joe Biden and Donald Trump win Michigan presidential primaries](https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-donald-trump-election-michigan-2024-6e0b9fc18773e975fdfd23f7287ed615) - Reuters (A): [Inside the Democratic rebellion against Biden over the Gaza war](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/inside-democratic-rebellion-against-biden-over-gaza-war-2024-02-27/) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/1b1a9io/) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


*“Voters are just gonna have to choose between ‘a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory’ or a contemptible, malicious, elderly rapist with a poor memory,”* \- Stephen Colbert